185 research outputs found

    Analysis of the Tuning Sensitivity of Silicon-on-Insulator Optical Ring Resonators

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    High-quality-factor optical ring resonators have recently been fabricated in thin silicon-on-insulator (SOI). Practical applications of such devices will require careful tuning of the precise location of the resonance peaks. In particular, one often wants to maximize the resonance shift due to the presence of an active component and minimize the resonance shift due to temperature changes. This paper presents a semianalytic formalism that allows the prediction of such resonance shifts from the waveguide geometry. This paper also presents the results of experiments that show the tuning behavior of several ring resonators and find that the proposed semianalytic formalism agrees with the observed behavior

    Co-Creation in Business Service Lifecycle Management

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    Co-creation between customers and providers has recently gained more attention by business service providers as a promising endeavour. The different perspectives of co-creation - innovation, sourcing and marketing - are well deployed. From a provider’s point of view, the question of how to manage business services with respect to co-creation is vitally important. However, service engineering and service lifecycle management typically take a mostly internal, closed-loop approach, although a logical implication of acknowledging the value co-creation perspective on “service” would be to leverage customer and other stakeholder competences to the full extent. This paper aims at reconciling the perspectives of co-creation and makes a contribution by analysing where and how co-creation can be effectively utilised throughout the various stages of a generic business service lifecycle. The result will be a framework guiding companies in using co-creation when managing their business services

    Morphological stability of electromigration-driven vacancy islands

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    The electromigration-induced shape evolution of two-dimensional vacancy islands on a crystal surface is studied using a continuum approach. We consider the regime where mass transport is restricted to terrace diffusion in the interior of the island. In the limit of fast attachment/detachment kinetics a circle translating at constant velocity is a stationary solution of the problem. In contrast to earlier work [O. Pierre-Louis and T.L. Einstein, Phys. Rev. B 62, 13697 (2000)] we show that the circular solution remains linearly stable for arbitrarily large driving forces. The numerical solution of the full nonlinear problem nevertheless reveals a fingering instability at the trailing end of the island, which develops from finite amplitude perturbations and eventually leads to pinch-off. Relaxing the condition of instantaneous attachment/detachment kinetics, we obtain non-circular elongated stationary shapes in an analytic approximation which compares favorably to the full numerical solution.Comment: 12 page

    Spiral Growth and Step Edge Barriers

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    The growth of spiral mounds containing a screw dislocation is compared to the growth of wedding cakes by two-dimensional nucleation. Using phase field simulations and homoepitaxial growth experiments on the Pt(111) surface we show that both structures attain the same characteristic large scale shape when a significant step edge barrier suppresses interlayer transport. The higher vertical growth rate observed for the spiral mounds on Pt(111) reflects the different incorporation mechanisms for atoms in the top region and can be formally represented by an enhanced apparent step edge barrier.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures, partly in colo

    Evidence for a Ru4+^{4+} Kondo Lattice in LaCu3_3Ru4_4O12_{12}

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    Rare dd-electron derived heavy-fermion properties of the solid-solution series LaCu3_3Rux_xTi4x_{4-x}O12_{12} were studied for 1x41 \leq x \leq 4 by resistivity, susceptibility, specific-heat measurements, and magnetic-resonance techniques. The pure ruthenate (x=4x = 4) is a heavy-fermion metal characterized by a resistivity proportional to T2T^2 at low temperatures TT. The coherent Kondo lattice formed by the localized Ru 4dd electrons is screened by the conduction electrons leading to strongly enhanced effective electron masses. By increasing titanium substitution the Kondo lattice becomes diluted resulting in single-ion Kondo properties like in the paradigm 4f4f-based heavy-fermion compound Cex_xLa1x_{1-x}Cu2.05_{2.05}Si2_2 [M. Ocko {\em et al.}, Phys. Rev. B \textbf{64}, 195106 (2001)]. In LaCu3_3Rux_xTi4x_{4-x}O12_{12} the heavy-fermion behavior finally breaks down on crossing the metal-to-insulator transition close to x=2x = 2.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figure

    Emotional and Physical Health Impact in Children and Adolescents and Their Caregivers Using Open-source Automated Insulin Delivery: Qualitative Analysis of Lived Experiences

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    Background: Given the limitations in the access and license status of commercially developed automated insulin delivery (AID) systems, open-source AID systems are becoming increasingly popular among people with diabetes, including children and adolescents. Objective: This study aimed to investigate the lived experiences and physical and emotional health implications of children and their caregivers following the initiation of open-source AID, their perceived challenges, and sources of support, which have not been explored in the existing literature. Methods: Data were collected through 2 sets of open-ended questions from a web-based multinational survey of 60 families from 16 countries. The narratives were thematically analyzed, and a coding framework was identified through iterative alignment. Results: A range of emotions and improvements in quality of life and physical health were reported, as open-source AID enabled families to shift their focus away from diabetes therapy. Caregivers were less worried about hypoglycemia at night and outside their family homes, leading to increased autonomy for the child. Simultaneously, the glycemic outcomes and sleep quality of both the children and caregivers improved. Nonetheless, the acquisition of suitable hardware and technical setup could be challenging. The #WeAreNotWaiting community was the primary source of practical and emotional support. Conclusions: Our findings show the benefits and transformative impact of open-source AID and peer support on children with diabetes and their caregivers and families, where commercial AID systems are not available or suitable. Further efforts are required to improve the effectiveness and usability and facilitate access for children with diabetes, worldwide, to benefit from this innovative treatment

