384 research outputs found

    Moses and Liminality

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    Marked by two significant water crossings, the Hebrew Bible establishes the wilderness period in the Pentateuch as a liminal period marking rites of passage for the Israelites. Using a narrative critical approach and an anthropological understanding of liminality, this paper shows that Moses was depicted with an abundance of liminal characteristics and these made him the ultimate transitional tool for God to use in the maturation rites of his people. Further, known Essene beliefs and the Dead Sea Scrolls, the texts of the religious community that inhabited the site of Qumran in the latter half of the second temple period, support this reading of a liminal Moses. By reentering liminal space and placing great importance on ritual purity, the inhabitants of Qumran sought once again to produce a liminal period to prepare for the imminent arrival of a cosmic battle and establishment of a new world age and therefore Moses was the perfect liminal figure with whom they associated

    Thermal design issues and performance of microcalorimeter arrays at sub-Kelvin temperatures

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    We have produced 5/spl times/5 pixel arrays of microcalorimeters using bulk micromachining. Analysis of our data provides the thermal conductivity parameters of Si/sub x/N/sub y/ 1 /spl mu/m thick membranes at 100 mK. Moreover we find that the thermal transport at 100 mK in Si beams, with dimensions 1.25 mm /spl times/ 0.35mm /spl times/ 35/spl mu/m (length /spl times/ height /spl times/ width) is dominated by ballistic phonons with a mean free path of 110 /spl mu/m. These thermal parameters can be used for modelling future 32 /spl times/ 32 pixel arrays. In addition we operated three pixels in a 5 /spl times/ 5 array of microcalorimeters and find that the pixel to pixel reproducibility is very good. When used as an X-ray microcalorimeter individual pixels have a thermal decay time of 200 /spl mu/s is and their energy resolution is between 6 and 7 eV for 5.89 keV X-ray photons

    Ontwikkeling en implementatie van geĂŻntegreerde bestrijding in zomerbloemen : toepassing van beschikbare producten en ontwikkeling van nieuwe natuurlijke vijanden

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    In 2008 en 2009 werden loslatingen verricht van de roofmijten Neoseiulus cucumeris en Amblyseius andersoni, soms aangevuld met Phytoseiulus persimilis, in de zomerbloemen rozenbottel, chrysant, Veronica, Alchemilla en Delphinium. Hierbij bleek dat roofmijten zich niet in alle gewassen in gelijke mate vestigen. In Alchemilla en Delphinium bleek al spontaan Neoseiulus cucumeris voor te kunnen komen. Als in deze gewassen nog geen roofmijten voorkomen, zal introductie van N. cucumeris zeker slagen, mits er geen breedwerkende middelen worden toegepast. Vooral Alchemilla bleek een goede roofmijtenplant te zijn. Behalve Neoseiulus cucumeris werden ook andere soorten gevonden. Roofmijten die in de handel zijn tegen spint, Phytoseiulus persimilis en Neoseiulus californicus, vestigen zich eveneens goed in dit gewas, in tegenstelling tot Amblyseius andersoni. Verder kunnen spontaan andere natuurlijke vijanden van plagen voorkomen: roofwantsen, gaasvliegen en galmuggen. Trips nam in beide jaren af gedurende de teelt of bleef op een laag niveau. Neoseiulus alpinus is een roofmijt, die eerder is verzameld van Alchemilla en in kweek genomen. Een loslating van deze roofmijt in Alchemilla slaagde in 2008 niet, maar in 2009 wel. In Delphinium was in 2008 vanaf het begin van de waarnemingen Neoseiulus cucumeris in het gewas aanwezig. Na introductie van Amblyseius andersoni werd ook deze soort teruggevonden. Spint kwam in 2008 niet tot ontwikkeling. Buiten de proef kwam plaatselijk cyclamenmijt voor. In 2009 werd in Delphinium zwavel verdampt tegen echte meeldauw. Er was geen goede vestiging van roofmijten in het gewas, ook niet van de roofmijt Phytoseiulus persimilis, waardoor chemische bestrijding van spint noodzakelijk was. In Veronica, chrysant en rozenbottel kwamen in vergelijking met Alchemilla en Delphinium minder roofmijten voor. Trips en spint waren in 2008 en 2009 geen probleem in Veronica, chrysant en rozenbottel. Op rozenbottel kwam zonder introductie Neoseiulus cucumeris voor. Andere soorten roofmijten, die soms spontaan optraden waren Neoseiulus reductus in Delphinium, Amblyseius graminis in Alchemilla en chrysant, en roofmijten die tot een andere groep (Bdelloidea) behoren, met name op chrysant en Veronica

