197 research outputs found

    Deficits in pain medication in older adults with chronic pain receiving home care: A cross-sectional study in Germany

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    OBJECTIVE: To analyze the pattern and appropriateness of pain medications in older adults receiving home care. METHODS: We performed a prospective cross-sectional study in patients ≥65 years old having chronic pain and receiving home care in Berlin, Germany. Data on prescribed pain medications were collected using self-reported information, nursing documents, and medication plans during interviews at home. Pain intensity was determined with the numeric rating scale (NRS) and the Pain Assessment In Advanced dementia (PAINAD) scale. The Pain Medication Appropriateness Scale score (SPMAS) was applied to evaluate inappropriateness (i.e. a score ≤67) of pain medication. RESULTS: Overall 322 patients with a mean age of 82.1 ± 7.4 years (71.4% females) were evaluated. The average pain intensity scores during the last 24 hours were 5.3 ± 2.1 and 2.3 ± 2.3 on NRS and PAINAD scale (range 0-10, respectively). Sixty (18.6%) patients did not receive any pain medication. Among the treated patients, dipyrone was the most frequently prescribed analgesic (71.4%), while 50.8% and 19.1% received systemic treatment with opioids and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, respectively. The observed median SPMAS was 47.6 (range 0-100) with 58 (18.0%) of patients achieving appropriate values. Half of the patients were treated with scheduled, while 29.9% were only treated with on-demand medications. Cognitive status had no effect on appropriateness of pain treatment. CONCLUSIONS: We observed substantial deficits in dosing patterns and appropriateness of pain medication in older adults with pain receiving home care. This applied to both patients with and without severe cognitive impairment

    Moderation of alcohol consumption as a recommendation in European hypertension management guidelines: a survey on awareness, screening and implementation among European physicians

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    Objectives: Moderation of alcohol consumption is included as a class I, level of evidence A recommendation in the current European guidelines for the management of hypertension. We investigated its awareness and self-reported implementation among European physicians across different specialties and workplaces. Design and setting: A cross-sectional survey study conducted in two annual German meetings (German Society of Cardiology and the German Society of Internal Medicine) and two annual European meetings (European Society of Hypertension and European Society Cardiology) in 2015. Participants: 1064 physicians attending the European meetings were interviewed including 52.1% cardiologists, 29.2% internists and 8.8% general practitioners. Main outcome measures: Physician screening of alcohol consumption, awareness and self-implementation of the recommendation of the current European guidelines about moderation of alcohol consumption for the management of hypertension. Results: Overall, 81.9% of physicians reported to generally quantify alcohol consumption in patients with hypertension. However, only 28.6% and 14.5% of participants reported screening alcohol consumption in their patients with newly detected or treatment-resistant hypertension. Physicians recommended a maximum alcohol intake of 13.1 +/- 11.7 g/day for women (95% CI 12.3 to 13.8) and 19.9 +/- 15.6 g/day for men (95% CI 18.8 to 20.9). In case of moderate to high alcohol consumption, 10.3% would manage only hypertension without addressing alcohol consumption, while 3.7% of the physicians would do so in case of alcohol dependence (p<0.001). Conclusions: The average amount of alcohol intake per day recommended by European physicians in this survey was in agreement with the guidelines. The low number of physicians that screen for alcohol consumption in patients with newly detected and with treatment-resistant hypertension indicates an important deficit in the management of hypertension

    Implementing the Proclamation of Stroke and Potentially Preventable Dementias

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    Brain health plays a central role in wellbeing and in the management of chronic diseases. Stroke and dementia pose the two greatest threats to brain health, but recent developments suggest the possibility that preventing stroke may also prevent some dementias: 1. A large population study showed a 32% decrease in the incidence of stroke and a concomitant 7% reduction in the incidence of dementia; 2. Treatment of atrial fibrillation resulted not only in stroke reduction, but a 48% decrease in dementia; 3. A hypothesis free analyses has shown that the first phase of Alzheimer disease involves vascular dysregulation, opening the door to new therapeutic approaches; 4. Cognitive impairment, often treatable and reversible, accompanies heart and kidney failure. These developments, combined with the knowledge that stroke, dementia and heart disease share the same major treatable risk factors, particularly hypertension, offers an opportunity for their joint prevention. This aspiration is expressed by a Proclamation of the World Stroke Organization on Stroke and Potentially Preventable Dementias and endorsed by the World Heart Federation, the World Hypertension League, Alzheimer Disease International and 18 other international, regional and national organizations as a call for action

    TMEM63C, a Potential Novel Target for Albuminuria Development, Is Regulated by MicroRNA-564 and Transforming Growth Factor beta in Human Renal Cells

