5,257 research outputs found

    Prominence plasma diagnostics through EUV absorption

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    In this paper we introduce a new diagnostic technique that uses prominence EUV and UV absorption to determine the prominence plasma electron temperature and column emission measure, as well as He/H relative abundance; if a realistic assumption on the geometry of the absorbing plasma can be made, this technique can also yield the absorbing plasma electron density. This technique capitalizes on the absorption properties of Hydrogen and Helium at different wavelength ranges and temperature regimes. Several cases where this technique can be successfully applied are described. This technique works best when prominence plasmas are hotter than 15,000 K and thus it is ideally suited for rapidly heating erupting prominences observed during the initial phases of coronal mass ejections. An example is made using simulated intensities of 4 channels of the SDO/AIA instrument. This technique can be easily applied to existing observations from almost all space missions devoted to the study of the solar atmosphere, which we list.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Ap

    String Geometry and the Noncommutative Torus

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    We construct a new gauge theory on a pair of d-dimensional noncommutative tori. The latter comes from an intimate relationship between the noncommutative geometry associated with a lattice vertex operator algebra A and the noncommutative torus. We show that the (truncated) tachyon subalgebra of A is naturally isomorphic to a class of twisted modules representing quantum deformations of the algebra of functions on the torus. We construct the corresponding even real spectral triples and determine their Morita equivalence classes using string duality arguments. These constructions yield simple proofs of the O(d,d;Z) Morita equivalences between dd-dimensional noncommutative tori and give a natural physical interpretation of them in terms of the target space duality group of toroidally compactified string theory. We classify the automorphisms of the twisted modules and construct the most general gauge theory which is invariant under the automorphism group. We compute bosonic and fermionic actions associated with these gauge theories and show that they are explicitly duality-symmetric. The duality-invariant gauge theory is manifestly covariant but contains highly non-local interactions. We show that it also admits a new sort of particle-antiparticle duality which enables the construction of instanton field configurations in any dimension. The duality non-symmetric on-shell projection of the field theory is shown to coincide with the standard non-abelian Yang-Mills gauge theory minimally coupled to massive Dirac fermion fields.Comment: 37 pages, LaTeX. Major revisions in section 3. Other minor revisions in the rest of the paper, references adde

    Quiet Sun Magnetic Field Measurements Based on Lines with Hyperfine Structure

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    The Zeeman pattern of MnI lines is sensitive to hyperfine structure (HFS) and, they respond to hG magnetic field strengths differently from the lines used in solar magnetometry. This peculiarity has been employed to measure magnetic field strengths in quiet Sun regions. However, the methods applied so far assume the magnetic field to be constant in the resolution element. The assumption is clearly insufficient to describe the complex quiet Sun magnetic fields, biasing the results of the measurements. We present the first syntheses of MnI lines in realistic quiet Sun model atmospheres. The syntheses show how the MnI lines weaken with increasing field strength. In particular, kG magnetic concentrations produce NnI 5538 circular polarization signals (Stokes V) which can be up to two orders of magnitude smaller than the weak magnetic field approximation prediction. Consequently, (1) the polarization emerging from an atmosphere having weak and strong fields is biased towards the weak fields, and (2) HFS features characteristic of weak fields show up even when the magnetic flux and energy are dominated by kG fields. For the HFS feature of MnI 5538 to disappear the filling factor of kG fields has to be larger than the filling factor of sub-kG fields. Stokes V depends on magnetic field inclination according to the simple consine law. Atmospheres with unresolved velocities produce asymmetric line profiles, which cannot be reproduced by simple one-component model atmospheres. The uncertainty of the HFS constants do not limit the use of MnI lines for magnetometry.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ. 10 pages, 14 figure

    Plasma turbulence at ion scales: a comparison between PIC and Eulerian hybrid-kinetic approaches

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    Kinetic-range turbulence in magnetized plasmas and, in particular, in the context of solar-wind turbulence has been extensively investigated over the past decades via numerical simulations. Among others, one of the widely adopted reduced plasma model is the so-called hybrid-kinetic model, where the ions are fully kinetic and the electrons are treated as a neutralizing (inertial or massless) fluid. Within the same model, different numerical methods and/or approaches to turbulence development have been employed. In the present work, we present a comparison between two-dimensional hybrid-kinetic simulations of plasma turbulence obtained with two complementary approaches spanning about two decades in wavenumber - from MHD inertial range to scales well below the ion gyroradius - with a state-of-the-art accuracy. One approach employs hybrid particle-in-cell (HPIC) simulations of freely-decaying Alfv\'enic turbulence, whereas the other consists of Eulerian hybrid Vlasov-Maxwell (HVM) simulations of turbulence continuously driven with partially-compressible large-scale fluctuations. Despite the completely different initialization and injection/drive at large scales, the same properties of turbulent fluctuations at kρi1k_\perp\rho_i\gtrsim1 are observed. The system indeed self-consistently "reprocesses" the turbulent fluctuations while they are cascading towards smaller and smaller scales, in a way which actually depends on the plasma beta parameter. Small-scale turbulence has been found to be mainly populated by kinetic Alfv\'en wave (KAW) fluctuations for β1\beta\geq1, whereas KAW fluctuations are only sub-dominant for low-β\beta.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in J. Plasma Phys. (Collection: "The Vlasov equation: from space to laboratory plasma physics"

