12,763 research outputs found

    Business - the environment of small business

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    Regional production system driven by innovation development: case of Siberia, Russia

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    Rozdział z: Functioning of the Local Production Systems in Central and Eastern European Countries and Siberia. Case Studies and Comparative Studies, ed. Mariusz E. Sokołowicz.This paper deals with the problems of development of regional innovation systems. The creation of effective innovation systems, capable to widen and increase the innovation activities, is proclaimed as one of the urgent needs for Russian economy. By now, Russian innovative activities are ranked rather low, when compared to other developed countries. According to The Global Competitiveness Report 2012–2013, Russia is ranked 67th among 144 countries. During the last decade, there were a number of state initiatives focused on increasing innovation activity. However, the achieved results were not sufficient. The most dramatic expression of this problem seems to be a low level of demand on innovations from the domestic corporate sector. During the period 2000–2012, not more than 10% of industrial enterprises implemented innovations. The problems of Siberian innovation system are rather typical for the whole country. In this research, information about the largest innovation projects which are planned to be implemented in Siberia, are accumulated and the process of its implementation is analyzed. This analysis shows that in the medium-term Siberian economy is likely to continue to have the status of the resource-driven economy.Monograph financed under a contract of execution of the international scientific project within 7th Framework Programme of the European Union, co-financed by Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education (title: “Functioning of the Local Production Systems in the Conditions of Economic Crisis (Comparative Analysis and Benchmarking for the EU and Beyond”)). Monografia sfinansowana w oparciu o umowę o wykonanie projektu między narodowego w ramach 7. Programu Ramowego UE, współfinansowanego ze środków Ministerstwa Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego (tytuł projektu: „Funkcjonowanie lokalnych systemów produkcyjnych w warunkach kryzysu gospodarczego (analiza porównawcza i benchmarking w wybranych krajach UE oraz krajach trzecich”))

    Quantum phase transitions in two-dimensional electron systems

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    This is a chapter for the book "Understanding Quantum Phase Transitions" edited by Lincoln D. Carr (Taylor & Francis, Boca Raton, 2010)Comment: Final versio

    Comment on "Interaction Effects in Conductivity of Si Inversion Layers at Intermediate Temperatures"

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    We show that the comparison between theory and experiment, performed by Pudalov et al. in PRL 91, 126403 (2003), is not valid.Comment: comment on PRL 91, 126403 (2003) by Pudalov et a

    On a factorization of second order elliptic operators and applications

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    We show that given a nonvanishing particular solution of the equation (divpgrad+q)u=0 (1) the corresponding differential operator can be factorized into a product of two first order operators. The factorization allows us to reduce the equation (1) to a first order equation which in a two-dimensional case is the Vekua equation of a special form. Under quite general conditions on the coefficients p and q we obtain an algorithm which allows us to construct in explicit form the positive formal powers (solutions of the Vekua equation generalizing the usual powers of the variable z). This result means that under quite general conditions one can construct an infinite system of exact solutions of (1) explicitly, and moreover, at least when p and q are real valued this system will be complete in ker(divpgrad+q) in the sense that any solution of (1) in a simply connected domain can be represented as an infinite series of obtained exact solutions which converges uniformly on any compact subset of . Finally we give a similar factorization of the operator (divpgrad+q) in a multidimensional case and obtain a natural generalization of the Vekua equation which is related to second order operators in a similar way as its two-dimensional prototype does

    On the reduction of the multidimensional Schroedinger equation to a first order equation and its relation to the pseudoanalytic function theory

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    Given a particular solution of a one-dimensional stationary Schroedinger equation (SE) this equation of second order can be reduced to a first order linear differential equation. This is done with the aid of an auxiliary Riccati equation. We show that a similar fact is true in a multidimensional situation also. We consider the case of two or three independent variables. One particular solution of (SE) allows us to reduce this second order equation to a linear first order quaternionic differential equation. As in one-dimensional case this is done with the aid of an auxiliary Riccati equation. The resulting first order quaternionic equation is equivalent to the static Maxwell system. In the case of two independent variables it is the Vekua equation from theory of generalized analytic functions. We show that even in this case it is necessary to consider not complex valued functions only, solutions of the Vekua equation but complete quaternionic functions. Then the first order quaternionic equation represents two separate Vekua equations, one of which gives us solutions of (SE) and the other can be considered as an auxiliary equation of a simpler structure. For the auxiliary equation we always have the corresponding Bers generating pair, the base of the Bers theory of pseudoanalytic functions, and what is very important, the Bers derivatives of solutions of the auxiliary equation give us solutions of the main Vekua equation and as a consequence of (SE). We obtain an analogue of the Cauchy integral theorem for solutions of (SE). For an ample class of potentials (which includes for instance all radial potentials), this new approach gives us a simple procedure allowing to obtain an infinite sequence of solutions of (SE) from one known particular solution

    How to improve computer performance

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    Nowadays a large number of people use computers for different purposes such as games, work, listening to music, watching videos, making presentations etc. However, while operating a computer, most users often have to cope with the low performance of their machines. And as some people do not know how to optimize the computers, they buy a new one, even more expensive, thinking that it will solve the problem. In this case basic knowledge of computer optimization can save both time and money

    Differentiability of fractal curves

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    While self-similar sets have no tangents at any single point, self-affine curves can be smooth. We consider plane self-affine curves without double points and with two pieces. There is an open subset of parameter space for which the curve is differentiable at all points except for a countable set. For a parameter set of codimension one, the curve is continuously differentiable. However, there are no twice differentiable self-affine curves in the plane, except for parabolic arcs