46 research outputs found

    Mutluluk 2.0: iyi yaşama dair bilmediklerimiz

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    Mutluluk 2.0, mutluluğa dair fikirlerinizi tepe taklak edecek. Bildiklerinizi, öğretilenleri, mutlu olmak için yapmanız gerekenleri yeniden düzenlemeye, düşünmeye hazırlıklı olun. Önemli olan sahip olmadığın bir mutluluğun peşinde koşmak mı, yoksa yanındaki mutluluğu fark edebilmek mi? Mutlu olmak için önce kendisiyle barışık olması gerekmiyor mu kişinin? Peki ya hayatın bize verdikleriyle yetinebiliyor muyuz? Tüm bu sorulara ve daha birçok soruya cevap veriyor yazarlar bu kitapta; “Mutluluk 2.0 ile mutluluğa dair var olan bilgi kirliliğini temizleyerek güncel araştırmalarca destekli, uygulanabilir bilgileri sizlere yalın bir dille sunmak istiyoruz. Genel olarak vermek istediğimiz mesajsa çok açık: Neredeyse hepimizin, eğer istiyorsa, daha sağlıklı bir duygusal yaşam geliştirebilmesi, daha kaliteli bir yaşam sürebilmesi ve potansiyelini kullanarak hedeflerine ulaşabilmesi mümkündür.” Elma yayınevi mutluluk kavramının yeni modeliyle karşınızda. Örneklerle, önerilerle ve uzman görüşlerle Mutluluk 2.0 sizler için

    Self-construals and happiness: an experimental priming study

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    Bireysel farklılıkları açıklamada kullanılan kavramlardan benlik kurguları durumsal olarak uyandırılabilmekte ve belirli bir benlik kurgusu baskın hale getirilebilmektedir. Bu çalışma da bağımsız benlik kurgusu ve karşılıklı-bağımlı benlik kurgusunun Türkiye’den seçilen bir örneklemde farklı kültürlerde başarıyla uygulanan deneysel hazırlama (priming) yöntemleri ile belirgin hale getirilip getirilemeyeceği ve belirgin hale getirilen bu benlik kurgularının öznel iyi oluş olarak kavramsallaştırılan mutlulukla ilişkisi incelemiştir. Araştırma grubunu iki üniversiteden seçilen lisans öğrencileri oluşturmuş; bu öğrenciler bağımsız benlik, karşılıklıbağımlı benlik ve kontrol grubu olmak üzere üç farklı gruba ayrılmışlardır. Katılımcıların benlik kurgularını uyandırmak amacıyla daha önceki çalışmalarda uygulanan hazırlama yöntemleri arasında en sıklıkla kullanılan iki görev kullanılmıştır. Katılımcılar bu görevleri tamamladıktan hemen sonra bir benlik tanımlama testine ve yaşam doyumu, pozitif duygu durumu ve negatif duygu durumu ölçeklerine yanıt vermiştir. Benlik tanımlama testinden elde edilen bulgular, benlik kurgusu hazırlama görevlerinin başarılı olduğunu göstermiştir. Ayrıca gruplar arasında öznel iyi oluş bakımından farklılıklar ortaya konulmuştur. Bağımsız benlik kurgusu hazırlanan katılımcılar karşılıklı-bağımlı benlik kurgusu hazırlanan katılımcılara oranla yaşam doyumu ve pozitif duygu durumu ölçeklerinden daha yüksek, negatif duygu durumu ölçeğinden ise daha düşük puan almıştır. Öznel iyi oluş bakımından cinsiyet farkı bulunmamış; kadınların karşılıklı-bağımlı benlik kurgusu erkeklerden daha yüksek, bağımsız benlik kurgusu ise daha düşük olarak bulunmuştur.Self-construals are used in explaining individual differences in the extent to which people define themselves in relation to cultural context. However, the way people consture themselves may also be primed and become salient. Using a sample selected from Turkey, this study tested whether independent and interdependent self-construals can be successfully primed with an experimental manipulation and examined the relationship between primed selfconstruals and happiness. The participants were selected from two universities and were randomly assigned to independent self-construal, interdependent self-construal, and control groups. In order to prime self-construals two tasks which were commonly employed in priming studies in other cultures were used. After completing the priming tasks, participants were requested to fill out questionnaires to examine the way they define themselves, positive affectivity, negative affectivity, and life satisfaction. The findings demonstrated that priming tasks were successful in evoking self-construals. Compared to participants whose interdependent self-construals were primed, those whose independent self-construals were primed scored higher on positive affect and life satisfaction, and lower on negative affect. Finally, while no gender differences were noted for subjective well-being, gender differences were found for self-construals in that females scored higher on interdependent self-construal while males scored higher on independent self-construal

