31 research outputs found

    Bibliography of Ethiopian Semitic, Cushitic, and Omotic Linguistics XXIV: 2020

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    Bibliography of Ethiopian Semitic, Cushitic, and Omotic Linguistics XXIV: 2020Bibliography of Ethiopian Semitic, Cushitic, and Omotic Linguistics XXIV: 2020Bibliography of Ethiopian Semitic, Cushitic, and Omotic Linguistics XXIV: 2020Bibliography of Ethiopian Semitic, Cushitic, and Omotic Linguistics XXIV: 202

    Akty prawa miejscowego z zakresu ochrony powietrza w świetle wybranego orzecznictwa sądów administracyjnych

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    According to the principle of decentralization of public authority, the protection of ambient air in Poland is executed also on the selfgovernmental level. The complex regulation of the issues concerning the protection of ambient air is included in the Act on Environmental Protection Law where the competence to adopt local acts is given to self-governmental authorities. On that ground, the voivodeship assemblies may propose resolutions such as air-protection programmes, short-term activities plans and those preventing the negative impact on the environment or historical monuments. The activity of local selfgovernment within this scope is subject to the control of administrative courts, which often take the submitted complaints into consideration and criticize the quality of the local legislation. This article will thus attempt to present the requirements that shall be fulfilled by the local acts on ambient air protection and identify the sources of their most frequent imperfections.Zgodnie z zasadą decentralizacji władzy publicznej ochrona powietrza w Polsce jest realizowana również na szczeblu samorządu terytorialnego. Zagadnienia ochrony powietrza w sposób całościowy regulowane są w Ustawie Prawo ochrony środowiska i tam też należy szukać delegacji ustawowych do wykonywania przez samorząd terytorialny zadań w tym zakresie. Na tej podstawie sejmiki wojewódzkie mają kompetencję do uchwalania programów ochrony powietrza, planów działań krótkoterminowych oraz podejmowania uchwał w celu zapobieżenia negatywnemu oddziaływaniu na środowisko lub na zabytki. Działalność samorządów w tym zakresie podlega kontroli sądów administracyjnych, które – niejednokrotnie uwzględniając skargi na rzeczone uchwały – wypowiadają krytyczne uwagi na temat jakości tej legislacji. Niniejszy artykuł stanowi próbę przedstawienia wymagań, jakim powinny odpowiadać akty prawa miejscowego w zakresie ochrony powietrza oraz identyfikacji przyczyn ich wadliwości

    Artykuł 96 ustawy Prawo ochrony środowiska w świetle konstytucyjnych zasad subsydiarności i proporcjonalności

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    The author deals with two basic questions which can be posed in relation to article 96 of the Polish Act on Environmental Law. Firstly: when should article 96 apply – which is connected with its subsidiary character – and secondly: how should it apply in accordance with the proportionality principle expressed in the Polish Constitution. It must be underlined that the potential infringement of this principle led to the amendment of article 96 voted on 10 September 2015. The author analyses amendments introduced by the Parliament in this scope and whether all doubts concerning the position of article 96 in the Polish system of air protection were resolved.Autorka porusza w swym artykule dwie podstawowe kwestie, jakie można podnieść w odniesieniu do art. 96 ustawy Prawo ochrony środowiska.. Po pierwsze: kiedy należy stosować te przepisy, co wiąże się ze zgłaszanym zarówno w piśmiennictwie, jak i orzecznictwie ich subsydiarnym charakterem. Po drugie: w jaki sposób je stosować, aby nie naruszyć zasady proporcjonalności wyrażonej w Konstytucji Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej. Należy przy tym podkreślić, że potencjalne naruszenie zasady proporcjonalności było podstawowym zarzutem stawianym wobec art. 96 ustawy w wersji sprzed nowelizacji z dnia 10 września 2015 r. Artykuł zawiera analizę zmian dokonanych przez ustawodawcę w powyższym zakresie i próbuje znaleźć odpowiedź na pytanie, czy usunięte zostały w ten sposób wątpliwości co do roli, jaką pełnią w systemie ochrony powietrza środki prawne podejmowane na podstawie art. 96 ustawy

    The spread of alien species along the touristic routes of the Słowiński National Park

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    Touristic routes have a great meaning for the spread of alien species through the protected areas like national parks. The aim of the study was to assess the spread of the chosen species along the different kinds of touristic routes of the Słowiński National Park and asphalt roads lying in the direct vicinity of the Park, in its protective zone. The presence of 108 localities of eight alien species were recorded (Padus serotina, Quercus rubra, Acer negundo, Robinia pseudoacacia from woody species and Conyza canadensis, Impatiens parviflora, Juncus tenuis and Oxalis fontana from herbaceous plants). The localities of the woody plants were found in areas where they were formerly deliberately planted or near routes leading to such areas. All of the analysed woody plants can be the source of ecological threat and should be actively removed. Interestingly, regarding herbaceous plants, the species which according to literature are not a threat to untransformed habitats – Juncus tenuis and Oxalis fontana – were noted quite commonly. Their populations should be monitored. The populations of Impatiens parviflora, classified to the IV class of invasiveness and Conyza canadensis, which can invade sand dunes, should be destroyed as soon as possible till they occupy small areas

