16 research outputs found

    General anesthesia of a Japanese infant with Barber-Say syndrome : a case report

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    Background: Barber-Say syndrome (BSS) is a very rare congenital disorder characterized by macrostomia, cutis laxa, and other features. We report our experience of performing general anesthesia on a Japanese child with BSS. Case presentation: A bilateral repair of the corners of the mouth under general anesthesia was planned for an 18-month-old male with macrostomia; the child was 75 cm in height and weighed 9.9 kg. As insertion of the peripheral intravenous catheter was difficult, it was inserted before the surgery by a pediatrician. The patient wore a mask and was ventilated manually after loss of consciousness with intravenous anesthesia. A mask for adults provided a superior fit and was effective in preventing air leakage from the corners of the mouth. After rocuronium was administered, the larynx was spread with a Macintosh laryngoscope. There was no laryngeal anatomical abnormality, and tracheal intubation was readily possible. The operation was completed without incident. Stiffening of both arms occurred for several seconds one hour after the operation ended, but the patient did not develop other complications. Conclusions: Mask ventilation and the insertion of an intravenous catheter may be difficult in the general anesthesia of patients with BSS, and anesthetic management requires caution

    Trends in electrocardiographic R-wave amplitude during intraoperative pneumothorax

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    Tension pneumothorax is a rare but potentially life-threating complication of laparoscopic fundoplication. Electrocardiogram (ECG) changes may be used in the diagnosis of intraoperative tension pneumothorax. This case study examines a pediatric patient who underwent laparoscopic fundoplication. Sudden decreases in oxygen saturation were observed during dissection, although the patient’s decrease in blood pressure was less marked. Manual ventilation with high inspiratory pressure and inspiratory pause improved oxygenation. The amplitude of the R-wave decreased from 0.8 mV to 0.3mV in 5 seconds. Twenty minutes later, oxygen saturation decreased again, the R-wave amplitude decreased from 0.3 mV to 0.1 mV in 1 second, and the decrease in blood pressure was marked. Manual ventilation with high inspiratory pressure improved oxygenation, blood pressure, and R-wave amplitude within two minutes. After conversion to open surgery, the cardiorespiratory condition gradually improved, but the R-wave amplitude did not fully recover, even at the end of surgery. Right-side pneumothorax was subsequently confirmed by postoperative chest X-ray. Chest drains were inserted after surgery. This case suggests that trends in R-wave amplitude are potential indicators of intraoperative tension pneumothorax

    A Comparison of Fosaprepitant and Ondansetron for Preventing Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting in Moderate to High Risk Patients : A Retrospective Database Analysis

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    Postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV) occur in 30–50% of patients undergoing general anesthesia and in 70–80% of high PONV risk patients. In this study, we investigated the efficacy of fosaprepitant, a neurokinin-1 (NK1) receptor antagonist, compared to ondansetron, a selective 5-hydroxytryptamine type 3 (5-HT3) receptor antagonist, in moderate to high PONV risk patients from our previous randomized controlled trials. Patients (171 patients from 4 pooled studies) with the Apfel simplified score ≥ 2 and undergoing general anesthesia were randomly allocated to receive intravenous fosaprepitant 150 mg (NK1 group, = 82) and intravenous ondansetron 4 mg (ONS group, = 89) before induction of anesthesia. Incidence of vomiting was significantly lower in the NK1 group compared to the ONS group 0–2, 0–24, and 0–48 hours after surgery (2 versus 17%, 2 versus 28%, and 2 versus 29%, resp.). However, no significant differences in PONV, complete response, rescue antiemetic use, and nausea score were observed between groups 0–48 hours after surgery. In moderate to high PONV risk patients, fosaprepitant decreased the incidence of vomiting and was superior to ondansetron in preventing postoperative vomiting 0–48 hours after surgery

    Effectiveness of using non-invasive continuous arterial pressure monitoring with ClearSight in hemodynamic monitoring during living renal transplantation in a recipient : a case report

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    We investigated the effectiveness of the ClearSight system for hemodynamic management during kidney transplantation for a recipient. The recipient was to receive a kidney transplant from his mother under general anesthesia.We used continuous noninvasive finger-cuff-based monitoring of blood pressure, provided by the ClearSight system, and stroke volume variation to predict fluid responsiveness. We used of a balanced anesthetic technique and stringent monitoring standards to ensure a successful outcome for the patient. This case demonstrated that ClearSight has the potential to improve patient monitoring in hemodynamically stable patients who received kidney transplantation under general anesthesia

    A case of placenta percreta with massive hemorrhage during cesarean section

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    We describe a case of a 39-year-old woman diagnosed with placenta percreta complicated by massive hemorrhage during a cesarean section. At 27 weeks of gestation, she underwent an emergency cesarean section under general anesthesia for vaginal bleeding and an intrauterine infection. Soon after delivery, a massive hemorrhage was encountered while attempting to separate the placenta percreta from the bladder wall. Although total abdominal hysterectomy and partial cystectomy were performed, massive hemorrhaging persisted. Bleeding was finally controlled following bilateral internal iliac artery embolization. We used a cell salvage device and a rapid infuser for hemodynamics stabilization. Total blood loss was 47,000 mL, and anesthesia time was 12 h and 47 min. The patient was discharged on the 32nd postoperative day without major complications. Placenta accreta can be associated with life-threatening hemorrhage and it is vital to plan accordingly preoperatively

