60 research outputs found

    The application of artificial neural networks in designing single-segment processes of vacuum carburizing

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    This article is dedicated to single-segment processes of vacuum carburization, which constitute an alternative method to industrial multi-segment carburization. Special attention has been paid to the possibility of using artificial neural networks to design processes of such type. The following paragraphs deal with the essence and purposes of vacuum carburization, the course of research on single-segment processes and the possibility of using neural networks to design such processes, and the architecture of a sample neural network which achieves this goal

    The application of artificial neural networks in optimization of heat treatment processes of steel

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    This article is dedicated to processes of vacuum carburization, which constitute an alternative method to industrial multi-segment carburization. Special attention has been paid to the possibility of using artificial neural networks to design processes of such type. The following subchapters deal with the essence and purposes of vacuum carburization, the course of research on processes and the possibility of using neural networks to design such processes, and the architecture of a sample neural network which achieves this goal

    Studies of phase diagram of a liquid crystal with 4-[2-(3-fluorophenyl)ethyl]biphenyl core of molecules

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    Basing on the results of di erential scanning calorimetry and transmitted light intensity methods and texture observations in the temperature range from −50 ◦C to 90 ◦C phase diagram of 1-[3- uoro-4-(1-methylheptyloxycarbonyl)phenyl]-2-[4′ -(2,2,3,3,4,4,4-hepta uorobutoxybutoxy)biphenyl-4-yl]ethane was established. Monotropic system of thermodynamic phases was found. On cooling the isotropic phase transforms at 85 ◦C to ferroelectric SmC∗ phase and further two liquid crystalline phases, antiferroelectric SmC∗ A and SmI, and a metastable crystal Cr2 reveal. During heating exothermic anomaly in the wide temperature range was observed and ascribed to evolution of Cr2 to the stable crystal Cr1. On further heating both SmC∗ A and SmC∗ phases were observed. Thermodynamic parameters were calculated for all phase transitions. During rapid cooling (10 K/min) vitri cation of metastable Cr2 crystal at T_g = −115 ◦C was registered

    Unique branching pattern of the internal iliac artery accompanied by an supernumerary internal iliac vein

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    Understanding the complex vascular anatomy of the lesser pelvis is vital in diagnostics and management of numerous pathologies in gynaecology, urology, orthopaedics and general surgery. The following case reports describes an unusual, undescribed branching pattern of the internal iliac artery with additional specific branches, as well as an unprecedented supernumerary internal iliac vein. Both clinical significance and embryology of the case are discussed

    Wolne i biodostępne frakcje steroidów płciowych mogą wpływać na kości u młodych mężczyzn w zależności od wieku i stężenia estradiolu

