54 research outputs found

    Collaboration Technology for Education of the Young People with Special Needs

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    Please, cite this publication as: Lavendels, J., Sitikovs, V., & Latisheva, E. (2006). Collaboration Technology for Education of the Young People with Special Needs. Proceedings of International Workshop in Learning Networks for Lifelong Competence Development, TENCompetence Conference. March 30th-31st, Sofia, Bulgaria: TENCompetence. Retrieved June 30th, 2006, from http://dspace.learningnetworks.orgThe paper is devoted to the problem of the inclusion of young people with special needs in education, society and wherewith improvement of their level of life. The educational opportunity currently offered to the young people with special needs in the Republic of Latvia has been analyzed. The feasibility of the implementation of Web-technology to educational events as well as the experience of Riga Technical University in e-learning have been examined. Finally, the requirements for eenvironment that could provide learning and communication of the people with special needs have been defined. The European Social Fund in Latvia is co-financing the project.The work on this publication has been sponsored by the TENCompetence Integrated Project that is funded by the European Commission's 6th Framework Programme, priority IST/Technology Enhanced Learning. Contract 027087 [http://www.tencompetence.org

    A comparison of heuristic methods for polynomial regression model induction

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    We compare four different heuristic methods for polynomial regression model induction. The methods are very different in their approaches. Our main concern in this study is in the differences of candidate model spaces the methods deal with (completely predefined versus non‐predefined), as well as search strategies used. We investigate the advantages and disadvantages of the approaches represented by the methods in terms of predictive error, complexity of the induced models and required computational resources. For empirical comparisons, we use twelve test problems. First Published Online: 14 Oct 201

    Virtual Distance Lessons in Secondary School Teachers Continuous Education

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    The paper provides an overview of organization principles of interactive distance teaching as well as its implementation for continuous education course for bilingual education teachers of 6 programme’s subjects. Distance teaching sessions were organized in 10 school’s computer classes. There are considered possible solutions for interactive distance learning classes. Lessons organization, based on the server’s remote session control is described. It is arranged participating teacher survey regarding usability of applied environment and made conclusions about appropriateness of developed approach

    Another Approach for Solving a System of Linear Equations

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    The paper proposes an iterative approach for linear system solving, rooted in the approximation solution point multiple displacement to the direction of the final solution, simultaneously reducing the entire residual of equations system

    Использование дистанционного управления сервером для обеспечения виртуальных занятий

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    Distance learning is essential part of modern training form and it is constantly developing in terms of two related trends: •in terms of student-teacher collaboration in order to provide comfort for members during virtual lesson; •in terms of perfecting technically-methodical solutions enabling the teacher to successfully present his listeners with lecture material and interact with listeners during performing practical tasks. A technical solution is described for providing distance learning lessons by using remote control server session that ensures virtual lessons also with interactive student-teacher collaboration. Our solution is applicable to provision of distance learning to various groups of rural residents, and only in specific cases a dedicated moderator, who knows how to start a virtual lesson on the side of auditorium and provides “microphone services” in a large auditorium, is needed

    Evolution and Development Prospects of Information System Design Methodologies

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    The article investigates different approaches to the design of information systems. Much attention is paid to comparative analysis of criteria for selecting methodologies for software development, and also to not well-known methodology of DevOps (Development & Operation) [1], [2], which aims at consolidation of software developers (Development) and IT professionals’ (Operation) efforts, and automation of implementation process. In conclusion, based on the retrospective analysis and practical experience, the authors formulate regularities and prospects of information systems design methodology development

    An Approach for Polynomial Regression Modelling Using Construction of Basis Functions

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    Polinomu regresijas modelēšanā parasti tiek izmantota apakškopas izvēles pieeja. Šajā pieejā tiek pieņemts, ka izvēlētā fiksētā iepriekš definēto bāzes funkciju kopa satur apakškopu, ar kuru pietiek, lai pietiekoši labi aprakstītu mērķa sakarību. Taču mēs uzskatam, ka nepieciešamo bāzes funkciju kopa visbiežāk nav zināma un to ir jācenšas uzminēt vai izvēlēties, izmantojot pieredzi. Daudzos gadījumos tas nozīmē sarežģītu (un ilgu) mēģinājumu un kļūdu procesu, kas var ģenerēt funkciju kopas, ar kurām, pat izmantojot heiristiskas pārmeklēšanas metodes, strādāt ir nepraktiski pat problēmās ar mērenu sarežģītību. Ērtāks veids būtu ļaut modelēšanas metodei pašai konstruēt bāzes funkcijas, kas tai ir nepieciešamas regresijas modeļu izveidei ar pietiekamu paredzēšanas spēju. Rakstā tiek apskatīta polinomu regresijas modelēšanas pieeja ar automātisku bāzes funkciju konstruēšanu, izmantojot heiristisku pārmeklēšanu. Lietotājam modeļu izveidei nav iepriekš jādefinē bāzes funkciju kopa. Pētījumu rezultātā tika izstrādāta apskatītās pieejas instance – jauna regresijas modelēšanas metode, kas spēj ģenerēt jebkuras sarežģītības polinomus. Lai novērtētu piedāvāto metodi, tā tiek salīdzināta ar divām labi zināmām un bieži lietotām apakškopas izvēles metodēm, izmantojot kā mākslīgus tā arī reālās pasaules datus

    Modern Approaches to Building Recommender Systems for Online Stores

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    The article presents current approaches to solving the problem of building recommender systems designed to intellectualize the user interface of online stores. Much attention is paid to modern methods of building recommender systems, analysing their strengths and weaknesses. Of greatest interest are the criteria for selecting effective methods for specific online stores and the authors’ concept of a typical recommender system of electronic commerce

    Effectiveness of Implementation of Online Lessons on The Base of Server’s Remote Control

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    Technological tools and practical experience of distance lessons devoted to mastering of software product by non-IT professionals are described. For provision of distance lessons two independent channels were simultaneously used: one for video-audio conference providing teacher-student communications and second one for teaching-methodological link providing delivery of teacher’s presentation, show of software execution and control over student’s working with the software. The main focus is stressed on realization of teaching-methodological link. This link is realized as virtual computer with two remote control sets - one on teacher’s side and another one on student’s side. Three approaches are discussed for creation of mentioned above virtual computer – a) remote control to participant’s computer (were considered and compared both alternatives – remote access to teacher’s and remote access to student’s computer); b) usage of special software like TeamViewer; c) management of remote server session from both teacher’s and student’s sides. As the most appropriate solution a server session management is argued. The proposed technological solution was implemented for remote training of teachers (non-IT professionals) of the usage of course management system Moodle. After completeness of remote training course participating teachers (as professionals in education issues) made an evaluation of considered solutions by filling in the questionnaires. In general, pilot implementation of proposed technological solution shows its practical viability and applicability