    The association between body posture and malocclusion - a literature review

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    Effective body posture entails the correct alignment of body parts in relation to each other and is crucial for preserving balance, stability, and the efficient operation of muscles and joints. The major types of posture abnormalities such as lordosis, kyphosis and scoliosis can lead to alterations in various areas of the body, such as stomatognatic system. The potential correlation between malocclusion and body posture remains a subject of controversy. The aim of this review is to investigate and evaluate the association between posture defects and malocclusion on the basis of literature. This literature review has analyzed 18 studies. Inclusion criteria: clinical researches published after 2010, regarding children and adults. PubMed and Google Scholar has been searched to identify the papers. In 18 analyzed  studies, 2133 patients were enrolled (including 979 children aged 4-18). A positive correlation between scoliosis and different types of malocclusion has been proven by six papers. There are also other noteworthy dependencies,  such as overjet and pelvic torsion, kyphosis and sagittal position of mandible, skeletal Class III and torticollis, cross bite and scapula plane.  Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis significantly affects the stomatognathic system, leading to issues like crossbite, crowding, increased overjet, overbite, partial open bite, and midline deviation. Orthopedists should collaborate with orthodontists for comprehensive treatment, particularly during developmental stages

    Beyond conventional therapies: exploring the role of Pilates in neurological physical therapy – a review of the latest research

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    Pilates exercise method, characterized by its holistic approach, underscores core stability, strength, and flexibility, coupled with meticulous muscle control, optimal posture, and focused attention on breathing. Widely embraced in both general and clinical fitness realms, this study aims to evaluate the integration of Pilates into physical therapy practices for patients with neurological disorders. Existing studies indicate the potential efficacy of Pilates in diverse rehabilitation contexts. However, neurological disorders, specifically multiple sclerosis (MS) and Parkinson's disease (PD), have been the primary focus. While systematic reviews and meta-analyses suggest Pilates as a plausible option in physiotherapy for PD and MS patients, a paucity of research on this subject necessitates a comprehensive review of recent original studies. Analysis of gathered data suggests that Pilates, when incorporated, may yield benefits for patients with various neurological disorders. Consideration of Pilates as a supplementary element to physical activity for those with PD and MS emerges as a reasonable proposition. The study also encourages contemplation of Pilates in rehabilitation research across a broader spectrum of neurological disorders. Subsequent investigations, incorporating relevant considerations, will contribute to a nuanced understanding of Pilates' potential benefits and its comparative advantages over traditional interventions for neurological disorders

    The Impact of E-Cigarettes on Oral Injuries and Bone Fractures

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    Introduction The rising prevalence of electronic cigarette (e-cigarette) use has prompted concerns regarding its potential health implications. While much attention has focused on respiratory and cardiovascular effects, injuries, oral trauma, and bone fractures linked to e-cigarette use have received less scrutiny. This paper aims to comprehensively review the landscape of injuries, oral trauma, and bone fractures induced by e-cigarettes, shedding light on this underexplored facet of e-cigarette-related harm. Material and Methods This literature review has analyzed 16 papers. Inclusion criteria: researches and case reports published after 2015. PubMed and Google Scholar has been searched to identify the papers.  Analysis of the Literature Existing literature suggests a growing incidence of injuries, oral trauma, and bone fractures associated with e-cigarette use, albeit with limited systematic investigation. Mechanisms underlying these injuries range from device malfunctions to inadvertent impacts during use. Case reports highlight a spectrum of injuries, including oral burns, dental trauma, and skeletal fractures, often involving the face and mouth regions. Conclusions Despite the lack of comprehensive epidemiological data emerging evidence underscores the need for heightened awareness and preventive measures to mitigate e-cigarette-related injuries. Enhanced education, regulation of e-cigarette devices, and promotion of safer usage practices are crucial steps towards reducing the burden of e-cigarette-related harm on oral and skeletal health

    Association between deficient levels of vitamin D and the occurrence of selected retinal diseases

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    Introduction and Purpose: Vision originates in the eye's retina, a complex structure essential for processing visual information. The connection between nutritional inadequacy, particularly vitamin deficiencies, and overall health, including ocular health, has long been acknowledged. Recent studies highlight the potential impact of vitamin D, a crucial nutrient, on retinal health. The aim is to investigate the association between low levels of vitamin D and retinal diseases like age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and diabetic retinopathy (DR), and to evaluate the potential benefits of vitamin D supplementation or lifestyle changes for at-risk patients. Description of the State of Knowledge: AMD, a significant cause of blindness in the elderly, involves factors like oxidative stress and inflammation. Various stages of AMD require different treatments, with limited options for advanced stages. DR, a complication of diabetes, leads to conditions such as retinal ischemia and neovascularization. Both conditions are potentially influenced by vitamin D levels. Studies show mixed results regarding the impact of vitamin D on these diseases. Some suggest lower levels may increase risk, while others report no significant effect or even contradictory findings. Conclusions: While some studies indicate a potential association between low vitamin D levels and the occurrence of retinal diseases, discrepancies exist in the findings. Lower vitamin D concentrations may be linked to a higher frequency of AMD and DR, but the evidence is not consistent across all studies. Therefore, a more in-depth exploration of this subject is warranted to draw conclusive insights. It is crucial to consider supplementation or dietary changes in cases of vitamin D deficiency, given its potential impact on systemic health

