357 research outputs found

    SMART drug delivery systems: Back to the future vs. clinical reality

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    Recent advances in nanotechnology and material science have re-ignited interest in drug delivery research. Arguably, however, hardly any of the systems developed and strategies proposed are really relevant for shaping the future (clinical) face of the nanomedicine field. Consequently, as outlined in this commentary, instead of making ever more carrier materials, and making nanomedicine both science-fiction and fiction-science, we should try to come up with rational and realistic concepts to make nanomedicines work, in particular in patient

    Азовська операція Революційної Повстанської Армії України (махновців)

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    В історії України знайдеться не так вже й багато явищ та подій, які б значимістю та силою переросли рамки регіональної та національної історії і ставали повноправними надбаннями історії всесвітньої. Ще менше подібних подій та явищ існувало на рівні південноукраїнського регіону. І було б логічно, якби такі явища посилено досліджувались істориками, а результати досліджень ставали надбанням якомога ширшого загалу, що перетворювало б ці явища на бренд, який швидко вгадувався і запам’ятовувся будь-де. Проте в умовах сучасної України ми цього не спостерігаємо

    Sources of Growth in the Turkish Economy: A Non-parametric Approach

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    Bir ekonomide büyümenin kaynaklarının geleneksel büyüme muhasebesi çerçevesinde tahmini faktör piyasalarının rekabetçi oldukları ve üretim fonksiyonunun belirli bir kalıba uyduğu şeklindeki varsayımların sağlanmasını gerektirmektedir. Bu çalışmada Iwata vd. (2003) çalışmasından hareketle Türkiye ekonomisinde büyümenin kaynakları ve toplam faktör verimliliği (TFV) 1968-2006 dönemi için söz konusu varsayımların sağlanmasını gerektirmeyen parametrik olmayan regresyon analizi ile tahmin edilmiştir. Çıktının sermaye ve işgücü girdisine göre esneklik katsayılarının parametrik olmayan regresyon tahminleri Türkiye ekonomisinde ölçeğe göre azalan getiri olduğunu göstermektedir. Tahmin sonuçlarına göre 1980 öncesi dönemde büyümenin kaynağı sermaye birikimi iken, 1980 sonrası dönemde 1991-95 yılları dışında TFV büyümesidir. İşgücünün büyümeye en önemli katkısını 1991-95 döneminde yaptığı gözlenmiştir.Estimating the sources of economic growth within the framework of the conventional growth accounting approach is based on two assumptions namely the factor markets are competitive and the underlying aggregate production function has a specific form. In this study, following Iwata et al (2003), sources of economic growth and total factor productivity (TFP) growth in the Turkish economy for the period 1968-2006 were estimated with nonparametric regression approach which does not require imposing these restrictive assumptions. Nonparametric estimates of income share of capital and labor indicated there are diminishing returns to scale in the Turkish economy. According to results, capital formation is the main sources of growth before in the pre-1980 period, TFP is the sources of growth with the exception of 1991-95 period and post-1980 period seems to be the sources of growth. It is observed that labor's contribution to economic growth reached the highest level in the 1991-95

    Швидько Ганна Кирилівна

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    У довіднику висвітлюються основні етапи життя, наукової, педагогічної та громадської роботи відомого українського історика, доктора історичних наук, професора, заслуженого діяча науки і техніки України, дійсного члена Української Академії історичних наук Ганни Кирилівни Швидько. В ньому вміщено перелік праць вченого з 1970 по 2003 р., названі аспіранти та здобувачі, які виконали кандидатські дисертації під її керівництвом. Покажчик опублікованих праць Г.К.Швидько, розкиданих по різних виданнях, є не тільки показником її внеску в українську історичну науку, але й допомогою тим, хто займається історією України XVI-XVIII ст., а також історією Придніпровського краю, якому присвячено більше ста опублікованих розвідок науковця і краєзнавця. Довідник розраховано на науковців та усіх, хто цікавиться історією української науки та історією місцевого краю

    Role of PP2Cα in cell growth, in radio- and chemosensitivity, and in tumorigenicity

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>PP2Cα is the representative member of the type 2C family of protein phosphatases, and it has recently been implicated in the regulation of p53-, TGFβ-, cyclin-dependent kinase- and apoptosis-signaling. To investigate the role of PP2Cα in cell growth and in radio- and chemosensitivity, wild type and PP2Cα siRNA-expressing MCF7 cells were subjected to several different viability and cell cycle analyses, both under basal conditions and upon treatment with radio- and chemotherapy. By comparing the growth of tumors established from both types of cells, we also evaluated the involvement of PP2Cα in tumorigenesis.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>It was found that knockdown of PP2Cα did not affect the proliferation, the clonogenic survival and the membrane integrity of MCF7 cells. In addition, it did not alter their radio- and chemosensitivity. For PP2Cα siRNA-expressing MCF7 cells, the number of cells in the G0/G1 phase of the cell cycle was reduced, the induction of the G1 block was attenuated, the number of cells in G2/M was increased, and the induction of the G2 block was enhanced. The tumorigenic potential of PP2Cα siRNA-expressing MCF7 cells was found to be higher than that of wild type MCF7 cells, and the in vivo proliferation of these cells was found to be increased.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Based on these findings, we conclude that PP2Cα is not involved in controlling cell growth and radio- and chemosensitivity in vitro. It does, however, play a role in the regulation of the cell cycle, in the induction of cell cycle checkpoints and in tumorigenesis. The latter notion implies that PP2Cα may possess tumor-suppressing properties, and it thereby sets the stage for more elaborate analyses on its involvement in the development and progression of cancer.</p

