348 research outputs found

    Delta G from Compass

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    Measurements of the gluon polarization ΔGG\frac{\Delta G}{G} via the open charm channel and based on the helicity asymmetry of large transverse-momentum hadrons in the final state are presented. The data have been collected in the years 2002-2004 by the COMPASS experiment at CERN using a 160 GeV/c polarized muon beam scattered off a polarized 6^6LiD target. The new result for ΔGG\frac{\Delta G}{G} from the charm channel is 0.57±0.41(stat.)-0.57 \pm 0.41 (stat.) at xG0.15x_G \simeq 0.15 and scale μ213\mu^2 \simeq 13 (GeV/c)2^2. The gluon polarization from high-pTp_T hadron pairs is ΔGG=0.016±0.058(stat.)±0.055(syst.)\frac{\Delta G}{G} = 0.016\pm 0.058 (stat.)\pm 0.055 (syst.) at xG0.0850.035+0.07x_G \simeq 0.085^{+0.07}_{-0.035} (Q2<1Q^2 < 1 (GeV/c)2^2 and μ23\mu^2 \simeq 3 (GeV/c)2^2)Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, Talk given on XIV Interantional Workshop on DIS, 20-24 April, 2006, Tsukuba, Japa

    Bayesian analysis of the backreaction models

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    We present the Bayesian analysis of four different types of backreation models, which are based on the Buchert equations. In this approach, one considers a solution to the Einstein equations for a general matter distribution and then an average of various observable quantities is taken. Such an approach became of considerable interest when it was shown that it could lead to agreement with observations without resorting to dark energy. In this paper we compare the LambdaCDM model and the backreation models with SNIa, BAO, and CMB data, and find that the former is favoured. However, the tested models were based on some particular assumptions about the relation between the average spatial curvature and the backreaction, as well as the relation between the curvature and curvature index. In this paper we modified the latter assumption, leaving the former unchanged. We find that, by varying the relation between the curvature and curvature index, we can obtain a better fit. Therefore, some further work is still needed -- in particular the relation between the backreaction and the curvature should be revisited in order to fully determine the feasibility of the backreaction models to mimic dark energy.Comment: Extended analysis compared to v1. Matches published version

    Poznańskie peregrynacje Wojciecha Bogusławskiego

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    W tekście omówione zostały zawodowe i osobiste związki Wojciecha Bogusławskiego z Poznaniem w latach 1782 - 1823, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem kolejnych wizyt artysty i prowadzonych przez niego zespołów (m. in. warszawskiego Teatru Narodowego). Rozważania osadzone zostały w szerokim kontekście dziejów miasta, jego struktury narodowościowej, zmian urbanistycznych, dziejów politycznych. Przedstawione zostały również dawne "miejsca teatralne" Poznania, które wykorzystywał Bogusławski w trakcie swoich kolejnych wizyt. Ważnym elementem rozważań są rekonstrukcje repertuarów dziennych oraz składów prowadzonych przez Bogusławskiego zespołów. Autor przypomniał także najważniejsze fakty z dziejów sceny niemieckiej w latach 1782 - 1823, omówił strategie niemieckich antreprenerów, z którymi rywalizował w Poznaniu (na gruncie artystycznym, ekonomicznym i politycznym) Wojciech Bogusławski

    Hematologija u ranoj dijagnostici bolesti goveda - pregledni članak

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    Laboratory blood tests are not only an important element of the assessment of the general condition of animals, but they are also important for the early diagnosis of many diseases. In modern buiatrics laboratory tests are most frequently limited to the analysis of metabolic profiles, using selected biochemical tests. This reductionist approach results from economic reasons and ignores the possibility of using haematological tests, often limiting the possibility of a certain diagnosis. Haematology (Greek αιµα [ema] - blood) concerns the issues related to blood and the haematopoietic system, which is the first to respond to any disruptions in intra-body homeostasis. These changes guide the veterinarian in the search for a diagnosis and are indispensable in monitoring the effectiveness of treatment. Haematology can also be useful in managing a herd of cattle. In this article, the most recent data regarding the use of blood screening in livestock and the prophylaxis and treatment of dairy cattle are presented. The article presents the possibilities of using haematology in diagnostics, therapy and in the raising of dairy cattle. The most common causes of changes in haematological parameters in cattle are also discussed.Laboratorijski krvni testovi važni su ne samo za procjenu općega stanja životinje nego i u dijagnostici mnogih bolesti. U modernoj su bujatrici laboratorijski testovi najčešće ograničeni na analizu metaboličkog profila primjenom biokemijskih testova. Takav redukcionistički pristup, koji postoji iz ekonomskih razloga, zanemaruje mogućnosti upotrebe hematoloških testova, često ograničujući mogućnost dobivanja određene dijagnoze. Hematologija uključuje krv i hematopoetski sustav koji prvi reagiraju na bilo kakav poremećaj u homeostazi. Promjene u krvnim pokazateljima veterinare usmjeruju u potrazi za dijagnozom i nužne su u praćenju učinkovitosti liječenja. Hematologija može biti korisna i u upravljanju stadom. Ovaj rad donosi najnovije podatke o primjeni krvnih testova u stočarstvu te profilaksi i liječenju mliječnih pasmina. Članak nudi mogućnosti upotrebe hematologije u dijagnostici, liječenju i uzgoju mliječnih pasmina. Također su razmotreni najčešći uzroci promjena u krvnim pokazateljima u goveda

