88 research outputs found

    On the Action of Methotrexate and 6-Mercaptopurine on M. avium Subspecies paratuberculosis

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    BACKGROUND: Clinical improvement in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) treated with methotrexate and 6-mercaptopurine (6-MP) is associated with a decrease in pro-inflammatory cytokines. This has been presumed to indicate the mechanism of action of methotrexate and 6-MP. Although controversial, there are increasingly compelling data that Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (MAP) may be an etiological agent in some or all of IBD. We hypothesized that the clinical efficacy of methotrexate and 6-MP in IBD may be to simply inhibit the growth of MAP. METHODOLOGY: The effect on MAP growth kinetics by methotrexate and 6-MP were evaluated in cell culture of two strains each of MAP and M. avium using a radiometric ((14)CO(2) BACTECÂź) detection system that quantifies mycobacterial growth as arbitrary “growth index units” (GI). Efficacy data are presented as “percent decrease in cumulative GI” (% −ΔcGI). PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: The positive control antibiotic (clarithromycin) has ≄85% −ΔcGI at a concentration of 0.5 ”g/ml. The negative control (ampicillin) has minimal inhibition at 64 ”g/ml. MAP ATCC 19698 shows ≄80% −ΔcGI for both agents by 4 ”g/ml. With the other three isolates, although more effective than ampicillin, 6-MP is consistently less effective than methotrexate. CONCLUSIONS: We show that methotrexate and 6-MP inhibit MAP growth in vitro. Each of the four isolates manifests different % −ΔcGI. These data are compatible with the hypothesis that the clinical improvement in patients with IBD treated with methotrexate and 6-MP could be due to treating a MAP infection. The decrease in pro-inflammatory cytokines, thought to be the primary mechanism of action, may simply be a normal, secondary, physiological response. We conclude that henceforth, in clinical studies that evaluate the effect of anti-MAP agents in IBD, the use of methotrexate and 6-MP should be excluded from any control groups

    Time and Encoding Effects in the Concealed Knowledge Test

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    Although the traditional “lie detector” test is used frequently in forensic contexts, it has (like most test of deception) some limitations. The concealed knowledge test (CKT) focuses on participants’ recognition of privileged knowledge rather than lying per-se and has been studied extensively using a variety of measures. A “guilty” suspect’s interaction with and memory of crimescene items may vary. Furthermore, memory for crimescene items may diminish over time. The interaction of encoding quality and test delay on CKT efficiency has been previously implied, but not yet demonstrated. We used a response-time based CKT to detect concealed knowledge from shallow and deep study procedures after 10-min, 24-h, and 1-week delays. Results show that more elaborately encoded information afforded higher detection accuracy than poorly encoded items. Although classification accuracy following deep study was unaffected by delay, detection of poorly elaborated information was initially high, but compromised after 1 week. Thus, choosing optimal test items requires considering both test delay and initial encoding level

    Generating mice with targeted mutations.

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    Journal ArticleMutational analysis is one of the most informative approaches available for the study of complex biological processes. It has been particularly successful in the analysis of the biology of bacteria, yeast, the nematode worm Caenorhabditis elegans and the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster. Extension of this approach to the mouse, through informative, was far less successful relative to what has been achieved with these simpler model organisms. This is because it is not numerically practical in mice to use random mutagenesis to isolate mutations that affect a specified biological process of interest. Nonetheless, biological phenomena such as a sophisticated immune response, cancer, vascular disease or higher-order cognitive function, to mention just a few, must analyzed in organisms that show such phenomena, and for this reason geneticists and other researchers have turned to the mouse. Gene targeting, the means for creating mice with designed mutations in almost any gene, was developed as an alternative to the impractical use of random mutgenesis for pursing genetic analysis in the mouse. Now gene targeting has advanced the genomic manipulations possible in mice to a level that can be matched only in far simple organisms such as bacteria and yeast