    Inhibition of neuronal nitric-oxide synthase by phosphorylation at Threonine1296 in NG108-15 neuronal cells

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    AbstractWe demonstrate that neuronal nitric-oxide synthase (nNOS) is directly inhibited through the phosphorylation of Thr1296 in NG108-15 neuronal cells. Treatment of NG108-15 cells expressing nNOS with calyculin A, an inhibitor of protein phosphatase 1 and 2A, revealed a dose-dependent inhibition of nNOS enzyme activity with concomitant phosphorylation of Thr1296 residue. Cells expressing a phosphorylation-deficient mutant in which Thr1296 was changed to Ala proved resistant to phosphorylation and suppression of NOS activity. Mimicking phosphorylation mutant of nNOS in which Thr1296 is changed to Asp showed a significant decrease in nNOS enzyme activity, being competitive with NADPH, relative to the wild-type enzyme. These data suggest that phosphorylation of nNOS at Thr1296 may involve the attenuation of nitric oxide production in neuronal cells through the decrease of NADPH-binding to the enzyme

    The Effects of Intravenous Fosaprepitant and Ondansetron for the Prevention of Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting in Neurosurgery Patients: A Prospective, Randomized, Double-Blinded Study

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    The incidence of postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV) is 30–50% after surgery. PONV occurs frequently, especially after craniotomy. In this study, we investigated the preventive effects on PONV in a randomized study by comparing patients who had been administered fosaprepitant, a neurokinin-1 (NK1) receptor antagonist, or ondansetron intravenously. Sixty-four patients undergoing craniotomy were randomly allocated to receive fosaprepitant 150 mg i.v. (NK1 group, n = 32) or ondansetron 4 mg i.v. (ONS group, n = 32) before anesthesia. The incidence of vomiting was significantly less in the NK1 group, where 2 of 32 (6%) patients experienced vomiting compared to 16 of 32 (50%) patients in the ONS group during the first 24 and 48 hours following surgery. Additionally, the incidence of complete response (no vomiting and no rescue antiemetic use) was significantly higher in the NK1 group than in the ONS group, and was 66% versus 41%, respectively, during the first 24 hours, and 63% versus 38%, respectively, during the first 48 hours. In patients undergoing craniotomy, fosaprepitant is more effective than ondansetron in increasing the rate of complete response and decreasing the incidence of vomiting at 24 and 48 hours postoperatively

    General anesthesia of a Japanese infant with Barber-Say syndrome: a case report

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    Abstract Background Barber-Say syndrome (BSS) is a very rare congenital disorder characterized by macrostomia, cutis laxa, and other features. We report our experience of performing general anesthesia on a Japanese child with BSS. Case presentation A bilateral repair of the corners of the mouth under general anesthesia was planned for an 18-month-old male with macrostomia; the child was 75 cm in height and weighed 9.9 kg. As insertion of the peripheral intravenous catheter was difficult, it was inserted before the surgery by a pediatrician. The patient wore a mask and was ventilated manually after loss of consciousness with intravenous anesthesia. A mask for adults provided a superior fit and was effective in preventing air leakage from the corners of the mouth. After rocuronium was administered, the larynx was spread with a Macintosh laryngoscope. There was no laryngeal anatomical abnormality, and tracheal intubation was readily possible. The operation was completed without incident. Stiffening of both arms occurred for several seconds one hour after the operation ended, but the patient did not develop other complications. Conclusions Mask ventilation and the insertion of an intravenous catheter may be difficult in the general anesthesia of patients with BSS, and anesthetic management requires caution

    A Comparison of Fosaprepitant and Ondansetron for Preventing Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting in Moderate to High Risk Patients: A Retrospective Database Analysis

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    Postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV) occur in 30–50% of patients undergoing general anesthesia and in 70–80% of high PONV risk patients. In this study, we investigated the efficacy of fosaprepitant, a neurokinin-1 (NK1) receptor antagonist, compared to ondansetron, a selective 5-hydroxytryptamine type 3 (5-HT3) receptor antagonist, in moderate to high PONV risk patients from our previous randomized controlled trials. Patients (171 patients from 4 pooled studies) with the Apfel simplified score ≥ 2 and undergoing general anesthesia were randomly allocated to receive intravenous fosaprepitant 150 mg (NK1 group, n=82) and intravenous ondansetron 4 mg (ONS group, n=89) before induction of anesthesia. Incidence of vomiting was significantly lower in the NK1 group compared to the ONS group 0–2, 0–24, and 0–48 hours after surgery (2 versus 17%, 2 versus 28%, and 2 versus 29%, resp.). However, no significant differences in PONV, complete response, rescue antiemetic use, and nausea score were observed between groups 0–48 hours after surgery. In moderate to high PONV risk patients, fosaprepitant decreased the incidence of vomiting and was superior to ondansetron in preventing postoperative vomiting 0–48 hours after surgery