    Evaluation of inter-batch variability in the establishing and quality control of glucose

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    This research evaluated the inter-batch variability in the identification and quality control of glucose, according to international specifications detailed in the guide CLSI EP-15. Type of qualitative research, analytical, not experimental, prospective cross-sectional conducted at the Department of Clinical Laboratory at Polyclinic ‘‘La Fe’’ during January 2015 was performed. The inter-batch variability for glucose in the semi-automated biochemical analyzer URIT-810 with liquid enzyme glucose-LS reagent (GOD-PAP) Valtek¼ batch 140825 was evaluated. The calibrators (CS) were the lot CS-A: 140 428, CS-B: 120912 and CS-C: 131 202. Data analysis was performed in SPSS version 20.0 statistical analyzer and Microsoft Office Excel 2010 for Windows. The values found by calculating the sigma metric were: 2 (SE −0.35), 0 (SE 1.65) −0.9 (SE −0.75) to CS-A, CS-B and CS-C, respectively (p < 0.05). Only CS-A might be able to improve their performance, although with greater cost. Sub-optimal performance characteristics by using standard calibrators show high inter-lot variability, suggesting the choice and search for a new and better calibration method to ensure results that contain no medically important errors affecting patient health

    Post-radiation dedifferentiation of meningioma into osteosarcoma.

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    BACKGROUND: A number of osteoblastic meningiomas, primary osteosarcomas of the meninges, and post-radiation osteosarcomas of the head have been reported. However, postradiation dedifferentiation of meningioma into osteosarcoma has not been reported previously. CASE PRESENTATION: In 1987 a caucasian man, then 38 years old, presented with a pituitary macroadenoma. He underwent a subtotal resection of the tumor and did well until 1990 when a recurrent tumor was diagnosed. This was treated with subtotal resection of the tumor, followed by radiation therapy for six weeks to a total of 54 Gy. He was considered "disease-free" for nearly ten years. However, most recently in July 2000, he presented with a visual field deficit due to a second recurrence of his pituitary macroadenoma, now with suprasellar extension. At this time, as an incidental finding, a mass attached to the dura was noted in the left parietal hemisphere. This dura–based mass had grown rapidly by January 2001 and was excised. It showed histological, immunohistochemical, and electron microscopic features of malignant meningioma and osteosarcoma with a sharp demarcation between the two components. CONCLUSIONS: We report a rare case of a radiation induced dedifferentiation of meningioma into osteosarcoma, which has not been reported previously

    Tissue-type mapping of gliomas.

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    PURPOSE: To develop a statistical method of combining multimodal MRI (mMRI) of adult glial brain tumours to generate tissue heterogeneity maps that indicate tumour grade and infiltration margins. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We performed a retrospective analysis of mMRI from patients with histological diagnosis of glioma (n = 25). 1H Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopic Imaging (MRSI) was used to label regions of "pure" low- or high-grade tumour across image types. Normal brain and oedema characteristics were defined from healthy controls (n = 10) and brain metastasis patients (n = 10) respectively. Probability density distributions (PDD) for each tissue type were extracted from intensity normalised proton density and T2-weighted images, and p and q diffusion maps. Superpixel segmentation and Bayesian inference was used to produce whole-brain tissue-type maps. RESULTS: Total lesion volumes derived automatically from tissue-type maps correlated with those from manual delineation (p 2 years (Mann Witney p = 0.0001). Regions classified from mMRI as oedema had non-tumour-like 1H MRS characteristics. CONCLUSIONS: 1H MRSI can label tumour tissue types to enable development of a mMRI tissue type mapping algorithm, with potential to aid management of patients with glial tumours