    "Meteor, który na chwilkę na scenie naszej zabłysnął..." Okolicznościowe wiersze, toasty i przemówienia opublikowane w prasie poznańskiej w związku z występami gościnnymi Heleny Modrzejewskiej w latach 1880-1903

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    The paper discusses guest performances of the Polish theatrical actress Helena Modjeska in Poznań in 1880, 1890, 1895, and 1903. Based mainly on contemporary press accounts, the author attempts to recapture a unique atmosphere that accompanied these performances. The Polish audience was enthralled by Modjeska's appearances on the stage of the Polish Theatre in Poznań and many local newspapers published extensive accounts of the events and the actress herself received spontaneuos and warn reception. The first part of the paper presents descriptions of the response and attitudes of theaudiences that brilliantly epitomise the 19th century phenomenon of theatrical stardom. Celebrations accompanying Modjeska's visit to Poznań reverberated far beyond Poznań's theatrical community and the walls of the Polish Theatre where she set the stage on fire with her electrifying personality. Grateful spectators would organise formal receptions in honour of the great actress at the Bazar Hotel or banquet venues of a number of other hotels in the town. Poznań-based press published occasional poems and transcribed acclamatory addresses delivered at these events as well as toasts spoken during formal gatherings. The next section of the paper aims to show several such reports (handpicked from a large number) that are the best evidence of the unprecedented and inimitable atmosphere of those days

    "W ogóle powiedzieć można, że w cyrku pana Wulffa można spędzić wieczór bardzo przyjemnie..." Cyrki, menażerie i akrobatyczne popisy w dziewiętnastowiecznym Poznaniu

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    All in all, it might be said that one can spend a nice and enjoyable night at Mr. Wullf’s Circus… Circuses, menageries and acrobatic performances in nineteenth century Poznań This article discusses the visits (and performances) of international circus ensembles to Poznań in the nineteenth century. Detailed and thorough examination of press clippings from the period has provided an in-depth view of various aspects of performances of itinerant circuses in Poznań, which, in turn, has allowed the relevant circus repertoires for each individual tours, circus artists and performers of particular companies of performers as well as the most important events accompanying the visits of circuses to the town to be fully presented in chronological order. The present discussion is not meant to be just an exhaustive analysis and description of local events or episodes exclusively connected with the history of shows or circus productions in the capital of Greater Poland. Tracing the circus productions in Poznań one may also perceive the reconstructed events as an identification of a ”representative sample” that reflects (from the local perspective) the activities of multi-national travelling circus troupes in the lands of former Polish Republic. Until now, scholarship has not adequately studied this issue and the present discussion is the first study of the subject that is based on such an extensive dataset obtained directly from source publications.Celem artykułu jest omówienie wizyt i występów międzynarodowych zespołów cyrkowych w dziewiętnastowiecznym Poznaniu. Rozważania oparte zostały na szczegółowych kwerendach prasowych, dzięki czemu możliwe było przedstawienie w porządku chronologicznym programów artystycznych poszczególnych wizyt, artystów współtworzących grupy cyrkowe, najciekawszych wydarzeń związanych z ich pobytem w mieście. Niniejszych rozważań nie należy traktować tylko w kategoriach opisu wydarzeń lokalnych, związanych wyłącznie w historią widowisk w stolicy Wielkopolski. Można postrzegać zrekonstruowane tutaj wydarzenia jako rodzaj „reprezentatywnej próby” odzwierciedlającej (z lokalnej perspektywy) działalność międzynarodowych grup cyrkowych na ziemiach dawnej Rzeczpospolitej. W dotychczasowym stanie badań jest to pierwsze opracowanie tematu oparte na tak szczegółowych badaniach źródłowych