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    Introduction: Longitudinal bone growth ceases by the end of puberty, and it is thought to be a result, in both sexes, of increased pubertal oestrogen serum concentrations. Since peak bone mass is achieved by the third decade of life or later, the aim of this study was to relate sex steroid hormones and sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) levels to bone quality in men during their third and fourth decades of life.Material and methods: Eighty men, healthy volunteers aged between 18 and 39 years, were subjected to an interviewer-administered questionnaire, body mass index (BMI) measurement, blood sample and calcaneal quantitative ultrasound (QUS) (Hologic-SAHARA). Blood was assessed for testosterone (T), oestradiol (E2), dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS), SHBG, luteinising hormone (LH) and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH). Free and bioavailable T and E2 levels were calculated knowing SHBG and albumin levels.Results: While T, E2, DHEAS, LH and FSH levels were not related, free and bioavailable fractions of T and E2 were positively associated with QUS readings. SHBG level was associated negatively. After dichotomisation for age, the associations remained significant only for younger subjects (18–30 years, n = 47). After adjustment for other co-variants, only SHBG in younger subjects retained its negative association with QUS. Older subjects (31–39 years, n = 33) revealed higher BMI and lower serum concentrations of total (–17 %), free (–18.5%) and bioavailable (–22.5%) levels of E2 than younger subjects.Conclusion: Free and bioavailable fractions of sex steroids may influence bones in young men, depending on age and E2 level. (Endokrynol Pol 2014; 65 (5): 357–364)Wstęp: Wzrost kości na długość ustaje wraz z końcem dojrzewania płciowego i wykazano, że u obu płci jest to wynik wzrostu stężenia estrogenów we krwi. Skoro przyjęto, że szczytowa masa kostna jest osiągana dopiero w trzeciej dekadzie życia lub po trzydziestce, badano związki pomiędzy stężeniami steroidów płciowych i białka wiążącego steroidy płciowe (SHBG) a jakością kości u mężczyzn w trzeciej i czwartej dekadzie życia.Materiał i metody: Osiemdziesięciu mężczyzn, zdrowych ochotników w wieku 18–39 lat wypełniło kwestionariusz z wywiadem, zmierzono u nich wskaźnik masy ciała (BMI) i wykonano ilościową analizę ultrasonograficzną kości piętowej (QUS) (Hologic-SAHARA). We krwi oznaczono stężenia testosteronu (T), estradiolu (E2), siarczanu dehydroepiandrosteronu (DHEAS), SHBG, hormonu luteinizującego (LH) i hormonu folikulotropowego (FSH). Znając stężenia SHBG i albumin, wyliczano stężenia wolnego i biodostępnego T i E2.Wyniki: Podczas gdy stężenia T, E2, DHEAS, LH i FSH nie wykazywały powiązań, stężenia wolnych i biodostępnych frakcji T i E2 były dodatnio związane z parametrami QUS. Stężenie SHBG wykazywało związek ujemny. Relacje te zależały od wieku. Mianowicie, po podziale na dwie grupy wiekowe, relacje pozostały znamienne tylko wśród młodszych mężczyzn (18–30 lat, n = 47). Analiza wieloczynnikowa wykazała, że tylko stężenie SHBG u młodszych mężczyzn zachowało znamiennie ujemny związek ze stanem kości. Starsi (31–39 lat, n = 33) wykazali wyższy BMI, a niższe stężenie całkowitego (–17%), wolnego (–18,5%) i biodostępnego (–22,55%) E2 w porównaniu z młodszymi badanymi.Wnioski: Wolne i biodostępne frakcje steroidów płciowych mogą wpływać na kości u młodych mężczyzn, w zależności od wieku i stężenia E2. (Endokrynol Pol 2014; 65 (5): 357–364

    Cardiovascular and metabolic effects of estrogen in men

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    A b s t r a c t Although in men with an inherited mutation of gene encoding ERα (estrogen resistance) the occurrence of premature coronary artery disease was documented, and in men with inherited lack of aromatase (estrogen deficiency) an unfavorable lipid milieu was reported, the predominant number of both epidemiological and interventional studies suggests that in men estrogens may either not influence or may promote the develpoment of coronary artery disease. It is possible therefore the beneficial effect of estrogen administration on the lipid milieu in patients with estrogen deficiency is limited only to this unique situation. There may exist a sex-specific difference in the response to estrogen action. In contrast to women where estrogens generate nitric oxide (NO) production in the vascular endothelium, they do not do so in men. NO is responsible for vascular dilation and inhibits lipoprotein oxydation and monocyte adhesion to the endothelium. There may exist also a difference between short-term, non-genomic effect of estrogen and the effects of a long-term exposition to the hormone. Several reports are available indicating that estrogen administartion may have an unfavourable effect not only on blood lipid profile but also on venous thromboembolism in both sexes. In this context the role of estrogens in the regulation of the cardiovascular system gains a special importance and needs further studies. K Ke ey y w wo or rd ds s: : estardiol, coronary artery disease, human male

