153 research outputs found

    Produktive helklassesamtaler. En studie av hvordan erfarne læreres kompetanse i å lede produktive helklassesamtaler kan videreutvikles.

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    Helklassesamtalen er en viktig samtaleform i matematikkundervisningen og egner seg godt for å legge til rette for elevdeltakelse og utforskning. En produktiv helklassesamtale skal både fremme og bygge videre på elevenes tenkemåter. Det å orkestrere produktive helklassesamtaler oppleves ofte utfordrende og krever mye av læreren. De handlingene læreren gjør i samtalen påvirker kommunikasjonen, elevenes deltakelse i den og elevenes læring. I denne studien undersøker jeg hvordan lærere kan videreutvikle sin kompetanse i å lede produktive helklassesamtaler. Innrammingen for prosjektet har vært matematikksenteret sitt etterutdanningsprogram «MAM – mestre ambisiøs matematikkundervisning». Prosjektet ble gjennomført som en aksjonsforskning, der fem erfarne lærere deltok, i tillegg til meg selv. Studien har to forskningsspørsmål. Det første handler om hvilke grep lærere kan gjøre for å motvirke opplevde utfordringer med å lede en produktiv helklassesamtale. Det andre forskningsspørsmålet handler om hvordan felles planlegging og øving på en bestemt aktivitet kan støtte lærerne i arbeidet og bidra til at de utvikler undervisningspraksisen sin. For å besvare studiens forskningsspørsmål valgte jeg en kvalitativ tilnærming. Dataene ble samlet inn gjennom videoobservasjon av planleggingen og øvingen, og av den avsluttende refleksjonen. Refleksjonssamtalen ble gjennomført som et fokusgruppeintervju. Alle videoene ble transkribert og analysert. Analysen av grepene lærerne gjorde i planleggingen og øvingen ble gjort ved hjelp av rammeverket til Drageset (2014), og analysen av lærernes læring ble gjort ved hjelp av de fem kjennetegnene til Desimone (2009). Funnene viste at samtaletrekkene fungerte som grep lærerne kunne ta i bruk for å motvirke opplevde utfordringer med å lede produktive helklassesamtaler. Samtaletrekkene initierte flest fokuseringshandlinger, men ofte også framdriftshandlinger. Når samtaletrekkene ble brukt i sammenheng både som framdriftshandlinger og fokuseringshandlinger motvirket de utfordringene mest effektivt. Lærerne som deltok i prosjektet, opplevde deltakelsen i MAM-syklusen som positiv. De opplevde å få økte faglige og pedagogiske kunnskaper. Funnene viser at de ble mer bevisst bruken av de ulike samtaletrekkene i matematikkundervisningen, og overførte dette til de andre undervisningsfagene sine. At MAM-syklusen la til rette for mange refleksjoner ble ansett som særlig nyttig, og kombinert med øvingene ga det gode muligheter for å prøve ut teorien i praksis. I tillegg ble veilederens rolle i den felles planleggingen og øvingen trukket fram som avgjørende

    Behandling av ungdom med anoreksi. Hvordan opplever foreldre sin rolle i behandlingen av ungdom med anoreksi, når behandlingen først og fremst har fokus på individuelle intervensjoner?

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    Denne oppgaven er en kvalitativ studie basert på intervjuer av foreldre til ungdom med anoreksi. Ungdommen har vært i behandling som først og fremst hadde fokus på individuelle intervensjoner. Informantene er mor eller far fra fire forskjellige familier. Intervjuene ble gjennomført høsten 2014. Tema for oppgaven var å undersøke hvordan foreldrene opplevde sin rolle i behandlingen av sitt barn, og om delaktighet var noe som var viktig for dem

    Behandling av ungdom med anoreksi. Hvordan opplever foreldre sin rolle i behandlingen av ungdom med anoreksi, når behandlingen først og fremst har fokus på individuelle intervensjoner?

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    Denne oppgaven er en kvalitativ studie basert på intervjuer av foreldre til ungdom med anoreksi. Ungdommen har vært i behandling som først og fremst hadde fokus på individuelle intervensjoner. Informantene er mor eller far fra fire forskjellige familier. Intervjuene ble gjennomført høsten 2014. Tema for oppgaven var å undersøke hvordan foreldrene opplevde sin rolle i behandlingen av sitt barn, og om delaktighet var noe som var viktig for dem

    Bayesian Models for Unit Discovery on a Very Low Resource Language

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    Developing speech technologies for low-resource languages has become a very active research field over the last decade. Among others, Bayesian models have shown some promising results on artificial examples but still lack of in situ experiments. Our work applies state-of-the-art Bayesian models to unsupervised Acoustic Unit Discovery (AUD) in a real low-resource language scenario. We also show that Bayesian models can naturally integrate information from other resourceful languages by means of informative prior leading to more consistent discovered units. Finally, discovered acoustic units are used, either as the 1-best sequence or as a lattice, to perform word segmentation. Word segmentation results show that this Bayesian approach clearly outperforms a Segmental-DTW baseline on the same corpus.Comment: Accepted to ICASSP 201

