18,141 research outputs found

    Nuestra Experiencia en el Estudio con Ultrasonografía en la Cadera Neonatal

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    Se estudian mediante ultrasonografía las caderas de 112 recién nacidos (224 caderas) con signos clínicos de displasia luxante de cadera. Los resultados se comparan con los datos de exploración clínica y estudio radiográ- fico poniendo en evidencia las limitaciones diagnósticas de las maniobras exploratorias clásicas y la radiografía. Concluye que la ultrasonografía es el método más seguro e inocuo para el diagnóstico precoz de la displasia luxante de cadera en el recién nacido.The authors are studied by ultrasonography 112 newborns (224 hips) with clinical signs of congenital dysplasia and dislocation of the hip. The results obtained are compared with clinical findings and radiographic study emphasizing the diagnostic limitations of the clasics maneuvistes of physical examination and radiography. They conclude that the ultrasonography is the most sure method and innocuous to the early diagnosis of the congenital dysplasia and dislocation of the hip at the newborn

    Los Ultrasonidos en la Cadera Neonatal

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    Los autores describen la técnica de Estudio mediante Ecografía de la cadera neonatal, las imágenes normales, los métodos de mediciones y las características de los distintos grados de displasiaThe authors describe the technique of the study by ultrasound examination of neonatal hip, normal images, methods of measurement and characteristics of differents degrees of dysplasi

    10 Gigabit White Rabbit: sub-nanosecond timing and data distribution

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    Time synchronization is a critical feature for many scientific facilities and industrial infrastructures. The required performance is progressively increasing everyday, for instance, few tens of nanoseconds for Fifth Generation (5G) networks or sub-nanosecond accuracy on next family of particle accelerators and astrophysics telescopes. Due to this exigent accuracy, many applications require specific timing dedicated networks, increasing the system cost and complexity. Under this context, the new IEEE 1588-2019 High Accuracy (HA) default profile is intensively based on White Rabbit (WR) which can provide sub-nanosecond accurate synchronization for Ethernet networks. However, current WR solutions have not been designed to work properly with high data bandwidth delivery services even in 1 Gigabit Ethernet (GbE) links. On this contribution, the authors propose a new architecture design that enables WR and, consequently, the IEEE 1588-2019 HA profile to be deployed over 10 GbE links solving the already identified data bandwidth problem. Furthermore, this work addresses different experiments needed to characterize the system performance in terms of time synchronization and data transfer. As final result, this contribution presents for the first time in the literature a new WR system which allows high bandwidth data exchange in 10 GbE networks while providing sub-nanosecond accuracy synchronization. The proposed solution maintains the time synchronization performance of existing WR 1 GbE devices with significant advantages in terms of latency and data bandwidth, enabling its deployment in applications that integrate data and synchronization information in the same network.European Union (EU) 725490H2020 ASTERICS 653477AMIGA7 RTI2018-096228-B-C3

    La protección de los menores de edad en Internet: el Código Español PAOS en materia de alimentación como paradigma de buenas prácticas.

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    Los menores de edad, en la actualidad, cada vez en mayor medida hacen uso de Internet. En dicho canal se promocionan numerosos bienes y/o servicios. Uno de los productos progresivamente más publicitados, de manera virtual, son los alimentos dirigidos a tal colectivo. De hecho, gran parte de estos bienes pueden no ser positivos para su salud. Por todo ello, con carácter general, debe asegurarse la tutela integral de tal colectivo en la red de redes y, en particular, en el caso de la alimentación dirigida a los mismos. A tal fin, se han aprobado un elenco de normas legales que son objeto de complemento (que no sustitución) en virtud de la autorregulación del sector. En esta última puede considerarse el código de conducta PAOS que representa un referente sobre la materia.Minors, today, are increasingly using the Internet. In this channel, many goods and/or services are promoted. One of the most advertised products, in a virtual way, are the foods, which aim to this group. In fact, much of these goods can be not positive for a good health. Therefore, in general, it must be ensured comprehensive protection of this group in the network of networks, and particularly in the case of feeding. In order to get this, it has been approved a group of legal rules that form a complement (not a substitute) according to the self-regulation of the sector. In this sense, it can be considered the code of conduct PAOS, which represents a reference on the subject

    La publicidad desleal en la competencia en el ámbito digital: publicidad denigratoria, confusionista y comparativa

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    Los anuncios difundidos en el mundo virtual buscan incrementar la contratación de los bienes y/o servicios ofertados, atrayendo al potencial consumidor y/o usuario de un determinado producto hacia esa marca, disuadiendo que contrate con un competidor. Para que tal comportamiento empresarial sea beneficioso, para el tráfico en general, la alegación publicitaria debe realizarse respetando el principio de la buena fe. En este artículo nos referiremos a tres casos de prácticas comerciales desleales, desde la óptica del ordenamiento jurídico español, que son: la publicidad denigratoria, la publicidad confusionista y la publicidad comparativa.The advertisements broadcasted in the virtual world aim to increase the contract of the goods and/or services offered, attracting potential consumers and/or users of a determined product towards that brand, discouraging contracts with any other competitor. But to be beneficial this corporate behavior, the advertising promotion must be conducted respecting the principle of good faith. In this paper we will refer to three cases of disloyal trade practices from the perspective of the Spanish legal system, namely: the derogatory advertising, the confusionist advertising and the comparative advertising

    “Zombie attack” a new way to teach Chemistry

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    The Higher Education requires new models which allow training people able to adapt and survive in changing environments. It is based on the use of technologies and the adaptation of knowledge to people. It is about an education according to circumstances, which is adapted to context and virtual behaviour of people. One of the main difficulties that lecturers find in the classroom is how to maintain students' attention and interest in their subject, especially when students also think that the subject is not important for their training. In order to motivate these students, innovation in educational techniques and methodologies, such as experiential learning, are progressively being imposed to and/or coordinated with the traditional ones. Escape Room is a very modern concept in education, based on the development of mental skills for the solution of enigmas and problems. It is a tool to develop the cooperative, cognitive, deductive and logical reasoning skills of the students. In this work, an educational gamification experience based on the escape room concept is presented. The students have 1 hour and 30 minutes to carry out this activity. They will have to solve four puzzles and enigmas that will give them the key to open a treasure chest and finally let them escape from the classroom. Logic, ingenuity and teamwork will allow participants to develop not only chemical competence, but also other basic skills. The story that is told throughout the escape room is a zombie attack: the city has been infected (with a virus) and only the occupants of the room where the activity takes place have not been infected. In addition, they can all protect themselves if they are able to open the chest where the antidote is located. The aim of this activity is to enhance the knowledge acquired throughout the semester as well as the development of skills.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec