106 research outputs found

    User experiences of TORPEDO: TOoltip-poweRed Phishing Email DetectiOn

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    We propose a concept called TORPEDO to improve phish detection by providing just-in-time and just-in-place trustworthy tooltips. These help people to identify phish links embedded in emails. TORPEDO's tooltips contain the actual URL with the domain highlighted. Link activation is delayed for a short period, giving the person time to inspect the URL before they click on a link. Furthermore, TORPEDO provides an information diagram to explain phish detection. We evaluated TORPEDO's effectiveness, as compared to the worst case “status bar” as provided by other Web email interfaces. People using TORPEDO performed significantly better in detecting phishes and identifying legitimate emails (85.17% versus 43.31% correct answers for phish). We then carried out a field study with a number of TORPEDO users to explore actual user experiences of TORPEDO. We conclude the paper by reporting on the outcome of this field study and suggest improvements based on the feedback from the field study participants

    Analysis of the Security and Memorability of the Password Card

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    Choosing and remembering secure passwords poses a problem to users. The password card is a proposal intended to help users to cope with this problem. It is a paper card with a grid of random letters, numbers, and symbols, on which users choose a starting point and a walk of adjacent cells. The characters on the traversed cells form the new password. We analyze the security and memorability of passwords created this way. We find that users mostly choose predictable walks and starting points. At the same time, memorability of the passwords seems low. Thus, the password card seems to fail in helping users to choose and remember secure passwords

    Visualization of uncertainty in natural hazards assessments using an interactive cartographic information system

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    Natural hazard assessments are always subject to uncertainties due to missing knowledge about the complexity of hazardous processes as well as their natural variability. Decision-makers in the field of natural hazard management need to understand the concept, components, sources, and implications of existing uncertainties in order to reach informed and transparent decisions. Until now, however, only few hazard maps include uncertainty visualizations which would be much needed for an enhanced communication among experts and decision-makers in order to make informed decisions possible. In this paper, an analysis of how uncertainty is currently treated and communicated by Swiss natural hazards experts is presented. The conducted expert survey confirmed that the communication of uncertainty has to be enhanced, possibly with the help of uncertainty visualizations. However, in order to visualize the spatial characteristics of uncertainty, existing uncertainties need to be quantified. This challenge is addressed by the exemplary simulation of a snow avalanche event using a deterministic model and quantified uncertainties with a sensitivity analysis. Suitable visualization methods for the resulting spatial variability of the uncertainties are suggested, and the advantages and disadvantages of their implementation in an interactive cartographic information system are discusse

    Is conditioned pain modulation (CPM) affected by negative emotional state?

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    Background Conditioned pain modulation (CPM) is an experimental paradigm, which describes the inhibition of responses to a noxious or strong-innocuous stimulus, the test stimulus (TS), by the additional application of a second noxious or strong-innocuous stimulus, the conditioning stimulus (CS). As inadequate CPM efficiency has been assumed to be predisposing for clinical pain, the search for moderating factors explaining inter-individual variations in CPM is ongoing. Psychological factors have received credits in this context. However, research concerning associations between CPM and trait factors relating to negative emotions has yielded disappointing results. Yet, the influence of anxious or fearful states on CPM has not attracted much interest despite ample evidence that negative affective states enhance pain. Our study aimed at investigating the effect of fear induction by symbolic threat on CPM. Methods Thirty-seven healthy participants completed two experimental blocks: one presenting aversive pictures showing burn wounds (high-threat block) and one presenting neutral pictures (low-threat block). Both blocks contained a CPM paradigm with contact heat as TS and hot water as CS; subjective numerical ratings as well as contact-heat evoked potentials (CHEPs) were assessed. Results We detected an overall inhibitory CPM effect for CHEPs amplitudes but not for pain ratings. However, we found no evidence for a modulation of CPM by threat despite threat ratings indicating that our manipulation was successful. Discussion These results suggest that heat/thermal CPM is resistant to this specific type of symbolic threat induction and further research is necessary to examine whether it is resistant to fearful states in general. Significance The attempt of modulating heat conditioned pain modulation (CPM) by emotional threat (fear/anxiety state) failed. Thus, heat CPM inhibition again appeared resistant to emotional influences. Pain-related brain potentials proved to be more sensitive for CPM effects than subjective ratings


