761 research outputs found

    Multiple-relaxation-time Finsler-Lagrange dynamics in a compressed Langmuir monolayer

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    In this paper an information geometric approach has been proposed to describe the two-dimensional (2d) phase transition of the first order in a monomolecular layer (monolayer) of amphiphilic molecules deposited on air/water interface. The structurization of the monolayer was simulated as an entropy evolution of a statistical set of microscopic states with a large number of relaxation times. The electrocapillary forces are considered as information constraints on the statistical manifold. The solution curves of Euler-Lagrange equations and the Jacobi field equations point out contracting pencils of geodesic trajectories on the statistical manifold, which may change into spreading ones, and converse. It was shown that the information geometrodynamics of the first-order phase transition in the Langmuir monolayer finds an appropriate realization within the Finsler-Lagrange framework

    Geometrization of the theory of electromagnetic and spinor fields on the background of the Schwarzschild spacetime

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    The geometrical Kosambi–Cartan–Chern approach has been applied to study the systems of differential equations which arise in quantum-mechanical problems of a particle on the background of non-Euclidean geometry. We calculate the geometrical invariants for the radial system of differential equations arising for electromagnetic and spinor fields on the background of the Schwarzschild spacetime. Because the second invariant is associated with the Jacobi field for geodesics deviation, we analyze its behavior in the vicinity of physically meaningful singular points r = M, ∞. We demonstrate that near the Schwarzschild horizon r = M the Jacobi instability exists and geodesics diverge for both considered problems.The geometrical Kosambi–Cartan–Chern approach has been applied to study the systems of differential equations which arise in quantum-mechanical problems of a particle on the background of non-Euclidean geometry. We calculate the geometrical invariants for the radial system of differential equations arising for electromagnetic and spinor fields on the background of the Schwarzschild spacetime. Because the second invariant is associated with the Jacobi field for geodesics deviation, we analyze its behavior in the vicinity of physically meaningful singular points r = M, ∞. We demonstrate that near the Schwarzschild horizon r = M the Jacobi instability exists and geodesics diverge for both considered problems

    Кибербезопасность в образовательных сетях

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    The paper discusses the possible impact of digital space on a human, as well as human-related directions in cyber-security analysis in the education: levels of cyber-security, social engineering role in cyber-security of education, “cognitive vaccination”. “A Human” is considered in general meaning, mainly as a learner. The analysis is provided on the basis of experience of hybrid war in Ukraine that have demonstrated the change of the target of military operations from military personnel and critical infrastructure to a human in general. Young people are the vulnerable group that can be the main goal of cognitive operations in long-term perspective, and they are the weakest link of the System.У статті обговорюється можливий вплив цифрового простору на людину, а також пов'язані з людиною напрямки кібербезпеки в освіті: рівні кібербезпеки, роль соціального інжинірингу в кібербезпеці освіти, «когнітивна вакцинація». «Людина» розглядається в загальному значенні, головним чином як та, що навчається. Аналіз надається на основі досвіду гібридної війни в Україні, яка продемонструвала зміну цілей військових операцій з військовослужбовців та критичної інфраструктури на людину загалом. Молодь - це вразлива група, яка може бути основною метою таких операцій в довгостроковій перспективі, і вони є найслабшою ланкою системи.В документе обсуждается возможное влияние цифрового пространства на человека, а также связанные с ним направления в анализе кибербезопасности в образовании: уровни кибербезопасности, роль социальной инженерии в кибербезопасности образования, «когнитивная вакцинация». «Человек» рассматривается в общем смысле, в основном как ученик. Анализ представлен на основе опыта гибридной войны в Украине, которая продемонстрировала изменение цели военных действий с военного персонала и критической инфраструктуры на человека в целом. Молодые люди являются уязвимой группой, которая может быть главной целью когнитивных операций в долгосрочной перспективе, и они являются самым слабым звеном Систем

    Experience of universities in practice-oriented training personnel for high-tech enterprises

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    Different options have been considered of work-based learning (WBL) in Russian and foreign universities. Special attention is given to the variant of PBL - project learning (PL) on training bachelors. Basic concepts and principles have been discussed dealing with the organization of PL developed by Aalborg University - one of the founders of this teaching technique. Тhe advisability is shown of organizing special courses of introduction to project learning in the first two semesters.peer-reviewe

    Pt(II) and Pd(II) Complexes with β-Alanine

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    A sequence of stages in the syntheses of isomeric bisamino acid complexes of Pt(II) with β-aminopropionic acid (β-alanine = β-AlaH) has been studied by the 195Pt NMR spectroscopy. The techniques have been developed of the synthesis of the cis- and trans-bischelates of Pt(II) and Pd(II) with β-alanine as well as of the halide complexes of trans-[M(β-AlaH)2Cl2] (M = Pt, Pd) and trans-K2[Pt(β-Ala)2I2] types. The NMR spectroscopy and IR spectroscopy (in the nuclei of 195Pt,13C,1H) and X-ray diffraction analysis have been used to examine the structures of the synthesized compounds

    Ecophysiology and ecological limits of symbiotrophic vesicomyid bivalves (Pliocardiinae) in the Southern Ocean

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    Geothermal energy provides an important resource in Antarctic marine ecosystems, exemplified by the recent discovery of large-sized chemosymbiotic vesicomyid bivalves (subfamily Pliocardiinae) in the Southern Ocean. These clams, which we identified as Archivesica s.l. puertodeseadoi, have been reported as dead shells in areas previously covered by Larsen A and B ice shelves (eastern Antarctic Peninsula) and as live animals from active hydrothermal sites in the Kemp Caldera (South Sandwich Arc) at depths of 852–1487 m. Before, A. puertodeseadoi was known only from its type locality in the Argentine Sea, so we considerably extend the range of the species. Observations taken by remotely operated vehicle (ROV) footage show that the clams can live buried in sediment, or epilithically on the surface of rocks in diffuse geothermal flow. Experimental respirometry was conducted at surface pressure on individual bivalves acclimated to either their habitat temperature (4 °C) or elevated temperature (10 °C). The range of standard metabolic rates, from 3.13 to 6.59 (MO2, μmol O2 h−1 g−1 dry tissue mass), is similar to rates measured ex situ for other species in this clade, and rates did not differ significantly between temperature groups. Taken together, these data indicate a range of ecophysiological flexibility for A. puertodeseadoi. Although adapted to a specialist mode of life, this bivalve exploits a relatively broad range of habitats in the Southern Ocean: within sulphidic sediments, epilithically in the presence of diffuse sulphidic flow, or in deep methane-enriched seawater trapped under ice

    Broadband diamagnetism in anisotropic metamaterials

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    We discuss the strategy for achieving the values of the effective magnetic permeability much smaller than unity by employing an appropriate arrangement of metamaterial elements ("meta-atoms"). We demonstrate that strong diamagnetism over a very wide frequency range can be realized in metamaterials by employing nonresonant elements with deeply subwavelength dimensions. We analyze the effect of the lattice parameters on the diamagnetic response and find that selecting an appropriate lattice type is crucial for optimal performance. Finally, we discuss the optimal characteristics required to obtain the lowest possible values of magnetic permeability and point out an efficient tuning possibility. © 2013 American Physical Society