24 research outputs found

    Kunskapsläge: Personer med funktionsnedsättning och samisk bakgrund

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    Kunnskapsoppsummering. Omhandler personer med samisk bakgrunn med nedsatt funksjonsevne i Norden og Russland. Oversikt over kunnskap om utviklingshemming, syns- og hørselshemming og bevegelseshemming.Nordens Välfärdscenter fikk i oppdrag i 2013 å foreta en kunnskapsinnhenting om personer med nedsatt funksjonsevne med samisk bakgrunn i hele Norden og Russland. Rapporten gir en oversikt over kunnskap om utviklingshemming, syns-, hørsels- og bevegelseshemning med samisk bakgrunn i alle disse landene. Dette er det eneste kjente arbeidet innenfor dette feltet. Rapporten vil danne grunnlag i planleggingen av et større nordisk forskningsprosjekt om temaet. Totalt sett har det alltså inom områdena folkhälsa och psykisk hälsa under flera år byggts upp sammanhang och kumulativ kunskap. Detta har kunnat göras genom att egna kompetens- och forskningscenter byggts upp och genom att egna forskningsprogram inom dessa teman etablerats vid institutionerna. Det finns också en relativt bred sammansatt forskning som diskuterar de utmaningar som kopplas till kulturförståelse och tillit mellan samarbetsparterna. Vad gäller forskning om fysiska eller kognitiva funktionsnedsättningar, så är den forskningsbaserade kunskapen emellertid mycket begränsad. Inom de nationella forskningsprogrammen och universitetens och högskolornas discipliner verkar det som att teman som rör samiskhet och funktionsnedsättningar har ”hamnat mellan stolarna”.Bufdi

    Focus on Nordic Disability Policies

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    Intrauterine mepivacaine instillation for pain relief during intrauterine device insertion in nulliparous women: a double-blind, randomized, controlled trial

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    OBJECTIVE:  To evaluate whether intrauterine mepivacaine instillation before intrauterine device (IUD) insertion decreases pain compared to placebo. STUDY DESIGN:  We performed a double-blind, randomized, controlled trial comparing mepivacaine 1% 10 mL versus 0.9% NaCl intrauterine instillation using a hydrosonography catheter 5 min before IUD insertion in women 18 years of age or older. Participants completed a series of 10-cm visual analogue scales (VAS) to report pain during the procedure. The primary outcome was the difference in VAS scores with IUD insertion between intervention group and placebo. Secondary outcomes included VAS before and after insertion and analgesia method acceptability. RESULTS:  We randomized 86 women in a 1:1 ratio; both groups had similar baseline characteristics. In the intention-to-treat analysis, the primary outcome, median VAS with IUD insertion, was 4.8 cm in the intervention group [n=41, interquartile range (IQR) =3.1-5.8] and 5.9 cm in the placebo group (n=40, IQR=3.3-7.5, p=.062). In the per-protocol analysis, the median VAS with IUD insertion was 4.8 cm (IQR=3.1-5.5) and 6.0 cm (IQR=3.4-7.6) for the intervention and placebo groups, respectively (p=.033). More women in the intervention group reported the procedure as easier than expected (n=26, 63.4% vs. n=15, 37.5%), and fewer reported it as worse than expected (n=3, 7.3% vs. n=14, 35%, p=.006). CONCLUSION:  Intrauterine mepivacaine instillation before IUD insertion modestly reduces pain, but the effect size may be clinically significant. IMPLICATIONS STATEMENT:  While the reduction in VAS pain scores did not meet our a priori difference of 1.3 points for clinical significance, participants' favorable subjective reaction suggests that this approach merits further study. Copyright © 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. KEYWORDS:  Contraception; Intrauterine devices; Mepivacaine; Pain; VA

