76 research outputs found

    Using Facebook for Image Steganography

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    Because Facebook is available on hundreds of millions of desktop and mobile computing platforms around the world and because it is available on many different kinds of platforms (from desktops and laptops running Windows, Unix, or OS X to hand held devices running iOS, Android, or Windows Phone), it would seem to be the perfect place to conduct steganography. On Facebook, information hidden in image files will be further obscured within the millions of pictures and other images posted and transmitted daily. Facebook is known to alter and compress uploaded images so they use minimum space and bandwidth when displayed on Facebook pages. The compression process generally disrupts attempts to use Facebook for image steganography. This paper explores a method to minimize the disruption so JPEG images can be used as steganography carriers on Facebook.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, 2 tables. Accepted to Fourth International Workshop on Cyber Crime (IWCC 2015), co-located with 10th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES 2015), Toulouse, France, 24-28 August 201

    Groestl Tweaks and their Effect on FPGA Results

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    In January 2011, Groestl team published tweaks to their specification of Groestl. In this paper, we investigate the influence of these tweaks on the Groestl performance in hardware. The results indicate that the performance penalty in terms of the throughput to area ratio depends strongly on the architecture used. This penalty is smaller in case of architecture in which permutations P and Q are implemented using two independent units

    Comparing Hardware Performance of Fourteen Round Two SHA-3 Candidates Using FPGAs

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    Performance in hardware has been demonstrated to be an important factor in the evaluation of candidates for cryptographic standards. Up to now, no consensus exists on how such an evaluation should be performed in order to make it fair, transparent, practical, and acceptable for the majority of the cryptographic community. In this report, we formulate a proposal for a fair and comprehensive evaluation methodology, and apply it to the comparison of hardware performance of 14 Round~2 SHA-3 candidates. The most important aspects of our methodology include the definition of clear performance metrics, the development of a uniform and practical interface, generation of multiple sets of results for several representative FPGA families from two major vendors, and the application of a simple procedure to convert multiple sets of results into a single ranking. The VHDL codes for 256 and 512-bit variants of all 14 SHA-3 Round 2 candidates and the old standard SHA-2 have been developed and thoroughly verified. These codes have been then used to evaluate the relative performance of all aforementioned algorithms using ten modern families of Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) from two major vendors, Xilinx and Altera. All algorithms have been evaluated using four performance measures: the throughput to area ratio, throughput, area, and the execution time for short messages. Based on these results, the 14 Round 2 SHA-3 candidates have been divided into several groups depending on their overall performance in FPGAs

    High-Speed Hardware Architectures and FPGA Benchmarking of CRYSTALS-Kyber, NTRU, and Saber

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    Performance in hardware has typically played a significant role in differentiating among leading candidates in cryptographic standardization efforts. Winners of two past NIST cryptographic contests (Rijndael in case of AES and Keccak in case of SHA-3) were ranked consistently among the two fastest candidates when implemented using FPGAs and ASICs. Hardware implementations of cryptographic operations may quite easily outperform software implementations for at least a subset of major performance metrics, such as latency, number of operations per second, power consumption, and energy usage, as well as in terms of security against physical attacks, including side-channel analysis. Using hardware also permits much higher flexibility in trading one subset of these properties for another. This paper presents high-speed hardware architectures for four lattice-based CCA-secure Key Encapsulation Mechanisms (KEMs), representing three NIST PQC finalists: CRYSTALS-Kyber, NTRU (with two distinct variants, NTRU-HPS and NTRU-HRSS), and Saber. We rank these candidates among each other and compare them with all other Round 3 KEMs based on the data from the previously reported work

    High-Performance Hardware Implementation of Lattice-Based Digital Signatures

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    Many currently deployed public-key cryptosystems are based on the difficulty of the discrete logarithm and integer factorization problems. However, given an adequately sized quantum computer, these problems can be solved in polynomial time as a function of the key size. Due to the future threat of quantum computing to current cryptographic standards, alternative algorithms that remain secure under quantum computing are being evaluated for future use. As a part of this evaluation, high-performance implementations of these candidate algorithms must be investigated. This work presents a high-performance implementation of all operations of CRYSTALS-Dilithium and one operation of FALCON (signature verification) targeting FPGAs. In particular, we present a Dilithium design that achieves the best latency for an FPGA implementation to date and, to the best of our knowledge, the first FALCON hardware implementation to date. We compare our results with the hardware implementations of all viable NIST Round 3 post-quantum digital signature candidates

    High-Performance Hardware Implementation of CRYSTALS-Dilithium

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    Many currently deployed public-key cryptosystems are based on the difficulty of the discrete logarithm and integer factorization problems. However, given an adequately sized quantum computer, these problems can be solved in polynomial time as a function of the key size. Due to the future threat of quantum computing to current cryptographic standards, alternative algorithms that remain secure under quantum computing are being evaluated for future use. One such algorithm is CRYSTALS-Dilithium, a lattice-based digital signature scheme, which is a finalist in the NIST Post Quantum Cryptography (PQC) competition. As a part of this evaluation, high-performance implementations of these algorithms must be investigated. This work presents a high-performance implementation of CRYSTALS-Dilithium targeting FPGAs. In particular, we present a design that achieves the best latency for an FPGA implementation to date. We also compare our results with the most-relevant previous work on hardware implementations of NIST Round 3 post-quantum digital signature candidates

    A High-Speed Constant-Time Hardware Implementation of NTRUEncrypt SVES

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    In this paper, we present a high-speed constant time hardware implementation of NTRUEncrypt Short Vector Encryption Scheme (SVES), fully compliant with the IEEE 1363.1 Standard Specification for Public Key Cryptographic Techniques Based on Hard Problems over Lattices. Our implementation follows an earlier proposed Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC) Hardware Application Programming Interface (API), which facilitates its fair comparison with implementations of other PQC schemes. The paper contains the detailed flow and block diagrams, timing analysis, as well as results in terms of latency (in clock cycles), maximum clock frequency, and resource utilization in modern high-performance Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs). Our design takes full advantage of the ability to parallelize the major operation of NTRU, polynomial multiplication, in hardware. As a result, the execution time bottleneck shifts to the hash function, SHA-256, which is sequential in nature and as a result cannot be easily sped up in hardware. The obtained FPGA results for NTRU Encrypt SVES are compared with the equivalent results for Classic McEliece, a competing, well-established Post-Quantum Cryptography encryption scheme, with a long history of unsuccessful attempts at breaking. Our code for NTRUEncrypt SVES is being made open-source to speed-up further design-space exploration and benchmarking on multiple hardware platforms


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    Montgomery multiplication is one of the fundamental operations used in cryptographic algorithms, such as RSA and Elliptic Curve Cryptosystems. At CHES 1999, Tenca and Koc introduced a now-classical architecture for implementing Montgomery multiplication in hardware. With parameters optimized for minimum latency, this architecture performs a single Montgomery multiplication in approximately 2n clock cycles, where n is the size of operands in bits. In this paper we propose and discuss an optimized hardware architecture performing the same operation in approximately n clock cycles. Our architecture is based on pre-computing partial results using two possible assumptions regarding the most significant bit of the previous word, and is only marginally more demanding in terms of the circuit area. The new radix-2 architecture can be extended for the case of radix-4, while preserving a factor of two speed-up over the corresponding radix-4 design by Tenca, Todorov, and Koc from CHES 2001. Our architecture has been verified by modeling it in Verilog-HDL, implementing it using Xilinx Virtex-II 6000 FPGA, and experimentally testing it using SRC-6 reconfigurable computer
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