56 research outputs found

    Edible film coatings for the packaging of pre-cooked poultry meat products (frankfurters)

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    Cooked, seasoned meat pulp stuffed into intestines, i.e., frankfurter is also a popular products in Hungary. For the production of the packaging of the product, large amounts of artificial casings are used, which is peeled off in the households or manufacturing plants, and the casing is then thrown into the waste with no recycling. By using a suitable coating of plant origin, the amount of waste, as well as the cost of production can be reduced, therefore, improving the competitiveness of the product. Of the materials that may be relevant, food industrial use of alginates is quite diverse, however, they are not known as frankfurter casings. In this paper, a new and innovative frankfurter production technology is presented, which was tried at Merian Foods Kft., based in Oroshaza. Based on the experience gained during pilot productions, alginate casing proved to be suitable for the preparation of pre-cooked poultry meat products (frankfurter). Therefore, after gaining industrial experience, alginates can present an alternative to the protein- or cellulose-based artificial casings used today

    Ehető filmbevonatok baromfiipari vörösáru-termékek (virsli) csomagolására

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    Magyarországon is kedvelt termék a bélbe töltött, főtt, ízesített húskészítmény, azaz a virsli. A termék burkolatának előállításához nagy mennyiségű cellulóz alapú műbelet használnak, amit a gyártóüzemben vagy a háztartásokban lehámoznak, majd a bél anyaga újrahasznosítás nélkül kerül a hulladékba. Arra alkalmas növényi eredetű bevonat használatával a hulladék mennyisége, így a gyártás költsége is csökkenthető, ezáltal javítható a termék versenyképessége is. A szóba jöhető anyagok közül az alginátok élelmiszeripari alkalmazása igen sokrétű, azonban virslik burkolóanyagként nem ismerik azokat. Közleményünkben egy új, innovatív virsli előállítási technológiát mutatunk be, amelyet az orosházi székhelyű Merian Foods Élelmiszeripai Kft-nél próbáltunk ki. A kísérleti gyártások elvégzése során szerzett tapasztalatok alapján az alginát bevonat alkalmasnak bizonyult baromfiipari vörösáru (virsli) készítésére. Ennélfogva az alginátok az ipari tapasztalatok megszerzése után alternatívát jelenthetnek a ma alkalmazott fehérje vagy cellulóz alapú mesterséges belek előállítására

    Mineral element content and antioxidant capacity of some Latvian berries

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    Berries are widely used in prevention and in adjuvant therapy of different diseases nowadays because of their valuable bioactive agents and antioxidant, antitumor, antiinflammatory properties, nevertheless frequently without medical control. The aim of our study was to determine the element content and antioxidant activities in some Latvian berries (blueberry, Vaccinium corymbosum L., bilberry, Vaccinium myrtillus L. and red berry, Vaccinium vitis-idaea L.). Element content was measured by ICP-OES. Total antioxidant activity was determined by chemiluminometry and hydrogen-donating ability was measured by spectrophotometry. The examined berries contain elements in relatively low concentrations and the consumption of these kind of berries is also poor, although they could be good source for some essential elements: blueberry for Mo, bilberry for Li, Mn, Mo and red berry for Cr, Li, Mn, Mo. On the other hand, they have good antioxidant properties, especially bilberry. Beneficial antioxidant capacities and moderate metal ion concentrations support that berries can complete the diverse diet, and they may be a good supplement in some metal-accumulating disorders