    Utjecaj kliničkih i kroničnih oblika nedostatka magnezija na hematološke parametre mliječnih krava

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    The aim of the study was to determine the influence of hypomagnesaemia on the haematological status and predictive values of haematological tests in the diagnosis of magnesium (Mg) deficiency in dairy cow herds. The study was carried out on 100 dairy HF cows, divided into two experimental groups and a control one.The two experimental groups (I - clinical form of hypomagnesaemia, II - chronic form of hypomagnesaemia) consisted of 40 cows and the control group consisted of 20 healthy cows. Blood samples were collected twice: before the commencement of the therapy and after three months. In both hypomagnesaemic groups, low erythrocyte count, haemoglobin (Hgb) concentration and hematocrit (Ht) index values were observed. The indirect parameters of the erythrocyte system were within the standard reference range, with the exception of the mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH) index, which, in approx. 45% of animals, was below the lower limit of the normal range. Haemolytic normocytic normochromic anaemia was detected through the hypomagnesaemia of the cows. In the first and second group, at the first blood sampling an increase in the eosinophil count was observed, which was statistically significant in relation to the second sampling. In the blood smear test, a variety of erythrocyte sizes (anisocytosis), polychromasia and Howell-Jolly bodies were detected in the affected cows. After supplementation with magnesium, the concentration of Mg in the serum of the treated animals returned to normal more rapidly than the haematological parameters. The authors assumed that these in the haematological parameters may be helpful in indicating the need for Mg supplementation.Cilj rada bio je utvrditi utjecaj hipomagnezijemije na hematološki status i prediktivne vrijednosti hematoloških testova za dijagnozu nedostatka magnezija (Mg) u stadima mliječnih krava. Istraživanje je provedeno na 100 mliječnih krava holštajn-frizijske pasmine, koje su podijeljene u tri skupine: dvije pokusne i jednu kontrolnu. Dvije pokusne skupine (I – klinički oblik hipomagnezijemije, II – kronični oblik hipomagnezijemije) sastojale su se od po 40 krava, a kontrolna skupina sastojala se od 20 zdravih krava. Uzorci krvi prikupljeni su dva puta: prije početka terapije i poslije tri mjeseca. U obje hipomagnezijemijske skupine primijećene su niske vrijednosti broja eritrocita, koncentracije hemoglobina i indeksa hematokrita. Neizravni parametri eritrocitnog sustava bili su unutar standardnog referentnog raspona, s izuzetkom indeksa prosječnog hemoglobin u eritrocitu, koji je u oko 42 % životinja bio ispod donje granice referentnog raspona. Hipomagnezijemiju krava pratila je normocitna, normokromna anemija. U prvoj i drugoj skupini pri prvom je uzorkovanju krvi uočeno povećanje broja eozinofila, što je bilo statistički znakovito u odnosu na drugo uzorkovanje. Provođenjem pretrage krvnog razmaza u krava za hipomagnezijemijom otkriveni su različite veličine eritrocita (anisocitoza), polikromazija i Howell-Jollyjeva tjelešaca. Nakon dodatka magnezija, njegova se koncentracija u serumu liječenih životinja vratila u normalu brže od hematoloških parametara. Autori pretpostavljaju da spomenute promjene hematoloških vrijednosti mogu pomoći u otkrivanju potrebe za dodavanje magnezija u hranidbi mliječnih krava

    Takotsubo cardiomyopathy resulting from exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis

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    Takotsubo cardiomyopathy (TCM) is a medical condition characterized by a transient left ventricular apical dysfunction with unknown etiology. The clinical presentation mimics acute myocardial syndrome in the absence of obstructive coronary artery disease. The association between acute pancreatitis and TCM, however, is rarely reported in the literature. To date, no cases of TCM resulting from the exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis have been described.Takotsubo cardiomyopathy (TCM) is a medical condition characterized by a transient left ventricular apical dysfunction with unknown etiology. The clinical presentation mimics acute myocardial syndrome in the absence of obstructive coronary artery disease. The association between acute pancreatitis and TCM, however, is rarely reported in the literature. To date, no cases of TCM resulting from the exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis have been describei

    Technologies for low cost small satellites, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2007, nr 1

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    Paper presents short description of satellite struc- ture and characterization of its subsystems. Review of tech- nologies used in small satellite missions is presented, consid- ering possible solutions in low cost projects. Three common solutions: the use of commercial off the shelf (COTS) compo- nents, miniaturization, remote testing and integration of sub- systems can be used to significantly reduce cost of the satellite