106 research outputs found

    An introduction to Quantum algorithms

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    Treball Final de Grau en Matemàtica Computacional. Codi: MT1030. Curs: 2019/2020Nowadays, we have powerful computers capable of performing very complex operations in seconds. However, there are problems that cannot be addressed at reasonable execution times, such as NP-Complete problems. For these problems no polynomial solution is known, having all of them exponential cost, which makes them unfeasible for classical computers. Quantum properties have impressed equally to computer scientists, physicist and all kinds of scientists since they were discovered, since they are very unintuitive. However, these properties, such as entanglement or superposition, lead us to have quantum computers and quantum algorithms that are able to solve in polynomial time some of the NP-Complete problems. This would be a breakthrough in fields with high computational demands such as machine learning, medicine, chemistry, etc. In this work, we will focus on knowing the computing mathematical basis that will allow us to study the complex quantum world, which includes, among other things, complex vector spaces and complex algebra. We will study the properties offered by the quantum computing world, such as the superposition of states or entanglement. We will also see quantum gates that will allow us to build quantum circuits to be able to create algorithms that we can execute on our quantum computers. We will finish the work by studying some well knows algorithms which will allow us to see how to take advantage of the quantum properties to accelerate our computing capacit

    A Customer Churn Detection Model for the Pay-TV Sector

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    Ponència presentada en el 23rd International Conference of the Catalan Association for Artificial Intelligenc

    Insertion of benzyne into the Pd–C bond. Synthesis of unnatural amino acid derivatives by sequential insertion of benzyne and CO: 2,2’-functionalized biaryls containing alkylamino and carboxymethyl substituents. Isolation of stable carbopalladated-benzyne intermediates

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    This document is the Accepted Manuscript version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in Chemical Communications, copyright © Royal Society of Chemistry after peer review and technical editing by the publisher. This document is made available under the CC-BY 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by /4.0/Reaction of ortho-palladated derivatives of phentermine and homoveratrylamine with benzyne allows the synthesis of enlarged eight-membered palladacycles resulting from the insertion of the aryne into the Pd–C bond, which subsequently react with CO, to render unnatural amino acid derivatives

    Reactivity toward CO of Eight-Membered Palladacycles Derived from the Insertion of Alkenes into the Pd–C Bond of Cyclopalladated Primary Arylalkylamines of Pharmaceutical Interest. Synthesis of Tetrahydrobenzazocinones, Ortho-Functionalized Phenethylamines, Ureas, and an Isocyanate

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    This document is made available under the CC-BY 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by /4.0/. This document is the Accepted Manuscript version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in Organometallics copyright © American Chemical Society, after peer review and technical editing by the publisher.The ortho-metalated complex [Pd{C,N-C6H2CH2CH2NH2-2,(OMe)2-4,5}(μ-Br)]2 (1a) derived from homoveratrylamine reacts with ethyl acrylate, methyl vinyl ketone or 2-norbornene to give the dimeric complex arising from the insertion of the alkene into the Pd–C bond, [Pd{C,N-CH(R)CH2C6H2CH2CH2NH2-2,(OMe)2-4,5}(μ-Br)]2 (R = CO2Et (2a1), C(O)Me (2a2)) or [Pd{C,N-CH(C5H8)CHC6H2CH2CH2NH2-2,(OMe)2-4,5}(μ-Br)]2 (2a3). Complexes 2a and the phentermine homologues 2b react with CO to afford Pd(0) and (1) tetrahydrobenzazocinones, the heterocycles resulting from CO insertion into the Pd–C bond and C–N coupling, (2) unnatural aminoacid derivatives resulting from CO insertion and the reaction of the obtained acyl complex with the solvent (MeOH), or the product of protonolysis of the Pd–C bond, depending on the nature of the initial cyclopalladated compound or (3) ureas, alone or mixed with an isocyanate, in the presence of a base. Phentermine derivatives 2b react with HCl to give a dinuclear palladium complex [PdCl(μ- Cl)(L)], where L is the amine arising from the protonolysis of the Pd–C bond or the alkyl group resulting from Pd–N bond protonolysis, depending on the nature of the inserted alkene. The crystal structures of some palladium complexes and organic compounds have been determined by X-ray diffraction studies

    A New Method for High Yield Cyclopalladation of Primary and Secondary Amines. Atom-Efficient Open-to-Air Inexpensive Synthesis of Buchwald-Type Precatalysts

