71 research outputs found

    Consistency of likelihood estimation for Gibbs point processes

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    Strong consistency of the maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) for parametric Gibbs point process models is established. The setting is very general. It includes pairwise pair potentials, finite and infinite multibody interactions and geometrical interactions, where the range can be finite or infinite. The Gibbs interaction may depend linearly or non-linearly on the parameters, a particular case being hardcore parameters and interaction range parameters. As important examples, we deduce the consistency of the MLE for all parameters of the Strauss model, the hardcore Strauss model, the Lennard-Jones model and the area-interaction model

    Practical simulation and estimation for Gibbs Delaunay-Voronoi tessellations with geometric hardcore interaction

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    General models of Gibbs Delaunay-Voronoi tessellations, which can be viewed as extensions of Ord's process, are considered. The interaction may occur on each cell of the tessellation and between neighbour cells. The tessellation may also be subjected to a geometric hardcore interaction, forcing the cells not to be too large, too small, or too flat. This setting, natural for applications, introduces some theoretical difficulties since the interaction is not necessarily hereditary. Mathematical results available for studying these models are reviewed and further outcomes are provided. They concern the existence, the simulation and the estimation of such tessellations. Based on these results, tools to handle these objects in practice are presented: how to simulate them, estimate their parameters and validate the fitted model. Some examples of simulated tessellations are studied in details

    Some convergence results on quadratic forms for random fields and application to empirical covariances

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    Limit theorems are proved for quadratic forms of Gaussian random fields in presence of long memory. We obtain a non central limit theorem under a minimal integrability condition, which allows isotropic and anisotropic models. We apply our limit theorems and those of Ginovian (99) to obtain the asymptotic behavior of the empirical covariances of Gaussian fields, which is a particular example of quadratic forms. We show that it is possible to obtain a Gaussian limit when the spectral density is not in L2L^2. Therefore the dichotomy observed in dimension d=1d=1 between central and non central limit theorems cannot be stated so easily due to possible anisotropic strong dependence in d>1d>1

    A tutorial on estimator averaging in spatial point process models

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    Assume that several competing methods are available to estimate a parameter in a given statistical model. The aim of estimator averaging is to provide a new estimator, built as a linear combination of the initial estimators, that achieves better properties, under the quadratic loss, than each individual initial estimator. This contribution provides an accessible and clear overview of the method, and investigates its performances on standard spatial point process models. It is demonstrated that the average estimator clearly improves on standard procedures for the considered models. For each example, the code to implement the method with the R software (which only consists of few lines) is provided

    Aggregation of isotropic autoregressive fields

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    This note constitutes a corrigendum to the article of Azomahou, JSPI, 139:2581-2597. The aggregation of isotropic four nearest neighbors autoregressive models on the lattice, with random coefficient, is investigated. The spectral density of the resulting random field is studied in details for a large class of law of the AR coefficient. Depending on this law, the aggregated field may exhibit short memory or isotropic long memory

    A two-sample test for comparison of long memory parameters

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    We construct a two-sample test for comparison of long memory parameters based on ratios of two rescaled variance (V/S) statistics studied in [Giraitis L., Leipus, R., Philippe, A., 2006. A test for stationarity versus trends and unit roots for a wide class of dependent errors. Econometric Theory 21, 989--1029]. The two samples have the same length and can be mutually independent or dependent. In the latter case, the test statistic is modified to make it asymptotically free of the long-run correlation coefficient between the samples. To diminish the sensitivity of the test on the choice of the bandwidth parameter, an adaptive formula for the bandwidth parameter is derived using the asymptotic expansion in [Abadir, K., Distaso, W., Giraitis, L., 2009. Two estimators of the long-run variance: Beyond short memory. Journal of Econometrics 150, 56--70]. A simulation study shows that the above choice of bandwidth leads to a good size of our comparison test for most values of fractional and ARMA parameters of the simulated series

    Brillinger mixing of determinantal point processes and statistical applications

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    Stationary determinantal point processes are proved to be Brillinger mixing. This property is an important step towards asymptotic statistics for these processes. As an important example, a central limit theorem for a wide class of functionals of determinantal point processes is established. This result yields in particular the asymptotic normality of the estimator of the intensity of a stationary determinantal point process and of the kernel estimator of its pair correlation

    Self-similar prior and wavelet bases for hidden incompressible turbulent motion

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    This work is concerned with the ill-posed inverse problem of estimating turbulent flows from the observation of an image sequence. From a Bayesian perspective, a divergence-free isotropic fractional Brownian motion (fBm) is chosen as a prior model for instantaneous turbulent velocity fields. This self-similar prior characterizes accurately second-order statistics of velocity fields in incompressible isotropic turbulence. Nevertheless, the associated maximum a posteriori involves a fractional Laplacian operator which is delicate to implement in practice. To deal with this issue, we propose to decompose the divergent-free fBm on well-chosen wavelet bases. As a first alternative, we propose to design wavelets as whitening filters. We show that these filters are fractional Laplacian wavelets composed with the Leray projector. As a second alternative, we use a divergence-free wavelet basis, which takes implicitly into account the incompressibility constraint arising from physics. Although the latter decomposition involves correlated wavelet coefficients, we are able to handle this dependence in practice. Based on these two wavelet decompositions, we finally provide effective and efficient algorithms to approach the maximum a posteriori. An intensive numerical evaluation proves the relevance of the proposed wavelet-based self-similar priors.Comment: SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, 201
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