127 research outputs found

    Implementation of Interpretive Structural Model and Topsis in Manufacturing Industries for Supplier Selection

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    The world is becoming international marketplace and the international environment is pushing industries to take practically everything into attention. In recent years supplier selection and order distribution as an important part of supply chain management are facing extraordinary challenges and difficulties.  High customization and fast changing market stresses on modern supply chain management. Growing flexibility is needed to remain competitive and respond to quick changing market in this state supplier selection represents one of the most significant function to be done by the purchasing division.  Supplier selection is the process by which industries classify, calculate, and deal with suppliers. In order to select the finest supplier it is necessary to make a compromise between these tangible and intangible criteria. The supplier selection method deploys a tremendous amount of a firm’s financial resources. In return, firms expect significant benefits from contracting with suppliers presenting high value. This research investigates and examines supplier selection criteria and the impact of supplier selection to the industry performance. Interpretive structural modeling (ISM) and technique of order preference by similarity to ideal solution (TOPSIS) methods are used by the researcher for selecting finest supplier. ISM help to find the important criteria used by the firm and topsis give the rank to the supplier. The results show that the planned method is capable of improving the shape of manufacturing systems and delivers pictured information for decision manufacturers. Keywords: - Supply Chain Management, Supplier Selection, ISM, TOPSIS Metho

    Flyash Geopolymer Concrete as Future Concrete

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    Demand for concrete as construction material is on the increase so as the production of cement. It is estimated that ~6-8% of total CO2 is generated from construction industry. To reduce the concrete industry‟s carbon footprint, blended cements are in use in the market. The research trend is directed towards more eco-friendly concrete such as geopolymer. Recently the focus of research has been shifted on use of fly ash for geopolymerisation. This is based on the alumino-silicate composition of fly ash, it‟s easy availability, better flow ability and improved durability. The chemical composition of geopolymer is similar to that of zeolite, but amorphous in microstructure. Flyash-based geopolymer concrete show excellent short and long-term properties. The properties and uses of geopolymers are being explored in many scientific and industrial disciplines like modern inorganic chemistry, physical chemistry, colloid chemistry, mineralogy, geology, and in all types of engineering process technologies. The current paper presents scope of flyash based geopolymer concrete as future concrete, summarizes and critically analyses the most important research findings

    Automatic Radiometric Improvement of Moon Images for Shadow Segmentation

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    Kaufmann et al. [18] have proposed a method for pose estimation of the spacecraft during the descent phase by matching the shadows between real time images and reference images. The shadow segmentation of the real time images is largely affected by the lunar surface reflectance, the lunar surface features and the illumination conditions. The thesis investigates various radiometric enhancement methods to reduce the effect of these artefacts on the shadow segmentation. An enhancement pipeline was designed to enhance the contrast of the images. An automated classification of images was also implemented in the pipeline based on topographical information and mathematical parameters. The Narrow Angle Camera (NAC) images from Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) mission were used, to develop the automated classification logic of the pipeline using the training data set and to validate the performance of the pipeline using the test data set. The reference images were rendered from the Digital Terrain Model (DTM) files of the corresponding NAC images. The result shows that enhancement of the descent images increases the amount of segmented shadows, when compared with the shadow segmented original image. The percentage of correct shadow match between the shadow segmented virtual image and shadow segmented enhanced images are higher compared to the shadow segmented original image. Further, it is observed that the applied enhancement method depends on the surface reflectance and the incidence angle

