63 research outputs found

    The innovative behavior of Spanish enterprises and its impact on salaries.

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    Our aim was to analyze the effects of firms'' innovative behavior on their employees'' salaries in the Spanish manufacturing industry. We found a premium in the wage paid by innovative firms, regardless of size. However, when taking company size into account, we found that the effect of innovations was greater in small-medium enterprises (SME), contrary to what was expected. The inferences of the models estimated suggest that the higher the market concentration the weaker the appropriability regime, especially for SMEs. However, at the same time, a firm''s innovations reduce the impact of market concentration on wages, making innovating firms more autonomous than non-innovating ones. Even more, to be able to innovate, firms have to isolate their employees'' salaries from the product market. These results hold regardless of firm''s size, but have a greater impact on the small-medium group of firms. Finally, our analysis backs the assumption that salaries in both large and small-medium firms are generated by two distinct economic regimes, supporting the proposition that an SME is not simply a scaled-down large firm.

    Are Americans' musical preferences more omnivores today?

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    Although we found a general trend favouring the omnivorousness thesis, as soon as we adjusted it to a set of structural factors and consumers’ tastes it was clear that this was caused by elitist inclusive omnivores who had increased the scope of their tastes. In general, younger cohorts were becoming less omnivorous, nevertheless, they were also becoming more educated and had greater to higher levels of inc ome, making the youth more omnivorous. As expected, upscale consumers set limits on their popular taste: musical genres, whose audiences had educational levels below the mean profile were less preferred by upscale respondents. In spite of this, as time passed, some popular brows gained social status.Symbolic consumer research, musical tastes, omnivorousness, correspondence analysis of matched matrices

    Ciencia abierta, e-ciencia y nuevas tecnologías: desafíos y antiguos problemas en la investigación cualitativa en las ciencias sociales

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    Objeto: Artículo de introducción al número especial “La Investigación Cualitativa en las Ciencias Sociales”. Revisa los desafíos, problemas y principales avances del paradigma cualitativo en el marco de la nueva política científica europea fundamentada en la Ciencia abierta y la e-Ciencia. Analiza las alternativas tecnológicas de libre acceso en el entorno 2.0 y su aplicación en el trabajo de campo y el análisis de los datos. Finalmente presenta los artículos que configuran el número especial. Diseño/metodología/enfoque: Revisión teórica. Implicaciones prácticas: Identifica tecnologías de libre acceso con aplicación para la investigación cualitativa que se han desarrollado tanto en el contexto de la e-Ciencia como en el entorno 2.0 tales como: aplicaciones para Smartphone y Tablets, plataformas web y software específico para el análisis de datos cualitativos. Describe sus funcionalidades y plantea posibles aplicaciones para el trabajo de campo y el análisis de los datos. Implicaciones sociales: Abre el debate sobre el posible encaje de la investigación cualitativa en el contexto de la Ciencia abierta y la e-Ciencia. Se discute el impacto de este nuevo contexto en la dimensión y estructura de los grupos de investigación, en el desarrollo de una investigación plenamente colaborativa, en el surgimiento de nuevos problemas éticos y en la evaluación de la calidad en procesos de revisión en un entorno abierto. Originalidad / Valor añadido: Obligatorio. Informa sobre las características que definirán el nuevo entorno científico y los desafíos que plantea para la investigación cualitativa. Revisa los últimos desarrollos tecnológicos de libre acceso a disposición de los investigadores, sus principales funcionalidades y sugiere aplicaciones en el trabajo de campo y en el análisis.Purpose: As well as introducing the articles in the special issue titled "Qualitative Research in the Social Sciences", this article reviews the challenges, problems and main advances made by the qualitative paradigm in the context of the new European science policy based on open science and e-Science and analysis alternative technologies freely available in the 2.0 environment and their application to fieldwork and data analysis. Design/methodology: Theoretical review. Practical implications: The article identifies open access technologies with applications in qualitative research such as applications for smartphones and tablets, web platforms and specific qualitative data analysis software, all developed in both the e-Science context and the 2.0 environment. Social implications: The article discusses the possible role to be played by qualitative research in the open science and e-Science context and considers the impact of this new context on the size and structure of research groups, the development of truly collaborative research, the emergence of new ethical problems and quality assessment in review processes in an open environment. Originality/value: The article describes the characteristics that define the new scientific environment and the challenges posed for qualitative research, reviews the latest open access technologies available to researchers in terms of their main features and proposes specific applications suitable for fieldwork and data analysis.Peer Reviewe

