297 research outputs found

    Room temperature GW bar detector with opto-mechanical readout

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    We present the full implementation of a room-temperature gravitational wave bar detector equipped with an opto-mechanical readout. The mechanical vibrations are read by a Fabry--Perot interferometer whose length changes are compared with a stable reference optical cavity by means of a resonant laser. The detector performance is completely characterized in terms of spectral sensitivity and statistical properties of the fluctuations in the system output signal. The new kind of readout technique allows for wide-band detection sensitivity and we can accurately test the model of the coupled oscillators for thermal noise. Our results are very promising in view of cryogenic operation and represent an important step towards significant improvements in the performance of massive gravitational wave detectors.Comment: 7 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Selective readout and back-action reduction for wideband acoustic gravitational wave detectors

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    We present the concept of selective readout for broadband resonant mass gravitational wave detectors. This detection scheme is capable of specifically selecting the signal from the contributions of the vibrational modes sensitive to the gravitational waves, and efficiently rejecting the contribution from non gravitationally sensitive modes. Moreover this readout, applied to a dual detector, is capable to give an effective reduction of the back-action noise within the frequency band of interest. The overall effect is a significant enhancement in the predicted sensitivity, evaluated at the standard quantum limit for a dual torus detector. A molybdenum detector, 1 m in diameter and equipped with a wide area selective readout, would reach spectral strain sensitivities 2x10^{-23}/sqrt{Hz} between 2-6 kHz.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    Feedback cooling of the normal modes of a massive electromechanical system to submillikelvin temperature

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    We apply a feedback cooling technique to simultaneously cool the three electromechanical normal modes of the ton-scale resonant-bar gravitational wave detector AURIGA. The measuring system is based on a dc Superconducting Quantum Interference Device (SQUID) amplifier, and the feedback cooling is applied electronically to the input circuit of the SQUID. Starting from a bath temperature of 4.2 K, we achieve a minimum temperature of 0.17 mK for the coolest normal mode. The same technique, implemented in a dedicated experiment at subkelvin bath temperature and with a quantum limited SQUID, could allow to approach the quantum ground state of a kilogram-scale mechanical resonator.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Fulminant myocarditis parvovirus B19 related in a young woman

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    We present the case of a 18-year-old female with fulminant lymphocytic myocarditis caused by Parvovirus B19 (PVB19), successfully treated using temporary LVAD. In the literature there is no consensus on the surgical strategy. While some surgeons prefer to use a single device supporting only the LV, others prefer to start immediately with a biventricular supporting. At pre-procedural ultrasound evaluation, her anatomical features were not suitable for a percutaneous device such as the Impella. Thus, a temporary paracorporeal continuous flow LVAD was inserted. The heart recovery allowed LVAD removal 9 days after the implant

    The 4 K outer cryostat for the CUORE experiment: construction and quality control

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    The external shell of the CUORE cryostat is a large cryogen-free system designed to host the dilution refrigerator and the bolometers of the CUORE experiment in a low radioactivity environment. The three vessels that form the outer shell were produced and delivered to the Gran Sasso underground Laboratories in July 2012. In this paper, we describe the production techniques and the validation tests done at the production site in 2012.Comment: 11 pages, 13 figures; to appear in NIM

    Timing with resonant gravitational wave detectors: An experimental test

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    We measure the time of arrival t0{t}_{0} of a force signal acting on a room temperature gravitational wave antenna. The antenna has a noise spectral density whose shape is a rescaled replica of that predicted for the two subkelvin antennas located in Italy, once at their sensitivity goal. t0{t}_{0} is expressed as {t}_{0}{=t}_{\ensuremath{\varphi}}{+kT}_{0} where T0{T}_{0} is half the natural period of oscillation of the antenna, |{t}_{\ensuremath{\varphi}}|l~{T}_{0}/2, and kk is an integer. We measure the phase part {t}_{\ensuremath{\varphi}} with an accuracy of {\ensuremath{\sigma}}_{{t}_{\ensuremath{\varphi}}}\ensuremath{\approx}174\mathrm{\ensuremath{\mu}}\mathrm{s}/\mathrm{S}\mathrm{N}\mathrm{R}, where SNR is the signal to noise ratio for the signal amplitude. We also find that, for SNRg 20,\mathrm{SNR}g~20, the error on kk is \ensuremath{\delta}k\ensuremath{\ll}1 so that the total statistical error on the arrival time reduces to the phase error {\ensuremath{\sigma}}_{{t}_{\ensuremath{\varphi}}}. We discuss how this last result can be achieved even for smaller values of the SNR, by better tuning the modes of the antenna. We finally discuss the relevance of these results for source location and spuria events rejection with the two subkelvin detectors above


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    In order to detect gravitational wave signals with resonant bar detectors using Wiener–Kolmogorov (WK) filters, both a model for the power spectrum density (PSD) of the noise and a signal template should be provided. As the analysis is not meant to handle non-gaussian data, we have to discriminate (and constrain to) time periods where the noise follows a quasi-stationary gaussian model. Within these periods, candidate events are selected in the WK filter output, and their fundamental parameters (time of arrival and amplitude) are computed. A necessary and sufficient condition for the reliability of such estimates is the consistency of the signal shape with the template. This is done performing a goodness-of-the-fit test

    Axion search with a quantum-limited ferromagnetic haloscope

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    A ferromagnetic axion haloscope searches for Dark Matter in the form of axions by exploiting their interaction with electronic spins. It is composed of an axion-to-electromagnetic field transducer coupled to a sensitive rf detector. The former is a photon-magnon hybrid system, and the latter is based on a quantum-limited Josephson parametric amplifier. The hybrid system consists of ten 2.1 mm diameter YIG spheres coupled to a single microwave cavity mode by means of a static magnetic field. Our setup is the most sensitive rf spin-magnetometer ever realized. The minimum detectable field is 5.5×10195.5\times10^{-19}\,T with 9 h integration time, corresponding to a limit on the axion-electron coupling constant gaee1.7×1011g_{aee}\le1.7\times10^{-11} at 95% CL. The scientific run of our haloscope resulted in the best limit on DM-axions to electron coupling constant in a frequency span of about 120 MHz, corresponding to the axion mass range 42.442.4-43.1μ43.1\,\mueV. This is also the first apparatus to perform an axion mass scanning by changing the static magnetic field.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    The CUORE Cryostat: A 1-Ton Scale Setup for Bolometric Detectors

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    The cryogenic underground observatory for rare events (CUORE) is a 1-ton scale bolometric experiment whose detector consists of an array of 988 TeO2 crystals arranged in a cylindrical compact structure of 19 towers. This will be the largest bolometric mass ever operated. The experiment will work at a temperature around or below 10 mK. CUORE cryostat consists of a cryogen-free system based on pulse tubes and a custom high power dilution refrigerator, designed to match these specifications. The cryostat has been commissioned in 2014 at the Gran Sasso National Laboratories and reached a record temperature of 6 mK on a cubic meter scale. In this paper, we present results of CUORE commissioning runs. Details on the thermal characteristics and cryogenic performances of the system will be also given.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures, LTD16 conference proceedin

    Testing of optimal filters for gravitational wave signals: An experimental implementation

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    We have implemented likelihood testing of the performance of an optimal filter within the online analysis of AURIGA, a sub-Kelvin resonant-bar gravitational wave detector. We demonstrate the effectiveness of this technique in discriminating between impulsive mechanical excitations of the resonant-bar and other spurious excitations. This technique also ensures the accuracy of the estimated parameters such as the signal-to-noise ratio. The efficiency of the technique to deal with non-stationary noise and its application to data from a network of detectors are also discussed