38 research outputs found

    The Role of Dietary Carbohydrates in Gestational Diabetes

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    Gestational diabetes (GDM) is hyperglycemia that is recognized for the first time during pregnancy. GDM is associated with a wide range of short- and long-term adverse health consequences for both mother and offspring. It is a complex disease with a multifactorial etiology, with disturbances in glucose, lipid, inflammation and gut microbiota. Consequently, its management is complex, requiring patients to self-manage their diet, lifestyle and self-care behaviors in combination with use of insulin. In addition to nutritional recommendations for all pregnant women, special attention to dietary carbohydrate (CHO) amount and type on glucose levels is especially important in GDM. Dietary CHO are diverse, ranging from simple sugars to longer-chain oligo- and poly- saccharides which have diverse effects on blood glucose, microbial fermentation and bowel function. Studies have established that dietary CHO amount and type can impact maternal glucose and nutritional recommendations advise women with GDM to limit total intake or choose complex and low glycemic CHO. However, robust maternal and infant benefits are not consistently shown. Novel approaches which help women with GDM adhere to dietary recommendations such as diabetes-specific meal replacements (which provide a defined and complete nutritional composition with slowly-digested CHO) and continuous glucose monitors (which provide unlimited monitoring of maternal glycemic fluctuations) have shown benefits on both maternal and neonatal outcomes. Continued research is needed to understand and develop tools to facilitate patient adherence to treatment goals, individualize interventions and improve outcomes

    Effective Temperature Estimations from Line Depth Ratios in the \H\ and \K-band Spectra of IGRINS

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    Determining accurate effective temperatures of stars buried in the dust-obscured Galactic regions is extremely difficult from photometry. Fortunately, high-resolution infrared spectroscopy is a powerful tool for determining the temperatures of stars with no dependence on interstellar extinction. It has long been known that the depth ratios of temperature-sensitive and relatively insensitive spectral lines are excellent temperature indices. In this work, we provide the first extensive line depth ratio (LDR) method application in the infrared region that encompasses both \H\ and \K\ bands (1.48 μ\mum - 2.48 μ\mum). We applied the LDR method to high-resolution (R \simeq 45,000) \H\ and \K-band spectra of 110 stars obtained with the Immersion Grating Infrared Spectrograph (IGRINS). Our sample contained stars with 3200 << \teff\ (K) << 5500, 0.20 \leq log g << 4.6, and -1.5 << [M/H] << 0.5. Application of this method in the \K-band yielded 21 new LDR-\teff\ relations. We also report five new LDR-\teff\ relations found in the \H-band region, augmenting the relations already published by other groups. The temperatures found from our calibrations provide reliable temperatures within \sim70 K accuracy compared to spectral \teff\ values from the literature.Comment: 4 Tables, 8 Figures, Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    Effective Temperatures of Low-Mass Stars from High-Resolution H-band Spectroscopy

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    High-resolution, near-infrared spectra will be the primary tool for finding and characterizing Earth-like planets around low-mass stars. Yet, the properties of exoplanets can not be precisely determined without accurate and precise measurements of the host star. Spectra obtained with the Immersion GRating INfrared Spectrometer (IGRINS) simultaneously provide diagnostics for most stellar parameters, but the first step in any analysis is the determination of the effective temperature. Here we report the calibration of high-resolution H-band spectra to accurately determine effective temperature for stars between 4000-3000 K (\simK8--M5) using absorption line depths of Fe I, OH, and Al I. The field star sample used here contains 254 K and M stars with temperatures derived using BT-Settl synthetic spectra. We use 106 stars with precise temperatures in the literature to calibrate our method with typical errors of about 140 K, and systematic uncertainties less than \sim120 K. For the broadest applicability, we present Teff_{\rm eff}--line-depth-ratio relationships, which we test on 12 members of the TW Hydrae Association and at spectral resolving powers between \sim10,000--120,000. These ratios offer a simple but accurate measure of effective temperature in cool stars that is distance and reddening independent.Comment: 19 pages, 11 figures and 3 tables. Accepted in Ap