    In focus: Mental Health among Young People

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    The growing level of mental ill health among young people is one of the greatest challenges facing public health in our Nordic societies. In this publication, we will be presenting Nordic organisations that we hope will provide inspiration and contribute to the greater Nordic synergy. We are working in a similar way in the Nordic region with the heterogeneous group of young people who risk ending up in vulnerable situations on account of a range of factors. But we are working and are sufficiently different to be inspired by things we can develop, and we are aiming to improve the things we are already doing. When we look at these organisations, we can see that they all apply different forms of organisation, they are headed by different people, they use different forms of finance. But a strong youth perspective is something they all have in common. The young people involved are treated with respect, seen and listened to. And the other common theme is that no matter what form of organisation is applied, there is a culture of openness towards multisectoral cooperation – in other words, an unpretentious approach where the needs of young people are the controlling factor.Unga in i Norden - psykisk hälsa, arbete, utbildnin

    Velfærdsteknologi og ekonomi

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    In recent years, welfare technology has gone from being primarily an innovative vision into a tangible tool in the govern-ment toolbox. the recession that the nordic region and the rest of the world have experienced since 2008 is likely to have played a role in the rapid matura-tion of the technology. one might say that the economic motivation of public authorities in the nordic region has accelerated the process.therefore, in this booklet, nVC will put focus on the economic aspects of welfare technology, where the focus previously has been on concepts such as empowerment, self-reliance, independence, dignity and improved working conditions for staff.fortunately, cost savings due to welfare technology and quality are not oppo-sites – no matter if it is for citizens or staff. several places in this booklet, you can see just that welfare technology can help maintain quality in times of austerity. THE NORDIc cENTRE FOR WELFARE AND SOcIAL ISSuES REcOmmENDS 1. The Nordic municipalities should show risk appetite and courage when working with welfare tech-nology.external funding is a good idea to start with, but profitable work with welfaretechnology requires proper and effective motivation, consolidation and change management. this is best achieved by the municipalities and regions having the courage to invest their own funds. 2. Remember that quality in the delivery of public services and cost savings need not be a contradiction – and communicate this clearly.Just because the implementation of welfare technology may result in efficiency imprvements and releasing of resources, it does not mean a decline in the quality of public services. the appropriate welfare technology may provide improved quality of life and better services to the individual citizen or employee whilst resources are released. 3. Establish a structured workflowfor welfare technology.if you want to maximize the opportunity for successful implementation and maximum return on the resources invested in the work of welfare techno-logy, it is necessary to establish a structured workflow forwelfare techno-logy. it takes a structured effort to detect and harvest potential economic benefit of implementing welfare technology. 4. Public authorities should both allocate the necessary resources and time for valid evaluation and documentation of the work on welfare technology.too many projects and technology trials have resulted in non-validated evaluation reports and business cases. the public authorities in the nordic region must become better at devoting time and resources to conducting the necessary evaluation, planned from the beginning, for the effect to be both qualitatively and economically substantiated. 