11 research outputs found


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    The paper explains the experience and the principles, how to teach knowingly the language and constructively communication for preschool kid with delayed speech. The external environment should be mainly calm, when necessary rigidity on setting borders should be demonstrated. Playing on the feelings, when necessary and when borders not recognized by kid. The teacher and the parent should update the attitude to kid based on experience. The teacher or the parent should grow as personality during the job with kid. The external environment should be well defined and consistent. The rules and the actions and the language with the actions should be in the everyday routine. The goal of the paper is to demonstrate the language structure, the condition for kid and examples used to communicate with kid with speech delay.

    Nature materials as stimulants of pupils' imagination in the 2nd grade of primary school

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    Darba temats: ā€žDabas materiāli kā skolēnu iztēles veicinātāji sākumskolas 2.klasēā€. Bakalaura darba autore: Ieva Kudiņa Darba mērÄ·is: pētÄ«t iztēles veicināŔanas iespējas mājturÄ«bas un tehnoloÄ£iju stundās sākumskolas 2.klasē. PētÄ«juma hipotēze: Sākumskolas 2. klases skolēnu iztēle izpaužas spilgtāk, ja mājturÄ«bas un tehnoloÄ£iju stundās skolotājs rosina skolēnus izmantot daudzveidÄ«gus dabas materiālus. PētÄ«juma uzdevumi: 1.PētÄ«t sākumskolas skolēnu vecumposma raksturojumu teorētiskās literatÅ«ras atziņās. 2.Teorētiski analizēt pedagoÄ£iski psiholoÄ£isko literatÅ«ru par skolēnu iztēles Ä«patnÄ«bām un tās veicināŔanas iespējām. 3.Izzināt un analizēt metodiskos paņēmienus skolēnu iztēles veicināŔanai. 4.Veikt pētÄ«jumu par iztēles veicināŔanas iespējām, izmantojot dabas materiālus. 5.Analizēt iegÅ«tos datus. Bakalaura darba teorētiskajā daļā analizētas autoru atziņas par iztēli. Izzinātas un analizētas autoru atziņas par sākumskolas skolēnu vecumposma attÄ«stÄ«bas Ä«patnÄ«bām. Atklātas sākumskolēnu iztēles veicināŔanas iespējas mājturÄ«bas un tehnoloÄ£ijas stundās. Kā arÄ« izstrādāti un piedāvāti uzdevumi sākumskolēnu iztēles attÄ«stÄ«bai. PētÄ«juma praktiskā daļā atklāta sākumskolēnu iztēles attÄ«stÄ«bas dinamika, iztēles veicināŔanai izmantojot dabas materiālus. Atslēgas vārdi: dabas materiāli, iztēle, iztēles veicināŔana, sākumskolas skolēni.Theme of the work: ā€œNatural materials as a promoter of imagination for children in the 2nd grade.ā€ Author of the bachelor work: Ieva Kudiņa Aim of the work: to theoretically analyse possibilities of promoting imagination in House Economics and Arts lessons for children in the 2nd grade. Research Hypothesis: The imagination of primary school pupils in grade 2 becomes more vivid when the teacher encourages students to use a variety of natural materials in their housekeeping and technology classes. Tasks of the research: 1.To study the characterization of elementary school age in the theoretical literature. 2.To theoretically analyse pedagogical-psychological literature on peculiarities of pupils' imagination and possibilities of its promotion. 3.To explore and analyse methodological ways to stimulate pupils' imagination. 4.Conduct a study on imaginative ways of using natural materials. 5.Analyse the obtained data. The theoretical part of the Bachelor paper analyses the authors' ideas about imagination. The authors 'findings on the peculiarities of the development of primary school pupils' age were studied and analysed. Opportunities for stimulating the imagination of primary school pupils in home economics and technology lessons. As well as developed and offered tasks for the development of primary school pupils' imagination. The practical part of the study reveals the dynamics of the development of the imagination of primary school pupils by using natural materials to stimulate the imagination. Keywords: natural materials, imagination, promotion of imagination, primary school students

    Structured Language Learning for Communication Promotion for Kids 7-11 Years Age Old With Learning Difficulties

