17 research outputs found

    Modulation of hydrogen sulfide synthesis improve heart function and endothelium-dependent vasorelaxation in diabetes

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    Abstract Diabetes dramatically increases the risk of cardiovascular complications. The endothelial dysfunction and diastolic heart dysfunction are associated with a decreasing level of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) and inhibition of the activity of endothelial NO-synthase in diabetes. The aim of work is to investigate the effect of modulation of hydrogen sulfide synthesis on heart functions and vasorelaxation in diabetes. The DL-propargylglycine and L-cysteine were administered intraperitoneally. H2S content in the heart tissue, markers of oxidative stress, iNOS and cNOS activities, endothelium-dependent vasorelaxation of the aortic rings, and heart function were studied. We demonstrate that our combination increased H2S syntheses by 13 times and cNOS activity by 5 times in the heart tissue of diabetic rats. Increasing NO and H2S production caused improving and restoration of endothelium-dependent relaxation of aorta, effective arterial elastance, and diastolic heart function in diabetic rats. The endothelium-dependent relaxation increased by 2.4 times; effective arterial elastance decreased by 47%. The end-diastolic myocardial stiffness decreased by 2.2 times. Thus, modulation of hydrogen sulfide synthesis leads to increased activity cNOS by 5 times in the cardiovascular system. Increasing NO and H2S production restored endothelium-dependent relaxation of aorta and improved heart function in diabetes.The accepted manuscript in pdf format is listed with the files at the bottom of this page. The presentation of the authors' names and (or) special characters in the title of the manuscript may differ slightly between what is listed on this page and what is listed in the pdf file of the accepted manuscript; that in the pdf file of the accepted manuscript is what was submitted by the author

    Напилення та фізичні властивості тонких плівок на основі Cu6PS5I

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    Cu6PS5I-based thin films were deposited onto silicate glass substrates by non-reactive radio frequency magnetron sputtering. The chemical composition of thin films were determined by energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. Electrical conductivity of Cu6PS5I-based thin films was studied depends on chemical composition. Optical transmission spectra of Cu6PS5I-based thin films were investigated in the interval of temperatures 77–300 K. Absorption edge spectra and refractive index dispersion were derived from the optical transmission spectra. The variation of the main parameters of Urbach absorption edge and electron-phonon interaction was analysed depends on Cu content in Cu6PS5I-based thin filmsТонкие пленки на основе Cu6PS5I были нанесены на подложки из силикатного стекла методом нереактивного радиочастотного магнетронного распыления. Химический состав тонких пленок определялся с помощью энергодисперсионной рентгеновской спектроскопии. Электрическая проводимость тонких пленок на основе Cu6PS5I изучалась в зависимости от химического состава. Спектры оптического пропускания тонких пленок на основе Cu6PS5I исследовались в интервале температур 77–300 К. Спектры края поглощения и дисперсионные зависимости показателей преломления определялись по спектрам оптического пропускания. Изменения основных параметров урбаховского края поглощения и электрон-фононного взаимодействия проанализированы в зависимости от содержания Cu в тонких пленках на основе Cu6PS5IТонкі плівки на основі Cu6PS5I були нанесені на підкладинки з силікатного скла методом нереактивного радіочастотного магнетронного розпилення. Хімічний склад тонких плівок визначався за допомогою енергодисперсійної рентгенівської спектроскопії. Електрична провідність тонких плівок на основі Cu6PS5I вивчалася в залежності від хімічного складу. Спектри оптичного пропускання тонких плівок на основі Cu6PS5I досліджувалися в інтервалі температур 77–300 К. Спектри краю поглинання та дисперсійні залежності показників заломлення визначалися за спектрами оптичного пропускання. Зміни основних параметрів урбахівського краю поглинання та електрон-фононної взаємодії проаналізовані в залежності від вмісту Cu в тонких плівках на основі Cu6PS5

    Features of Communication Between the Stage Director and Members of the Group During the Preparation of Choreographic Performances

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    Communication is the cornerstone of co-production, and the director is the cornerstone that brings together the different parts of communication. Basically, communication is "the process of exchanging information between people through a common system of symbols, signs or behaviour". A director does everything in a form of communication during a production. Whether it's blocking, scheduling rehearsals or calling a show; communication is as "vital to stage management as memorisation is to artistic skill". Communication allows the production director to effectively manage the production. Since communication is a broad topic, this study will first consider the two forms of communication that the production director uses, how these skills can be applied to very specific communication aspects and what these benefits look like. This study examines the works on the development of choreographic art, the development of personality within a dance group, and the features of interaction between members of a large artistic group while working on a production. As a result, the most effective methods of communication between the participants of the choreographic performance were discussed

    Reaction 10В(15N, 14С)11С at energy 81 MeV, spectroscopic factors and interaction of 14С + 11С nuclei

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    New experimental data of angular distribution cross-sections for the 10В(15N,14С)11С reaction at the energy Еlab(15N) = 81 MeV were obtained for the ground states of 14С, 11С nuclei and 2.00 MeV (1/2-), 4.31 MeV (5/2-), 4.31 MeV (3/2-) excited states of 11С nucleus. The experimental data were analyzed within the coupled-reaction-channels (CRC) method. In the CRC calculations, the 15N + 10В Woods - Saxon (WS) optical potential obtained from the CRC analysis of the experimental elastic and inelastic data of these nuclei was used and parameters of the 14С + 11С WS optical potential were deduced from the analysis of the 10В(15N,14С)11С reaction experimental data. Spectroscopic amplitudes of nucleons and cluster transfers were calculated within the translation-invariant shell model