5. Nordic municipalities and regions need to become better at learning from each other through the exchange of experiences of e.g. evaluation reports and business cases. Avoid duplication and "wasted" resources.too many nordic municipalities have during the past few years reinvented the wheel with respect to welfare technology. As a society, and across borders, we must be better at sharing experiences and thereby optimizing the use of resources. Cooperation and shar-ing of experiences is made much easier when public authorities pursue a structured workflow and allocate fundsfor a thorough evaluation. 6. The Nordic region should exploit the potential of a common Nordic market within the field of welfaretechnology. A better use of this potential will strengthen both public and private actors.in spite of a common nordic welfare model, similar health systems and languages, the nordic welfare techno-logy market is still fragmented. the cultivation of a common market of 26 million inhabitants would strengthen both businesses and public authorities.Velferðartækni hefur á síðastliðnum árum færst frá því að vera fyrst og fremst nýskapandi framtíðarsýn yfir íað vera áþreifanlegt tól í verkfærakassa hins opinbera. efnahagslægðin sem norðurlönd og heimurinn allur hafa upplifað síðan árið 2008 hefur að öllum líkindum haft áhrif á hraðan vöxt tækni-legra lausna. segja má að efnahagsleg-ur hvati hjá opinberum yfirvöldum áNorðurlöndum hafi flýtt ferlinAf þeim sökum beinir nVC í þessu hefti sjónum að efnahagslegum þáttum velferðartækninnar, þar sem áherslan hefur áður eingöngu beinst að hugtök-um eins og sjálfseflingu, úræðasemi, sjálfstæði, reisn og bættum vinnu-aðstæðum starfsfólks.sem betur fer eru sparnaður vegna velferðartækni og gæði ekki andstæður – hvort heldur það er fyrir notendurna eða starfsfólkið. Víða í þessu hefti má einmitt sjá að velferðartækni getur tryggt gæði á sparnaðartímum. NORRÆNA VELFERðARmIðSTöðIN RáðLEgguR 1. Norræn sveitarfélög ættu að sýna hugrekki og áhættusækni í vinnu með velferðartækni.Ytri fjármögnun er gott upphaf, en arðbært starf með velferðartækni krefst brennandi áhuga, festu og breytinga-stjórnunar. Þetta næst best ef bæjar- og sveitarfélög hafa kjark til að fjárfesta með eigin fjármunum. 2. Munið að gæði í veitingu opin-berrar þjónustu og sparnaður þurfa ekki að útiloka hvort annað – og sendið skýr skilaboð þar að lútandi.Það eitt að notkun velferðartækni getur leitt til hagræðingar og aukinna úrræða leiðir ekki sjálfkrafa til lakari opinberrar þjónustu. rétt velferðartækni getur stuðlað að auknum lífsgæðum og betri þjónustu við hvern borgara eða starfsmann um leið og úrræði skapast. 3. Komið á fastmótuðu vinnulagi fyrir velferðartækni.Vilji menn tryggja vel heppnaða framkvæmd og sem mestan arð af því fjármagni sem lagt er í velferðartækni, er nauðsynlegt að koma á fót fastmót-samantektuðu vinnulagi fyrir velferðartækni. Það krefst skipulegs átaks að sýna fram á og uppskera hugsanlegan efnahagslegan ávinning af notkun velferðartækni. 4. Stjórnvöld ættu að leggja fram bæði nægilegt fjármagn og tíma fyrir áreiðanlegt mat og skráningu á vinnu með velferðartækni.of mörg verkefni og tækniprófanir hafa leitt til ómarktækra matsskýrslna og viðskiptalíkana. stjórnvöld á norður-löndum þurfa að leggja meiri tíma og fjármagn í framkvæmd nauðsynlegs mats, sem skipulagt er í byrjun, þannig að sýna megi áhrifin með tilliti til gæðaog kostnaðar. 5. Norræn bæjar- og sveitarfélög þurfa í auknum mæli að læra hvert af öðru með því að skiptast á reynslu með til dæmis matsskýrslum og viðskiptalíkönum. Forðast ber tvíverknað og „sóun" fjármuna.of mörg norræn sveitarfélög hafa á liðnum árum fundið hjólið upp á nýjan leik með tilliti til velferðartækni. sem samfélög og þvert á landamæri þurfum við í auknum mæli að skiptast á reynslu og á þann hátt hámarka nýtingu fjár-magns. samstarf og miðlun reynslu er mun auðveldara ef stjórnvöld leitast eftir að hafa fastmótað vinnulag og leggja fram fjármagn í ítarlegt mat. 6. Norðurlöndin ættu að nýta sér þau tækifæri sem felast í sameiginlegum norrænum markaði fyrir velferð-artækni. Betri nýting þessara tækifæra mun styrkja bæði opinbera aðila og aðila á einkamarkaði.Þrátt fyrir sameiginlegt norrænt velferð-arlíkan, sambærileg heilbrigðiskerfi ogtungumál, er norrænn markaður fyrir velferðartækni enn brotakenndur. Uppbygging sameiginlegs markaðar 26 milljóna íbúa myndi styrkja bæði atvinnulífið og stjórvöld