2,203 research outputs found

    Hunter-Gatherer Color Naming Provides New Insight into the Evolution of Color Terms

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    SummaryMost people name the myriad colors in the environment using between two and about a dozen color terms [1], with great variation within and between languages [2]. Investigators generally agree that color lexicons evolve from fewer terms to more terms, as technology advances and color communication becomes increasingly important [3]. However, little is understood about the color naming systems at the least technologically advanced end of the continuum. The Hadza people of Tanzania are nomadic hunter-gatherers who live a subsistence lifestyle that was common before the advent of agriculture (see Supplemental Experimental Procedures, section I; [4]), suggesting that the Hadzane language should be at an early stage of color lexicon evolution. When Hadza, Somali, and US informants named 23 color samples, Hadza informants named only the black, white, and red samples with perfect consensus. Otherwise, they used low-consensus terms or responded “don’t know.” However, even low-consensus color terms grouped test colors into lexical categories that aligned with those found in other world languages [5]. Furthermore, information-theoretic analysis showed that color communication efficiency within the Hadza, Somali, and US language communities falls on the same continuum as other world languages. Thus, the structure of color categories is in place in Hadzane, even though words for many of the categories are not in general use. These results suggest that even very simple color lexicons include precursors of many color categories but that these categories are initially represented in a diverse and distributed fashion

    Recommendations for dealing with waste contaminated with Ebola virus: a Hazard Analysis of Critical Control Points approach

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    Objective To assess, within communities experiencing Ebola virus outbreaks, the risks associated with the disposal of human waste and to generate recommendations for mitigating such risks. Methods A team with expertise in the Hazard Analysis of Critical Control Points framework identified waste products from the care of individuals with Ebola virus disease and constructed, tested and confirmed flow diagrams showing the creation of such products. After listing potential hazards associated with each step in each flow diagram, the team conducted a hazard analysis, determined critical control points and made recommendations to mitigate the transmission risks at each control point. Findings The collection, transportation, cleaning and shared use of blood-soiled fomites and the shared use of latrines contaminated with blood or bloodied faeces appeared to be associated with particularly high levels of risk of Ebola virus transmission. More moderate levels of risk were associated with the collection and transportation of material contaminated with bodily fluids other than blood, shared use of latrines soiled with such fluids, the cleaning and shared use of fomites soiled with such fluids, and the contamination of the environment during the collection and transportation of blood-contaminated waste. Conclusion The risk of the waste-related transmission of Ebola virus could be reduced by the use of full personal protective equipment, appropriate hand hygiene and an appropriate disinfectant after careful cleaning. Use of the Hazard Analysis of Critical Control Points framework could facilitate rapid responses to outbreaks of emerging infectious disease

    Ocean acidification has impacted coral growth on the great barrier reef

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    Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2020. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Geophysical Research Letters 47(19), (2020): e2019GL086761, doi:10.1029/2019GL086761.Ocean acidification (OA) reduces the concentration of seawater carbonate ions that stony corals need to produce their calcium carbonate skeletons and is considered a significant threat to the functional integrity of coral reef ecosystems. However, detection and attribution of OA impact on corals in nature are confounded by concurrent environmental changes, including ocean warming. Here we use a numerical model to isolate the effects of OA and temperature and show that OA alone has caused 13 ± 3% decline in the skeletal density of massive Porites corals on the Great Barrier Reef since 1950. This OA‐induced thinning of coral skeletons, also evident in Porites from the South China Sea but not in the central Pacific, reflects enhanced acidification of reef water relative to the surrounding open ocean. Our finding reinforces concerns that even corals that might survive multiple heatwaves are structurally weakened and increasingly vulnerable to the compounding effects of climate change.This work was supported in part by the U.S. National Science Foundation (OCE‐1737311), the Robertson Foundation, the Tiffany & Co. Foundation, the Atlantic Donor Advised Fund, the Investment in Science Fund and The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Endowed Fund for Innovative Research at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. The data generated in this study are included in the Supporting Information (Data Sets S1–S3) and are also being archived at NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)‐Paleoclimatology Data repository.2021-02-2