    Efficient tumour formation by single human melanoma cells

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    A fundamental question in cancer biology is whether cells with tumorigenic potential are common or rare within human cancers. Studies on diverse cancers, including melanoma, have indicated that only rare human cancer cells ( 0.1 - 0.0001%) form tumours when transplanted into non- obese diabetic/ severe combined immunodeficiency ( NOD/ SCID) mice. However, the extent to which NOD/ SCID mice underestimate the frequency of tumorigenic human cancer cells has been uncertain. Here we show that modified xenotransplantation assay conditions, including the use of more highly immunocompromised NOD/ SCID interleukin- 2 receptor gamma chain null (Il2rg(-/-)) mice, can increase the detection of tumorigenic melanoma cells by several orders of magnitude. In limiting dilution assays, approximately 25% of unselected melanoma cells from 12 different patients, including cells from primary and metastatic melanomas obtained directly from patients, formed tumours under these more permissive conditions. In single- cell transplants, an average of 27% of unselected melanoma cells from four different patients formed tumours. Modifications to xenotransplantation assays can therefore dramatically increase the detectable frequency of tumorigenic cells, demonstrating that they are common in some human cancers.Howard Hughes Medical Institute ; Allen H. Blondy Research Fellowship ; Lewis and Lillian Becker ; University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center ; National Institutes of Health [CA46592]; University of Michigan Flow Cytometry Core Facility ; N. McAnsh and the University of Michigan Cancer Centre Histology Core ; National Institute of Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases [NIH5P60- DK20572]; Michigan Diabetes Research and Training Center ; Spanish Ministry of Education ; Marie Curie Outgoing International Fellowship from the European Commission ; Australian National Health and Medical Research Council ; Human Frontiers Science Program and Australia PostThis work was supported by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute and by the Allen H. Blondy Research Fellowship. The University of Michigan Melanoma Bank was supported by a gift from Lewis and Lillian Becker. Flow cytometry was partly supported by the University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center grant from the National Institutes of Health CA46592. We thank: D. Adams, M. White and the University of Michigan Flow Cytometry Core Facility for support; N. McAnsh and the University of Michigan Cancer Centre Histology Core for histological studies; G. K. Smyth for assistance with statistics; and Z. Azizan for support with tissue collection. Antibody production was supported in part by the National Institute of Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases, grant NIH5P60- DK20572 to the Michigan Diabetes Research and Training Center. Some antibodies were provided by Caltag or by eBioscience to screen for cancer stem- cell markers. Human primary melanocyte cultures were provided by M. Soengas. Human mesenchymal stem cells were provided by Z. Wang and P. Krebsbach. E. Q. was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Education and the Marie Curie Outgoing International Fellowship from the European Commission. M. S. was supported by the Australian National Health and Medical Research Council, the Human Frontiers Science Program and Australia Post.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/62970/1/nature07567.pd

    The ter Mutation in the Rat Dnd1 Gene Initiates Gonadal Teratomas and Infertility in Both Genders

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    A spontaneous mutation leading to the formation of congenital ovarian and testicular tumors was detected in the WKY/Ztm rat strain. The histological evaluation revealed derivatives from all three germ layers, thereby identifying these tumors as teratomas. Teratocarcinogenesis was accompanied by infertility and the underlying mutation was termed ter. Linkage analysis of 58 (WKY-ter×SPRD-Cu3) F2 rats associated the ter mutation with RNO18 (LOD = 3.25). Sequencing of candidate genes detected a point mutation in exon 4 of the dead-end homolog 1 gene (Dnd1), which introduces a premature stop codon assumed to cause a truncation of the Dnd1 protein. Genotyping of the recessive ter mutation revealed a complete penetrance of teratocarcinogenesis and infertility in homozygous ter rats of both genders. Morphologically non-tumorous testes of homozygous ter males were reduced in both size and weight. This testicular malformation was linked to a lack of spermatogenesis using immunohistochemical and histological staining. Our WKY-Dnd1ter/Ztm rat is a novel animal model to investigate gonadal teratocarcinogenesis and the molecular mechanisms involved in germ cell development of both genders

    Evolution of two actin genes in the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus franciscanus

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    The complete nucleotide sequences of two chromosomally linked actin genes from the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus franciscanus are presented. The genes are separated by 5.7 kilobases, occur in the same transcriptional orientation, and contain introns in identical positions. The structures and nucleotide sequences of the two genes are extremely similar, suggesting that they arose through a recent duplication. Comparison of the nucleotide sequences of the genes allows inferences to be made about mutational mechanisms active since the duplication event. Whereas point mutations predominate in the coding regions, the introns and flanking DNA are more heavily influenced by a variety of events that cause simultaneous changes in short regions of DNA.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/48040/1/239_2005_Article_BF02101689.pd

    Differentiating Embryonic Stem Cells Pass through ‘Temporal Windows’ That Mark Responsiveness to Exogenous and Paracrine Mesendoderm Inducing Signals

