7 research outputs found

    Dual-Perspective Modeling of Patient Pathways: A Case Study on Kidney Cancer

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    Patient pathway has become a key concept in the organization of healthcare. However, the materialization and operationalization of pathways often focus on work processes of health personnel, clinical decision-making, and deadlines, contradicting the strong patient-oriented perspective that is inherent in their definition. In this paper, we introduce a patient-centered perspective of kidney cancer pathways, reporting on a dual-perspective strategy to map and model patient pathways. Utilizing a multi-method approach, we map and model pathways from the perspectives of both healthcare personnel and patients and investigate the feasibility of the Customer Journey Modeling Language (CJML) for modeling patient pathways. To prevent confusion, the planned pathway as seen from the hospital perspective and the actual pathway experienced by the patient are referred to as ‘pathway’ and ‘journey’, respectively. In the paper, we describe methods to engage with healthcare professionals and patients to collect the necessary information to create precise models, and we show how precise modeling of patient pathways requires the integration of several information sources. Moreover, the study underlines the value of examining pathways from a dual perspective, as the two perspectives corroborate and supplement each other, illustrating the complexity of patient journeys. Finally, the findings provide insights into the feasibility of CJML, firstly underlining that the usefulness of visual models is context-dependent, and secondly, suggesting that the methods and subsequent visualizations may be useful as organizational, instructional, and communicative tools.publishedVersio

    Prinsipper og person i dekningen av asyl

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    Denne oppgaven har som formål å belyse hvorvidt nyhetsdekningen av asylsaker der enkeltpersoner står i sentrum gir rom for synspunkter på et mer overgripende politisk og prinsipielt nivå. Oppgaven belyser hvordan NOAS og Papirløsekampanjen på den ene siden, og Regjeringen på den andre argumenterer rundt lengeværende asylsøkere, og undersøker i hvilken grad deres synspunkter og argumenter kom gjennom i to nyhetssaker om lengeværende asylsøkere. Analysen viser hvordan de to partene har diametralt ulike forståelser av tematikken. NOAS og Papirløsekampanjen vektlegger den vanskelige livssituasjonen lengeværende asylsøkere befinner, og foreslår løsninger som vil gjøre at gruppen av personer kan få opphold i Norge. Regjeringen vektlegger at personene det er snakk om oppholder seg ulovlig i Norge, og foreslår løsninger som vil gjøre at flere returnerer til hjemlandet og at færre asylsøkere uten behov for beskyttelse kommer til Norge. Både NOAS og Papirløsekampanjen på den ene siden, og Regjeringen på den andre lyktes til en viss grad i å nå gjennom med disse synspunktene i nyhetsdekningen av de to sakene. Samtidig viser analysen at mediene i stor grad fokuserte på de involverte personene, deres følelser og deres privatliv, og at noe av dette fokuset overskygget for et mer overgripende sakfokus

    Metajournalism and media critique: Responses to "Extremist Voices" in the Digitalized News Landscape

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    Metadebates concerning how the news media deal with extremism have intensified in the digital media landscape. This article analyzes metajournalistic discourse following a controversial studio interview with the spokesperson of a Norwegian Salafi-jihadist group. To illuminate how boundaries of appropriate public debate are negotiated, the article analyzes how this journalistic performance was debated among journalists and commentators, news sources, and readers in online comments sections. The study demonstrates how editorial legacy media invite a broad metadebate but control and define the debate by positioning themselves as defenders against extremism, evoking normative ideals of the role of journalism in democracy and foregrounding the preventive, clarifying, and cohesive effects of including extremist voices. News sources and online commenters are notably more critical, emphasizing the negative consequences of inclusion and warning that inclusion may serve to consolidate extremist views, amplify threats and prejudice, and make extremists the symbolic representatives of Muslims in general. Theoretically, the article contributes to the literature on media and extremism, media criticism, and mediated negotiations of the boundaries of public debate

    Metajournalism and media critique: Responses to "Extremist Voices" in the Digitalized News Landscape

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    Metadebates concerning how the news media deal with extremism have intensified in the digital media landscape. This article analyzes metajournalistic discourse following a controversial studio interview with the spokesperson of a Norwegian Salafi-jihadist group. To illuminate how boundaries of appropriate public debate are negotiated, the article analyzes how this journalistic performance was debated among journalists and commentators, news sources, and readers in online comments sections. The study demonstrates how editorial legacy media invite a broad metadebate but control and define the debate by positioning themselves as defenders against extremism, evoking normative ideals of the role of journalism in democracy and foregrounding the preventive, clarifying, and cohesive effects of including extremist voices. News sources and online commenters are notably more critical, emphasizing the negative consequences of inclusion and warning that inclusion may serve to consolidate extremist views, amplify threats and prejudice, and make extremists the symbolic representatives of Muslims in general. Theoretically, the article contributes to the literature on media and extremism, media criticism, and mediated negotiations of the boundaries of public debate

    Lokal helse og omsorg i mediene: Mediepåvirkning på nært hold

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    Denne rapporten belyser hvordan medienes vinklinger og formater påvirker lokal helsedebatt og helsepolitikk. Den diskuterer særlig hvordan ulike kilder og strategiske aktører aktivt søker å prege mediedekningen for å endre beslutninger i enkeltsaker og overordnede prioriteringer i kommunale helse- og omsorgstjenester. Gjennom dybdeanalyser av tre caser som alle omhandler kommunale helse- og omsorgstilbud, viser vi hvordan medieoppslag med lokalt utgangspunkt setter dagsorden for lokale helsemyndigheter, men også løftes opp på den nasjonale politiske dagsorden.publishedVersio

    What does digital journalism studies look like?

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    This article analyses the characteristics of digital journalism studies through an empirical investigation of all articles published in the journal Digital Journalism, from its launch in 2013 to issue 6, 2018. The aim of the analysis is to identify dominant themes and degrees of diversity and interdisciplinary in digital journalism studies, and to identify biases and blind spots. The article is based on analysis of keywords, abstracts and references used in all articles published in the journal. The findings suggest that while the research published in Digital Journalism is firmly situated within journalism studies, it has a stronger emphasis on technology, platforms, audience and the present. The article also finds that digital journalism studies, as seen in Digital Journalism, is dominated by perspectives from the social sciences, while largely ignoring digital journalism as a meaning-making system, and that the field of research could benefit from the application of theories and perspectives from the humanities and to some extent from theoretical computer science and informatics. Finally, the article argues that digital journalism studies suffers from a lack of connections between empirical research and the many conceptual discussions that dominate the (sub)field