    Assessing Professionalism: A theoretical framework for defining clinical rotation assessment criteria

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    Although widely accepted as an important graduate competence, professionalism is a challenging outcome to define and assess. Clinical rotations provide an excellent opportunity to develop student professionalism through the use of experiential learning and effective feedback, but without appropriate theoretical frameworks, clinical teachers may find it difficult to identify appropriate learning outcomes. The adage “I know it when I see it” is unhelpful in providing feedback and guidance for student improvement, and criteria that are more specifically defined would help students direct their own development. This study sought first to identify how clinical faculty in one institution currently assess professionalism, using retrospective analysis of material obtained in undergraduate teaching and faculty development sessions. Subsequently, a faculty workshop was held in which a round-table type discussion sought to develop these ideas and identify how professionalism assessment could be improved. The output of this session was a theoretical framework for teaching and assessing professionalism, providing example assessment criteria and ideas for clinical teaching. This includes categories such as client and colleague interaction, respect and trust, recognition of limitations, and understanding of different professional identities. Each category includes detailed descriptions of the knowledge, skills, and behaviors expected of students in these areas. The criteria were determined by engaging faculty in the development of the framework, and therefore they should represent a focused development of criteria already used to assess professionalism, and not a novel and unfamiliar set of assessment guidelines. The faculty-led nature of this framework is expected to facilitate implementation in clinical teaching

    Computational Modeling to Limit the Impact Displays and Indicator Lights Have on Habitable Volume Operational Lighting Constraints

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    Even with no ambient lighting system "on", the International Space Station glows at night. The glow is caused by indicator lamps and displays that are not included with the specification of the ambient lighting system. How does this impact efforts to improve the astronaut's lighting environment to promote more effective sleep patterns? Do the extra indicators and displays add enough light to change the spectrum of light the crew sees during the day as well? If spacecraft environments are specifically engineered to have an ambient lighting system that emits a spectrum promoting a healthy circadian response, is there a way control the impact? The goal of this project is to investigate how additional light sources, such as displays and indicators change the effective light spectrum of the architectural lighting system and how impacts can be mitigated

    Clinical Application of the American College of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care (ACVECC) Consensus on the Rational use of Antithrombotics in Veterinary Critical Care (CURATIVE) Guidelines to Small Animal Cases

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    Objective To illustrate the application of the Consensus on the Rational Use of Antithrombotics in Veterinary Critical Care (CURATIVE) guidelines to the management of dogs and cats at risk of developing thrombosis using a case‐based approach. Etiology Dogs and cats become at risk of developing thrombosis from a wide range of conditions. These conditions often involve a specific insult followed by an inflammatory response and when combined with other contributing factors (eg, hypercoagulability, vascular endothelial injury, hemodynamic changes) create favorable conditions for thrombosis. Diagnosis Development of thrombosis in small animals remains challenging to demonstrate. Compatible clinical signs, the presence of known risk factors, and supporting diagnostic tests may be highly suggestive of the development of thrombosis. Therapy Therapeutic recommendations in accordance with the CURATIVE guidelines for dogs and cats are described in specific case vignettes presented. Discussion is centered on antithrombotic drug choices and dosing protocols, as outlined in Domains 2 and 3 of the CURATIVE guidelines. Where appropriate, guidelines related to therapeutic monitoring (Domain 4) and discontinuation of antithrombotics (Domain 5) were included. Prognosis In small animals at risk of developing thrombosis, overall prognosis may be improved by following consensus‐based recommendations on the use of antithrombotics as outlined in the CURATIVE guidelines. Whether such interventions have any impact on outcome requires further investigation

    American College of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care (ACVECC) Consensus on the Rational use of Antithrombotics in Veterinary Critical Care (CURATIVE) Guidelines: Small Animal

