12 research outputs found

    Estrategias de responsabilidad social corporativa en América Latina: un análisis de contenido en la industria extractiva

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    Latin American countries are rich in natural resources. In this regard, the extractive industry in the region is globally important. Consequently, the aim of this paper is to analyze the presence of the dimensions of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in the strategies of the main extractive companies in Latin America, which include those listed in the ranking from “The greatest 500 companies of Latin America” from America Economía Magazine. In order to reach this assessment, a qualitative technique utilizing content analysis was carried out using the corporate web pages as a source of data. In addition, a matrix using 13 dimensions of CSR was developed to guide the research. 76 firms were identified from the extractive industry in Latin America, operating only in the mining and oil sectors. The main findings suggest that the majority of firms consider at least two dimensions of CSR, and that those such as the sustainable development and environment were those mentioned most. By country, Colombia shows the highest percentage of presence for these dimensions (86.2%). In addition, EXXONMOBIL and Carbones el Cerrejon (that operate in Colombia) include 100% of the dimensions. Future research will be important in order to analyze the extent to which the dimensions are fulfilled in practice, and to carry out comparative studies with other regions and industries.Los países latinoamericanos son ricos en recursos naturales. En este orden de ideas la industria extractiva de la región es importante a nivel mundial. El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar la presencia de las dimensiones de la Responsabilidad Social Corporativa (RSC) en las estrategias de las principales empresas extractivas en América Latina incluidas en el ranking “Las 500 mayores empresas de América Latina” de la revista América Economía. Para alcanzar este objetivo se utilizó una técnica cualitativa de análisis de contenido usando como fuentes de datos las páginas corporativas. Además una matriz de 13 dimensiones de RSC fue desarrollada para guiar esta investigación. Fueron identificadas 76 empresas de la industria extractiva en América Latina que operan únicamente en los sectores petroleros y mineros. Los principales hallazgos sugieren que el total de las compañías consideran al menos dos dimensiones de RSC y las dimensiones tales como desarrollo sustentable y medio ambiente fueron las más mencionadas. Asimismo por país Colombia muestra los más altos porcentajes de presencia de las dimensiones (86.2%). Además, EXXONMOBIL y Carbones el Cerrejón (que opera en Colombia) tienen el 100% de las dimensiones. Como futuras investigaciones es importante analizar el grado en el cuál las dimensiones son realmente cumplidas en la práctica y llevar a cabo estudios comparativos con otras regiones e industrias

    International strategy of the 500 largest firms in Latin America: an analysis from its mission and vision

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    A mission and vision well designed are important for the business strategy. In addition, the Latin American firms are a relevant topic, but sub-studied in literature about international business. Thus, the main aim of this paper is identify the presence of international strategy (IS) in the strategic approaches of the 500 largest firms from Latin America. For this purpose, a qualitative technique of content analysis was carried out in official web pages of these firms. Several keywords were analyzed to locate the presence or absence of the IS. These words are: multinational, global, international, internationalization, world, worldwide, among others. With this, 375 firms were identified that mention the IE either its mission, vision or both. Likewise, this sample was subdivided in private firms (338) and state firms (37). The results indicate that the studied firms do not consider mostly the IE in the mission and vision. Another important finding is that companies consider the IS mostly in their vision. In adittion, another important finding is the increased presence of inclusion of IS in the vision of state companies (64.86%) above their private peers. Keywords: international strategy, Latin America, mission, vision, strategic approaches. JEL Classification: M15, M1

    Business in the Base of the Pyramid: A Literature Review and Directions for Future Research

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    The base of the pyramid (BoP) is the lower-income segment of the population. It represents an important market that is often disregarded by companies as a source of economic benefit. For this reason, scholars have gained interest in this topic since the early 21st century. The main objective of this article is to identify research areas related to business in the BoP. A qualitative investigation was carried out by reviewing the business literature on the BoP. Sixty-seven articles related to the topic were reviewed. This literature review was conducted using the four-stage qualitative method, including : (1) data collection; (2) data coding; (3) data analysis; and (4) interpretation of results. The result of the review was the identification of 12 gaps that must be addressed to improve the understanding of the BoP businesses. A description of the articles selected for the review is presented

    Incidencia de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible en planeación y rendición de cuentas de gobiernos estatales mexicanos

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    Los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible se establecen como un nuevo camino para mejorar la vida de todos, mediante eliminación del hambre y pobreza, combate al cambio climático, procurar educación para todos, además igualdad de la mujer y defensa del medio ambiente con consumos más responsable y cuidado del agua. Los gobiernos, uno de los tres actores principales junto con las asociaciones civiles y empresas, deben establecer, mediante sus planes de desarrollo, políticas públicas claras que favorezcan y faciliten el cumplimiento de los 17 objetivos. El objetivo del estudio fue analizar los planes estatales de desarrollo de México, para determinar si se incluyen dentro de los ejes rectores de éstos, los objetivos de desarrollo sostenible de la Agenda 2030. Se utilizó la técnica del análisis de contenido, basada en interpretación de fuentes documentales para descubrir y evidenciar lo que se transmite en ellos. Se encontró que no todos los Estados están comprometidos con dicha agenda global, el 37,5% no tienen plasmados dentro de sus planes de desarrollo ningún objetivo de ésta; sin embargo, en gobiernos estatales que han iniciado su administración del 2018 hasta hoy, se denota una tendencia positiva a contemplarlos como parte fundamental de los ejes del gobierno estatal


