28 research outputs found

    Sub-hourly simulation of residential ground coupled heat pump systems

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    Residential Ground Coupled Heat Pump systems are usually characterised by an ON/OFF behaviour of the heat pump with typical cycling frequencies of 1 - 4 cycles per hour. The ground loop fluid pump has the same ON/OFF behaviour and the borehole heat exchanger operates either in full flow or no flow conditions. Typical hourly simulations of GCHP systems use steady-state models for the heat pump and the borehole fluid (transient models being used for buildings and heat transfer in the ground). This paper reviews the models used in typical hourly simulations as well as transient models that are available and compares the results obtained using the two classes of models within the TRNSYS simulation environment. Both the long-term energy performance and the optimum system design are compared. It is shown that using steady-state models leads to an overestimation of the energy use that ranges from a few percents with oversized borehole heat exchangers to 75% for undersized exchangers. A simple Life Cycle Cost analysis shows that using steady-state models can lead to selecting a very different design than the one that would have been selected using dynamic models

    Simulation of a model-based optimal controller for heating systems under realistic hypothesis

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    An optimal controller for auxiliary heating of passive solar buildings and commercial buildings with high internal gains is tested in simulation. Some of the most restrictive simplifications that were used in previous studies of that controller (Kummert et al., 2001) are lifted: the controller is applied to a multizone building, and a detailed model is used for the HVAC system. The model-based control algorithm is not modified. It is based on a simplified internal model

    Combining different validation techniques for continuous software improvement - Implications in the development of TRNSYS 16

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    Validation using published, high quality test suites can serve to identify different problems in simulation software: modeling and coding errors, missing features, frequent sources of user confusion. This paper discusses the application of different published validation procedures during the development of a new TRNSYS version: BESTEST/ASHRAE 140 (Building envelope), HVAC BESTEST (mechanical systems) and IEA ECBCS Annex 21 / SHC Task 12 empirical validation (performance of a test cell with a very simple mechanical system). It is shown that each validation suite has allowed to identify different types of problems. Those validation tools were also used to diagnose and fix some of the identified problems, and to assess the influence of code modifications. The paper also discusses some limitations of the selected validation tools

    Converging on a recommended set of interpretations and assumptions in applying standard tests to energy analysis tools

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    The authors, having individually applied ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 140-2001 to the simulation program TRNSYS in a previous project, compare their results, simulation assumptions, and interpretations of the Standard's test cases to arrive at a conformed set of recommended practices. Sensitivities to individual assumptions are investigated and results of applying the conformed set of assumptions are presented

    Experiences with and interpretation of standard test methods of building energy analysis tools

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    The authors separately apply ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 140-2001 to the simulation program TRNSYS, comparing not only their results but the differences in their simulation assumptions and in their interpretations of the Standard's test cases. Results of the application are presented for all three authors, showing that there is a significant amount of leeway within a complex simulation tool such asTRNSYS for users of different backgrounds to apply their own common simulating practices and still fall comfortably within the range of acceptability specified by such Standards. Included in the application results are results of sensitivity tests that demonstrate the relative importance of assumption differences

    New TRNSYS types to simulate air-to-air energy recovery

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    Presentation on new TRNSYS types to simulate air-to-air energy recovery. Implementation of energy conservation measures in buildings can extend our use of finite resources while simultaneously reducing our impact on the environment

    A comparison of the UK Standard Assessment Procedure (SAP) and detailed simulation of building-integrated renewable energy systems

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    The drive to reduce UK Carbon Emissions directly associated with dwellings and to achieve a zero carbon home dictates that Renewable Energy Technologies will have an increasingly large role in the built environment. Created by the Building Research Establishment (BRE), the Standard Assessment Procedure (SAP) is the UK Government’s recommended method of assessing the energy ratings of dwellings. This paper presents an evaluation of the advantage given to SAP ratings by the domestic installation of typical Photovoltaic (PV) and Solar Domestic Hot Water (SDHW) systems in the UK. Comparable PV and SDHW systems will also be simulated with more detailed modelling packages. Results suggest that calculation variances can exist between the SAP methodology and detailed simulation methods, especially for higher performance systems that deviate from the default efficiency parameters

    Contrasting the capabilities of building energy performance simulation programs

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    For the past 50 years, a wide variety of building energy simulation programs have been developed, enhanced and are in use throughout the building energy community. This paper is an overview of a report, which provides up-to-date comparison of the features and capabilities of twenty major building energy simulation programs. The comparison is based on information provided by the program developers in the following categories: general modeling features; zone loads; building envelope and daylighting and solar; infiltration, ventilation and multizone airflow; renewable energy systems; electrical systems and equipment; HVAC systems; HVAC equipment; environmental emissions; economic evaluation; climate data availability, results reporting; validation; and user interface, links to other programs, and availability

    Simulation synergy : expanding TRNSYS capabilities and usability

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    Developers of simulation packages are now able to take advantage of the increase in available desktop computing power to expand the capabilities and usability of their programs. This paper will illustrate these opportunities by discussing the different techniques the developers of the TRNSYS software package have used to try and create a synergy between TRNSYS and external programs and between the developers and users of the program

    A framework for designing socially assistive robot interactions

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    Schneider S, Goerlich M, Kummert F. A framework for designing socially assistive robot interactions. Cognitive Systems Research. 2016;43:301-312