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    BACKGROUND: Mesendoderm induction during embryonic stem cell (ESC) differentiation in vitro is stimulated by the Transforming Growth Factor and Wingless (Wnt) families of growth factors. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We identified the periods during which Bone Morphogenetic Protein (BMP) 4, Wnt3a or Activin A were able to induce expression of the mesendoderm marker, Mixl1, in differentiating mouse ESCs. BMP4 and Wnt3a were required between differentiation day (d) 1.5 and 3 to most effectively induce Mixl1, whilst Activin A induced Mixl1 expression in ESC when added between d2 and d4, indicating a subtle difference in the requirement for Activin receptor signalling in this process. Stimulation of ESCs with these factors at earlier or later times resulted in little Mixl1 induction, suggesting that the differentiating ESCs passed through 'temporal windows' in which they sequentially gained and lost competence to respond to each growth factor. Inhibition of either Activin or Wnt signalling blocked Mixl1 induction by any of the three mesendoderm-inducing factors. Mixing experiments in which chimeric EBs were formed between growth factor-treated and untreated ESCs revealed that BMP, Activin and Wnt signalling all contributed to the propagation of paracrine mesendoderm inducing signals between adjacent cells. Finally, we demonstrated that the differentiating cells passed through 'exit gates' after which point they were no longer dependent on signalling from inducing molecules for Mixl1 expression. CONCLUSIONS: These studies suggest that differentiating ESCs are directed by an interconnected network of growth factors similar to those present in early embryos and that the timing of growth factor activity is critical for mesendoderm induction

    Systems biology discoveries using non-human primate pluripotent stem and germ cells: novel gene and genomic imprinting interactions as well as unique expression patterns

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    The study of pluripotent stem cells has generated much interest in both biology and medicine. Understanding the fundamentals of biological decisions, including what permits a cell to maintain pluripotency, that is, its ability to self-renew and thereby remain immortal, or to differentiate into multiple types of cells, is of profound importance. For clinical applications, pluripotent cells, including both embryonic stem cells and adult stem cells, have been proposed for cell replacement therapy for a number of human diseases and disorders, including Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, spinal cord injury and diabetes. One challenge in their usage for such therapies is understanding the mechanisms that allow the maintenance of pluripotency and controlling the specific differentiation into required functional target cells. Because of regulatory restrictions and biological feasibilities, there are many crucial investigations that are just impossible to perform using pluripotent stem cells (PSCs) from humans (for example, direct comparisons among panels of inbred embryonic stem cells from prime embryos obtained from pedigreed and fertile donors; genomic analysis of parent versus progeny PSCs and their identical differentiated tissues; intraspecific chimera analyses for pluripotency testing; and so on). However, PSCs from nonhuman primates are being investigated to bridge these knowledge gaps between discoveries in mice and vital information necessary for appropriate clinical evaluations. In this review, we consider the mRNAs and novel genes with unique expression and imprinting patterns that were discovered using systems biology approaches with primate pluripotent stem and germ cells

    Intrinsic factors and the embryonic environment influence the formation of extragonadal teratomas during gestation

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    Background: Pluripotent cells are present in early embryos until the levels of the pluripotency regulator Oct4 drop at the beginning of somitogenesis. Elevating Oct4 levels in explanted post-pluripotent cells in vitro restores their pluripotency. Cultured pluripotent cells can participate in normal development when introduced into host embryos up to the end of gastrulation. In contrast, pluripotent cells efficiently seed malignant teratocarcinomas in adult animals. In humans, extragonadal teratomas and teratocarcinomas are most frequently found in the sacrococcygeal region of neonates, suggesting that these tumours originate from cells in the posterior of the embryo that either reactivate or fail to switch off their pluripotent status. However, experimental models for the persistence or reactivation of pluripotency during embryonic development are lacking. Methods: We manually injected embryonic stem cells into conceptuses at E9.5 to test whether the presence of pluripotent cells at this stage correlates with teratocarcinoma formation. We then examined the effects of reactivating embryonic Oct4 expression ubiquitously or in combination with Nanog within the primitive streak (PS)/tail bud (TB) using a transgenic mouse line and embryo chimeras carrying a PS/TB-specific heterologous gene expression cassette respectively. Results: Here, we show that pluripotent cells seed teratomas in post-gastrulation embryos. However, at these stages, induced ubiquitous expression of Oct4 does not lead to restoration of pluripotency (indicated by Nanog expression) and tumour formation in utero, but instead causes a severe phenotype in the extending anteroposterior axis. Use of a more restricted T(Bra) promoter transgenic system enabling inducible ectopic expression of Oct4 and Nanog specifically in the posteriorly-located primitive streak (PS) and tail bud (TB) led to similar axial malformations to those induced by Oct4 alone. These cells underwent induction of pluripotency marker expression in Epiblast Stem Cell (EpiSC) explants derived from somitogenesis-stage embryos, but no teratocarcinoma formation was observed in vivo. Conclusions: Our findings show that although pluripotent cells with teratocarcinogenic potential can be produced in vitro by the overexpression of pluripotency regulators in explanted somitogenesis-stage somatic cells, the in vivo induction of these genes does not yield tumours. This suggests a restrictive regulatory role of the embryonic microenvironment in the induction of pluripotency