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    The traditional settlement structure of many Swiss regions was typically characterised by dispersed small settlements, providing an important basis for agriculture. As industrialisation and structural change have accelerated, these hamlets are increasingly losing their original purpose. However, many of them are of high value in terms of their building culture and heritage. Trying to preserve them adequately presents both architectural and socio-economic challenges. In order to address these difficulties, we developed a new strategy for the hamlet of KirchbĂŒhl, in the town of Sempach. By bringing together experts’ viewpoints and the viewpoints of the key stakeholders in a participatory process, we aimed to identify potential conflicts between the different views and address them early on in the development of new guidelines. For each work-package, the goals were defined with the aim of formulating a set of principles and recommendations for planners, builders and the public authorities. The results of the participatory elements have shown that it was possible to integrate the local viewpoints continuously into the ongoing process and the guidelines. A clear line of conflict emerged between the practical vision of the owners and inhabitants and a more preservationist vision of some authorities. Thus, a more direct dialogue between the local stakeholders and the experts should be aimed for in future projects. The ex-post process reflection has also shown that the process needs to be tightened financially and temporally, to be able to carry it out in other municipalities

    NoPhish: Evaluation of a web application that teaches people being aware of phishing attacks

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    Phishing has evolved to a serious cause of risk in our daily contact with the World Wide Web. Therefore, different extensions and plugins for web browsers were developed to detect phishing websites. To furthermore minimize the risk of falling for a phishing attack, the users themselves have to be educated. Therefore, the online game "NoPhish" has been developed, which explains the basics of phishing attacks and how to detect them efficiently. In the following study, the success rate of this online tool was measured. The goal was to determine which phishing strategies are effective in fooling users, which strategies can be practised well and which strategies are still effective in fooling users after having been taught by some educational material. The effectiveness of "NoPhish" in increasing users’ security awareness and the ability of detecting phishing URLs could be proven. Furthermore, it could be determined which types of phishing should be drawn special attention to in future development of phishing education material.&nbsp

    Bewertung des Reittourismus in Sachsen

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    Der Freistaat Sachsen engagiert sich seit 1999 im Reittourismus. Schwerpunkte sind die Schaffung eines attraktiven Wegenetzes, die Entwicklung und Qualifizierung reittouristischer Angebote und deren Vermarktung. Die Marke 'Sachsen mit Pferd' ist konsequent weiterentwickelt worden und Bestandteil des Marketings der Landestouristik. Die Zwischenbilanz der Förderung des Reittourismus weist vielfĂ€ltige Erfolge auf: Die Marke 'Sachsen mit Pferd' wurde entwickelt (Logo, PR, Angebote), rd. 600 Anbieter sind unter dem Produkt 'Sachsen mit Pferd'; zusammengefasst, Leitbild und Marketingstrategie wurden entwickelt, die reittouristischen Angebote wurden in die Marketingkampagne „SACHSENLand erleben“ aufgenommen, ein Zertifizierungssystem fĂŒr die Reittourismusbetriebe wurde eingerichtet, das Internetportal „Sachsen mit Pferd“ ist seit 2003 online. Etwa 7 000 km Reitwege wurden beschildert. 15 (von 23 geplanten) Reitkarten sind erschienen. Der FN-Wettbewerb 'Pferdefreundliche Gemeinde'; wird auch in Sachsen durchgefĂŒhrt, der Landes-Wettbewerb 'Pferdefreundliche GaststĂ€tte' findet seit 2003 statt. Weiterbildungsmaßnahmen fĂŒr Reitbetriebe (und reiterfreundliche Anbieter) wurden entwickelt, 2006 wurde der IHK-Zertifikatskurs 'Fachkraft fĂŒr Reittourismus' etabliert, im Oktober 2007 gab es die beiden ersten erfolgreichen Absolventinnen. Die Förderung des Reittourismus in Sachsen verfolgt - neben den markenstrategischen und imagebezogenen Zielen - das Ziel der Förderung des lĂ€ndlichen Raumes und die UnterstĂŒtzung derlandwirtschaftlichen Betriebe. Stichworte sind u. a. Agrartourismus, Diversifizierung des Angebotes der landwirtschaftlichen Betriebe, StĂ€rkung des Tourismus im lĂ€ndlichen Raum. Die vorliegende Studie dient als Grundlage, um eine Zwischenbilanz der bisherigen AktivitĂ€ten zu ziehen. Im Mittelpunkt der Überlegungen steht die Weichenstellung fĂŒr die zukĂŒnftige Ausrichtung des Projektes 'Sachsen mit Pferd'

    ErklĂ€rvideo “Online-Betrug” – Nach nur fĂŒnf Minuten Phishing E-Mails nachweislich signifikant besser erkennen