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    This document is made available under the CC-BY 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by /4.0/ This document is the Accepted Manuscript version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in Organometallics copyright © American Chemical Society, after peer review and technical editing by the publisher. To access the final edited and published work see https://doi.org/10.1021/om200464sA new method for high yield cyclopalladation of primary and secondary amines involving the corresponding ammonium triflates, instead of the amines generally employed is reported. The method is applied for the synthesis of Buchwald-type precatalysts [Pd(C,N-C6H4CH2CH(R’)NHR- 2)X(phosphine)] that can be easily prepared by reaction of Pd(OAc)2, one equiv of the ammonium triflate [PhCH2CH(R’)NH2R]OTf and an excess of NaX, and then treating the resulting complexes [Pd2(C,N-C6H4CH2CH(R’)NHR-2)2(μ-X)2] with the appropriate phosphine. This new method has several advantages over Buchwald´s reported synthesis

    Calorie restriction rescues mitochondrial dysfunction in Adck2-Deficient skeletal muscle

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    ADCK2 haploinsufficiency-mediated mitochondrial coenzyme Q deficiency in skeletal muscle causes mitochondrial myopathy associated with defects in beta-oxidation of fatty acids, aged-matched metabolic reprogramming, and defective physical performance. Calorie restriction has proven to increase lifespan and delay the onset of chronic diseases associated to aging. To study the possible treatment by food deprivation, heterozygous Adck2 knockout mice were fed under 40% calorie restriction (CR) and the phenotype was followed for 7 months. The overall glucose and fatty acids metabolism in muscle was restored in mutant mice to WT levels after CR. CR modulated the skeletal muscle metabolic profile of mutant mice, partially rescuing the profile of WT animals. The analysis of mitochondria isolated from skeletal muscle demonstrated that CR increased both CoQ levels and oxygen consumption rate (OCR) based on both glucose and fatty acids substrates, along with mitochondrial mass. The elevated aerobic metabolism fits with an increase of type IIa fibers, and a reduction of type IIx in mutant muscles, reaching WT levels. To further explore the effect of CR over muscle stem cells, satellite cells were isolated and induced to differentiate in culture media containing serum from animals in either ad libitum or CR diets for 72 h. Mutant cells showed slower differentiation alongside with decreased oxygen consumption. In vitro differentiation of mutant cells was increased under CR serum reaching levels of WT isolated cells, recovering respiration measured by OCR and partially beta-oxidation of fatty acids. The overall increase of skeletal muscle bioenergetics following CR intervention is paralleled with a physical activity improvement, with some increases in two and four limbs strength tests, and weights strength test. Running wheel activity was also partially improved in mutant mice under CR. These results demonstrate that CR intervention, which has been shown to improve age-associated physical and metabolic decline in WT mice, also recovers the defective aerobic metabolism and differentiation of skeletal muscle in mice caused by ADCK2 haploinsufficiency.This work was supported by Junta de Andalucía grant BIO-177, the Instituto de Salud Carlos III FIS grant FIS PI20/00541, CIBERER (U729)-ISCIII, the FEDER Funding Program from the European Union and the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities grant RED2018-102576-T. This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports through fellowship FPU16/03264 to JH-C, and the Association Française contre les Myopathies (AFM) through fellowship grant #22450 to CV-G. This work was funded in part by the Intramural Research Program of the National Institute on Aging, NIH. This research was also supported by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (PI19/01310) (Co-funded by the European Union) and by the Agència de Gestió d'Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca (AGAUR) (2017: SGR 1428) and the CERCA

    La consulta previa y su influencia en los proyectos de interés nacional estratégico en Colombia

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    Artículo de investigaciónLa consulta previa es un derecho fundamental que consiste en un mecanismo de participación de las comunidades étnicas e indígenas sobre las medidas administrativas o legislativas que pueden afectar su integridad social, cultural y económica, entre otros. El desarrollo que este mecanismo ha presentado en Colombia, según cifras del Ministerio del Interior (2018) puede calificarse como desmedido. En este sentido, es necesario realizar un análisis acerca del exceso de consultas previas presentadas hoy en día en Colombia. Lo anterior, tiene como finalidad identificar las posibles mejoras que pueden desarrollarse a través de la reglamentación consiente de los procesos de consulta previa, a partir de la identificación real de las afectaciones que puede constituir cada proyecto (PINES). Ponderando el interés general y la necesidad de los proyectos que se encuentran en marcha.1. INTRODUCCIÓN 2. LA CONSULTA PREVIA COMO DERECHO FUNDAMENTAL 3. FUNDAMENTO CONSTITUCIONAL DE LA CONSULTA PREVIA 4. AUTODETERMINACIÓN, CONSENTIMIENTO PREVIO LIBRE E INFORMADO DE LAS COMUNIDADES ÉTNICAS CONCLUSIONES REFERENCIAS 5. PROYECTOS DE INTERÉS NACIONAL Y ESTRATÉGICOS – PINES 6. LA CONSULTA PREVIA Y LOS PROYECTOS DE INTERÉS NACIONAL Y ESTRATÉGICOS – PINES. 7. LA CONSULTA PREVIA Y LA CONSULTA POPULAR Y SU INFLUENCIA EN EL DESARROLLO DEL PAÍSPregradoAbogad