71 research outputs found

    La función del mito en la oda pindárica

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    La presencia del mito griego en nuestro tiempo

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    Algunos fenómenos de contacto vocálico en la crítica de textos poéticos griegos

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    Ihe doctrine about the conditions in which the dífferent phcnomena of vowcl contact are realized in (ireck (prodelision, elision, crasis, synizesis) is described in thc most commonly used treaties of prosody. Nevertheless, not always do editors of Greek poetry (especíally drama) take into account the possíbilíty of admitting these phcnornena in order to explain corrupt or suspect readings. This is what thc author of this essay attem~ts in order to explain 18 tragie texts. He adds up other cases of monosyllabic scansioll of groups. í, tu + vowel. This subjcct gives him cause for reexamíníg the problem of Ihe supposed «dactyl» u the trochaic tetrameter of the Comedy. whose existelice he denies

    La molinera del Tormes : comedia en un acto, en prosa y verso

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    En portada: Estrenada en el Teatro Portela de Sevilla, el 2 de septiembre de 1904Copia digital. Valladolid : Junta de Castilla y León. Consejería de Cultura y Turismo, 2009-201


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    L' auteur, à partir des textes transmis et devant la compréhension de ceux-ci, propose des nouvelles lectures pour trois passages de l' oeuvre de Pindare ('Némée' 7, 50-52; 'Olympique' 10, 24), se basant pour cela, fondamentalement, sur des critères syntaxiques.L' auteur, à partir des textes transmis et devant la compréhension de ceux-ci, propose des nouvelles lectures pour trois passages de l' oeuvre de Pindare ('Némée' 7, 50-52; 'Olympique' 10, 24), se basant pour cela, fondamentalement, sur des critères syntaxiques

    Función nacional del colegio mayor

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    La Universidad española ha de ser esencialmente educadora. Si no abonasen para ello otras razones de excelencia, bastaría la de ineludible exigencia histórica. La institución universitaria, que nace al calor del Medievo, edad tan injustamente preterida y calumniada, y a la que, sin embargo, en algunos aspectos, tanto debemos -Landsberg lo ha puesto en claro-, tuvo en sus orígenes una finalidad fundamentalmente educadora: tendía a la educación de hombres, de hombres- y la aparente perogrullada resultara justificada-, naturalmente, todo enteros

    The Extended Atkinson Family and Changes in the Expenditure Distribution: Spain 1973/74-2003

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    This paper emphasizes the properties of a family of inequality measures which extends the Atkinson indices and is axiomatically characterized by a multiplicative decomposition property where the withingroup component is a generalized weighted mean with weights summing exactly to 1. This family contains canonical forms of all aggregative inequality measures, each bounded above by 1, has a useful and intuitive geometric interpretation and provides an alternative dominance criterion for ordering distributions in terms of inequality. Taking the Spanish Household Budget Surveys (HBS) for 1973/74, 1980/81, and 1990/91 and the more recent Continuous HBS for 2003, we show the advantages and possibilities of this extended family in regard to completing and detailing information in studies of inequality focussing on the tails of the distribution and on the changes in the distribution when the population is partitioned into population subgroups.inequality measurement, Atkinson indices

    El humanismo clásico en la formación actual de la persona

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    El escritor ofrece algunas consideraciones sobre la posible actualización en el presente, tan dominado por la tecnología, de una educación humanística de base clásica. ¿El contacto con la Antigüedad clásica a través de las grandes obras literarias y filosóficas continúa siendo la línea de transmisión de la cultura occidental a través de los siglos y todavía en nuestro tiempo? El autor razona en sentido afirmativo, con una variedad de argumentos

    Generalizing the S-Gini Family: Some Properties

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    In the literature there are a number of generalizations of the Gini coefficient which inherit most of its appealing properties. These families allow the incorporation of different value judgments and all of them are more sensitive to transfers among the poorest individuals in society than to transfers among the richest. Consequently they fail to capture a fact with which perhaps not everybody agrees: it is always good for society to give much more additional income to the richest person than to the poorest one. The aim of this paper is to propose extensions of these generalizations of the Gini coefficient with measures which, preserving their properties, complete the information about all the inequality perceptions.Gini, Relative and Absolute Inequality Measures, Social Welfare.