    Physiological significance of estrogens in men - breakthrough in endocrinology

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    Estradiol (E2) jest tradycyjnie uznanym żeńskim hormonem płciowym. Przez 40 lat wierzono, że u mężczyzn E2 nie wywiera żadnego wpływu lub wywołuje uszkodzenie czynności gonady. Głównym źródłem E2 u mężczyzn jest tkanka tłuszczowa i mózg. E2 jest również wytwarzany w nadnerczach, wątrobie, gruczołach sutkowych i włosach oraz w gonadzie męskiej. Dzienne wytwarzanie i stężenie E2 we krwi u mężczyzn są wyższe niż u kobiet w okresie pomenopauzalnym. W końcu lat 80. wykazaliśmy po raz pierwszy, że w okresie dojrzewania płciowego E2 jest istotnym sygnałem hormonalnym dla zapoczątkowania spermatogenezy. Tradycyjny pogląd o braku lub hamującej roli E2 u płci męskiej został ostatecznie obalony dzięki odkryciu receptorów estrogenowych u samców zwierząt. W latach 90. wytworzono też samce myszy transgenicznych pozbawione receptora estrogenowego (ER), a także genu kodującego enzym aromatazę, umożliwiającego konwersję testosteronu do E2. Obserwacje dorosłych mężczyzn z wrodzonymi mutacjami tych genów, znacznie poszerzyły naszą wiedzę na temat roli E2 u mężczyzn przy tworzeniu zrębu kości, hamowaniu ich wzrostu, metabolizmie lipidów i dojrzewaniu płciowym, efektom przypisywanym dotychczas działaniu testosteronu. Nowe dane wskazują także na ważną rolę estrogenów i ER w czynności układu sercowo-naczyniowego i w przeciwdziałaniu chorobie wieńcowej u mężczyzn.Estradiol (E2) is traditionally recognised as the female sex hormone. It has been believed for 40 years, that E2 didn’t exert any influence or caused impairment of the gonadal function in men. The main source of E2 in men is adipose tissue and the brain. E2 is also produced in adrenals, liver, mammary glands, hair and in male gonad. Daily production and the level of E2 in the blood in men are higher than those in postmenopausal women. At the end of the 80-ties we were first reporting that during sexual maturation E2 can be the important hormonal signal for the initiation of spermatogenesis. The traditional view about unimportant or inhibitory role of E2 in male physiology was finally refuted thanks to discovering estrogen receptors in males. In the 90-ties, transgenic mice with the lack of estrogen receptor (ER) or gene encoding enzyme aromatase, that enable the conversion of testosterone into E2, were also produced. Observations of men with inherited mutations of these genes, considerably extended our knowledge about E2 in men in stroma bones formation, inhibition of their growing, lipids metabolism and sexual maturation, the effects that were attributed to testosterone action until today. New data also points at important role of estrogens and ER in the function of the cardio-vascular system and in counteracting coronary disease in men

    Clinical and analytical problems of sodium azide poisonings as exemplified by a case of fatal suicidal poisoning

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    Aim of the study: To present clinical and analytical aspects associated with sodium azide poisoning. The problems were verified on the basis of a case of sodium azide poisoning which was unique due to its circumstances and the development of an analytical method applied for medico-legal practice. Material and methods : The object of the study was a toxicological analysis of biological specimens collected from a woman who ingested two doses of sodium azide purchased over the Internet, in a suicide attempt. After the ingestion of the first dose, the clinical management in the form of symptomatic treatment indicated a possibility of recovery. However, the ingestion of a second dose of the xenobiotic, already in the hospital, caused death. Toxicological findings were obtained with the dedicated technique of gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-EI-MS-MS) after extraction combined with derivatization using pentafluorobenzyl bromide (PFBBr). Results : Post-mortem toxicological studies demonstrated sodium azide in the blood (0.18 mg/l) and urine (6.50 mg/l) samples collected from the woman. Conclusions : Cases of sodium azide poisoning are rare and difficult to treat, but a review of the literature over a longer interval of time shows that they continue to occur. Therefore, case studies of sodium azide poisoning, together with descriptions of research methodology, can be useful both in clinical terms and in the preparation of toxicological expert opinions for medico-legal purposes