165 research outputs found

    Stability Diagram of a Few-Electron Triple Dot

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    Quantum dots are considered building blocks for future quantum information circuits. We present here experimental results on a quantum dot circuit consisting of three quantum dots with controlled electron numbers down to one per dot and tunable coupling. We experimentally map out for the first time the stability diagram of the triatomic system and reveal the existence of quadruple points, a signature of the three dots being in resonance. In their vicinity we observe a surprising effect, a 'cloning' of charge transfer transitions related to charge and spin reconfigurations. The experimental results are reproduced by equivalent circuit analysis and Hubbard models

    A generic decision support model for analysing the sustainable integration of new products : an application to the forest value chain

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    By inspecting the industrial environment of a region, it is possible to distinguish the actors, the strategies employed regarding their product portfolio, their production-distribution network and how they improve their competitiveness using innovation. Inevitably, their actions affect the economic vectors of the region and create a distinctive network with particular characteristics. What is meant by economic vectors is all of the intangible synergies formed in a given region in regard to the strategic assets, commodities, and innovations used by the companies to generate value. When a company evaluates the possibility of introducing new products into a network, the assessment of their impact has to be conducted to ensure the best selection. Competition, synergies, and sustainability have to be taken into consideration to position the strategy of a company, where the product portfolio can be evaluated accordingly. Consequently, even though a good analysis can be conducted on a small network, it becomes almost infeasible at a regional scale to properly assess the introduction of new products into a complex network without a decision support tool. This situation results in hesitations as to which appropriate combination of products/technologies should be chosen, when to strategically implement them, and what would be the extent of their impact on the existing network. To help organizations with these challenges, the development of a strategic decision support tool to assess the impact of integrating new products into an existing network is brought forward. The generic tool allows a mathematical representation of a given network composed of manufacturing processes, bill of materials and distribution nodes. The model is applied to a realistic case study in the Mauricie region (Quebec) Canada, where the introduction of new products is evaluated for the forest value chain considering the concept of forest biorefinery. Accordingly, scenarios around the potential integration of four prospective processes (i.e. pressurized hot water extraction, fast pyrolysis, organosolv fractionation, and lignin recovery platform) are designed to evaluate the introduction of eight bioproducts. Kraft lignin and crude bio-oil are shown to have the best financial return in the Mauricie region

    Transcatheter Arterial Chemoembolization of Hepatocellular Carcinoma as a Bridge to Liver Transplantation: A Retrospective Study

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    Background. Transcatheter arterial lipiodol chemoembolization (TACE) can be used in cirrhotic patients with hepatocellular carcinoma to avoid tumor progression before transplantation. Objective. To evaluate the efficacy and safety of TACE used as a bridge to liver transplantation. Methods. TACE was performed in 30 cirrhotic patients with hepatocellular carcinoma. Milan criteria were used to select patients for transplant. Patients had a good or moderately impaired liver function, no arterioportal fistulae, and a good portal perfusion. Results. 48 TACE were performed in 30 patients. Before transplantation, 4 patients were dropped off the list due to tumor extension or liver failure. Complete necrosis of the tumor was observed in 11 patients and partial necrosis in 15 patients. After transplantation, 6 patients died and tumor recurrence was observed in 5 patients with a tumor beyond Milan criteria or no response to TACE. Conclusion. TACE is useful as a bridge to liver transplantation in a selected group of cirrhotic patients with hepatocellular carcinoma. A combined therapeutic approach before surgery might improve the prognosis in these patients

    The origin of switching noise in GaAs/AlGaAs lateral gated devices

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    We have studied the origin of switching (telegraph) noise at low temperature in lateral quantum structures defined electrostatically in GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructures by surface gates. The noise was measured by monitoring the conductance fluctuations around e2/he^2/h on the first step of a quantum point contact at around 1.2 K. Cooling with a positive bias on the gates dramatically reduces this noise, while an asymmetric bias exacerbates it. We propose a model in which the noise originates from a leakage current of electrons that tunnel through the Schottky barrier under the gate into the doped layer. The key to reducing noise is to keep this barrier opaque under experimental conditions. Bias cooling reduces the density of ionized donors, which builds in an effective negative gate voltage. A smaller negative bias is therefore needed to reach the desired operating point. This suppresses tunnelling from the gate and hence the noise. The reduction in the density of ionized donors also strengthens the barrier to tunneling at a given applied voltage. Support for the model comes from our direct observation of the leakage current into a closed quantum dot, around 10−20A10^{-20} \mathrm{A} for this device. The current was detected by a neighboring quantum point contact, which showed monotonic steps in time associated with the tunneling of single electrons into the dot. If asymmetric gate voltages are applied, our model suggests that the noise will increase as a consequence of the more negative gate voltage applied to one of the gates to maintain the same device conductance. We observe exactly this behaviour in our experiments.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure

