1,807 research outputs found

    Young red supergiants and the near infrared light appearance of disk galaxies

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    Disk galaxies often show prominent nonaxisymmetric features at near-infrared wavelengths. Such features may indicate variations in the surface density of stellar mass, contributions from young red supergiants in star forming regions, or substantial dust obscuration. To distinguish among these possibilities, we have searched for spatial variations in the 2.3 micron photometric CO index within the disks of three nearby galaxies (NGC 278, NGC 2649, & NGC 5713). This index measures the strength of the absorption bands of molecular CO in stellar atmospheres, and is strong in cool, low surface-gravity stars, reaching the largest values for red supergiants. We observe significant spatial CO index variations in two galaxies (NGC 278 & NGC 5713), indicating that the dominant stellar population in the near-infrared is not everywhere the same. Central CO index peaks are present in two galaxies; these could be due to either metallicity gradients or recent star formation activity. In addition, significant azimuthal CO index variations are seen in NGC 278. Because strong azimuthal metallicity gradients are physically implausible in disk galaxies, these features are most naturally explained by the presence of a young stellar population. The fraction of 2 micron light due to young stellar populations in star forming regions can be calculated from our data. Overall, young stellar populations can contribute ~3% of a (normal) galaxy's near infrared flux. Locally, this fraction may rise to ~33%. Thus, young stars do not dominate the total near infrared flux, but can be locally dominant in star forming regions, and can bias estimates of spiral arm amplitude or other nonaxisymmetric structures in galaxies' mass distributions.Comment: 28 pages including 3 postscript figures. A fourth figure is in jpeg format. Uses AASTeX. Accepted for publication in The Astronomical Journa

    1-1.4 Micron Spectral Atlas of Stars

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    We present a catalog of J-band (1.08 um to 1.35 um) stellar spectra at low resolution (R ~ 400). The targets consist of 105 stars ranging in spectral type from O9.5 to M7 and luminosity classes I through V. The relatively featureless spectra of hot stars, earlier than A4, can be used to remove the atmospheric features which dominate ground-based J-band spectroscopy. We measure equivalent widths for three absorption lines and nine blended features which we identify in the spectra. Using detailed comparison with higher resolution spectra, we demonstrate that low resolution data can be used for stellar classification, since several features depend on the effective temperature and gravity. For example The CN index (1.096 - 1.104 um) decreases with temperature, but the strength of a blended feature at 1.28 um (consisting of primarily P beta) increases. The slope of a star's spectrum can also be used to estimate its effective temperature. The luminosity class of a star correlates with the ratio of the Mg I (1.1831 um) line to a blend of several species at 1.16 um. Using these indicators, a star can be classified to within several subclasses. Fifteen stars with particularly high and low metal abundances are included in the catalog and some spectral dependence on metal abundance is also found.Comment: 35 pages, 10 figures (3a-e are in gif format. For complete high resolution figures, go to http://www.astro.ucla.edu/~malkan/newjspec/) ; Accepted for published in ApJS; For associated spectra files, see http://www.astro.ucla.edu/~malkan/newjspec

    The Dusty Starburst Nucleus of M33

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    We have thoroughly characterized the ultraviolet to near-infrared (0.15 - 2.2 micron) spectral energy distribution (SED) of the central parsec of the M33 nucleus through new infrared photometry and optical/near-infrared spectroscopy, combined with ultraviolet/optical observations from the literature and the HST archive. The SED shows evidence for a significant level of attenuation, which we model through a Monte Carlo radiative transfer code as a shell of clumpy Milky Way-type dust (tau_V ~ 2 +/- 1). The discovery of Milky Way-type dust (with a strong 2175 A bump) internal to the M33 nucleus is different from previous work which has found SMC-like dust (no bump) near starburst regions. The amount by which dust can be processed may be related to the mass and age of the starburst as well as the extent to which the dust can shield itself. Our starburst models include the effects of this dust and can fit the SED if the nucleus was the site of a moderate (~10^8 L_sun at 10 Myrs) episode of coeval star formation about 70 Myrs ago. This result is quite different from previous studies which resorted to multiple stellar populations (between 2 and 7) attenuated by either no or very little internal dust. The M33 nuclear starburst is remarkably similar to an older version (70 Myr versus 10 Myr) of the ultra-compact starburst in the center of the Milky Way.Comment: 29 pages, 9 embedded figures, ApJ, in pres

    Evaluation of the LEP Centre-of-Mass Energy Above the W-Pair Production Threshold

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    Knowledge of the centre-of-mass energy at LEP2 is of primary importance to set the absolute energy scale for the measurement of the W-boson mass. The beam energy above 80 GeV is derived from continuous measurements of the magnetic bending field by 16 NMR probes situated in a number of the LEP dipoles. The relationship between the fields measured by the probes and the beam energy is calibrated against precise measurements of the average beam energy between 41 and 55 GeV made using the resonant depolarisation technique. The linearity of the relationship is tested by comparing the fields measured by the probes with the total bending field measured by a flux loop. This test results in the largest contribution to the systematic uncertainty. Several further corrections are applied to derive the the centre-of-mass energies at each interaction point. In addition the centre-of-mass energy spread is evaluated. The beam energy has been determined with a precision of 25 MeV for the data taken in 1997, corresponding to a relative precision of 2.7x10^{-4}. This is small in comparison to the present uncertainty on the W mass measurement at LEP. However, the ultimate statistical precision on the W mass with the full LEP2 data sample should be around 25 MeV, and a smaller uncertainty on the beam energy is desirable. Prospects for improvements are outlined.Comment: 24 pages, 10 figures, Latex, epsfig; replaced by version accepted by European Physical Journal

