14 research outputs found


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    The Death and Rebirth of a Party System, Peru 1978-2001

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    This article evaluates structural, institutional, and actor-centered explanations of the collapse of the Peruvian party system around 1990 and its surprising partial recovery in 2001. It begins by describing the changes in the dependent variable, the emergence, collapse, and partial resurrection of the 1980s Peruvian party system. The next section examines the argument that the large size and rapid growth of the informal sector undermined the party system and led to its collapse. The author shows that the evidence does not support this argument. The article then examines changes in the electoral system. The author demonstrates that, contrary to theoretical expectations, the changes in the electoral system do not correlate with the observed changes in the party system. The final section shows that performance failure by political elites, including corruption in government, was more important than social cleavages or electoral institutions in the collapse and partial recovery of the party system.Yeshttps://us.sagepub.com/en-us/nam/manuscript-submission-guideline

    Revoluci贸n Cubana y educaci贸n superior The Cuban Revolution and higher education

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    Los autores elaboran un panorama de la educaci贸n superior cubana de los 煤ltimos a帽os, subrayando los desaf铆os econ贸micos y pol铆ticos debidos a las dificultades que el gobierno de Cuba est谩 enfrentando desde 1989 (la desaparici贸n del campo socialista; el recrudecimiento del bloqueo de EE.UU, la crisis econ贸mica y social del Sur; la "victoria del neoliberalismo", la necesidad de insertarse en un nuevo tipo de mercado mundial global). El art铆culo analiza las demandas e indicadores de la educaci贸n superior cubana, realzando las transformaciones que ocurren especialmente a partir del a帽o 2001 respecto al aumento de la equidad, pol铆ticas de inclusi贸n y consolidaci贸n de un nuevo modelo de ciencia y tecnolog铆a. Adem谩s, los autores presentan una tipolog铆a de la educaci贸n superior y consideran sus impactos en la sociedad cubana.The authors trace a view of Cuban higher education in recent years, emphasizing the economic and political challenges due to the difficulties faced by Cuba since 1989 at national and international levels (disappearance of the socialist field, tightening of the American blockade, the social and economic crisis of the South, the "victory of neo-liberalism", the need to insert itself in a new type of global market, etc.). The article analyses the demands and indicators of Cuban higher education, stressing the transformations that have occurred particularly after 2001, in relation to the increase of equity and inclusion policies, as well as the consolidation of a new model of science and technology. Furthermore, the authors present a typology of higher education and consider its impacts on the Cuban society

    Presencia de Aric贸 en Am茅rica Latina

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    La revista peruana Socialismo y Participaci贸n聽en su n煤mero 56 public贸 diversos testimonios聽en homenaje a Jos茅 Mar铆a Aric贸.Se transcriben los pertenencientes a los autores peruanosAlberto Adrianz茅n, Sinesio L贸pez J.,聽Carlos Franco y una carta del propio Aric贸 a Sinesio L贸pez

    Presencia de Aric贸 en Am茅rica Latina

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    La revista peruana Socialismo y Participaci贸n聽en su n煤mero 56 public贸 diversos testimonios聽en homenaje a Jos茅 Mar铆a Aric贸.Se transcriben los pertenencientes a los autores peruanosAlberto Adrianz茅n, Sinesio L贸pez J.,聽Carlos Franco y una carta del propio Aric贸 a Sinesio L贸pez


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    Incluye: Cat谩logo de algunas de las obras que se hallan de venta en la Librer铆a Espa帽ola de L贸pez, editor (p.[1]-15)La h. de l谩mina es un retrato con firma manuscrit

    Los mineros : zarzuela dram谩tica en un acto y en prosa

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    "Representada por primera vez en el Teatro Eldorado de Barcelona el d铆a 11 de marzo de 1899"En verso de la portada: "Los comisionados de la Administraci贸n L铆rico-dram谩tica de Hijos de E. Hidalgo ...