20 research outputs found

    セッショク バメン ニオケル イライ ノ ストラテジー ニホンジント フランスジン ニホンゴ ガクシュウシャ ノ バアイ

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    本依頼は相手にある行為を要求する性質上、Face Threatening Act であり、間接的発話や negative politeness の対象となると言われている。しかし依頼の目標を達成するストラテジーには文化・言語により相違がある。本論は日仏語の依頼の談話ストラテジーの相違とそれが原因となっておこる規範からの逸脱と期待のずれを観察することを目的とした、談話の展開メカニズムを調べたところ、日本人の場合は日本人同士であれ、接触場面であれ、〈依頼の予告〉 〈依頼〉 〈依頼応答〉 の展開になる。これに対してフランス人の場合はフランス語場面でも接触場面でも、〈依頼の先行発話〉 〈先行発話応答〉 〈依頼〉 〈依頼応答〉 の展開になる。そしてこの相違が談話ストラテジーの選択にも影響を与える。日本人は「メタ言語発話」により依頼を予告し、その背景事情を「~んだけど」により説明することで被依頼者の理解を期待し、最後に依頼を受諾してくれることを被依頼者の好意に訴える。しかしフランス人の場合、〈先行発話〉 での「間接的発話」により被依頼者が依頼を推測してその申し出をするストラテジーが好まれる。また被依頼者のストラテジーについて、日本人は相づちを含む「感情を表す注目表示」により依頼者の発話を評価する。この「注目表示」に会話への参加態度が示され、依頼者はこれを手がかりに続く発話を調整するが、非母語話者にはこれを的確に解釈して応答することは難しい。It is recognized as universal that acts of requesting, as face threatening acts, require "negative politeness" or can be indirect speech acts. But there are some cultural differences in the use of discourse strategies of request. The aim of this article is to determine if they can have any effects on deviations from conversational norms and expectations in contact situations of native Japanese and French learners of Japanese. In regard to methodology, the problem analysis approach as well as French-Japanese contrastive discourse analysis are used. Results indicate that in exchange procedures, the Japanese\u27s preferred organization is the follwing system: . In contrast, the French\u27s preference is to open by and to go on with , or . And these differences affect their choice of discourse strategies. The French\u27s discourse strategies consist of indirect request by seeking to suggest an offer or to avoid request refusal. But the Japanese\u27s strategies are made up by (1) giving background information or explanation on the addresser\u27s situation, by using the expression "n-bakedo" which appeals to the addressee\u27s comprehension, and then (2) calling for his favor to accept the act requested. And on the addressee\u27s part, the use of "backchannels" is very frequent in Japanese conversations. They can reflect empathy, interest, disaccord, indifference and other feelings and thus show participation attitudes. However for non-native speakers of Japanese, it is extremely difficult to evaluate them and to design their further speech acts according to them

    Different teams, same conclusions?: a systematic review of existing clinical guidelines for the assessment and treatment of tinnitus in adults

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    Background: Though clinical guidelines for assessment and treatment of chronic subjective tinnitus do exist, a comprehensive review of those guidelines has not been performed. The objective of this review was to identify current clinical guidelines, and compare their recommendations for the assessment and treatment of subjective tinnitus in adults. Method: We systematically searched a range of sources for clinical guidelines (as defined by the Institute of Medicine, United States) for the assessment and/or treatment of subjective tinnitus in adults. No restrictions on language or year of publication were applied to guidelines. Results: Clinical guidelines from Denmark, Germany, Sweden, The Netherlands, and the United States were included in the review. There was a high level of consistency across the guidelines with regard to recommendations for audiometric assessment, physical examination, use of a validated questionnaire(s) to assess tinnitus related distress, and referral to a psychologist when required. Cognitive behavioral treatment for tinnitus related distress, use of hearing aids in instances of hearing loss and recommendations against the use of medicines were consistent across the included guidelines. Differences between the guidelines centered on the use of imaging in assessment procedures and sound therapy as a form of treatment for tinnitus distress respectively. Conclusion: Given the level of commonality across tinnitus guidelines from different countries the development of a European guideline for the assessment and treatment of subjective tinnitus in adults seems feasible. This guideline would have the potential to benefit the large number of clinicians in countries where clinical guidelines do not yet exist, and would support standardization of treatment for patients across Europe

    Causale relaties: een onomasiologische benadering

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    Argumentatieve taalhandelingen zijn vaak indirect gerepresenteerd door epistemische of inhoudelijke causale relaties. Dergelijke relaties worden op verschillende manieren geïndiceerd. Hierdoor is de relatie tussen tekst en complexe argumentatie zeer indirect. In dit artikel worden twee argumentatieve teksten geanalyseerd. Deze analyses laten zien dat 50% van alle relaties ongemarkeerd zijn, dat gemarkeerde relaties gewoonlijk diep in de argumentatiestructuur zijn ingebed, dat conventionale indicatoren zelden voorkomen, en bovenal dat het veel moeite kost om tot een coherente argumentatieve interpretatie te komen

    What do you mean, BERT?: Assessing BERT as a Distributional Semantic Model

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    Contextualized word embeddings, i.e. vector representations for words in context, are naturally seen as an extension of previous noncontextual distributional semantic models. In this work, we focus on BERT, a deep neural network that produces contextualized embeddings and has set the state-of-the-art in several semantic tasks, and study the semantic coherence of its embedding space. While showing a tendency towards coherence, BERT does not fully live up to the natural expectations for a semantic vector space. In particular, we find that the position of the sentence in which a word occurs, while having no meaning correlates, leaves a noticeable trace on the word embeddings and disturbs similarity relationships

    Highly Efficient Knowledge Graph Embedding Learning with Orthogonal Procrustes Analysis

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    Knowledge Graph Embeddings (KGEs) have been intensively explored in recent years due to their promise for a wide range of applications. However, existing studies focus on improving the final model performance without acknowledging the computational cost of the proposed approaches, in terms of execution time and environmental impact. This paper proposes a simple yet effective KGE framework which can reduce the training time and carbon footprint by orders of magnitudes compared with state-of-the-art approaches, while producing competitive performance. We highlight three technical innovations: full batch learning via relational matrices, closed-form Orthogonal Procrustes Analysis for KGEs, and non-negative-sampling training. In addition, as the first KGE method whose entity embeddings also store full relation information, our trained models encode rich semantics and are highly interpretable. Comprehensive experiments and ablation studies involving 13 strong baselines and two standard datasets verify the effectiveness and efficiency of our algorithm

    Highly Efficient Knowledge Graph Embedding Learning with Orthogonal Procrustes Analysis

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    Knowledge Graph Embeddings (KGEs) have been intensively explored in recent years due to their promise for a wide range of applications. However, existing studies focus on improving the final model performance without acknowledging the computational cost of the proposed approaches, in terms of execution time and environmental impact. This paper proposes a simple yet effective KGE framework which can reduce the training time and carbon footprint by orders of magnitudes compared with state-of-the-art approaches, while producing competitive performance. We highlight three technical innovations: full batch learning via relational matrices, closed-form Orthogonal Procrustes Analysis for KGEs, and non-negative-sampling training. In addition, as the first KGE method whose entity embeddings also store full relation information, our trained models encode rich semantics and are highly interpretable. Comprehensive experiments and ablation studies involving 13 strong baselines and two standard datasets verify the effectiveness and efficiency of our algorithm