    Planeamiento estratégico para la provincia de Churcampa

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    La provincia de Churcampa cuenta con potencialidades que hasta la actualidad no han sido explotadas en su totalidad: suelos fértiles, recursos hídricos, capacidad para generar ingresos desde la agricultura, sitios turísticos y otros. Además, es una comunidad hospitalaria que mantiene sus costumbres, con deseos de crecer personal y profesionalmente. No obstante, existe una realidad que se debe contrarrestar para capitalizar los recursos de la comunidad, pues sus niveles de pobreza, educación, vivienda, salud y acceso a servicios básicos son preocupantes. En este sentido, la presente investigación tiene como objetivo determinar el plan estratégico para los siguientes 10 años que deberían seguir las autoridades de la Municipalidad Provincial de Churcampa para cumplir con su visión de mejorar las condiciones de vida de los habitantes de la provincia. Este plan estratégico está guiado y alineado a un código de ética y valores que garantizan un desarrollo sostenible de los pobladores. El instrumento que se utiliza es el Modelo Secuencial del Proceso Estratégico propuesto por D’Alessio (2015), mediante el cual se realizó un análisis del entorno, de las potencialidades de la provincia y de la situación de la municipalidad. Lo anterior permite establecer cinco objetivos de largo de plazo, con sus respectivos objetivos de corto plazo, y la asignación de los recursos necesarios para su ejecución. Estos puntos están guiados por 13 estrategias. El plan estratégico permitirá convertir a la provincia de Churcampa en un nuevo lugar, con mayor prosperidad para la comunidadChurcampa province has potentialities that until now have not been fully exploited, as their fertile soils, water resources, ability to generate income from agriculture, tourist sites, among others. Just as a hospital community that maintains its customs, with desire to grow personally and professionally. However, there is a reality that must be offset to capitalize on the resources of the community, since the date the levels of poverty, education, housing, health and access to basic services are worrisome. In this regard, the present investigation has as objective to determine the strategic plan for the following ten years that should follow the authorities of the municipality of the province of Churcampa to fulfill its vision to improve the living conditions of the community of the province. This strategic plan is guided and aligned to a code of ethics and values that guarantee a sustainable development of the settlers. The instrument that is used is the Sequential Model of Strategic Process proposed by D’Alessio (2015), through which an analysis was made of the environment, the potentialities of the province as well as the situation of the municipality. The foregoing, allows to set five goals in the long term, with their respective short-term goals, and the allocation of the necessary resources for its implementation, these points guided by 13 strategies. This strategic plan will convert to the province of Churcampa in a new place with greater prosperity for the communityTesi

    The IGRINS YSO Survey III: Stellar parameters of pre-main sequence stars in Ophiuchus and Upper Scorpius

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    We used the Immersion GRating Infrared Spectrometer (IGRINS) to determine fundamental parameters for 61 K- and M-type young stellar objects (YSOs) located in the Ophiuchus and Upper Scorpius star-forming regions. We employed synthetic spectra and a Markov chain Monte Carlo approach to fit specific K-band spectral regions and determine the photospheric temperature (TeffT_{\rm eff}), surface gravity (log\log g), magnetic field strength (B), projected rotational velocity (vsiniv \sin i), and K-band veiling (rKr_{\rm K}). We determined B for \sim46% of our sample. Stellar parameters were compared to the results from Taurus-Auriga and the TW Hydrae Association (TWA) presented in Paper I of this series. We classified all the YSOs in the IGRINS survey with infrared spectral indices from 2MASS and WISE photometry between 2 and 24~μ\mum. We found that Class II YSOs typically have lower log\log g and vsiniv\sin i, similar B, and higher K-band veiling than their Class III counterparts. Additionally, we determined the stellar parameters for a sample of K and M field stars also observed with IGRINS. We have identified intrinsic similarities and differences at different evolutionary stages with our homogeneous determination of stellar parameters in the IGRINS YSO Survey. Considering log\log g as a proxy for age, we found that the Ophiuchus and Taurus samples have a similar age. We also find that Upper Scorpius and TWA YSOs have similar ages, and are more evolved than Ophiuchus/Taurus YSOs.Comment: 21 pages, 8 figures, 4 tables. Accepted for publication in Ap

    Programming Skeletal Muscle Metabolic Flexibility in Offspring of Male Rats in Response to Maternal Consumption of Slow Digesting Carbohydrates during Pregnancy