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    Introduction: Transmembrane protein (TMEM) 63C is a member of the TMEM gene family and was recently linked to glomerular filtration barrier function and albuminuria. Its molecular function and expression regulation are largely unknown. Objective: In this study, we set out to characterize the regulating impact of microRNAs (miRNAs) such as miRNA-564 (miR-564) on TMEM63C expression in renal cells. Also, we examined the influence of transforming growth factor beta (TGF-ß) on TMEM63C expression and the potential impact of TMEM63C inhibition on epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) in renal cells and on cell viability in human embryonic kidney 293 cells (HEK 293). Methods: Expression analyses were done using real-time PCR and Western blot. Dual luciferase assay was performed to determine the miRNA-mediated expression control. Cell viability was assessed via trypan blue exclusion staining. Results and Conclusions: MiR-564 reduced TMEM63C expression in HEK 293 and human podocytes (hPC). The treatment of renal cells with TGF-ß led to an increased expression of TMEM63C. Moreover, a reduced TMEM63C expression was associated with a changed ratio of EMT marker proteins such as α-smooth muscle actin versus E-cadherin in HEK 293 and decreased nephrin expression in hPC. In addition, cell viability was reduced upon inhibition of TMEM63C expression in HEK 293. This study demonstrates first mechanisms involved in TMEM63C expression regulation and a link to EMT in renal cells

    MiRNA-29b and miRNA-497 Modulate the Expression of Carboxypeptidase X Member 2, a Candidate Gene Associated with Left Ventricular Hypertrophy

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    Left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) is a major risk factor for adverse cardiovascular events. Recently, a novel candidate gene encoding the carboxypeptidase X member 2 (CPXM2) was found to be associated with hypertension-induced LVH. CPXM2 belongs to the M14 family of metallocarboxypeptidases, yet it lacks detectable enzyme activity, and its function remains unknown. Here, we investigated the impact of micro (mi)RNA-29b, miRNA-195, and miRNA-497 on the posttranscriptional expression control of CPXM2. Candidate miRNAs for CPXM2 expression control were identified in silico. CPXM2 expression in rat cardiomyocytes (H9C2) was characterized via real-time PCR, Western blotting, and immunofluorescence. Direct miRNA/target mRNA interaction was analysed by dual luciferase assay. CPXM2 was expressed in H9C2 and co-localised with z-disc associated protein PDZ and LIM domain 3 (Pdlim3). Transfection of H9C2 with miRNA-29b, miRNA-195, and miRNA-497 led to decreased levels of CPXM2 mRNA and protein, respectively. Results of dual luciferase assays revealed that miRNA-29b and miRNA-497, but not miRNA-195, directly regulated CPXM2 expression on a posttranscriptional level via binding to the 3′UTR of CPXM2 mRNA. We identified two miRNAs capable of the direct posttranscriptional expression control of CPXM2 expression in rat cardiomyocytes. This novel data may help to shed more light on the—so far—widely unexplored expression control of CPXM2 and its potential role in LVH

    Herb-Induced Liver Injury in the Berlin Case-Control Surveillance Study

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    Herb-induced liver injury (HILI) has recently attracted attention due to increasing reports of hepatotoxicity associated with use of phytotherapeutics. Here, we present data on HILI from the Berlin Case-Control Surveillance Study. The study was initiated in 2000 to investigate the serious toxicity of drugs including herbal medicines. Potential cases of liver injury were ascertained in more than 180 Departments of all 51 Berlin hospitals from October 2002 to December 2011. Drug or herb intake was assessed through a standardized face- to-face interview. Drug or herbal aetiology was assessed based on the updated Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences scale. In ten of all 198 cases of hepatotoxicity included in the study, herbal aetiology was assessed as probable (once ayurvedic herb) or possible (Valeriana five times, Mentha piperita once, Pelargonium sidoides once, Hypericum perforatum once, Eucalyptus globulus once). Mean age was 56.4 ± 9.7 years, and the predominant pattern of liver injury was hepatocellular. No cases of acute liver failure or death were observed. This case series corroborates known risks for ayurvedic herbs, supports the suspected association between Valeriana use and liver injury, and indicates a hepatotoxic potential for herbs such as Pelargonium sidoides, Hypericum perforatum or Mentha piperita that were rarely associated with liver injury before. However, given that possible causality does not prove clinical significance, further studies in this field are needed

    Fetal-Adult Cardiac Transcriptome Analysis in Rats with Contrasting Left Ventricular Mass Reveals New Candidates for Cardiac Hypertrophy