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    PētÄ«juma ā€œStrukturētās valodas apguve saziņas veicināŔanai 7-11 gadus veciem bērniem ar mācÄ«Å”anās traucējumiemā€ mērÄ·is ir demonstrēt, pētÄ«t un pārbaudÄ«t saziņas apguves metodi, kas balstÄ«tas uz matemātiskās loÄ£ikas izteiksmes lÄ«dzekļiem. Darbs pamatots ar teoriju par smadzeņu darbÄ«bu, izmantojot analÄ«tisko uztveres un informācijas apstrādes mehānismu. Smadzeņu darbÄ«bas principi ietverti strukturētās valodas apguves metodē ā€“ spēles izmantoÅ”anā 7-11 gadus veciem bērniem ar mērÄ·i attÄ«stÄ«t saziņu, lietot ikdienā. Bērnu darboÅ”anās laikā ar spēlēm tiek paplaÅ”ināts gan valodas krājums, gan loÄ£iskās valodas izteiksmes lÄ«dzekļu lietojums. Izveidotās spēles piemērotas bērniem ar mācÄ«Å”anās traucējumiem, kuriem nepiecieÅ”ama Ä«sa, kodolÄ«ga informācija mācÄ«bu mērÄ·u sasniegÅ”anai. PētÄ«juma dati liecina, ka izveidotā spēļu kopa pilnveido bērnu saziņu.The aim of the research paper ā€œStructured language learning for communication promotion for kids 7-11 years age old with learning difficultiesā€ is to demonstrate, investigate and prove communication method, which is based on mathematical logic expressions. The research work is substantiated with theory about brain activity, using analytic perception and information processing mechanism. The brain working principles are included in structured language learning method ā€“ the use of game for children age 7-11 years old with the aim to develop the communication, to develop the communication in every dayā€™s life. During the working process with games the kids expanded both the amount of words in language and the logical language expression use of means. Created games are suitable for kids with learning difficulties, the kids which needs short, succinct information for learning target achievement. The data of research shows that the created game scope improves the communication for kids

    Competence Development in Combined Assessment and Collaborative E-Portfolio Information System

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    A necessity to find solutions how make learning process more motivating and efficient still exists. This paper describes scaffolding ePortfolio system developed by researchersā€™ team of Distance Education Study Centre, Riga Technical University. This system differs from traditional ePortfolio systems by motivating approach in acquiring of competences, involvement in group-work, increasing responsibility both for own and peer achievements, and comparison of scores, study results, assessments and competence development levels along the whole course study period in two educational systems: universityā€™s study portal ā€œORTUSā€ and ePortfolio ones. Introduced ePortfolio algorithmic model ensures the collection of the data (marks and recommendations) from all assessments and opening them up for the appropriate ePortfolio group members; consequently, students have an excellent possibility to improve their outcomes and develop required competences. The study shows also correlations between learnersā€™ activity levels within ePortfolio and their learning outcomes

    Advancement of E-Portfolio System to Improve Competence Levels

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    Nowadays educational process is not imaginable without applications of information technologies. Their implementations in different technology enhanced learning programs, platforms and systems are becoming more and more popular in educational institutions all over the world. Appropriate usage of information systems has already gained significant place in curriculums and learning processes. However, due to rather high drop-out rate and insufficient learning outcomes educational organisations are still seeking for new systems, tools and methods which would enhance learnersā€™ competence development. This paper describes benefits of a new ePortfolio system created by Riga Technical Universityā€™s researchers group, its testing results in Living Lab environment in study year 2012/2013, and comparative analysis with initial version of the system implemented in previous year. Findings show that introduced new ePortfolio system has a great positive impact on learning outcomes and learnersā€™ competence development

    Conceptual Design and Model of the Feedback Solutions in the Adaptive Integrated Technological Systems

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    Technology enhanced learning becomes the commonness in the nowadays educational process. Modern information systems open new departure in teaching and learning methods, enhance learnersā€™ critical thinking, reflection and competence development, broaden the ways in which the students are engaged in class activities, and as a result, lead up to the changes in existing educational paradigms. Latter findings acquired from the piloting of the experimental information system, based on multiscreen, so-called eBig3, approach, showed positive results in learners involvement into knowledge acquisition process by using of e-, t- and m-technology. This course demonstrated also another systemā€™s feature which has let its users had substantial benefit ā€“ the diminished dropout rate. It has spurred researchers on further development of the user-friendly adaptive system equipped with appropriate feedback generating tools. This paper observes possible solutions to improve the systemā€™s messaging tool and make it more intelligent. Conceptual design and algorithmic model of the proposed adaptive integrated technological system with the integrated feedback tool is introduced. The idea reposes on the observations that system user behaviours appeared in patterns and that these patterns reappeared with a number of learners; accordingly, they might be separated into a number of data sets and, based on that, several user groups depending on their behaviour patterns could be formed. Proposed system will have to generate appropriate messages from the message repository to corresponding user. This messaging system will be able to send both SMSs and emails to learners and course tutors. It will also support collaborative activities within e-learning environment

