81 research outputs found

    Começos extremos: os primeiros filmes de Pedro Almodóvar e Ulrich Seidl

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    Tanto o diretor espanhol Pedro Almodóvar quanto o cineasta austríaco Ulrich Seidl não fugiram de cenas que o público e a crítica consideraram extremas. Após de uma breve reflexão sobre o extremo na arte, este pequeno ensaio analisa os primeiros filmes destes representantes contemporâneos do cinema de autor mais, ou seja, o material analisado marca o início das suas carreiras, antes de se tornarem conhecidos de um público mais amplo. Em ambos os casos, os extremos podem ser discernidos tanto em relação aos temas escolhidos (como a sexualidade ou a focalização no feio) como em relação à forma como estes temas são retratados (que, por um lado, parece ser acentuadamente artesanal e, por outro lado, geometricamente construída)

    Shortening of treatment duration in patients with chronic hepatitis C genotype 2 and 3 - impact of ribavirin dose - a randomized multicentre trial

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Chronic hepatitis C (CHC) Patients, infected with genotype (GT) 2 or 3 are treated with Peg-IFN and ribavirin (RBV) (800 mg/day) for 24 weeks. Treatment duration can be shortened to 12-16 weeks if a higher dose of RBV (1.000/1.200 mg/day) was used without considerable loss of responsiveness or increased risk of relapse. Previously we have shown that in patients with CHC, GT 2/3 RBV can be reduced to 400 mg/day if administered for 24 weeks without an increase in relapse rates. Therefore we investigated the efficacy of a reduced RBV dosage of 400 mg/day with shorter treatment duration (16 weeks).</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Treatment naïve patients with CHC, GT 2/3 were randomized to receive 180 μg peginterferonα2a/week in combination with either 800 (group C) or 400 mg/d (group D) for 16 weeks. The primary endpoint was SVR.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>12 months after the first patient was randomized a inferior outcome of group D as compared to group C was noted, therefore the study was terminated. At study termination 89 patients were enrolled (group C: 31, D: 51). The SVR rate was statistically different in the two study groups with 51.6% in group C and 28.4% in group D (p = 0.038). Patients with low viral load had higher SVR rates (C: 67%, D: 33%) than those with high viral load (C: 33%, D: 21%).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Both treatment duration and the dose of RBV play a major role to optimize outcome of patients with GT3. If one intends to shorten the treatment weight based RBV dose should be used, if lower RBV doses are used patients should be treated for at least 24 weeks as. A treatment regimen with a reduced RBV dosage and shortened treatment duration is associated with low SVR rates due to high relapse rates.</p> <p>Trial registration</p> <p><a href="http://www.clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT01258101">NCT01258101</a></p

    Die Korrespondenz Ferdinands I. Familienkorrespondenz Bd. 5: 1535 und 1536

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    The main topics of the correspondence between Ferdinand I and his siblings Charles V and Mary of Hungary edited in this volume are Ferdinand's attempts to achieve peace with Johann Szapolyai in Hungary; the clashes with the Ottomans; the Tunis campaign of Charles V; the conflict with Francis I of France after the death of the last Sforza Duke of Milan; and the confessional division in the Holy Roman Empire.Der in diesem Band edierte Briefverkehr zwischen Ferdinand I. und seinen Geschwistern Karl V. und Maria von Ungarn, wird von den folgenden Problemkreisen bestimmt: von Ferdinands Versuchen, mit Johann Szapolyai einen Frieden in Ungarn zu erreichen; von den Auseinandersetzungen mit den Osmanen und dem Tunis-Feldzug Karls V.; vom Konflikt mit Franz I. von Frankreich nach dem Tod des letzten Sforza-Herzogs in Mailand; und von der konfessionellen Spaltung im Reich.Edition der Korrespondenz Ferdinands I. mit seinen Geschwistern Karl V. und Maria von Ungarn. Sprache der Publikation: Deutsch, Englisch (Einleitung, Regesten, Kommentar); Französisch, Deutsch, Spanisch, Latein (Korrespondenzsprachen

    Screening for Mutations Related to Atovaquone/ Proguanil Resistance in Treatment Failures and Other Imported Isolates of Plasmodium falciparum in Europe

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    Background. Two single-point mutations of the Plasmodium falciparum cytochrome b gene (Tyr268Asn and Tyr268Ser) were recently reported in cases of atovaquone/proguanil (Malarone) treatment failure. However, little is known about the prevalence of codon-268 mutations and their quantitative association with treatment failure. Methods. We set out to assess the prevalence of codon-268 mutations in P. falciparum isolates imported into Europe and to quantify their association with atovaquone/proguanil treatment failure. Isolates of P. falciparum collected by the European Network on Imported Infectious Disease Surveillance between April 2000 and August 2003 were analyzed for codon-268 mutations, by use of polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment-length polymorphism. Results. We successfully screened 504 samples for the presence of either Tyr268Ser or Tyr268Asn. One case of Ser268 and no cases of Asn268 were detected. Therefore, we can be 95% confident that the prevalence of Ser268 in the European patient pool does not exceed 0.96% and that Asn268 is less frequent than 0.77%. In 58 patients treated with atovaquone/proguanil, Tyr268Ser was present in 1 of 5 patients with treatment failure but in 0 of 53 successfully treated patients. Conclusions. Tyr268Ser seems to be a sufficient, but not a necessary, cause for atovaquone/proguanil treatment failure. The prevalence of both codon-268 mutations is currently unlikely to be >1% in the European patient poo

