4 research outputs found

    Instrumenty finansowe w ekonomii spo艂ecznej wobec kryzysu zwi膮zanego z pandemi膮 COVID-19

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    The social economy sector is an important area of public policy implementation in social assistance and the labor market. Social economy entities have instruments of public financial support at their disposal, including returnable ones, enabling them to develop and achieve economic and social goals. During the COVID-19 pandemic, they received new support instruments of a unique nature compared to the existing solutions. An important issue is the flexibility of public policy responses and the ability to jointly - the public authority and the non-profit stakeholder community - to develop and implement support to protect this sector, which is sensitive to economic crises resulting from the consequences of operating restrictions during the COVID-19 pandemic. The social enterprise, or more broadly social entrepreneurship, is certainly one of the most fascinating innovations of recent decades, still eluding theoretically satisfactory explanation.Sektor ekonomii spo艂ecznej to istotny obszar realizacji polityki publicznej w zakresie pomocy spo艂ecznej i rynku pracy. Podmioty ekonomii spo艂ecznej maj膮 do dyspozycji instrumenty publicznego wsparcia finansowego, w tym zwrotnego, umo偶liwiaj膮ce im rozw贸j i realizacj臋 cel贸w gospodarczych i spo艂ecznych. W okresie pandemii COVID-19 otrzyma艂y nowe instrumenty wspieraj膮ce o wyj膮tkowym charakterze na tle dotychczasowych rozwi膮za艅. Istotnym zagadnieniem jest elastyczno艣膰 reagowania polityki publicznej oraz umiej臋tno艣膰 wsp贸lnego - w艂adzy publicznej wraz ze 艣rodowiskiem interesariuszy non-profit - wypracowania i wdro偶enia wsparcia, by uchroni膰 ten wra偶liwy na kryzysy gospodarcze sektor przed konsekwencjami zwi膮zanymi z ograniczeniami funkcjonowania podczas pandemii COVID-19. Przedsi臋biorstwo spo艂eczne, czy te偶 szerzej przedsi臋biorczo艣膰 spo艂eczna, to z pewno艣ci膮 jedne z najbardziej fascynuj膮cych innowacji ostatnich dekad, ci膮gle wymykaj膮ce si臋 satysfakcjonuj膮cemu teoretycznie wyja艣nieniu

    Implementation of a 4G/5G Base Station Using the srsRAN Software and the USRP Software Radio Module, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2023, nr 3

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    This article presents the potential applications and scenarios for the implementation of a software-defined radio (SDR) module operating as a base station in 4G/5G networks. The paper presents test configurations of the srsRAN software environment in conjunction with various types of programmable radio modules. Then, the key performance metrics of the mobile telephony system and potential problems that may be encountered while implementing hardware and software layers are presented

    Financial Instruments in the Social Economy in the Face of the Crisis Related to the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    The social economy sector is an important area of public policy implementation in social assistance and the labor market. Social economy entities have instruments of public financial support at their disposal, including returnable ones, enabling them to develop and achieve economic and social goals. During the COVID-19 pandemic, they received new support instruments of a unique nature compared to the existing solutions. An important issue is the flexibility of public policy responses and the ability to jointly - the public authority and the non-profit stakeholder community - to develop and implement support to protect this sector, which is sensitive to economic crises resulting from the consequences of operating restrictions during the COVID-19 pandemic. The social enterprise, or more broadly social entrepreneurship, is certainly one of the most Fascinating innovations of recent decades, still eluding theoretically satisfactory explanation

    Implementation of a 4G/5G Base Station Using the srsRAN Software and the USRP Software Radio Module

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    This article presents the potential applications and scenarios for the implementation of a software-defined radio (SDR) module operating as a base station in 4G/5G networks. The paper presents test configurations of the srsRAN software environment in conjunction with various types of programmable radio modules. Then, the key performance metrics of the mobile telephony system and potential problems that may be encountered while implementing hardware and software layers are presented