1,113 research outputs found

    Turning Our Ideals to Concrete Deeds

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    Among the many burning issues of concern to educators and educational ethicists during the past few years, none appears to provoke more heated controversy than the devastating backswing of our urban public schools to racial segregation at a level of intensity the nation has not seen in decades. The proportion of black children who are educated in a deeply segregated school has now reverted to a higher level than in any year since the death of Dr. Martin Luther King in 1968. In New York and California, only one in eight black children is a student in an integrated school. A similarly disturbing trend has been observed in isolation of Hispanic Children

    2021 Lecture Series Program

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    A discussion with Nikole Hannah-Jones and Jonathan Kozol, two powerful and tireless voices that have deepened our understanding of the connections between race, equity, and education. These social justice champions will offer a unique and compelling discussion on important topics we are facing today.https://digitalcommons.otterbein.edu/vernonpack/1005/thumbnail.jp

    Looking at Trump and Kelly at Arlington Cemetery

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    Is the Face of Contemporary Feminism Too Pink and Too White?

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    Harvey Unprecedented? What About 2 Weeks Ago in Sierra Leone?

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    Regaining Motion among Patients with Shoulder Pathology - Are All Exercises Equal?

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    Background: Little information exists to guide the choice of exercise for regaining shoulder range of motion (ROM). The purpose of this study was to compare the maximal ROM reached, pain and difficulty associated with 4 commonly prescribed exercises. Methods: Forty (9 females) patients with various shoulder disorders and a limited flexion ROM performed 4 exercises for regaining shoulder flexion ROM in a randomized order. Exercises included the self-assisted flexion, forward bow, table slide and rope-and-pulley. Participants were videotaped while performing all exercises and the maximal flexion angle reached during each exercise was recorded using Kinovea motion analysis freeware (Kinovea 0.8.15). Pain intensity and the perceived level of difficulty associated with each exercise were also recorded. Results: The forward bow and table slide generated significantly greater ROM compared with the self-assisted flexion and rope-and-pulley (P≤0.005). The self-assisted flexion was associated with a greater pain intensity compared with the table slide and rope-and-pulley (P=0.002) and a greater perceived level of difficulty compared with the table slide (P=0.006). Conclusions: Due to the greater ROM allowed, and similar or even lower level of pain or difficulty, clinicians may wish to initially recommend the forward bow and table slide for regaining shoulder flexion ROM

    Can incarcerated felons be (re)integrated into the political system? Results from a field experiment

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    How does America’s high rate of incarceration shape political participation? Few studies have examined the direct effects of incarceration on patterns of political engagement. Answering this question is particularly relevant for the 93% of formerly incarcerated individuals who are eligible to vote. Drawing on new administrative data from Connecticut, we present evidence from a field experiment showing that a simple informational outreach campaign to released felons can recover a large proportion of the reduction in participation observed following incarceration. The treatment effect estimates imply that efforts to reintegrate released felons into the political process can substantially reduce the participatory consequences of incarceration