    Comparison of different methods for delayed post-mortem diagnosis of falciparum malaria

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Between 10,000 and 12,000 cases of imported malaria are notified in the European Union each year. Despite an excellent health care system, fatalities do occur. In case of advanced autolysis, the post-mortem diagnostic is impaired. Quicker diagnosis could be achieved by using rapid diagnostic malaria tests.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In order to evaluate different methods for the post-mortem diagnosis of <it>Plasmodium falciparum </it>malaria in non-immunes, a study was performed on the basis of forensic autopsies of corpses examined at variable intervals after death in five cases of fatal malaria (with an interval of four hours to five days), and in 20 cases of deaths unrelated to malaria. Detection of parasite DNA by PCR and an immunochromatographic test (ICT) based upon the detection of <it>P. falciparum </it>histidine-rich protein 2 (PfHRP2) were compared with the results of microscopic examination of smears from cadaveric blood, histopathological findings, and autopsy results.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In all cases of fatal malaria, post-mortem findings were unsuspicious for the final diagnosis, and autoptic investigations, including histopathology, were only performed because of additional information by police officers and neighbours. Macroscopic findings during autopsy were unspecific. Histopathology confirmed sequestration of erythrocytes and pigment in macrophages in most organs in four patients (not evaluable in one patient due to autolysis). Microscopy of cadaveric blood smears revealed remnants of intraerythrocytic parasites, and was compromised or impossible due to autolysis in two cases. PCR and ICT performed with cadaveric blood were positive in all malaria patients and negative in all controls.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>In non-immune fatalities with unclear anamnesis, ICT can be recommended as a sensitive and specific tool for post-mortem malaria diagnosis, which is easier and faster than microscopy, and also applicable when microscopic examination is impossible due to autolysis. PCR is more expensive and time-consuming, but may be used as confirmatory test. In highly endemic areas where asymptomatic parasitaemia is common, confirmation of the diagnosis of malaria as the cause of death has to rely on histopathological findings.</p

    Molecular surveillance of drug resistance through imported isolates of Plasmodium falciparum in Europe

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    BACKGROUND: Results from numerous studies point convincingly to correlations between mutations at selected genes and phenotypic resistance to antimalarials in Plasmodium falciparum isolates. In order to move molecular assays for point mutations on resistance-related genes into the realm of applied tools for surveillance, we investigated a selection of P. falciparum isolates that were imported during the year 2001 into Europe to study the prevalence of resistance-associated point mutations at relevant codons. In particular, we tested for parasites which were developing resistance to antifolates and chloroquine. The screening results were used to map the prevalence of mutations and, thus, levels of potential drug resistance in endemic areas world-wide. RESULTS: 337 isolates have been tested so far. Prevalence of mutations that are associated with resistance to chloroquine on the pfcrt and pfmdr genes of P. falciparum was demonstrated at high levels. However, the prevalence of mutations associated with resistance to antifolates at the DHFR and DHPS genes was unexpectedly low, rarely exceeding 60% in endemic areas. CONCLUSIONS: Constant screening of imported isolates will enable TropNetEurop to establish a screening tool for emerging resistance in endemic areas

    Epidemiology and Clinical Features of Imported Dengue Fever in Europe: Sentinel Surveillance Data from TropNetEurop

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    Travelers have the potential both to acquire and to spread dengue virus infection. The incidence of dengue fever (DF) among European travelers certainly is underestimated, because few centers use standardized diagnostic procedures for febrile patients. In addition, DF is currently not reported in most European public health systems. Surveillance has commenced within the framework of a European Network on Imported Infectious Disease Surveillance (TropNetEurop) to gain information on the quantity and severity of cases of dengue imported into Europe. Descriptions of 294 patients with DF were analyzed for epidemiological information and clinical features. By far the most infections were imported from Asia, which suggests a high risk of DF for travelers to that region. Dengue hemorrhagic fever occurred in 7 patients (2.4%) all of whom recovered. Data reported by member sites of the TropNetEurop can contribute to understanding the epidemiology and clinical characteristics of imported D

    Age as a Risk Factor for Severe Manifestations and Fatal Outcome of Falciparum Malaria in European Patients: Observations from TropNetEurop and SIMPID Surveillance Data

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    Previous studies have indicated that age is a risk factor for severe falciparum malaria in nonimmune patients. The objectives of this study were to reevaluate previous findings with a larger sample and to find out how strongly clinical outcomes for elderly patients differ from those for younger patients. Results of adjusted analyses indicated that the risks of death due to falciparum malaria, of experiencing cerebral or severe disease in general, and of hospitalization increased significantly with each decade of life. The case-fatality rate was almost 6 times greater among elderly patients than among younger patients, and cerebral complications occurred 3 times more often among elderly patients. Antimalarial chemoprophylaxis was significantly associated with a lower case-fatality rate and a lower frequency of cerebral complications. Women were more susceptible to cerebral complications than were men. Our study provides evidence that falciparum malaria is more serious in older patients and demonstrates that clinical surveillance networks are capable of providing quality data for investigation of rare events or disease