583 research outputs found

    Biodiversity of spiders (Araneae) and carabid beetles (Carabidae) on fields in Saxony

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    Im Rahmen eines Forschungsprojektes der Sächsischen Landesanstalt für Landwirtschaft erfolgten zönologische Studien in vier praxisrelevanten Bewirtschaftungsvarianten. Das primäre Untersuchungsziel bestand in der Einschätzung des Förderprogramms „Umweltgerechte Landwirtschaft (UL)“ hinsichtlich seiner Effekte auf die Biodiversität typischer Ackerstandorte im Freistaat Sachsen. Unter anderem wurden dazu Laufkäfer (Coleoptera: Carabidae) und Webspinnen (Araneae) als Indikatoren genutzt. Über die ökologische Bewertung der verschiedenen Bewirtschaftungsvarianten hinaus wird die Nutzung der Biodiversität von Ackerflächen und deren Indikation anhand von Raubarthropoden und anderen Organismengruppen diskutiert.The evaluation of the public support programme “Sustainable agriculture” (Free State of Saxony, Germany) demands the monitoring of the scheme’s effect on the biodiversity in fields. According to this aim, this study investigated different intensities of agricultural management in their effects on spiders and carabid beetles coenoses in Central Germany. The treatments included extensive sustainable agriculture, conventional agriculture and conventional fields with reduced soil tillage (mulched sowing and direct sowing). Arthropods were monitored by the means of pitfall traps (six repetitions per variant) on two different locations of Saxony called “Lößhügelland” and “Leipziger Tiefland”. To analyse their development, qualitative and quantitative parameters such as activity density, species diversity, pattern of dominance as well as other computed parameters were employed. Data on spiders (Araneae) was collected during a three-month catch period in 2003. In total, 17.178 individuals belonging to 74 species out of 15 families have been documented. Within the conventional variants at the location Lößhügelland, reduced soil tillage did have positive effects on the species diversity of the spider coenosis (ploughed: 32, mulched: 35, direct: 40). Some Lycosidae species, e.g. Trochosa ruricola and Pardosa pullata, did profit significantly of non-ploughing tillage systems. In comparison, 37 species were identified on the sustainable plot. At the location Leipziger Tiefland, a total of 38 species was documented for both the sustainable and the conventional ploughed variants. Again, the highest species diversity was found on the variant with direct sowing. However, sustainable agricultural management did seem to have a positive effect on the activity density of web-spinning spiders. On both sites, more individuals were found with sustainable treatment as compared to the conventional plots. Data on carabid beetles (Coleoptera, Carabidae) were collected during three-month sampling periods in 2002 to 2004. A total of 16.006 individuals belonging to 81 species were identified. The longer period of reduced soil tillage did not have significant effects on species diversity. However, some important species (e.g. Carabus auratus) showed significantly positive reactions on the conservation tillage systems. In most cases, the number of species was even higher on the ploughed plots. On the contrary, a significant positive effect on species diversity could be observed for ecological farming (59 species as compared to 45-48 species on the conventional variants). Additionally, activity densities and numbers of endangered species on the sustainable plots generally exceeded the conventional treatments. The ratio of correspondence (identity) between the treatments regarding species and dominance patterns was rather small. This hints to a high degree of variation within the carabid coenoses depending on the chosen soil tillage system. In summary, extensive sustainable agriculture and reduced soil tillage systems did have positive effects on spider and carabid coenoses in Central Germany. On the other hand, the coexistence of different intensities of agricultural management led to in a greater variety of epigeic coenoses. These results should be taken into account in developing further public support programmes

    Merkel Cell Polyomavirus DNA in Persons without Merkel Cell Carcinoma

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    Merkel cell polyomavirus (MCPyV) DNA was detected in 88% of Merkel cell carcinomas in contrast to 16% of other skin tumors. MCPyV was also found in anogenital and oral samples (31%) and eyebrow hairs (50%) of HIV-positive men and in forehead swabs (62%) of healthy controls. MCPyV thus appears to be widespread