    Acceleration of weakly collisional solar-type winds

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    One of the basic properties of the solar wind, that is the high speed of the fast wind, is still not satisfactorily explained. This is mainly due to the theoretical difficulty of treating weakly collisional plasmas. The fluid approach implies that the medium is collision dominated and that the particle velocity distributions are close to Maxwellians. However the electron velocity distributions observed in the solar wind depart significantly from Maxwellians. Recent kinetic collisionless models (called exospheric) using velocity distributions with a suprathermal tail have been able to reproduce the high speeds of the fast solar wind. In this letter we present new developments of these models by generalizing them over a large range of corona conditions. We also present new results obtained by numerical simulations that include collisions. Both approaches calculate the heat flux self-consistently without any assumption on the energy transport. We show that both approaches - the exospheric and the collisional one - yield a similar variation of the wind speed with the basic parameters of the problem; both produce a fast wind speed if the coronal electron distribution has a suprathermal tail. This suggests that exospheric models contain the necessary ingredients for the powering of a transonic stellar wind, including the fast solar one.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal Letters (accepted: 13 May 2005

    Activation of MHD reconnection on ideal timescales

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    Magnetic reconnection in laboratory, space and astrophysical plasmas is often invoked to explain explosive energy release and particle acceleration. However, the timescales involved in classical models within the macroscopic MHD regime are far too slow to match the observations. Here we revisit the tearing instability by performing visco-resistive two-dimensional numerical simulations of the evolution of thin current sheets, for a variety of initial configurations and of values of the Lunquist number SS, up to 10710^7. Results confirm that when the critical aspect ratio of S1/3S^{1/3} is reached in the reconnecting current sheets, the instability proceeds on ideal (Alfv\'enic) macroscopic timescales, as required to explain observations. Moreover, the same scaling is seen to apply also to the local, secondary reconnection events triggered during the nonlinear phase of the tearing instability, thus accelerating the cascading process to increasingly smaller spatial and temporal scales. The process appears to be robust, as the predicted scaling is measured both in inviscid simulations and when using a Prandtl number P=1P=1 in the viscous regime.Comment: Accepted for publication in Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusio

    Bright hot impacts by erupted fragments falling back on the Sun: UV redshifts in stellar accretion

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    A solar eruption after a flare on 7 Jun 2011 produced EUV-bright impacts of fallbacks far from the eruption site, observed with the Solar Dynamics Observatory. These impacts can be taken as a template for the impact of stellar accretion flows. Broad red-shifted UV lines have been commonly observed in young accreting stars. Here we study the emission from the impacts in the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly's UV channels and compare the inferred velocity distribution to stellar observations. We model the impacts with 2D hydrodynamic simulations. We find that the localised UV 1600A emission and its timing with respect to the EUV emission can be explained by the impact of a cloud of fragments. The first impacts produce strong initial upflows. The following fragments are hit and shocked by these upflows. The UV emission comes mostly from the shocked front shell of the fragments while they are still falling, and is therefore redshifted when observed from above. The EUV emission instead continues from the hot surface layer that is fed by the impacts. Fragmented accretion can therefore explain broad redshifted UV lines (e.g. C IV 1550A) to speeds around 400 km/s observed in accreting young stellar objects.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures (movies available upon request), accepted for publicatio

    Differential and Twistor Geometry of the Quantum Hopf Fibration

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    We study a quantum version of the SU(2) Hopf fibration S7S4S^7 \to S^4 and its associated twistor geometry. Our quantum sphere Sq7S^7_q arises as the unit sphere inside a q-deformed quaternion space Hq2\mathbb{H}^2_q. The resulting four-sphere Sq4S^4_q is a quantum analogue of the quaternionic projective space HP1\mathbb{HP}^1. The quantum fibration is endowed with compatible non-universal differential calculi. By investigating the quantum symmetries of the fibration, we obtain the geometry of the corresponding twistor space CPq3\mathbb{CP}^3_q and use it to study a system of anti-self-duality equations on Sq4S^4_q, for which we find an `instanton' solution coming from the natural projection defining the tautological bundle over Sq4S^4_q.Comment: v2: 38 pages; completely rewritten. The crucial difference with respect to the first version is that in the present one the quantum four-sphere, the base space of the fibration, is NOT a quantum homogeneous space. This has important consequences and led to very drastic changes to the paper. To appear in CM

    A variational approach to Gibbs artifacts removal in MRI

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    Gibbs ringing is a feature of MR images caused by the finite sampling of the acquisition space (k-space). It manifests itself with ringing patterns around sharp edges which become increasingly significant for low-resolution acquisitions. In this paper, we model the Gibbs artefact removal as a constrained variational problem where the data discrepancy, represented in denoising and convolutive form, is balanced to sparsity-promoting regularization functions such as Total Variation, Total Generalized Variation and L1 norm of the Wavelet transform. The efficacy of such models is evaluated by running a set of numerical experiments both on synthetic data and real acquisitions of brain images. The Total Generalized Variation penalty coupled with the convolutive data discrepancy term yields, in general, the best results both on synthetic and real data