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    ABSTRACT In this paper we examine the relationships between students' attitudes towards mathematics and technology, therefore, we take a Galbraith and Hines' scale (1998, 2000) about mathematics confidence, computer confidence, computer and mathematics interaction, mathematics motivation, computer motivation, and mathematics engagement. 164 questionnaires were applied to undergraduate students of several profiles: business and management, mecatronic engineering, industrial engineering, strategic system engineering and mechanic engineering all they in a study carried out at the Universidad Politécnica de Aguascalientes. The statistical procedure used was factorial analysis with an extracted principal component

    Qualitative Measure of the Degree of Internationalization: The Case of Huawei

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    The study of the “degree of internationalization” (DOI) is an important topic in the academic literature of international business. Therefore, the main objective of this work is to measure the DOI of the Chinese company, Huawei, from the perspective of the “depth” and “breadth” of the DOI. To achieve this objective, a qualitative content analysis technique was utilized to analyze Huawei Company’s annual reports over 14-year, from 2006 to 2019, to extract the frequency of words associated with the DOI to carry out the measurement. Huawei’s annual reports for this period were collected from the company’s institutional page. The primary results obtained indicate an increase in the DOI for Huawei in the two dimensions studied of depth and breadth. Also, these results indicate a trend similar to the number of employees and Huawei earnings in the period from 2006 to 2019.The study of the “degree of internationalization” (DOI) is an important topic in the academic literature of international business. Therefore, the main objective of this work is to measure the DOI of the Chinese company, Huawei, from the perspective of the “depth” and “breadth” of the DOI. To achieve this objective, a qualitative content analysis technique was utilized to analyze Huawei Company’s annual reports over 14-year, from 2006 to 2019, to extract the frequency of words associated with the DOI to carry out the measurement. Huawei’s annual reports for this period were collected from the company’s institutional page. The primary results obtained indicate an increase in the DOI for Huawei in the two dimensions studied of depth and breadth. Also, these results indicate a trend similar to the number of employees and Huawei earnings in the period from 2006 to 2019.

    Presencia de la expansión internacional en la misión y visión de las principales empresas privadas y estatales de América Latina

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    Este trabajo busca identificar la presencia de la expansión internacional (EI) en los planteamientos estratégicos de las principales compa˜nías latinas del ranking «Las 500 mayores empresas de América Latina». Para realizar lo anterior se utilizó una técnica cualitativa de análisis de contenido de la misión y visión de sus páginas web. En el estudio se identificaron 232 empresas latinas (200 privadas y 32 estatales) que hacían explícitos dichos planteamientos, a partir de lo cual se encontró que más de la mitad de estas empresas (51,7%) no aluden a la EI; el 25,4% lo hace solo en la visión, y apenas un 13,4% en la misión y visión. Por otra parte, al diferenciar por tipo de propiedad se tiene que el 46% de las empresas privadas y el 62,5% de las estatales consideran la EI en su misión y/o visión

    Strategies of corporate social responsibility in Latin America: a content analysis in the extractive industry

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    Latin American countries are rich in natural resources. In this regard, the extractive industry in the region is globally important. Consequently, the  aim of this paper is to analyze  the presence of the dimensions of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in the strategies of the main extractive companies in Latin America, which include those listed in the ranking from “The greatest 500 companies of Latin America” from  America Economía Magazine. In order to reach this assessment,  a qualitative technique utilizing content analysis was carried out using the corporate web pages as a source of data. In addition, a matrix using 13 dimensions of CSR was developed to guide the research. 76 firms were identified from the extractive industry in Latin America, operating only in the mining and oil sectors. The main findings suggest that the majority of firms consider at least two dimensions of CSR, and that those such as the sustainable development and environment were those mentioned most. By country, Colombia shows the highest percentage of presence for these dimensions (86.2%). In addition, EXXONMOBIL and Carbones el Cerrejon (that operate in Colombia) include 100% of the dimensions. Future research will be important in order to analyze the extent to which the dimensions are fulfilled in practice, and to carry out comparative studies with other regions and industries.Los países latinoamericanos son ricos en recursos naturales. En este orden de ideas la industria extractiva de la región es importante a nivel mundial. El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar  la presencia de las dimensiones de la Responsabilidad Social Corporativa (RSC) en las estrategias de las principales empresas extractivas en América Latina incluidas en el ranking “Las 500 mayores empresas de América Latina” de la revista América Economía. Para alcanzar este objetivo se utilizó una técnica cualitativa de análisis de contenido usando como fuentes de datos las páginas corporativas. Además una matriz de 13 dimensiones de RSC fue desarrollada para guiar esta investigación. Fueron identificadas 76 empresas de la industria extractiva en América Latina que operan únicamente en los sectores petroleros y mineros. Los principales hallazgos sugieren que el total de las compañías consideran al menos dos dimensiones de RSC y las dimensiones tales como desarrollo sustentable y medio ambiente fueron las más mencionadas. Asimismo por país Colombia muestra los más altos porcentajes de presencia de las dimensiones (86.2%). Además, EXXONMOBIL y Carbones el Cerrejón (que opera en Colombia) tienen el 100% de las dimensiones. Como futuras investigaciones es importante analizar el grado en el cuál las dimensiones son realmente cumplidas en la práctica y llevar a cabo estudios comparativos con otras regiones e industrias.