    EPASAD: Ellipsoid decision boundary based Process-Aware Stealthy Attack Detector

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    Due to the importance of Critical Infrastructure (CI) in a nation's economy, they have been lucrative targets for cyber attackers. These critical infrastructures are usually Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) such as power grids, water, and sewage treatment facilities, oil and gas pipelines, etc. In recent times, these systems have suffered from cyber attacks numerous times. Researchers have been developing cyber security solutions for CIs to avoid lasting damages. According to standard frameworks, cyber security based on identification, protection, detection, response, and recovery are at the core of these research. Detection of an ongoing attack that escapes standard protection such as firewall, anti-virus, and host/network intrusion detection has gained importance as such attacks eventually affect the physical dynamics of the system. Therefore, anomaly detection in physical dynamics proves an effective means to implement defense-in-depth. PASAD is one example of anomaly detection in the sensor/actuator data, representing such systems' physical dynamics. We present EPASAD, which improves the detection technique used in PASAD to detect these micro-stealthy attacks, as our experiments show that PASAD's spherical boundary-based detection fails to detect. Our method EPASAD overcomes this by using Ellipsoid boundaries, thereby tightening the boundaries in various dimensions, whereas a spherical boundary treats all dimensions equally. We validate EPASAD using the dataset produced by the TE-process simulator and the C-town datasets. The results show that EPASAD improves PASAD's average recall by 5.8% and 9.5% for the two datasets, respectively.Comment: Submitte

    Mapping and analysis of the drug discovery and development process and the underlying uncertainties and the problem of time to market

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    The pharmaceutical industry is one of the most important and fast growing sectors in the world. By the end of year 2010, the global pharmaceutical industry is estimated to grow to 842billionwithacompoundedannualgrowthrateof6.9842 billion with a compounded annual growth rate of 6.9% over the period of 5 years. The industry is technologically sophisticated and characterised by highly risky and lengthy processes, intense competition and large research and development expenditures. The key process of the pharmaceutical industry constitutes of the drug discovery and development process which takes nearly 10 to 15 years for development from the earliest stage in discovery to the time it is made available for use to the patients and costs an average of 800 million. Despite successfully translating discoveries into successful products, the process is plagued by increasing number of uncertainties which leads to an increased developmental time cycles. This delays the product‟s entry into the market thereby causing heavy losses to the pharmaceutical industry. This research presents techniques that enable pharmaceutical firms to reduce uncertainties as well as tackle the problem of time to market with a view to improving the product quality thereby increasing their profits significantly


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    Ascorbic acid or Vitamin C is very important in our body because of its antioxidant property. But the main problem; that vitamin C uses is to maintain the stability as well as its drug distribution system. Vitamin C also plays a protective role in diabetes, cancer, heavy metal toxicity or poisoning, etc. Vitamin C is found in many sources present in nature, including tomatoes, broccoli, etc. Many factors in the body, as well as outside the body, affect the content of vitamin C in the body or sources like the season, climate, and pollution affect the content in fruits and vegetables besides sex, age, pregnancy, lactation, etc. affect the vitamin C content in the body. It is extensively used in the common cold, wound healing process, cancer, heavy metal poisoning or toxicity, and even in men's fertility. In this article, we focused on the general aspects: its bioavailability, sources, its toxicity and deficiency, and factors affecting vitamin C level as well as its use in humans. In the last, we conclude, the excess or lack of Vitamin C, both conditions have affected the human body in a significant range. It plays a protective role against many disorders and is required for kids, men, women, and even old-aged patients

    An Efficient Synchronous Checkpointing Protocol for Mobile Distributed Systems

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    Recent years have witnessed rapid development of mobile communications and become part of everyday life for most people. In order to transparently adding fault tolerance in mobile distributed systems, Minimum-process coordinated checkpointing is preferable but it may require blocking of processes, extra synchronization messages or taking some useless checkpoints. All-process checkpointing may lead to exceedingly high checkpointing overhead. In order to balance the checkpointing overhead and the loss of computation on recovery, we propose a hybrid checkpointing algorithm, wherein an all-process coordinated checkpoint is taken after the execution of minimum-process coordinated checkpointing algorithm for a fixed number of times. In the minimum-process coordinated checkpointing algorithm; an effort has been made to optimize the number of useless checkpoints and blocking of processes using probabilistic approach and by computing an interacting set of processes at beginning. We try to reduce the loss of checkpointing effort when any process fails to take its checkpoint in coordination with others. We reduce the size of checkpoint sequence number piggybacked on each computation messag