    Environmental behavior patterns across clusters of European Union countries : Uncovering heterogeneity in the attitude-behavior-context relationship

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    Altres ajuts: acords transformatius de la UABThis study examines how European Union (EU) citizens systematically differ in their environmental attitude-behavior relationships according to country-level contextual drivers. Using Eurobarometer data and a multilevel latent class regression model, we identified four attitude-behavior relationships that we labelled, according to mean environmental behavior scores, as environmentalist, pre-environmentalist, less-environmentalist, and non-environmentalist. Regarding their distribution across the EU, we identified four country clusters reflecting pattern similarities that we labelled green, yellow-green, brown, and gray clusters. We found that the attitude-behavior relationship was weaker for more environmentalist patterns than for less environmentalist patterns. Furthermore, more environmentalist patterns were associated with more privileged social positions. As expected, the country clusters reflected socioeconomic development levels (more developed countries were environmentally greener). In the interest of reducing inequality in the distribution of environmentally healthy and vital ecosystems, we suggest that EU environmental policies should mainly address the environmental behaviors of countries classified as brown and gray

    A Comprehensive Model to Explain Europeans’ Environmental Behaviors

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    Understanding the nature of consumers’ environmental behaviors will help design better environmental policies for a sustainable future. Drawing on the responsible environmental behavior (REB) theoretical framework, we disentangle the effects of social and psychological environmental factors on Europeans’ behaviors, considering that living contexts vary from country to country. Using data on attitudes to the environment sourced from the 2017 Eurobarometer, we measure the socio-psychological factors and environmental behaviors using exploratory factor analysis. A multilevel model measures the effect of individual-level environmental factors and analyzes the impact of the country context on Europeans’ environmental behaviors. Results show that the three tested environmental behaviors (eco-friendly purchasing, public transport use, and reduced resource consumption) are explained by individual-level environmental factors as well as by country differences, but the effects differ depending on the behavior considered. We also find that the effects of knowledge, attitudes, and perceived behavioral control are mediated by a set of social indicators (age, gender, education, and income). We conclude with a discussion of the implications for policymakers

    The opera experience : performing a vibrato with the audience. Pre-conditions, strategies and the experience

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    Audience development is a key issue in the cultural sector, so opera house managers and policy makers need to understand how and why opera goers enjoy an opera. Our research, which investigates opera enjoyment, is framed in the social constructivist paradigm and draws on interview data collected from 15 informants. Results suggest that certain pre-conditions are necessary to be able to enjoy an opera, mainly, being cultivated and actively acquiring a liking for the genre. As for strategies to prepare for an upcoming performance, some respondents approached it as a 'special day', while others viewed it as a 'cultural experience'. For all our respondents, the experience was an emotional one. We conclude the article by discussing the implications of the results of our research

    Reflexions entorn de la política catalana de foment de l'oferta cinematogràfica en llengua catalana