    Magnetic and vibrational properties of the covalent chain antiferromagnet RbFeS2

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    Ternary rubidium-iron sulfide, RbFeS2, belongs to a family of quasi-one-dimensional compounds with the general chemical composition AFeCh2 (where A – K, Rb, Cs, Tl; Ch – S, Se). Understanding the magnetic properties of these compounds is a challenge. The controversy concerning the spin-state of the iron ion needs to be resolved to build the proper model of magnetism. Single crystals of RbFeS2 were grown and characterized by powder x-ray diffraction. QD MPMS-5 SQUID magnetometry was used to measure the magnetic susceptibility, and specific heat was measured utilizing QD PPMS-9 setup. Above the transition to three-dimensional antiferromagnetic order at the Néel temperature of TN = 188 K, the susceptibility exhibits unusual quasi-linear increase up to the highest measured temperature of 500 K. The specific heat was measured in the temperature range 1.8 – 300 K. Ab initio phonon dispersion and density-of-states calculations were performed by means of density functional theory (DFT), and the calculated lattice specific heat was subtracted from the measured one giving the magnetic contribution to the specific heat. Our results suggest that the features of the magnetic specific heat are general for the whole family of the covalent chain ternary iron chalcogenides of the AFeCh2 structure and indicate an intermediate S = 3/2 spin state of the iron ion

    Геолого-промышленные типы месторождений германия, методика поисков и разведки

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    Recent genetic studies found the A allele of the variant rs1006737 in the alpha 1C subunit of the L-type voltage-gated calcium channel (CACNA1C) gene to be overrepresented in patients suffering from bipolar disorder, schizophrenia or major depression. While the functions underlying the pathophysiology of these psychiatric disorders are yet unknown, impaired performance in verbal fluency tasks is an often replicated finding. We investigated the influence of the rs1006737 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) on verbal fluency and its neural correlates.Brain activation was measured with functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) during a semantic verbal fluency task in 63 healthy male individuals. They additionally performed more demanding verbal fluency tasks outside the scanner. All subjects were genotyped for CACNA1C rs1006737.For the behavioral measures outside the scanner, rs1006737genotype had an effect on semantic but not on lexical verbal fluency with decreased performance in risk-allele carriers. In the fMRI experiment, while there were no differences in behavioural performance, increased activation in the left inferior frontal gyrus as well as the left precuneus was found in risk-allele carriers in the semantic verbal fluency task.The rs1006737 variant does influence language production on a semantic level in conjunction with the underlying neural systems. These findings are in line with results of studies in bipolar disorder, schizophrenia and major depression and may explain some of the cognitive and brain activation variation found in these disorders

    A rating scale for the assessment of objective and subjective formal thought and language disorder (TALD)

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    Formal thought disorder (FTD) is a core syndrome of schizophrenia. However, patients with other diagnoses, such as mania and depression amongst others, also present with FTD. We introduce a novel, comprehensive clinical rating scale, capturing the full variety of FTD phenomenology including subjective experiences. The 30-item Thought and Language Disorder (TALD) scale is based on a detailed review of the literature, encompassing all formal thought disorder symptoms reported from the early 20th century onwards. Objectively observable symptoms as well as subjective phenomena were included. Two hundred and ten participants (146 patients ICD-10 diagnoses: depression n. = 63, schizophrenia n. = 63, mania n. = 20; 64 healthy control subjects) were interviewed and symptoms rated with the TALD, TLC, HAMD, YMRS and SAPS/SANS. A principal component analyses was performed for the TALD to differentiate sub-syndromes. The principal component analysis revealed four FTD factors; objective and subjective as well as positive and negative factor dimensions. The correlation analyses with the TLC and the SAPS/SANS FTD sub-scores demonstrated the factor validity for the objective factors. The different diagnoses showed a distinct pattern of symptom severity in each of the factors, with mania patients exhibiting the highest value in the positive, objective dimension. The scale showed good psychometric results, which makes it a practicable, nosologically-open instrument for the detailed assessment of all FTD dimensions. The results strengthen the importance of subjective symptom assessment reported by the patient.DFG (project no. Ki 588/6-1)Scopu

    Solitons in the noisy Burgers equation

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    We investigate numerically the coupled diffusion-advective type field equations originating from the canonical phase space approach to the noisy Burgers equation or the equivalent Kardar-Parisi-Zhang equation in one spatial dimension. The equations support stable right hand and left hand solitons and in the low viscosity limit a long-lived soliton pair excitation. We find that two identical pair excitations scatter transparently subject to a size dependent phase shift and that identical solitons scatter on a static soliton transparently without a phase shift. The soliton pair excitation and the scattering configurations are interpreted in terms of growing step and nucleation events in the interface growth profile. In the asymmetrical case the soliton scattering modes are unstable presumably toward multi soliton production and extended diffusive modes, signalling the general non-integrability of the coupled field equations. Finally, we have shown that growing steps perform anomalous random walk with dynamic exponent z=3/2 and that the nucleation of a tip is stochastically suppressed with respect to plateau formation.Comment: 11 pages Revtex file, including 15 postscript-figure