    Repce és napraforgó magolajok "Lecitin"-összetételének kromatográfiás vizsgálata

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    In der Pflanzenölindustrie wird die Bestimmung des „Lecithin-Gehaltes durch Messung des Phosphorgehaltes durchgeführt. Zur Untersuchung der qualitativen Unterschiede wurde von den Verfassern eine dünnschichtchromatographische Methode angewendet, wobei eine Reihe von 5 verschiedenen Entwickler-Reagenzien benützt wurde. Bei der totalen Folchschen Extraktion von 4 verschiedenen Varietäten von Sonnenblumensamen und 3 verschiedenen Varietäten von Rapssamen gezüchtet in Ungarn wurden alle Lipoiden extrahiert und dabei Unterschiede dünnschichtchromatographisch festgestellt. Mit derselben Methode wurden mit verschiedenen Technologien hergestellte industrielle „Lecithin”-Produkte auch untersucht. Die Fraktionen hydrophiler und lipophiler Natur dieser Produkte wurden durch Behandlung mit Lösungsmitteln voneinander abgetrennt, und dadurch Angaben über das Gleichgewichtsverhältnis Hydrophil-Lipophil in kombinierten Phospho- und Glykolipiden ermittelt. In the vegetable oil industry the determination of the „lecithin” content is carried out by measuring the phosphorus content. For the investigation of differences in quality, a thin layer chromatographic method was applied, using a series of 5 types of developer reagents. Total lipids were extracted by a complete extraction according to Folch, from 4 varieties of sunflowerseeds and 3 varieties of rapeseeds, and differences were established by thin layer chromatography. Also “lecithins” produced on ndustrial scale by various technologies were investigated by the same method. In these latter products the hydrophilic and lipophilic fractions were separated by solvent extraction, obtaining thus data for the ratio of the hydrophilic to lipophilic equilibrium in combined phosphoand glycolipids. Dans l’industrie des huiles végétales on effectue le dosage de la «lécithíne» par voie du dosage de la teneur en phosphore. Afin d’établir les différences qualitatives, les auteirs ont appliqué une méthode de Chromatographie en couches minces en se servant d’une série de 5 réactifs lors du décelemnt. Oh a effectué l’extraction totale d’aprés Folch, des lipides totaux de 4 espéces de graines de tournesol et de 5 especes de graines de colza cultivies en Hongrie et,en utilisant la Chromatographie en couches minces, on a étahli des différences. On a analysé par la mérne méthode, des produits finaux de «lécithine», ohtenus par de différentes téchnologies ä l’échelle industrielle. En séparant les fractions de caractéres lipophile et hydrophile ä l’aide du fractionnement ä solvents, in a obtenu des données relatives ä la proportion d’équilibre hydrophile-lipophile dans des phospho- et glycolipides complexes

    Non-identical twins: Different faces of CR3 and CR4 in myeloid and lymphoid cells of mice and men

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    Integrins are cell membrane receptors that are involved in essential physiological and serious pathological processes. Their main role is to ensure a closely regulated link between the extracellular matrix and the intracellular cytoskeletal network enabling cells to react to environmental stimuli. Complement receptor type 3 (CR3, alphaMbeta2, CD11b/CD18) and type 4 (CR4, alphaXbeta2, CD11c/CD18) are members of the beta2-integrin family expressed on most white blood cells. Both receptors bind multiple ligands like iC3b, ICAM, fibrinogen or LPS. beta2-integrins are accepted to play important roles in cellular adhesion, migration, phagocytosis, ECM rearrangement and inflammation. Several pathological conditions are linked to the impaired functions of these receptors. CR3 and CR4 are generally thought to mediate overlapping functions in monocytes, macrophages and dendritic cells, therefore the potential distinctive role of these receptors has not been investigated so far in satisfactory details. Lately it has become clear that a functional segregation has evolved between the two receptors regarding phagocytosis, cellular adhesion and podosome formation. In addition to their tasks on myeloid cells, the expression and function of CR3 and CR4 on lymphocytes have also gained interest recently. The picture is further complicated by the fact that while these beta2-integrins are expressed by immune cells both in mice and humans, there are significant differences in their expression level, functions and the pathological consequences of genetic defects. Here we aim to summarize our current knowledge on CR3 and CR4 and highlight the functional differences between these receptors, involving their expression in myeloid and lymphoid cells of both men and mice