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    L'article explora la valoració jurídica i econòmica de vint anys de política de foment del cinema català (política cultural) i de l'oferta de cinema en llengua catalana (política lingüística). Es fa servir una metodologia combinada per determinar els efectes reals que les polítiques públiques de foment tenen sobre l'oferta a disposició del públic. L'impacte de les subvencions en la producció cinematogràfica catalana és pràcticament nul. No hi ha diferència substancial entre les pel·lícules produïdes l'any 1982 i el 2002, tot i les quantitats subvencionades. Hi ha un sostre industrial productiu que fa que l'augment dels imports de les subvencions no tingui un reflex real en el nombre de pel·lícules que es fan. La mitjana durant els anys és de 17,5 pel·lícules/any. Les dades, a més, suggereixen que el sector és dèbil, ja que acusa fàcilment les retallades en les dotacions dedicades al foment del cinema català. D'altra banda, l'opció d'elecció que pot exercir el consumidor es materialitza per mitjà del doblatge de pel·lícules al català. En aquest sentit, el foment de la llengua catalana passa necessàriament pel reforçament de la subvenció pública al doblatge, tot i que els èxits d'aquesta política poden entrar en contradicció amb el foment del teixit industrial de la cinematografia catalana. Desafortunadament, la política de foment del cinema català i la política de doblatge al català depenen del cicle polític, a través de les eleccions, encara que la seva influència varia segons les convocatòries electorals. Els anys d'eleccions s'augmenta notablement l'atenció pressupostària per aquestes partides sense que aquest fet tingui un reflex en els resultats industrials. Vista la derogació del Decret 237/1998, l'única fórmula disponible per garantir la presència de la llengua catalana al cinema passa per incrementar les dotacions públiques, que es troben en l'actualitat encara molt per sota dels imports esmerçats en el foment de la indústria cinematogràfica catalana. En aquest sentit, no hi ha cap impediment en el dret europeu per regular un sistema complet d'ajuts a l'oferta de doblatge en llengua catalana amb més ambició que el que actualment existeix. Correspon, d'acord amb el principi de subsidiarietat, a la Generalitat de Catalunya la definició del que s'ha d'entendre per producte cultural i del grau de territorialització de la despesa.This article takes stock of legal and economic assessments that have been made of twenty years of policies of support for Catalan cinema (cultural policy) and for cinema in Catalan (language policy). A combined methodology is used to determine the real effects that public incentive policies have on movie offerings actually available to the public. The impact of subsidies on Catalan movie production is practically non-existent. There is no substantial difference between the movies produced in 1982 and in 2002, in spite of the subsidies paid out. The industry has a production ceiling, which means that an increase in the amounts of the subsidies does not have a real repercussion on the number of films made. The average for the period studied was 17.5 films per year. In addition, the data suggest that the sector is weak, since it is quick to betray the effects of cuts in subsidies aimed at supporting Catalan moviemaking. On the other hand, consumer choice comes about through the dubbing of films in Catalan. In this regard, the support for Catalan entails the reinforcement of public subsidies for dubbing, although success in this policy sector could be in conflict with the support for the industrial fabric of Catalan moviemaking. Unfortunately, the policy of support for Catalan moviemaking and the Catalan dubbing policy depend on the political cycle, through elections, although the influence of such policies varies according to the election. In election years there is a considerable increase in budget allocations for these items, although such increased attention does not manifest itself in increased industrial performance. In view of the repeal of Decree 237/1998, the only formula available for guaranteeing the presence of Catalan in the movies involves public subsidies, which are currently substantially below the amounts invested in support of the Catalan moviemaking industry. In this regard, nothing in European law prevents the regulation of a complete system of aid for Catalan-dubbed movie offerings that would be more ambitious than the current one. In accordance with the principle of subsidiarity, it is up to the Autonomous Government of Catalonia (the Generalitat) to define what is to be understood by the term «cultural product» and the degree to which the expenditure should be territorialized.El artículo explora la valoración jurídica y económica de veinte años de política de fomento del cine catalán (política cultural) y de la oferta de cine en lengua catalana (política lingüística). Se utiliza una metodología combinada para determinar los efectos reales que las políticas públicas de fomento tienen sobre la oferta a disposición del público. El impacto de las subvenciones en la producción cinematográfica catalana es prácticamente nulo. No hay diferencia sustancial entre las películas producidas el año 1982 y el 2002, a pesar de las cantidades subvencionadas. Hay un techo industrial productivo que hace que el aumento de los importes de las subvenciones no tenga un reflejo real en el número de películas que se hacen. El promedio durante estos años es de 17,5 películas/año. Los datos, además, sugieren que el sector es débil, ya que acusa fácilmente los recortes en las dotaciones dedicadas al fomento del cine catalán. Por otra parte, la opción de elección que puede ejercer el consumidor se materializa por medio del doblaje de películas al catalán. En este sentido, el fomento de la lengua catalana pasa necesariamente por el reforzamiento de la subvención pública al doblaje, a pesar de que los éxitos de esta política pueden entrar en contradicción con el fomento del tejido industrial de la cinematografía catalana. Desgraciadamente, la política de fomento del cine catalán y la política de doblaje al catalán dependen del ciclo político, a través de las elecciones, aunque su influencia varía según las convocatorias electorales. Los años de elecciones se aumenta notablemente la atención presupuestaria por estas partidas sin que este hecho tenga un reflejo en los resultados industriales. Vista la derogación del Decreto 237/1998, la única fórmula disponible para garantizar la presencia de la lengua catalana en el cine pasa por incrementar las dotaciones públicas, que se encuentran en la actualidad aún muy por debajo de los importes invertidos en el fomento de la industria cinematográfica catalana. En este sentido, no existe ningún impedimento en el derecho europeo para regular un sistema completo de ayudas a la oferta de doblaje en lengua catalana con más ambición que el que existe actualmente. Corresponde, de acuerdo con el principio de subsidiariedad, a la Generalidad de Cataluña la definición de lo que debe entenderse por producto cultural y del grado de territorialización del gasto