    Treatment of mycotic superior mesenteric vein pseudoaneurysm via placement of covered endovascular stent

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    Vascular pseudoaneurysms are a rare yet life-threatening complication of untreated pancreatic pseudocysts related to their high risk of rupture and bleeding. Several studies and reports have established endovascular approaches as a successful first-line therapy in the management of arterial pancreatic pseudoaneurysms. However, no reports have been published describing endovascular repair of a venous pseudoaneurysm that developed after infection of a chronically stable pancreatic pseudocyst, most likely due to its rare occurrence. We report in this technical note the treatment of a superior mesenteric vein pseudoaneurysm that developed as a result of an infected small pancreatic pseudocyst, by radiologic placement of a covered endovascular stent

    Old forest structural development drives complexity of nest webs in a naturally disturbed boreal mixedwood forest landscape

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    Structural complexity generated by forest development processes and tree species compositional changes provide key habitat features for vertebrate communities that rely upon tree size and decay processes for foraging, denning or nesting. Complexity of forest structure in old stands could not only be key for harboring increased taxonomic species diversity but also greater functional diversity through more complexity in networks of tree cavity dependent species. Using a nest web approach that hierarchically links cavity-bearing trees with cavity formation agents (natural decay processes and avian excavators) and cavity users (non-excavator species), we compared network characteristics of nest webs along a time since fire gradient in a naturally disturbed boreal mixedwood forest landscape in eastern North America. Since 2003, twelve 24 to 40 ha plots ranging from 61 to more than 245 years after fire were surveyed at the Lake Duparquet Research and Teaching Forest in Abitibi, Quebec, Canada to detect active nesting, and denning cavities. We found that network complexity both in terms of number of vertebrate species and number of interactions among species, increased along the age gradient and was significantly higher in the older stands than predicted by chance. Whereas cavity-nesting communities in old forests used a higher diversity of tree species over a wide range of decay stages, trembling aspen remained a key cavity-bearing tree throughout the age gradient. Woodpeckers were the main cavity formation agents whereas less than 1% of cavities originated from natural decay. The structural development of older forests is thus a driver for functional diversity in cavity-using vertebrate communities through higher interaction richness in nest webs, among cavity-bearing trees, excavators and non-excavating users. The pivotal contribution of the entire gradient of old forest cover types to the overall complexity of nest webs in the boreal mixedwood zone is also a key for the resilience of the cavity-using vertebrate community to natural disturbances. We discuss how such resilience may be compromised by even-aged industrial timber harvesting with short rotations that shifts the age structure of boreal landscapes toward regenerating and young pole forests whereas old forest cover types become below their historical range of variability

    L’EROP : 10 ans pour le rĂ©tablissement des oiseaux de proie au QuĂ©bec

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    L’Équipe de rĂ©tablissement des oiseaux de proie du QuĂ©bec (EROP) a Ă©tĂ© fondĂ©e en 2004, Ă  la suite de la fusion des Ă©quipes de rĂ©tablissement du faucon pĂšlerin (Falco peregrinus), du pygargue Ă  tĂȘte blanche (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) et de l’aigle royal (Aquila chrysaetos). À ces espĂšces d’intĂ©rĂȘt pour l’EROP s’est ajoutĂ© rĂ©cemment le hibou des marais (Asio flammeus). À l’aide des plans de rĂ©tablissement de chacune des espĂšces, l’EROP veille Ă  la mise en oeuvre de mesures de conservation (p. ex. acquisition de connaissances, sensibilisation, protection) visant Ă  redresser la situation des populations d’oiseaux de proie en situation prĂ©caire au QuĂ©bec. Cet article prĂ©sente le mandat, le mode de fonctionnement et les principales rĂ©alisations de l’EROP au cours de la derniĂšre dĂ©cennie. The QuĂ©bec raptor recovery team (EROP) was established in 2004 following the merger of the peregrine falcon (Falcoperegrinus), bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) and golden eagle (Aquilachrysaetos) recovery teams. Recently, the short-eared owl (Asioflammeus) has also been added to the list of species covered by EROP. The team aims to foster conservation measures (e.g., data collection, public awareness and protection) to improve the population status of endangered birds of prey, and achieves this through the publication of species recovery plans. This article outlines the mission, and the working and main achievements of EROP over the past decade
