278 research outputs found

    Prison in Macedonia

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    An Antitrust Exemption for the NCAA: Sound Policy or Letting the Fox Loose in the Henhouse?

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    This Article focuses on the issues presented by the debate over granting the NCAA an exemption from federal antitrust law. Part II briefly describes the history of antitrust litigation involving the NCAA. Part III discusses some of the proposals for affording some type of antitrust immunity to the NCAA. Part IV explains the rationales utilized for some of the numerous antitrust exemptions Congress and the Supreme Court have created for some businesses and forms of commercial activity. Part V addresses the question of whether any of those rationales justifies providing the NCAA with a legislative or judicial antitrust exemption and concludes that the NCAA should not enjoy insulation from federal antitrust law. Alternatively, if the NCAA does receive some sort of antitrust exemption, it should be predicated on the willingness of the member institutions to accept some form of regulatory oversight to ensure that the goals underlying any exemption will be sufficiently addressed

    Hypervelocity impact testing of the Space Station utility distribution system carrier

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    A two-phase, joint JSC and McDonnell Douglas Aerospace-Huntington Beach hypervelocity impact (HVI) test program was initiated to develop an improved understanding of how meteoroid and orbital debris (M/OD) impacts affect the Space Station Freedom (SSF) avionic and fluid lines routed in the Utility Distribution System (UDS) carrier. This report documents the first phase of the test program which covers nonpowered avionic line segment and pressurized fluid line segment HVI testing. From these tests, a better estimation of avionic line failures is approximately 15 failures per year and could very well drop to around 1 or 2 avionic line failures per year (depending upon the results of the second phase testing of the powered avionic line at White Sands). For the fluid lines, the initial McDonnell Douglas analysis calculated 1 to 2 line failures over a 30 year period. The data obtained from these tests indicate the number of predicted fluid line failures increased slightly to as many as 3 in the first 10 years and up to 15 for the entire 30 year life of SSF

    Antitrust Symposium—Introduction: So What Else Is New?

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    Foreword—Third Annual Fritz B. Burns Lecture on Rule 11 Reform: Progress or Retreat on Attorney Sanctions

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    System Regulates the Water Contents of Fuel-Cell Streams

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    An assembly of devices provides for both humidification of the reactant gas streams of a fuel cell and removal of the product water (the water generated by operation of the fuel cell). The assembly includes externally-sensing forward-pressure regulators that supply reactant gases (fuel and oxygen) at variable pressures to ejector reactant pumps. The ejector supply pressures depend on the consumption flows. The ejectors develop differential pressures approximately proportional to the consumption flow rates at constant system pressure and with constant flow restriction between the mixer-outlet and suction ports of the ejectors. For removal of product water from the circulating oxygen stream, the assembly includes a water/gas separator that contains hydrophobic and hydrophilic membranes. The water separator imposes an approximately constant flow restriction, regardless of the quality of the two-phase flow that enters it from the fuel cell. The gas leaving the water separator is nearly 100 percent humid. This gas is returned to the inlet of the fuel cell along with a quantity of dry incoming oxygen, via the oxygen ejector, thereby providing some humidification

    Meeting the Needs of Struggling Readers in High School: What are Rural Schools Doing?

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    Implementing effective reading programs to meet the demans of the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) represents an immense challenge for all high schools, but the challenges for rural high schools may be particularly acute. Rural schools have large concentrations of children living in poverty, greater per-pupil costs and low fiscal capacity, all of which can make meeting the demands of NCLB difficult. The purpose of this article is to report the results of research that examined the question of what rural high schools are doing to meet the needs of their struggling readers. The results of focus groups from a rural high school in the southeastern United States and a state-wide survey of rural high schools also in the southeastern United States are reported. The implications of these findings for future practice in rural high schools are discussed

    Cledia de Mello (1929-2012)

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    RESUMEN: Cledia de Mello fue, ante todo, maestra. Su relación con los niños era sincera, poderosa y respetuosa: su innovadora metodología pedagógica está basada en su profundo respeto por los niños en tanto personas pensantes y creadoras. Lo primero que Cledia enseñaba a sus docentes era la no descalificación, un concepto poco habitual en la educación tradicional. Afirmaba que el niño traía, desde sus primeros años, un bagaje de conocimientos que no debía ser ignorado: había aprehendido el mundo que lo rodeaba, había hecho asociaciones y establecido comparaciones. Era a partir de esa riqueza, y con ella como fundamento, que se le ayudaba a seguir elaborando el conocimiento
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