    Selbstregulation im pfluglosen Ackerbau - Potenziale der Selbstregulation auf pfluglos bearbeiteten Ackerflächen: A) Bodenmesofauna und Streuabbau, B) Laufkäfer als effektive Schneckenprädatoren

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    Das Ziel des vorliegenden Forschungsvorhabens bestand darin, einerseits am Beispiel der Bodenmesofauna und ihrer Streuabbau-Effektivität sowie andererseits anhand von Ackerschnecken(Deroceras spp.) und räuberisch lebenden Carabiden das Auftreten und die Dynamik solcher Regulationsmechanismen zu analysieren und zu bewerten. Die am Rotteprozessbeteiligten Organismen der Bodenmesofauna können dabei auf Grund ihrer Streuabbauleistung als indirekte Antagonisten zahlreicher boden- bzw. streubürtiger Krankheiten angesehen werden. Laufkäfer der Gattung Carabus, die im sächsischen Lößgürtel durch dauerhaften Pflugverzicht offensichtlich eine besonders starke Förderung erfahren, gelten als potenzielle Fressfeinde von Ackerschnecken und Insektenlarven. Untersucht wurden im ersten Teilprojekt die Streuabbaudynamik und der Anteil der Mesofauna am Rotteprozess unter dem Einfluss verschiedener Boden- bzw. Streubearbeitungsverfahren. Ein ergänzendes zweites Teilprojekt beschäftigte sich mit den Effekten von Bodenbearbeitung und Streubeschaffenheit auf die Zusammensetzung und Quantität der Bodenmesofauna.Im dritten Teilprojekt erfolgten Untersuchungen zur Abundanz- und Aktivitätsdynamik von Ackerschnecken und Goldlaufkäfern auf konsequent konservierend bearbeiteten Flächen im Vergleich zu einer Pflugvariante. Dabei wurde in einem parallel laufenden Ausschlussversuch getestet, ob hohe Carabus-Dichten tatsächlich regulierend auf Deroceras-Populationen einwirken. Auf Basis der Versuchsergebnisse werden Möglichkeiten einer Optimierung der bestehenden Regulationsmechanismen im konsequent pfluglosen Ackerbau diskutiert

    Investigations on the influence of conservation tillage strategies on the composition of the soil mesofauna by using the litter-bag-method

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    Elemente der Bodenmesofauna gehören gerade in pfluglosen Anbausystemen zu den bedeutendsten Primärzersetzern von Ernterückständen. Für den Rotteprozess, der nicht nur für die Pflanzengesundheit von größter Bedeutung ist, spielen sie damit eine entscheidende Rolle. Während Effekte der Bodenbearbeitung auf die mikrobielle Biomasse in den letzten Jahrzehnten Gegenstand zahlreicher Feldstudien waren, sind entsprechende Erhebungen zur Bodenmesofauna vergleichsweise rar und darüber hin in ihren Aussagen teilweise widersprüchlich. Positive Effekte auf Streuabbau durch reduzierte Intensität der Bodenbearbeitung konnten Heiber & Eisenbeis (1999) nachweisen. Vorliegende Untersuchungen sollten klären, welche Auswirkungen die Bodenbearbeitung auf die vielfältigen Zönosen der Bodenmesofauna eines intensiv ackerbaulich genutzten Lößstandortes hat.The soil mesofauna has an important role for the decomposition of organic materials in non-till cultivation systems. The investigations have been carried out on fields of Lüttewitz (Saxony, Germany). There were investigated 4 cultivation variants, which were still used on each plot more than 10 years: plough; mulch sowing with deep loosening; mulch till with shallow loosening and direct drilling. In each variant 20 litterbags (mesh size: 2 mm; litter weight: 20 g); (exposition period: spring till early summer 2006) were placed under the soil surface. To investigate the possible effects of the litter size on the colonization by the soil mesofauna, two litter variants (Maize chopped straw fine/cereals straw rough) were used. The litterbags were controlled at three times. At first a wet-extraction was carried out to estimate the dense of Enchytraeidae (Oligochaeta). Afterwards a dry extraction of the mesofauna with the Tullgren-method followed to find out the amount of mites (Oribatida and Acaridida) and Collembola, which are important for decomposition of the litter. Among the Oribatida the species Tectocepheus velatus and Oppiella nova reached high densities. The predatory Gamasina were dominated by the families Rhodacaridae, Parasitidae, Ascidae, Veigaiaidae, Macrochelidae and Zerconidae. All times the fine litter in all plots was stronger colonized. In rough litter the part of Gamasina as predators was lower than the decomposer groups. With the declining of the intensity of tillage the colonization of the litter-bags increased. In the variant mulch-till (with shallow loosening) the highest densities of individuals were found. The registered numbers often were higher as in the plots with direct drilling

