5 research outputs found

    Rezygnacja ze zwolnienia od podatku VAT dostawy lokalu mieszkalnego przez dewelopera

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    Tax institutions should be construed in a rational manner, in order so as to not restrict economic turnover excessively. The regulations concerning the possibility to resign from the VAT exemption of sales of residential premises by the developer characterizes by the high level of formalism which affects in a聽negative manner the sales process performed by the developer. This paper is devoted to the fragment of the polish Act on the goods and services tax governing the issue of resignation from the VAT exemption of sales of residential premises, which implies in a certain extent to appeal to the regulation of exemptions stipulated in this Act. The subject matter of this analysis is to examine the correctness of transposition of the Directive 112 into polish legal system in the field of real estate exemptions from VAT, the conditions for exercising the optional exemption, as well as the benefit of the resignation from the VAT exemption by the taxpayer.Instytucje podatkowe powinny by膰 tworzone w spos贸b racjonalny, tak aby nadmiernie nie ogranicza膰 obrotu gospodarczego. Uregulowania dotycz膮ce mo偶liwo艣ci rezygnacji ze zwolnienia dostawy lokalu mieszkalnego od podatku VAT charakteryzuj膮 si臋 wysokim poziomem formalizmu, wp艂ywaj膮c negatywnie na proces dokonywania sprzeda偶y przez dewelopera. Niniejsze opracowanie po艣wi臋cone jest fragmentowi przepis贸w Ustawy o VAT dotycz膮cemu rezygnacji ze zwolnienia z opodatkowania podatkiem od towar贸w i us艂ug dostawy lokalu mieszkalnego, co wymaga w pewnym zakresie odwo艂ania si臋 do regulacji tej Ustawy dotycz膮cej samych zwolnie艅. Celem artyku艂u jest zbadanie prawid艂owo艣ci transpozycji Dyrektywy 112 do polskiego porz膮dku prawnego w聽zakresie zwolnie艅 nieruchomo艣ci z podatku VAT, przes艂anek umo偶liwiaj膮cych skorzystanie ze zwolnienia fakultatywnego, oraz mo偶liwo艣ci skorzystania z聽rezygnacji z tego zwolnienia przez podatnika

    Glosa do wyroku Trybuna艂u Sprawiedliwo艣ci Unii Europejskiej z dnia 16 listopada 2017 r. w sprawie Kozuba Premium Selection Sp. z o.o. przeciwko Dyrektorowi Izby Skarbowej w Warszawie, C-308/16

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    The voting judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Union concerns the interpretation of the concept of first settlement in the European Union tax law as well as the possibility of introducing limitations of this concept in national laws. The subject of the CJEU judgment issued in connection with the question asked by the Polish Supreme Administrative Court, bearing in mind the specificity of preliminary rulings, is not the interpretation of factual issues that were raised before the national court or even more the settlement of possible differences resulting from the understanding of internal laws of the member states. The answer given by the CJEU, as well as the argumentation adopted by this Court, allows to make important findings regarding the proper implementation of the provisions of Directive 112 into the Polish legal system, and consequently to clarify existing doubts regarding the concept of first settlement.Glosowany wyrok Trybuna艂u Sprawiedliwo艣ci Unii Europejskiej dotyczy interpretacji poj臋cia pierwszego zasiedlenia w prawie podatkowym Unii Europejskiej oraz mo偶liwo艣ci wprowadzania ogranicze艅 tego poj臋cia w聽ustawodawstwach krajowych. Przedmiotem wyroku TSUE wydanego w聽zwi膮zku z zadanym przez polski Naczelny S膮d Administracyjny pytaniem, maj膮c na uwadze specyfik臋 orzekania w trybie prejudycjalnym, nie jest interpretacja kwestii faktycznych, kt贸re zosta艂y podniesione przed s膮dem krajowym, ani tym bardziej rozstrzyganie o ewentualnych r贸偶nicach wynikaj膮cych z rozumienia przepis贸w ustawodawstw wewn臋trznych pa艅stw cz艂onkowskich. Zar贸wno odpowied藕 udzielona przez TSUE, jak i argumentacja przyj臋ta przez ten s膮d pozwalaj膮 jednak na poczynienie istotnych ustale艅 w zakresie prawid艂owo艣ci implementacji przepis贸w Dyrektywy 112 do polskiego porz膮dku prawnego, a w konsekwencji wyja艣nienie istniej膮cych w膮tpliwo艣ci dotycz膮cych poj臋cia pierwszego zasiedlenia

    Najem komercyjny lokali mieszkalnych a zwolnienie z podatku VAT

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    Commercial lease of residential premises and VAT exemptionThe VAT exemption of commercial lease of residential premises issue constitutes a new and at the same time very current research topic. While renting residential premises is an everyday occurrence, the commercial form of such lease has appeared on the Polish market relatively recently and has become very fast an interesting alternative to other investment products. The article is devoted to an analysis of current regulations regarding VAT exemptions of commercial lease of residential premises in terms of their validity, i.e. applicability to the current socioeconomic relations, predictability, and fi rst of all certainty. In particular, this paper focuses on the process of applying the regulations in question by courts as well as tax authorities.Commercial lease of residential premises and VAT exemptionThe VAT exemption of commercial lease of residential premises issue constitutes a new and at the same time very current research topic. While renting residential premises is an everyday occurrence, the commercial form of such lease has appeared on the Polish market relatively recently and has become very fast an interesting alternative to other investment products. The article is devoted to an analysis of current regulations regarding VAT exemptions of commercial lease of residential premises in terms of their validity, i.e. applicability to the current socioeconomic relations, predictability, and fi rst of all certainty. In particular, this paper focuses on the process of applying the regulations in question by courts as well as tax authorities

    The gloss to the Court of Justice of the European Union judgment dated 16th of November 2017 in case Kozuba Premium Selection Sp. z o.o. (limited liability company) versus Director of Tax Chamber in Warsaw (Poland), C-308/16

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    The voting judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Union concerns the interpretation of the concept of first settlement in the European Union tax law as well as the possibility of introducing limitations of this concept in national laws. The subject of the CJEU judgment issued in connection with the question asked by the Polish Supreme Administrative Court, bearing in mind the specificity of preliminary rulings, is not the interpretation of factual issues that were raised before the national court or even more the settlement of possible differences resulting from the understanding of internal laws of the member states. The answer given by the CJEU, as well as the argumentation adopted by this Court, allows to make important findings regarding the proper implementation of the provisions of Directive 112 into the Polish legal system, and consequently to clarify existing doubts regarding the concept of first settlement

    Resignation from the VAT exemption of sales of residential premises by the developer

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    Tax institutions should be construed in a rational manner, in order so as to not restrict economic turnover excessively. The regulations concerning the possibility to resign from the VAT exemption of sales of residential premises by the developer characterizes by the high level of formalism which affects in a negative manner the sales process performed by the developer. This paper is devoted to the fragment of the polish Act on the goods and services tax governing the issue of resignation from the VAT exemption of sales of residential premises, which implies in a certain extent to appeal to the regulation of exemptions stipulated in this Act. The subject matter of this analysis is to examine the correctness of transposition of the Directive 112 into polish legal system in the field of real estate exemptions from VAT, the conditions for exercising the optional exemption, as well as the benefit of the resignation from the VAT exemption by the taxpayer