    Before Recovery - A Blind Spot in Recovery Research?: Users’ Narratives About the Origins and Development of their Mental Health and/or Addiction Problems

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    Objective: Recently, the position of persons with mental health and drug problems has evolved from victim of an illness to holder of an experience-based knowledge (EBK). Studies about recovery are often based on recovery narratives. However, focusing on components of the recovery process—parts of this EBK concerned with the causes, onset, and journey before the proper recovery process—risks forming a blind spot. In this study, we aim to analyze service users’ EBK about recovery, the backgrounds and causes of the problems, and how they related these conditions to their recovery journey. Research Design and Methods: We interviewed 29 persons in recovery. Data were analyzed by using thematic analysis. Results: We found that a childhood characterized by violence and abuse reoccurred in the stories. The child’s situation was not addressed by schools, social agencies, or neighbours, creating an experience of social isolation and invisibility. Mental health distress and drug abuse were described as ways of managing these situations, until these became problems in themselves. The recovery journey started in a situation of despair and with a decision to stop using the developed threat response. For many, this meant going back to a situation of loneliness and invisibility before finding places and people and allowing experiences of being part of a positive context where they could also contribute. Conclusions: There is a risk of a blind spot in recovery research. EBK should be used to develop recovery-oriented services and also preventive interventions directed toward the social and psychological conditions in which children are raised.publishedVersio

    Strength training to contraction failure increases voluntary activation of the quadriceps muscle shortly after total knee arthroplasty:a cross-sectional study

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    OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to investigate voluntary activation of the quadriceps muscle during one set of knee extensions performed until contraction failure in patients shortly after total knee arthroplasty. DESIGN: This was a cross-sectional study of 24 patients with total knee arthroplasty. One set of knee extensions was performed until contraction failure, using a predetermined 10 repetition maximum loading. In the operated leg, electromyographic (EMG) activity of the lateral and medial vastus, semitendinosus, and biceps femoris muscles was recorded during the set. Muscle activity (%EMGmax) and median power frequency of the EMG power spectrum were calculated for each repetition decile (10%–100% contraction failure). RESULTS: Muscle activity increased significantly over contractions from a mean of 90.0 and 93.6 %EMGmax (lateral vastus and medial vastus, respectively) at 10% contraction failure to 99.3 and 105.5 %EMGmax at 100% contraction failure (P = 0.009 and 0.004). Median power frequency decreased significantly over contractions from a mean of 66.8 and 64.2 Hz (lateral vastus and medial vastus, respectively) at 10% contraction failure to 59.9 and 60.1 Hz at 100% contraction failure (P = 0.0006 and 0.0187). CONCLUSION: In patients shortly after total knee arthroplasty, 10 repetition maximum–loaded knee extensions performed in one set until contraction failure increases voluntary activation of the quadriceps muscle during the set. CLINICAL TRIALS: Gov-identifier: NCT01713140 to the abstract to increase trial transparency

    On Infrared Excesses Associated With Li-Rich K Giants

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    Infrared (IR) excesses around K-type red giants (RGs) have previously been discovered using IRAS data, and past studies have suggested a link between RGs with overabundant Li and IR excesses, implying the ejection of circumstellar shells or disks. We revisit the question of IR excesses around RGs using higher spatial resolution IR data, primarily from WISE. Our goal was to elucidate the link between three unusual RG properties: fast rotation, enriched Li, and IR excess. We have 316 targets thought to be K giants, about 40% of which we take to be Li-rich. In 24 cases with previous detections of IR excess at low spatial resolution, we believe that source confusion is playing a role, in that either (a) the source that is bright in the optical is not responsible for the IR flux, or (b) there is more than one source responsible for the IR flux as measured in IRAS. We looked for IR excesses in the remaining sources, identifying 28 that have significant IR excesses by ~20 um (with possible excesses for 2 additional sources). There appears to be an intriguing correlation in that the largest IR excesses are all in Li-rich K giants, though very few Li-rich K giants have IR excesses (large or small). These largest IR excesses also tend to be found in the fastest rotators. There is no correlation of IR excess with the carbon isotopic ratio, 12C/13C. IR excesses by 20 um, though relatively rare, are at least twice as common among our sample of Li-rich K giants. If dust shell production is a common by-product of Li enrichment mechanisms, these observations suggest that the IR excess stage is very short-lived, which is supported by theoretical calculations. Conversely, the Li-enrichment mechanism may only occasionally produce dust, and an additional parameter (e.g., rotation) may control whether or not a shell is ejected.Comment: 73 pages, 21 figures (some of which substantially degraded to meet arXiv file size requirements), accepted to AJ. Full table 1 (and full-res figures) available upon request to the autho

    Linguistic unit discovery from multi-modal inputs in unwritten languages: Summary of the "Speaking Rosetta" JSALT 2017 Workshop

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    We summarize the accomplishments of a multi-disciplinary workshop exploring the computational and scientific issues surrounding the discovery of linguistic units (subwords and words) in a language without orthography. We study the replacement of orthographic transcriptions by images and/or translated text in a well-resourced language to help unsupervised discovery from raw speech.Comment: Accepted to ICASSP 201