33 research outputs found

    Enhanced ocean carbon storage from anaerobic alkalinity generation in coastal sediments

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    The coastal ocean is a crucial link between land, the open ocean and the atmosphere. The shallowness of the water column permits close interactions between the sedimentary, aquatic and atmospheric compartments, which otherwise are decoupled at long time scales (≅ 1000 yr) in the open oceans. Despite the prominent role of the coastal oceans in absorbing atmospheric CO2 and transferring it into the deep oceans via the continental shelf pump, the underlying mechanisms remain only partly understood. Evaluating observations from the North Sea, a NW European shelf sea, we provide evidence that anaerobic degradation of organic matter, fuelled from land and ocean, generates total alkalinity (AT) and increases the CO2 buffer capacity of seawater. At both the basin wide and annual scales anaerobic AT generation in the North Sea's tidal mud flat area irreversibly facilitates 7–10%, or taking into consideration benthic denitrification in the North Sea, 20–25% of the North Sea's overall CO2 uptake. At the global scale, anaerobic AT generation could be accountable for as much as 60% of the uptake of CO2 in shelf and marginal seas, making this process, the anaerobic pump, a key player in the biological carbon pump. Under future high CO2 conditions oceanic CO2 storage via the anaerobic pump may even gain further relevance because of stimulated ocean productivity

    Southern Ocean phytoplankton under climate change: a shifting balance of bottom-up and top-down control

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    Phytoplankton form the base of the marine food web by transforming CO2 into organic carbon via photosynthesis. Despite the importance of phytoplankton for marine ecosystems and global carbon cycling, projections of phytoplankton biomass in response to climate change differ strongly across Earth system models, illustrating uncertainty in our understanding of the underlying processes. Differences are especially large in the Southern Ocean, a region that is notoriously difficult to represent in models. Here, we argue that total (depth-integrated) phytoplankton biomass in the Southern Ocean is projected to largely remain unchanged under climate change by the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (CMIP6) multi-model ensemble because of a shifting balance of bottom-up and top-down processes driven by a shoaling mixed-layer depth. A shallower mixed layer is projected on average to improve growth conditions, consequently weaken bottom-up control, and confine phytoplankton closer to the surface. An increase in the phytoplankton concentration promotes zooplankton grazing efficiency, thus intensifying top-down control. However, large differences across the model ensemble exist, with some models simulating a decrease in surface phytoplankton concentrations. To reduce uncertainties in projections of surface phytoplankton concentrations, we employ an emergent constraint approach using the observed sensitivity of surface chlorophyll concentration, taken as an observable proxy for phytoplankton, to seasonal changes in the mixed-layer depth as an indicator for future changes in surface phytoplankton concentrations. The emergent constraint reduces uncertainties in surface phytoplankton concentration projections by around one-third and increases confidence that surface phytoplankton concentrations will indeed rise due to shoaling mixed layers under global warming, thus favouring intensified top-down control. Overall, our results suggest that while changes in bottom-up conditions stimulate enhanced growth, intensified top-down control opposes an increase in phytoplankton and becomes increasingly important for the phytoplankton response to climate change in the Southern Ocean.</p

    The Greek Text of Ptolemy, Almagest

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    Southern Ocean phytoplankton under climate change: shifting balance of bottom-up and top-down control

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    Phytoplankton forms the base of the marine food web by transforming CO2 into organic carbon via photosynthesis. Some of the organic carbon is then transferred through the food web and exported into the deep ocean, a process known as the biological carbon pump. Despite the importance of phytoplankton for marine ecosystems and the global carbon cycle, projections of phytoplankton biomass in response to climate change differ strongly across Earth system models, illustrating uncertainty in our understanding of the underlying processes. Differences are especially large in the Southern Ocean, a region that is notoriously difficult to represent in models. Here, we argue that water column-integrated phytoplankton biomass in the Southern Ocean is projected to largely remain unchanged under climate change by the CMIP6 multi-model ensemble because of a shifting balance of bottom-up and top-down processes driven by a shoaling mixed layer depth. A shallower mixed layer is projected to improve growth conditions and consequently weaken bottom-up control. In addition to enhanced phytoplankton growth, the shoaling of the mixed layer also compresses phytoplankton closer to the surface and promotes zooplankton grazing efficiency, thus intensifying top-down control. Overall, our results suggest that while changes in bottom-up conditions stimulate enhanced growth, intensified top-down control opposes an increase in phytoplankton and becomes increasingly important for phytoplankton response under climate change in the Southern Ocean

    Sodium-coupled energy transduction in the newly isolated thermoalkaliphilic strain LBS3.

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    Strain LBS3 is a novel anaerobic thermoalkaliphilic bacterium that grows optimally at pH 9.5 and 50 degrees C. Since a high concentration of Na+ ions is required for growth, we have analyzed the primary bioenergetic mechanism of energy transduction in this organism. For this purpose, a method was devised for the isolation of right-side-out membrane vesicles that are functional for the energy-dependent uptake of solutes. A strict requirement for Na+ was observed for the uptake of several amino acids, and in the case of L-leucine, it was concluded that amino acid uptake occurs in symport with Na+ ions. Further characterization of the leucine transport system revealed that its pH and temperature optima closely match the conditions that support the growth of strain LBS3. The ATPase activity associated with inside-out membrane vesicles was found to be stimulated by both Na+ and Li+ ions. These data suggest that the primary mechanism of energy transduction in the anaerobic thermoalkaliphilic strain LBS3 is dependent on sodium cycling. The implications of this finding for the mechanism of intracellular pH regulation are discussed

    Modeling the carbon fluxes of the northwest European continental shelf: Validation and budgets

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    Carbon budgets are simulated for the northwest European continental shelf and adjacent regions of the northeast Atlantic. Both physical and biological processes are evaluated, including exchanges between the water column and the atmosphere and sea bed. We use a multi-year simulation of a coupled 3D hydrodynamics-ecosystem model (POLCOMS-ERSEM) driven by realistic atmospheric data, ocean boundary conditions and freshwater inputs for 1989 to 2004. The northeast Atlantic (20°W to 13°E, 40°N to 65°N), including the European shelf, is found to be a net sink for atmospheric CO2. Biological processes exert a stronger control over pCO2 than temperature, and hence have a stronger effect on the air-sea CO2 exchange. For the European shelf, carbon sources of rivers and the uptake of atmospheric CO2 are balanced by horizontal transport off shelf and there is little carbon burial. There is net transport of carbon onto the shelf in the top 180 m of the water column and off the shelf below that depth, with a net carbon loss of ∼6 ± 1 × 1012 mol C yr−1. Up to 50% of the carbon exported from the shelf is transported below the permanent pycnocline and so is isolated from release into the atmosphere on centennial timescales