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    Skeletal muscle plays a relevant role in metabolic flexibility and fuel usage and the associated muscle metabolic inflexibility due to high-fat diets contributing to obesity and type 2 diabetes. Previous research from our group indicates that a high-fat and rapid-digesting carbohydrate diet during pregnancy promotes an excessive adipogenesis and also increases the risk of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in the offspring. This effect can be counteracted by diets containing carbohydrates with similar glycemic load but lower digestion rates. To address the role of the skeletal muscle in these experimental settings, pregnant rats were fed high-fat diets containing carbohydrates with similar glycemic load but different digestion rates, a high fat containing rapid-digesting carbohydrates diet (HF/RD diet) or a high fat containing slow-digesting carbohydrates diet (HF/SD diet). After weaning, male offspring were fed a standard diet for 3 weeks (weaning) or 10 weeks (adolescence) and the impact of the maternal HF/RD and HF/SD diets on the metabolism, signaling pathways and muscle transcriptome was analyzed. The HF/SD offspring displayed better muscle features compared with the HF/RD group, showing a higher muscle mass, myosin content and differentiation markers that translated into a greater grip strength. In the HF/SD group, metabolic changes such as a higher expression of fatty acids (FAT/CD36) and glucose (GLUT4) transporters, an enhanced glycogen content, as well as changes in regulatory enzymes such as muscle pyruvate kinase and pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase 4 were found, supporting an increased muscle metabolic flexibility and improved muscle performance. The analysis of signaling pathways was consistent with a better insulin sensitivity in the muscle of the HF/SD group.This research was funded by European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007–2013): project Early Nutrition, under grant agreement no. 289346

    Canine Detection of the Volatile Organic Compounds Related to Cervical Cancer Cells

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    The use of trained dogs for the detection of volatile biomarkers in biological samples has great potential to be used for non-invasive diagnosis and monitoring of several diseases such as cancer. It offers early, highly accurate detection with fast response times, non-invasive to patients and allows for repeated sampling. The aforementioned methods are useful as a portable technology to increase detection, screening, and monitoring coverage in populations at risk. In this sense, Cervical Cancer (CC) has become a public health concern of alarming proportions in many developing countries, particularly in low-income sectors and marginalized regions due to different factors that limit the coverage of screening methods and the acceptance rates of women attending their routine gynecological examination. As such, early detection is a crucial medical factor in improving not only their population’s quality of life but also its life expectancy. For the above, the great odor detection threshold exhibited by dogs is not unheard of and represents a potential opportunity to develop an affordable, accessible, and non-invasive method for detection of CC with high sensibility and specificity values

    Ecos de la academia: Revista de la Facultad de Educación, Ciencia y Tecnología - FECYT Nro 6

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    Ecos de la academia, Revista de la Facultad de Educación Ciencia y Tecnología es una publicación científica de la Universidad Técnica del Norte, con revisión por pares a doble ciego que publica artículos en idioma español, quichua, portugués e inglés. Se edita con una frecuencia semestral con dos números por año.En ella se divulgan trabajos originales e inéditos generados por los investigadores, docentes y estudiantes de la FECYT, y contribuciones de profesionales de instituciones docentes e investigativas dentro y fuera del país, con calidad, originalidad y relevancia en las áreas de ciencias sociales y tecnología aplicada.Modelos multidimensionales del bienestar en contextos de enseñanza- aprendizaje: una revisión sistemática. Nuevas tendencias para el área académica de la Publicidad en la zona 1 del Ecuador. Propuesta de un curso de escritura académica bajo la base de modelos experienciales. Aproximación al estudio de las emociones. Seguimiento a egresados y graduados para actualizar el perfil de egreso y profesional. Impacto de la Gerencia de Calidad en el clima organizacional en Educación Básica. Comunicación efectiva del gerente educativo orientada al manejo de conflictos en el personal docente. Meritocracia: Democratización o exclusión en el acceso a la educación superior en Ecuador. Asertividad y desempeño académico en estudiantes universitarios. La creatividad en la formación profesional. Aspectos metodológicos en el proceso de enseñanza- aprendizaje de la gimnasia en estudiantes de Educación Física. English Language Learning Interaction through Web 2.0 Technologies. La sistematización de la práctica educativa y su relación con la metodología de la investigación. El ozono y la oxigenación hiperbárica: una vía para mejorar la recuperación en lesiones deportivas. La labor tutorial: Independencia del aprendizaje en el contexto universitario. Motivación hacia la profesión docente en la Enseñanza Secundaria. El uso académico de Facebook y WhatsApp en estudiantes universitarios... La educación superior en Ecuador: situación actual y factores de mejora de la calidad. El Proyecto de Investigación “Imbabura Étnica”