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    Reactivation of fetal gene expression patterns has been implicated in common cardiac diseases in adult life including left ventricular (LV) hypertrophy (LVH) in arterial hypertension. Thus, increased wall stress and neurohumoral activation are discussed to induce the return to expression of fetal genes after birth in LVH. We therefore aimed to identify novel potential candidates for LVH by analyzing fetal-adult cardiac gene expression in a genetic rat model of hypertension, i.e. the stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHRSP). To this end we performed genome-wide transcriptome analysis in SHRSP to identify differences in expression patterns between day 20 of fetal development (E20) and adult animals in week 14 in comparison to a normotensive rat strain with contrasting low LV mass, i.e. Fischer (F344). 15232 probes were detected as expressed in LV tissue obtained from rats at E20 and week 14 (p < 0.05) and subsequently screened for differential expression. We identified 24 genes with SHRSP specific up-regulation and 21 genes with down- regulation as compared to F344. Further bioinformatic analysis presented Efcab6 as a new candidate for LVH that showed only in the hypertensive SHRSP rat differential expression during development (logFC = 2.41, p < 0.001) and was significantly higher expressed in adult SHRSP rats compared with adult F344 (+ 76%) and adult normotensive Wistar-Kyoto rats (+ 82%). Thus, it represents an interesting new target for further functional analyses and the elucidation of mechanisms leading to LVH. Here we report a new approach to identify candidate genes for cardiac hypertrophy by combining the analysis of gene expression differences between strains with a contrasting cardiac phenotype with a comparison of fetal-adult cardiac expression patterns

    Harmonization of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association and European Society of Cardiology/European Society of Hypertension Blood Pressure/Hypertension Guidelines: Comparisons, Reflections, and Recommendations

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    The 2017 American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association and 2018 European Society of Cardiology/European Society of Hypertension clinical practice guidelines for management of high blood pressure/hypertension are influential documents. Both guidelines are comprehensive, were developed using rigorous processes, and underwent extensive peer review. The most notable difference between the 2 guidelines is the blood pressure cut points recommended for the diagnosis of hypertension. There are also differences in the timing and intensity of treatment, with the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association guideline recommending a somewhat more intensive approach. Overall, there is substantial concordance in the recommendations provided by the 2 guideline-writing committees, with greater congruity between them than their predecessors. Additional harmonization of future guidelines would help to underscore the commonality of their core recommendations and could serve to catalyze changes in practice that would lead to improved prevention, awareness, treatment, and control of hypertension, worldwide

    Prediction of the dose range for adverse neurological effects of amiodarone in patients from an in vitro toxicity test by in vitro–in vivo extrapolation

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    Amiodarone is an antiarrhythmic agent inducing adverse effects on the nervous system, among others. We applied physiologically based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) modeling combined with benchmark dose modeling to predict, based on published in vitro data, the in vivo dose of amiodarone which may lead to adverse neurological effects in patients. We performed in vitro-in vivo extrapolation (IVIVE) from concentrations measured in the cell lysate of a rat brain 3D cell model using a validated human PBPK model. Among the observed in vitro effects, inhibition of choline acetyl transferase (ChAT) was selected as a marker for neurotoxicity. By reverse dosimetry, we transformed the in vitro concentration-effect relationship into in vivo effective human doses, using the calculated in vitro area under the curve (AUC) of amiodarone as the pharmacokinetic metric. The upper benchmark dose (BMDU) was calculated and compared with clinical doses eliciting neurological adverse effects in patients. The AUCs in the in vitro brain cell culture after 14-day repeated dosing of nominal concentration equal to 1.25 and 2.5 mu M amiodarone were 1.00 and 1.99 mu g*h/mL, respectively. The BMDU was 385.4 mg for intravenous converted to 593 mg for oral application using the bioavailability factor of 0.65 as reported in the literature. The predicted dose compares well with neurotoxic doses in patients supporting the hypothesis that impaired ChAT activity may be related to the molecular/cellular mechanisms of amiodarone neurotoxicity. Our study shows that predicting effects from in vitro data together with IVIVE can be used at the initial stage for the evaluation of potential adverse drug reactions and safety assessment in humans

    Is Therapeutic Drug Monitoring Relevant for Antidepressant Drug Therapy? Implications From a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis With Focus on Moderating Factors

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    Inter-individual differences in antidepressant drug concentrations attained in blood may limit the efficacy of pharmacological treatment of depressive disorders. Therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) enables to determine drug concentrations in blood and adjust antidepressant dosage accordingly. However, research on the underlying assumption of TDM, association between concentration and clinical effect, has yielded ambiguous results for antidepressants. It has been proposed that this ambiguity may be caused by methodological shortcomings in studies investigating the concentration-effect relationship. Guidelines recommend the use of TDM in antidepressant treatment as expert opinion. This reflects the lack of research, particularly systematic reviews and meta-analyses of randomized controlled trials, on the relationship between concentration and effect as well as on the benefits of the use of TDM in clinical practice. In this study, a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials has been performed to investigate the relationship between antidepressant concentration, efficacy, and side effects. It is the first meta-analytical approach to this subject and additionally considers methodological properties of primary studies as moderators of effect in quantitative analysis. Our results identified methodological shortcomings, namely the use of a flexible dose design and the exclusion of concentrations in lower- or subtherapeutic ranges, which significantly moderate the relationship between antidepressant concentration and efficacy. Such shortcomings obscure the evidence base of using TDM in clinical practice to guide antidepressant drug therapy. Further research should consider these findings to determine the relationship between concentration and efficacy and safety of antidepressant treatments, especially for newer antidepressants.Peer Reviewe