    Холотропное дыхание как метод реализации потенциала личности сотрудника

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    На сегодняшний день в организациях существует множество проблем, из-за которых возникают сложности как в управлении предприятием, так и в эффективной работе сотрудников. Для любого управляющего компанией важно, чтобы сотрудник был уверенным, умеющим нестандартно мыслить, инициативным, целеустремленным, но в большинстве случаев на предприятии такие сотрудники отсутствуют или их количество ограниченно. В любом сотруднике кроется творческая личность, которая не всегда может быть реализована на практике или же просто подавлена. Для того чтобы предприятие могло эффективно функционировать, важно, чтобы каждый сотрудник мог разобраться в своих проблемах и обрести внутреннюю гармонию, которая позволит ему настроиться на работу и выполнять ее эффективно. Методика холотропного дыхания может помочь личности реализовать свой скрытый потенциал. Цель работы: определить значимость методики холотропного дыхания в организации и выявить, какое влияние она оказывает как на сотрудников, так и на предприятие в целом. Методы исследования: анализ литера- туры по данной проблематике, аналитический метод. Результаты: выводы, полученные в данном исследовании, способствуют определению действенности методики холотропного дыхания и значимости ее применения в организации. Today there are many problems in organizations which lead to difficulties in the management of an enterpriseand in the effective work of the staff. For any company manager it is important that the employee wasconfident, able to think outside the box, initiative, committed, but in most cases such employees are absent ortheir number is limited. There is creative personality in any employee which can’t always be revealed or issimply suppressed. In order for a company to operate effectively, it is important that every employee couldunderstand their problems and find inner harmony, which will allow them to tune into work and perform itefficiently. The technique of holotropic breathwork can help the person to realize their hidden potential. Objective:to determine the significance of the technique of holotropic breathwork in the organization and itsimpact on the employees and the enterprise as a whole. Methods: review of the literature on this subject,data analysis. Results. The findings of this study help to identify the effective methods of holotropic breathworkand the importance of its application in the organization

    Biomedical metal–organic framework materials : perspectives and challenges

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    The authors gratefully acknowledge financial support from the German Research Foundation (DFG: LA2937/4-1; SH1223/1-1; SFB 1066; GRK/RTG 2735 (project number 331065168)), the German Federal Ministry of Research and Education (BMBF: Gezielter Wirkstofftransport, PP-TNBC, Project No. 16GW0319K) and the European Research Council (ERC: Meta-Targeting (864121)). The financial support from Welch Foundation (AT-1989-20220331) and from the Human Frontier Science Program (HFSP, within the project RGP0047/2022) are also acknowledged. The authors thank the European Union (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) for the COST Action EU4MOFs (CA22147). Figures were created using BioRender.com.Metal–organic framework (MOF) materials are gaining significant interest in biomedical research, owing to their high porosity, crystallinity, and structural and compositional diversity. Their versatile hybrid organic/inorganic chemistry endows MOFs with the capacity to retain organic (drug) molecules, metals, and gases, to effectively channel electrons and photons, to survive harsh physiological conditions such as low pH, and even to protect sensitive biomolecules. Extensive preclinical research has been carried out with MOFs to treat several pathologies and, recently, their integration with other biomedical materials such as stents and implants has demonstrated promising performance in regenerative medicine. However, there remains a significant gap between MOF preclinical research and translation into clinically and societally relevant medicinal products. Here, the intrinsic features of MOFs are outlined and their suitability to specific biomedical applications such as detoxification, drug and gas delivery, or as (combination) therapy platforms is discussed. Furthermore, relevant examples of how MOFs have been engineered and evaluated in different medical indications, including cancer, microbial, and inflammatory diseases is described. Finally, the challenges facing their translation into the clinic are critically examined, with the goal of establishing promising research directions and more realistic approaches that can bridge the translational gap of MOFs and MOF‐containing (nano)materials.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Theranostic cRGD-BioShuttle Constructs Containing Temozolomide- and Cy7 For NIR-Imaging and Therapy

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    Innovative and personalized therapeutic approaches result from the identification and control of individual aberrantly expressed genes at the transcriptional and post-transcriptional level. Therefore, it is of high interest to establish diagnostic, therapeutic and theranostic strategies at these levels. In the present study, we used the Diels-Alder Reaction with inverse electron demand (DARinv) click chemistry to prepare a series of cyclic RGD-BioShuttle constructs. These constructs carry the near-infrared (NIR) imaging agent Cy7 and the chemotherapeutic agent temozolomide (TMZ). We evaluated their uptake by and their efficacy against integrin αvβ3-expressing MCF7 human breast carcinoma cells. In addition, using a mouse phantom, we analyzed the suitability of this targeted theranostic agent for NIR optical imaging. We observed that the cyclic RGD-based carriers containing TMZ and/or Cy7 were effectively taken up by αvβ3-expressing cells, that they were more effective than free TMZ in inducing cell death, and that they could be quantitatively visualized using NIR fluorescence imaging. Therefore, these targeted theranostic agents are considered to be highly suitable systems for improving disease diagnosis and therapy