895 research outputs found

    Representing and Redefining Specialised Knowledge: Medical Discourse

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    This volume brings together five selected papers on medical discourse which show how specialised medical corpora provide a framework that helps those engaging with medical discourse to determine how the everyday and the specialised combine to shape the discourse of medical professionals and non-medical communities in relation to both long and short-term factors. The papers contribute, in an exemplary way, to illustrating the shifting boundaries in today’s society between the two major poles making up the medical discourse cline: healthcare discourse at the one end, which records the demand for personalised therapies and individual medical services; and clinical discourse the other, which documents research into society’s collective medical needs


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    The sedimentary structures occurring in one of the Pleistocene marine terraces at the Ionian coast, indicate a shoaling upward trend from the shoreface of a sandy beach to nonmarine conditions. Four main facies have been recognized. Facies A consists of hummocky cross-bedded sands representing a wave-dominated nearshore environment. Physical and biological structures of facies B are suggestive of an abrupt reduction in energy level, possibly related to the establishment of shallow protected environments. Features of facies C suggest a stable environment of upper shoreface but strongly influenced by continental supplies. Upward, this facies passes into sediments deposited in continental conditions. The last facies (D) is related to moist or wet terrestrial environments. Bioturbation levels of facies A to C are in general low. Facies D, however, is well bioturbated, having an ichnofabric dominated by Taenidium isp. Sparse, vertical roots of vascular plants extended in many cases to at least 3 m below the base of facies D. Particularly unusual is the close association of large Taenidium isp. and vertical roots, where the trace fossil is clustered tightly around the plant, in some cases to more than 1 m below the water-sediment interface


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    Numerous and much debated are the interpretations given through time far the Numidian Sequence and Lateral Facies in the different sectors of the Maghreb, Cordillera Chain and Southern Apennine. The Numidian Sequence can be schematically subdivided, in the regional context, into three main stratigraphi­cal intervals. They can be found in two successions which are different far their palaeogeographic position. Moreover, are present some Lateral Facies in the external (Numidian like Sequence) and internal (Mixed Suc­cessions) palaeogeographical position in relation to Numidian Sequence. The Numidian Basin may be located, in agreement with most of the previous authors, at South of the European Paleomargin, towards the African Paleomargin, probably aver the Massylian and Ultra-Tellian p.p. palaeogeographic sectors (External Zones), more or less deformed. The Numidian Basin may represent an active Upper Oligocene-Early Miocene fore­deep, relatively more external with respect to the "Maghrebian flysch basin", supplied by quartzose sands of saharian origin

    A Human-centric AI-driven Framework for Exploring Large and Complex Datasets

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    Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence (HCAI) is a new frontier of research at the intersection between HCI and AI. It fosters an innovative vision of human-centred intelligent systems, which are systems that take advantage of computer features, such as powerful algorithms, big data management, advanced sensors and that are useful and usable for people, providing high levels of automation and enabling high levels of human control. This position paper presents our ongoing research aiming to extend the HCAI framework for better supporting designers in creating AI-based systems

    Tendinopathy: Pathophysiology, therapeutic options, and role of nutraceutics. a narrative literature review

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    Tendinopathies are very common in general population and a huge number of tendon-related procedures take place annually worldwide, with significant socio-economic repercussions. Numerous treatment options are commonly used for tendon disorders. Besides pharmacological and physical therapy, nutrition could represent an additional tool for preventing and treating this complex pathology that deserve a multidisciplinary approach. In recent years, nutraceutical products are growing up in popularity since these seem to favor the prevention and the healing processes of tendon injuries. This narrative literature review aims to summarize current understanding and the areas of ongoing research about the management of tendinopathies with the help of oral supplementation

    Trmun (north-eastern Italy): Multi-scale remote and ground-based sensing of a Bronze Age and post-Roman fortification

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    We have used multi-scale remote sensing to investigate a little known archaeological site in northern Istria (north-eastern Italy). Airborne Laser Scanning (ALS) and archaeological field surveys have allowed us to identify the position and extension of a large Protohistoric hillfort. Its highest and best-preserved sector, corresponding to a modest elevation at the eastern margin of the settlement, has been further investigated through thermal imaging, high-resolution ALS, drone Structure from Motion (SfM) photogrammetry and 3D Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR), leading to a detailed identification of unexpected buried features. An excavation campaign conducted in 2022 has confirmed the remote and ground-based sensing results. This excavation has led to the discovery of a Bronze Age fortification, partially reused and modified with the construction of 2 or 3 square towers during the post-Roman period. Our results demonstrate that the combined analysis of multi-scale remote and ground-based sensing is crucial to planning archaeological exploration in the field. Digital methods provide high-resolution topography and detect buried features that assist in monitoring and managing cultural heritage

    A pre seismic radio anomaly revealed in the area where the Abruzzo earthquake ( M =6.3) occurred on 6 April 2009

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    Abstract. On 6 April 2009 a strong (Mw=6.3) earthquake occurred in the Abruzzo region (central Italy). Since 1996, the intensity of CLT (f=189 kHz, Sicily, Italy), MCO (f=216 kHz, France) and CZE (f=270 kHz, Czech Republic) broadcast signals has been collected with a ten minutes sampling rate by a receiver operating in a place located about 13 km far from the epicenter. During March 2009, the old receiver was substituted with a new one able to measure, with one minute sampling rate, the intensity of five VLF signals and five LF signals radiated by transmitters located in different zones of Europe. The MCO and CZE transmitters mentioned above are included among them. From 31 March to 1 April the intensity of the MCO radio signal dropped and this drop was observed only in this signal. The possibility that the drop was connected to problems in the transmitter or in the receiver was investigated and excluded. So, the drop indicates a defocusing of the radiated signal. Since no particular meteorological situation along the path transmitter-receiver happened, the defocusing must be related to other causes, and a possibility is presented that it is a precursor of the Abruzzo earthquake

    Simulated microgravity induces nuclear translocation of Bax and BCL-2 in glial cultured C6 cells

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    Alterations in the control of apoptotic processes were observed in cells during space flight or under simulated microgravity, the latter obtained with the 3D-Random Positioning Machine (3D-RPM). Usually the proteins Bax and Bcl-2, act as pro- or anti-apoptotic regulators. Here we investigated the effects of simulated microgravity obtained by the 3D-RPM on cell viability, localization and expression of Bax and Bcl-2 in cultures of glial cancerous cells. We observed for the first time a transient cytoplasmic/nuclear translocation of Bax and Bcl-2 triggered by changing gravity vector. Bax translocates into the nucleus after 1 h, is present simultaneously in the cytoplasm after 6 h and comes back to the cytoplasm after 24 h. Bcl-2 translocate into the nucleus only after 6 h and comes back to the cytoplasm after 24 h. Physiological meaning, on the regulation of apoptotic event and possible applicative outcomes of such finding are discussed