    Tree-based machine learning methods for survey research

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    Predictive modeling methods from the field of machine learning have become a popular tool across various disciplines for exploring and analyzing diverse data. These methods often do not require specific prior knowledge about the functional form of the relationship under study and are able to adapt to complex non-linear and non-additive interrelations between the outcome and its predictors while focusing specifically on prediction performance. This modeling perspective is beginning to be adopted by survey researchers in order to adjust or improve various aspects of data collection and/or survey management. To facilitate this strand of research, this paper (1) provides an introduction to prominent tree-based machine learning methods, (2) reviews and discusses previous and (potential) prospective applications of tree-based supervised learning in survey research, and (3) exemplifies the usage of these techniques in the context of modeling and predicting nonresponse in panel surveys

    Quality of life assessment in interstitial lung diseases:a comparison of the disease-specific K-BILD with the generic EQ-5D-5L

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    Background: Patients with interstitial lung diseases (ILD) have impaired health-related quality of life (HRQL). Little is known about the applicability of the disease-specific King’s Brief Interstitial Lung Disease questionnaire (K-BILD) and the generic EQ-5D-5L in a German setting. Methods: We assessed disease-specific (K-BILD) and generic HRQL (EQ-5D experience based value set (EBVS) and Visual Analog Scale (VAS)) in 229 patients with different ILD subtypes in a longitudinal observational study (HILDA). Additionally, we assessed the correlation of the HRQL measures with lung function and comorbidities. In a linear regression model, we investigated predictors (including age, sex, ILD subtype, FVC percentage of predicted value (FVC%pred), DLCO percentage of predicted value, and comorbidities). Results: Among the 229 patients mean age was 63.2 (Standard deviation (SD): 12.9), 67.3% male, 24.0% had idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, and 22.3% sarcoidosis. Means scores were as follows for EQ-5D EBVS 0.66(SD 0.17), VAS 61.4 (SD 19.1) and K-BILD Total 53.6 (SD 13.8). K-BILD had good construct validity (high correlation with EQ-5D EBVS (0.71)) and good internal consistency (Cronbach’s alpha 0.89). Moreover, all HRQL measures were highly accepted by patients including low missing items and there were no ceiling or floor effects. A higher FVC % pred was associated with higher HRQL in all measures meanwhile comorbidities had a negative influence on HRQL. Conclusions: K-BILD and EQ-5D had similar HRQL trends and were associated similarly to the same disease-related factors in Germany. Our data supports the use of K-BILD in clinical practice in Germany, since it captures disease specific effects of ILD. Additionally, the use of the EQ-5D-5L could provide comparison to different disease areas and give an overview about the position of ILD patients in comparison to general population

    Ammonium Pertechnetate in Mixtures of Trifluoromethanesulfonic Acid and Trifluoromethanesulfonic Anhydride