    The Nature of Starburst Activity in M82

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    We present new evolutionary synthesis models of M82 based mainly on observations consisting of near-infrared integral field spectroscopy and mid-infrared spectroscopy. The models incorporate stellar evolution, spectral synthesis, and photoionization modeling, and are optimized for 1-45 micron observations of starburst galaxies. The data allow us to model the starburst regions on scales as small as 25 pc. We investigate the initial mass function (IMF) of the stars and constrain quantitatively the spatial and temporal evolution of starburst activity in M82. We find a typical decay timescale for individual burst sites of a few million years. The data are consistent with the formation of very massive stars (> 50-100 Msun) and require a flattening of the starburst IMF below a few solar masses assuming a Salpeter slope at higher masses. Our results are well matched by a scenario in which the global starburst activity in M82 occurred in two successive episodes each lasting a few million years, peaking about 10 and 5 Myr ago. The first episode took place throughout the central regions of M82 and was particularly intense at the nucleus while the second episode occurred predominantly in a circumnuclear ring and along the stellar bar. We interpret this sequence as resulting from the gravitational interaction M82 and its neighbour M81, and subsequent bar-driven evolution. The short burst duration on all spatial scales indicates strong negative feedback effects of starburst activity, both locally and globally. Simple energetics considerations suggest the collective mechanical energy released by massive stars was able to rapidly inhibit star formation after the onset of each episode.Comment: 48 pages, incl. 16 Postscript figures; accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Profile scaling in decay of nanostructures

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    The flattening of a crystal cone below its roughening transition is studied by means of a step flow model. Numerical and analytical analyses show that the height profile, h(r,t), obeys the scaling scenario dh/dr = F(r t^{-1/4}). The scaling function is flat at radii r<R(t) \sim t^{1/4}. We find a one parameter family of solutions for the scaling function, and propose a selection criterion for the unique solution the system reaches.Comment: 4 pages, RevTex, 3 eps figure

    A Medium-Resolution Near-Infrared Spectral Library of Late Type Stars: I

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    We present an empirical infrared spectral library of medium resolution (R~2000-3000) H (1.6 micron) and K (2.2 micron) band spectra of 218 red stars, spanning a range of [Fe/H] from ~-2.2 to ~+0.3. The sample includes Galactic disk stars, bulge stars from Baade's window, and red giants from Galactic globular clusters. We report the values of 19 indices covering 12 spectral features measured from the spectra in the library. Finally, we derive calibrations to estimate the effective temperature, and diagnostic relationships to determine the luminosity classes of individual stars from near-infrared spectra. This paper is part of a larger effort aimed at building a near-IR spectral library to be incorporated in population synthesis models, as well as, at testing synthetic stellar spectra.Comment: 34 pages, 12 figures; accepted for publication at ApJS; the spectra are available from the authors upon reques

    Near-Infrared Classification Spectroscopy: H-band Spectra of Fundamental MK Standards

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    We present a catalogue of H-band spectra for 85 stars of approximately solar abundance observed at a resolving power of 3000 with the KPNO Mayall 4m FTS. The atlas covers spectral types O7-M5 and luminosity classes I-V as defined on the MK system. We identify both atomic and molecular indices and line-ratios which are temperature and luminosity sensitive allowing spectral classification to be carried out in the H-band. The line ratios permit spectral classification in the presence of continuum excess emission, which is commonly found in pre-main sequence and evolved stars. We demonstrate that with spectra of R = 1000 obtained at SNR > 50 it is possible to derive spectral types within +- 2 subclasses for late-type stars. These data are available electronically through the Astronomical Data Center in addition to being served on the World-Wide-Web.Comment: To appear in the November 20, 1998 issue of ApJ (Volume 508, #1

    Near Infrared Spectroscopy of High Redshift Active Galactic Nuclei. I. A Metallicity-Accretion Rate Relationship

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    We present new near infrared spectroscopic measurements of the H_beta region for a sample of 29 luminous high redshift quasars. We have measured the width of H_beta in those sources, and added archival H_beta width measurements, to create a sample of 92 active galactic nuclei (AGNs) for which H_beta width and rest-frame UV measurements of N V \lambda 1240 and C IV \lambda 1549 emission-lines are available. Our sample spans six orders of magnitude in luminosity and includes 31 radio-loud AGNs. It also includes 10 narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies and one broad absorption-line quasar. We find that metallicity, indicated by the N V/C IV line ratio, is primarily correlated with accretion rate, which is a function of luminosity and H_beta line-width. This may imply an intimate relation between starburst, responsible for the metal enrichment of the nuclear gas, and AGN fueling, represented by the accretion rate. The correlation of metallicity with luminosity, or black hole (BH) mass, is weaker in contrast with recent results which were based on measurements of the width of C IV. We argue that using C IV as a proxy to H_beta in estimating M_BH might be problematic and lead to spurious BH mass and accretion rate estimates in individual sources. We discuss the potential implications of our new result in the framework of the starburst-AGN connection and theories of BH growth.Comment: 11 pages (emulateapj), 8 figures. Accepted by Ap