    Reflexions entorn de la política catalana de foment de l'oferta cinematogràfica en llengua catalana

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    This article takes stock of legal and economic assessments that have been made of twenty years of policies of support for Catalan cinema (cultural policy) and for cinema in Catalan (language policy). A combined methodology is used to determine the real effects that public incentive policies have on movie offerings actually available to the public. The impact of subsidies on Catalan movie production is practically non-existent. There is no substantial difference between the movies produced in 1982 and in 2002, in spite of the subsidies paid out. The industry has a production ceiling, which means that an increase in the amounts of the subsidies does not have a real repercussion on the number of films made. The average for the period studied was 17.5 films per year. In addition, the data suggest that the sector is weak, since it is quick to betray the effects of cuts in subsidies aimed at supporting Catalan moviemaking. On the other hand, consumer choice comes about through the dubbing of films in Catalan. In this regard, the support for Catalan entails the reinforcement of public subsidies for dubbing, although success in this policy sector could be in conflict with the support for the industrial fabric of Catalan moviemaking. Unfortunately, the policy of support for Catalan moviemaking and the Catalan dubbing policy depend on the political cycle, through elections, although the influence of such policies varies according to the election. In election years there is a considerable increase in budget allocations for these items, although such increased attention does not manifest itself in increased industrial performance. In view of the repeal of Decree 237/1998, the only formula available for guaranteeing the presence of Catalan in the movies involves public subsidies, which are currently substantially below the amounts invested in support of the Catalan moviemaking industry. In this regard, nothing in European law prevents the regulation of a complete system of aid for Catalan-dubbed movie offerings that would be more ambitious than the current one. In accordance with the principle of subsidiarity, it is up to the Autonomous Government of Catalonia (the Generalitat) to define what is to be understood by the term «cultural product» and the degree to which the expenditure should be territorialized

    Retos y tendencias del ocio digital : transformación de dimensiones, experiencias y modelos empresariales

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    Las tecnologías digitales están transformando el ocio y la manera en la que se organiza. A pesar de su importancia, son escasos los trabajos que han abordado su estudio desde el mundo académico. En este artículo realizamos una revisión extensa de la literatura sobre ocio y tecnologías digitales con el objeto de contribuir al conocimiento elaborando un marco interpretativo del ocio digital. Proponemos que las tecnologías digitales aportan una nueva dimensión al ocio que altera sus propiedades dicotómicas tradicionales, situando a individuos y empresas entre una comprensión holística o separada de los mundos naturales y los construidos digitalmente. En el primer caso se borran los límites entre las propiedades dicotómicas del ocio y el trabajo, no así en el segundo. Una u otra concepción se evidencia en los diferentes grados en los que las transformaciones tienen lugar entre los individuos y en cómo las empresas resuelven los retos que aparecenDigital technologies are transforming leisure and the way it is organized. Despite its importance, few studies have addressed the study from the academic world. In this paper, we make an extensive literature review on leisure and digital technologies, in order to contribute to knowledge by developing an interpretive framework of digital entertainment. We suggest that digital technologies bring a new dimension to leisure, altering its traditional dichotomous properties, placing individuals and businesses between a holistic or separate view of the natural and digitally built worlds. In the first case blurs the boundary between the dichotomous properties of leisure and work, not in the second. Both conceptions are evident in different degrees in which changes shape within individuals and on how businesses solve the challenges appeare

    Innovación digital y transformación de las organizaciones: implicaciones sociales y laborales

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    En este capítulo describimos el efecto del progreso técnico en las organizaciones y en la coordinación de las actividades económicas en la empresa y en los mercados. La transformación de los mercados y empresas ha resultado en una trasformación de las competencias y habilidades de los puestos de trabajo, en consecuencia, los empleos cognitivos no rutinarios verán incrementada su demanda a consecuencia de la automatización de los empleos cognitivos rutinarios. Finalmente, analizamos su posible efecto en la distribución la masa salarial y proponemos cambios sociales y legales necesarios para asegurar al empleado del despido y de los abusos de las economías de plataforma y colaborativas