    Polska wersja kwestionariusza oceny jakości życia u dorosłych pacjentów z niedoborem hormonu wzrostu - 4-etapowy proces tłumaczenia i walidacji

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    Introduction: The Quality of Life Assessment of Growth Hormone Deficiency in Adults (QoL-AGHDA) was developed simultaneously in five languages (English, Swedish, German, Italian and Spanish) to measure quality of life (QoL) in adult patients with Growth Hormone (GH) deficiency. The aim of the project was to produce a validated Polish version of the QoL-AGHDA that was conceptually equivalent to the UK-English version. Material and methods: Translation and validation procedure consisted of 4 stages. Stage 1: A bilingual translation panel [7 participants, fluent in both English and Polish (Polish as their first language) with university education] translated the questionnaire. Stage 2: A lay translation panel (6 participants of an average to lower than average educational level, speaking only the target language) reviewed the wording of the draft version produced by bilingual panel to improve clarity and immediacy. Stage 3: The translated questionnaire was then field-tested with 15 adults with GH deficiency. Stage 4: Finally, the amended version underwent psychometric evaluation to check its reliability and validity (it was administered to 85 GH-deficient adults on two occasions, two weeks apart). Results: The Polish QoL-AGHDA version was successfully adapted and it is characterized by a high degree of reliability and validity. The test-retest reliability coefficient for the Polish QoL-AGHDA was 0.92. The Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient for the Polish QoL-AGHDA was 0.91 (N = 70) at Time 1 and 0.94 (N = 79) at Time 2. Correlation between QoL-AGHDA and Nottingham Health Profile items confirmed high convergent and divergent validity. Conclusions: The Polish QoL-AGHDA is a reliable and valid measure of QoL suitable for use in clinical studies and routine clinical practice. (Pol J Endocrinol 2008; 59 (5): 374-384)Wstęp: Kwestionariusz QoL-AGHDA (Quality of Life Assessment of Growth Hormone Deficiency in Adults) został opracowany w 5 językach (angielskim, szwedzkim, niemieckim, włoskim i hiszpańskim) w celu oceny jakości życia (QoL, quality of life) u pacjentów dorosłych z niedoborem hormonu wzrostu (GH, growth hormone). Celem obecnej pracy było opracowanie walidowanej polskiej wersji QoL-AGHDA, równoważnej koncepcyjnie z wersją angielską. Materiał i metody: Proces tłumaczenia i walidacji składał się z 4 etapów. Etap 1: Tłumaczenie kwestionariusza z języka angielskiego na język polski [uczestniczyło w nim 7 osób z wyższym wykształceniem, płynnie posługujących się językiem angielskim i polskim (przy czym język polski był ich językiem ojczystym)]. Etap 2: Etap "roboczy" - zweryfikowanie słownictwa zastosowanego na etapie 1 w celu poprawienia przejrzystości i stopnia zrozumienia przetłumaczonego kwestionariusza (uczestniczyło w nim 6 osób z podstawowym lub średnim wykształceniem, posługujących się wyłącznie językiem polskim). Etap 3: Ocena przetłumaczonego kwestionariusza przez pacjentów grupy docelowej w celu jego ewentualnego zweryfikowania (uczestniczyło w nim 15 dorosłych pacjentów z niedoborem GH). Etap 4: Psychometryczna ocena zweryfikowanej polskiej wersji kwestionariusza, mająca na celu sprawdzenie jego wiarygodności (niezawodności) i trafności tłumaczenia (uczestniczyło w nim 85 dorosłych pacjentów z niedoborem GH, których dwukrotnie, w odstępie dwutygodniowym, poproszono o wypełnienie kwestionariusza). Wyniki: Polska wersja QoL-AGHDA została pomyślnie zaadaptowana i charakteryzuje się ona wysoką wiarygodnością (niezawodnością) i trafnością tłumaczenia. Współczynnik wiarygodności (niezawodności) obliczony za pomocą metody powtórnego testowania wyniósł 0,92. Współczynnik Cronbacha, w pierwszym i drugim badaniu na etapie 4 walidacji, wyniósł odpowiednio 0,91 (N = 70) i 0,94 (N = 79). Korelacja pomiędzy wartościami uzyskanymi w kwestionariuszach QoL-AGHDA i NHP (Nottingham Health Profile) potwierdziła wysoki stopień zbieżnej i rozbieżnej trafności polskiej wersji QoL-AGHDA. Wnioski: Polska wersja QoL-AGHDA pozwala na wiarygodną (niezawodną) i trafną ocenę jakości życia i może być stosowana zarówno w badaniach klinicznych, jak i w codziennej praktyce lekarskiej. (Endokrynol Pol 2008; 59 (5): 374-384