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    Objectives To systematically review available evidence and establish guidelines related to the risk of developing thrombosis and the management of small animals with antithrombotics. Design Standardized, systematic evaluation of the literature (identified by searching Medline via PubMed and CAB abstracts) was carried out in 5 domains (Defining populations at risk; Defining rational therapeutic use; Defining evidence‐based protocols; Refining and monitoring antithrombotic therapies; and Discontinuing antithrombotic therapies). Evidence evaluation was carried out using Population, Intervention, Comparison, Outcome generated within each domain questions to address specific aims. This was followed by categorization of relevant articles according to level of evidence and quality (Good, Fair, or Poor). Synthesis of these data led to the development of a series of statements. Consensus on the final guidelines was achieved via Delphi‐style surveys. Draft recommendations were presented at 2 international veterinary conferences and made available for community assessment, review, and comment prior to final revisions and publication. Settings Academic and referral veterinary medical centers. Results Over 500 studies were reviewed in detail. Worksheets from all 5 domains generated 59 statements with 83 guideline recommendations that were refined during 3 rounds of Delphi surveys. A high degree of consensus was reached across all guideline recommendations. Conclusions Overall, systematic evidence evaluations yielded more than 80 recommendations for the treatment of small animals with or at risk of developing thrombosis. Numerous significant knowledge gaps were highlighted by the evidence reviews undertaken, indicating the need for substantial additional research in this field

    Organization of Multinational Activities and Ownership Structure

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    We develop a model in which multinational investors decide about the modes of organization, the locations of production, and the markets to be served. Foreign investments are driven by market-seeking and cost-reducing motives. We further assume that investors face costs of control that vary among sectors and increase in distance. The results show that (i) production intensive sectors are more likely to operate a foreign business independent of the investment motive, (ii) that distance may have a non-monotonous effect on the likelihood of horizontal investments, and (iii) that globalization, if understood as reducing distance, leads to more integration

    Coral macrobioerosion is accelerated by ocean acidification and nutrients

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    Author Posting. © The Author(s), 2014]. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of Geological Society of America for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Geology 43 (2015): 7-10, doi: 10.1130/G36147.1.Coral reefs exist in a delicate balance between calcium carbonate (CaCO3) production and CaCO3 loss. Ocean acidification (OA), the CO2-driven decline in seawater pH and CaCO3 saturation state (Ω), threatens to tip this balance by decreasing calcification, and increasing erosion and dissolution. While multiple CO2 manipulation experiments show coral calcification declines under OA, the sensitivity of bioerosion to OA is less well understood. Previous work suggests that coral and coral reef bioerosion increase with decreasing seawater Ω. However, in the surface ocean, Ω and nutrient concentrations often covary, making their relative influence difficult to resolve. Here, we exploit unique natural gradients in Ω and nutrients across the Pacific basin to quantify the impact of these factors, together and independently, on macrobioerosion rates of coral skeletons. Using an automated program to quantify macrobioerosion in 3-D computerized tomography (CT) scans of coral cores, we show that macrobioerosion rates of live Porites colonies in both low-nutrient (oligotrophic) and high-nutrient (>1 µM nitrate) waters increase significantly as Ω decreases. However, the sensitivity of macrobioerosion to Ω is ten times greater under high-nutrient conditions. Our results demonstrate that OA (decreased Ω) alone can increase coral macrobioerosion rates, but the interaction of OA with local stressors exacerbates its impact, accelerating a shift toward net CaCO3 removal from coral reefs.This work was supported by NSF OCE 1041106 to A.L.C. and K.E.S., NSF OCE 1220529 to A.L.C., TNC award PNA/WHOI061810 to A.L.C., NSF Graduate Research Fellowships to T.M.D. and H.C.B., and a WHOI-OLI post-doctoral fellowship to K.E.S.2015-11-1