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    Ammonium pertechnetate reacts in mixtures of trifluoromethanesulfonic anhydride and trifluoromethanesulfonic acid under final formation of ammonium pentakis(trifluoromethanesulfonato)oxidotechnetate(V), (NH4)2[TcO(OTf)5]. The reaction proceeds only at exact concentrations and under the exclusion of air and moisture via pertechnetyl trifluoromethanesulfonate, [TcO3(OTf)], and intermediate TcVI species. 99Tc nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) has been used to study the TcVII compound and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR), 99Tc NMR and X-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) experiments indicate the presence of the reduced technetium species. In moist air, (NH4)2[TcO(OTf)5] slowly hydrolyses under formation of the tetrameric oxidotechnetate(V) (NH4)4[{TcO(TcO4)4}4] ⋅10 H2O. Single-crystal X-ray crystallography was used to determine the solid-state structures. Additionally, UV/Vis absorption and IR spectra as well as quantum chemical calculations confirm the identity of the species

    Prognosis and longitudinal changes of physical activity in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis

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    Background: Physical activity (PA) is associated with disease severity in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF), but longitudinal studies evaluating its prognostic value and changes over time are lacking. Methods: We measured PA (steps per day, SPD) in a cohort of 46 IPF-patients (mean age, 67 years; mean FVC, 76.1%pred.) by accelerometry at baseline, recorded survival status during 3 years follow-up and repeated measurements in survivors. We compared the prognostic value of PA to established mortality predictors including lung function (FVC, DLCO) and 6-min walking-distance (6MWD). Results: During follow-up (median 34 months) 20 patients (43%) died. SPD and FVC best identified non-survivors (AUROC-curve 0.79, p < 0.01). After adjustment for confounders (sex, age, therapy), a standardized increase (i.e. one SD) in SPD, FVC%pred. or DLCO%pred. was associated with a more than halved risk of death (HR < 0.50; p < 0.01). Compared to baseline, SPD, FVC, and 6MWD annually declined in survivors by 973 SPD, 130 ml and 9 m, resulting in relative declines of 48.3% (p < 0.001), 13.3% (p < 0.001) and 7.8% (p = 0.055), respectively. Conclusion: While PA predicts mortality of IPF patients similar to established functional measures, longitudinal decline of PA seems to be disproportionally large. Our data suggest that the clinical impact of disease progression could be underestimated by established functional measures

    Small media and client reminders for colorectal cancer screening: Current use and gap areas in CDC\u27s colorectal cancer control program

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    INTRODUCTION: CDC’s Colorectal Cancer Control Program (CRCCP) funds 25 states and 4 tribal organizations to promote and increase colorectal cancer screening population-wide. The CRCCP grantees must use evidence-based strategies from the Guide to Community Preventive Services, including small media and client reminders. METHODS: To assess the existing resources and needs to promote colorectal cancer screening, we conducted 2 web-based surveys of CRCCP grantees and their community partners. Survey 1 sought to identify priority populations, the number and quality of existing colorectal cancer resources for different population subgroups, and the types of small media and client reminder they were most interested in using. Survey 2 assessed screening messages that were used in the past or might be used in the future, needs for non-English–language information, and preferences for screening-related terminology. RESULTS: In survey 1 (n = 125 from 26 CRCCPs), most respondents (83%) indicated they currently had some information resources for promoting screening but were widely dissatisfied with the quality and number of these resources. They reported the greatest need for resources targeting rural populations (62% of respondents), men (53%), and Hispanics (45%). In survey 2 (n = 57 from 25 CRCCPs), respondents indicated they were most likely to promote colorectal cancer screening using messages that emphasized family (95%), role models (85%), or busy lives (83%), and least likely to use messages based on faith (26%), embarrassment (25%), or fear (22%). Nearly all (85%) indicated a need for resources in languages other than English; 16 different languages were mentioned, most commonly Spanish. CONCLUSION: These findings provide the first picture of CRCCP information resources and interests, and point to specific gaps that must be addressed to help increase screening
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