    Conceptual Design and Model of the Feedback Solutions in the Adaptive Integrated Technological Systems

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    Technology enhanced learning becomes the commonness in the nowadays educational process. Modern information systems open new departure in teaching and learning methods, enhance learnersā€™ critical thinking, reflection and competence development, broaden the ways in which the students are engaged in class activities, and as a result, lead up to the changes in existing educational paradigms. Latter findings acquired from the piloting of the experimental information system, based on multiscreen, so-called eBig3, approach, showed positive results in learners involvement into knowledge acquisition process by using of e-, t- and m-technology. This course demonstrated also another systemā€™s feature which has let its users had substantial benefit ā€“ the diminished dropout rate. It has spurred researchers on further development of the user-friendly adaptive system equipped with appropriate feedback generating tools. This paper observes possible solutions to improve the systemā€™s messaging tool and make it more intelligent. Conceptual design and algorithmic model of the proposed adaptive integrated technological system with the integrated feedback tool is introduced. The idea reposes on the observations that system user behaviours appeared in patterns and that these patterns reappeared with a number of learners; accordingly, they might be separated into a number of data sets and, based on that, several user groups depending on their behaviour patterns could be formed. Proposed system will have to generate appropriate messages from the message repository to corresponding user. This messaging system will be able to send both SMSs and emails to learners and course tutors. It will also support collaborative activities within e-learning environment

    Piloting the eBig3: A Triple-screen e-Learning Approach

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    In this report / study we present our recent progress on multi-screen e-learning development entitled eBig3. It is a new approach to technology supported education encouraging involvement in lifelong learning education. The approach effectively integrates the popular technologies of television, Internet, and mobile phones. Here we present the results of ten course pilots offered in 2013 with the eBig3 media formats. The target group for the courses was the general public. And the three-pronged approach worked; the response showed a radical increase of registration for eBig3 courses compared to traditional registration for online courses. The course delivery formats were also more successful than blended learning formats. Our results showed that the new approach significantly increased the availability of eCourses and that users felt encouraged to stay the duration of the course. Moreover, the results indicated that the approach helped to close the gap between expectations and actual achievements for life-long-learning in general

    Concept of Learner Behaviour Data Based Learning Support

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    In this article we present our developing progress with the multi-screen e-learning system initially developed and named as eBig3 system that gives users learning access by the means of computers, mobiles and TV, depending on their choice. In the new project JAUZI we build on our previous experience. We identified that insufficient learning support in traditional eLearning settings is the key obstacle to the broad deployment of eLearning and a cause for the high drop-out rate from these programs. As a remedy for this problem, we developed an algorithm to track user trajectories and to identify problem areas. Here, we present the analysis of the data we gathered and used to assign further user support provisions. The particular support provisions we designed were based on a multiple messaging system: SMSs to users, to teachers and also emails to users and teachers. The JAUZI support system is designed respond to potential critical actions in learnersā€™ behaviour and to quickly provide a remedy

    User Behavior in Multi-Screen Elearning

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    This article reports on the progress we have achieved as we continue to pilot new approaches using an eEcosystem that is based on a multi-screen concept to support e-learning. Here we recap our recent progress with the project JAUZI/eBig3 that is a multi-screen e-learning development. The approach effectively integrates the popular technologies of television, Internet, and mobile phones. It is a new way of using technology to support and encourage engagement in the lifelong learning process. Here we present the results of ten course pilots offered in 2013 with the eBig3-learning format as well as the teacher training courses offered by the MII project (Modern Education of Interests) in 2014. The target group of eBig3 courses was general public, but for the MII courses it was teachers. We compared the user behavior data from the various presented courses with the number of learning objects to the number of users. The normalised curves of the user behavior data graph are a valuable source for data analysis to teachers and course developers because they profile effectiveness of course content and delivery approach in respect to target group expections. Our observations about the variance in user behavior distribution between mandatory and optional courses can be used as a potential quality indicator for the success of eLearning courses