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    BetrĂŒger haben schon immer das Vertrauen von unvorsichtigen Personen ausgenutzt und versucht diese zu betrĂŒgen. Im Zeitalter der Computer wurden die Möglichkeiten der BetrĂŒger erweitert und sie können nun jede beliebige Person, die im Besitz einer E-Mail Adresse ist, zu ihrem Ziel machen. Die BetrĂŒger passen ihre Phishing-Nachrichten gezielt auf ihre Opfer an und verschleiern TĂ€uschung und Betrug so gut wie möglich. Daraus folgernd wird die Sensibilisierung der Nutzer in Bezug auf das Thema Phishing und die erfolgreiche Erkennung dessen von immer grĂ¶ĂŸerer Wichtigkeit. Unsere bisher entwickelten Phishing Awareness-Programme adressieren bestehende Fehlannahmen und MissverstĂ€ndnisse bezĂŒglich Phishing und können gezielt dabei helfen, die Erkennung solcher Nachrichten zu verbessern. Der grĂ¶ĂŸte Nachteil dieser Awareness-Programme stellt die dafĂŒr aufzuwendende Zeit dar. Deshalb haben wir ein Phishing Awareness Video entwickelt und evaluiert, welches in fĂŒnf Minuten ĂŒber das Thema Phishing informiert. Nach dem Ansehen des Videos konnten Probanden in unserer Untersuchung Phishing-Nachrichten signifikant zuverlĂ€ssiger erkennen (verglichen mit der Erkennung vor dem Ansehen des Videos). Diese FĂ€higkeit konnte auch nach einer achtwöchigen Pause in einer abschließenden Befragung nachgewiesen werden

    Inhibitor of apoptosis proteins are potential targets for treatment of granulosa cell tumors - implications from studies in KGN

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    BACKGROUND: Granulosa cell tumors (GCTs) are derived from proliferating granulosa cells of the ovarian follicle. They are known for their late recurrence and most patients with an aggressive form die from their disease. There are no treatment options for this slowly proliferating tumor besides surgery and chemotherapy. In a number of tumors, analogs of the second mitochondria-derived activator of caspases (SMAC), alone or in combination with other molecules, such as TNFα, are evolving as new treatment options. SMAC mimetics block inhibitor of apoptosis proteins (IAPs), which bind caspases (e.g. XIAP), or activate the pro-survival NF-ÎșB pathway (e.g. cIAP1/2). Expression of IAPs by GCTs is yet not fully elucidated but recently XIAP and its inhibition by SMAC mimetics in a combination therapy was described to induce apoptosis in a GCT cell line, KGN. We evaluated the expression of cIAP1 in GCTs and elucidated the effects of the SMAC mimetic BV-6 using KGN as a model. RESULTS: Employing immunohistochemistry, we observed cIAP1 expression in a tissue microarray (TMA) of 42 GCT samples. RT-PCR confirmed expression of cIAP1/2, as well as XIAP, in primary, patient-derived GCTs and in KGN. We therefore tested the ability of the bivalent SMAC mimetic BV-6, which is known to inhibit cIAP1/2 and XIAP, to induce cell death in KGN. A dose response study indicated an EC50 ≈ 8 ΌM for both, early ( 80) passages, which differ in growth rate and presumably aggressiveness. Quantitative RT-PCR showed upregulation of NF-ÎșB regulated genes in BV-6 stimulated cells. Blocking experiments with the pan-caspase inhibitor Z-VAD-FMK indicated caspase-dependence. A concentration of 20 ΌM Z-VAD-FMK was sufficient to significantly reduce apoptosis. This cell death was further substantiated by results of Western Blot studies. Cleaved caspase 3 and cleaved PARP became evident in the BV-6 treated group. CONCLUSIONS: Taken together, the results show that BV-6 is able to induce apoptosis in KGN cells. This approach may therefore offer a promising therapeutic avenue to treat GCTs

    Review article: Natural hazard risk assessments at the global scale

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    Since 1990, natural hazards have led to over 1.6 million fatalities globally, and economic losses are estimated at an average of around $260–310 billion per year. The scientific and policy community recognise the need to reduce these risks. As a result, the last decade has seen a rapid development of global models for assessing risk from natural hazards at the global scale. In this paper, we review the scientific literature on natural hazard risk assessments at the global scale, and specifically examine whether and how they have examined future projections of hazard, exposure, and/or vulnerability. In doing so, we examine similarities and differences between the approaches taken across the different hazards, and identify potential ways in which different hazard communities can learn from each other. For example, we show that global risk studies focusing on hydrological, climatological, and meteorological hazards, have included future projections and disaster risk reduction measures (in the case of floods), whilst these are missing in global studies related to geological hazards. The methods used for projecting future exposure in the former could be applied to the geological studies. On the other hand, studies of earthquake and tsunami risk are now using stochastic modelling approaches to allow for a fully probabilistic assessment of risk, which could benefit the modelling of risk from other hazards. Finally, we discuss opportunities for learning from methods and approaches being developed and applied to assess natural hazard risks at more continental or regional scales. Through this paper, we hope to encourage dialogue on knowledge sharing between scientists and communities working on different hazards and at different spatial scales