    A multilevel analysis of the relationship between leaders’ experiential avoidance and followers’ well-being

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    Experiential avoidance is defined as a process involving excessive negative evaluations of difficult or unwanted feelings, thoughts, and sensations, an unwillingness to remain in contact with and express these experiences, and habitual attempts to avoid or control them. Experiential avoidance is closely associated with maladaptive functioning. Although the ability to connect with internal experiences has been considered an important element of effective leadership, this assumption has not yet been empirically tested. On the basis of the Acceptance and Commitment Therapy model of experiential avoidance and the propositions of leadership models (e.g., transformational and authentic leadership) that characterize leadership as an emotion-related process, we examined the relationship between leaders’ experiential avoidance and their followers’ well-being in a sample of leader-follower triads. Well-being outcomes were subjective happiness, purpose in life, and job satisfaction. We also tested the mediating roles of followers’ basic psychological need satisfaction and need frustration in this relationship. Multilevel mediation model analyses suggested that followers’ psychological need frustration but not need satisfaction mediated the relationship between leaders’ experiential avoidance and followers’ well-being outcomes. Thus, a rigid attitude toward one’s internal experiences as a leader is a risk factor for followers’ well-being because leaders with such attitudes may pay little attention to their followers and give rise to need frustration in their followers. Organizational efforts to increase leaders’ flexibility in dealing with negative experiences can help foster well-being among both leaders and their followers

    Acculturation and subjective well-being: the case of Turkish ethnic youth in Germany

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    Using a sample of youth with a Turkish background living in Germany, the study aimed to identify their cultural identifications and acculturation attitudes, and test the effects of cultural identifications together with background variables on cognitive and affective aspects of subjective well-being. Measures of identification with the Turkish and German cultures, Turkish identity, German identity, dual identity, life satisfaction, and positive and negative affect were used. The most favored acculturation strategy was integration followed by separation. Whereas heritage-culture identification and mainstream-culture identification were found to be independent of each other, both contributed to the well-being of immigrants, with the former predicting affective and the latter predicting cognitive well-being. Turkish identity, German identity, as well as dual identity as both Turkish and German contributed to the well-being of the youth. Besides, dual identification had a unique contribution to well-being outcomes above and beyond other acculturation variables

    Üniversite öğrencilerinde utangaçlığın yordayıcıları : bir benlik sunumu modelinin incelenmesi

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    The present study investigated self-presentational predictors of shyness among university students via a mediational causal model, in which socially-prescribed perfectionism, perceived social skills, and perceived parental attitudes were proposed to interact with fear of negative evaluation and self-esteem to predict shyness. The sample consisted of 497 undergraduate students (287 females, 210 males) selected from Middle East Technical University by stratified random sampling. Brief Fear of Negative Evaluation Scale, Revised Cheek and Buss Shyness Scale, Socially-Prescribed Perfectionism Scale, Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale, Social Skills Inventory-Short, and Parental Attitude Scale were used in data collection. Pilot studies were conducted for assessing the reliability and validity of Brief Fear of Negative Evaluation Scale, Revised Cheek and Buss Shyness Scale, and Social Skills Inventory-Short. Path analysis was utilized to test the causal model. The results revealed that shyness was positively predicted from fear of negative evaluation and socially-prescribed perfectionism; and negatively from self-esteem and perceived social skills. Fear of negative evaluation was predicted positively from socially-prescribed perfectionism and perceived strictness/supervision from parents, and negatively from self-esteem; whereas self-esteem was predicted positively from perceived social skills, perceived parental psychological autonomy and acceptance/involvement, and negatively from socially-prescribed perfectionism. These findings suggested that fear of negative evaluation partially mediated the relationship between shyness and socially-prescribed perfectionism; between shyness and perceived parental strictness/supervision; and between shyness and self-esteem. In addition, self-esteem partially mediated the association of shyness with socially-prescribed perfectionism; with perceived social skills; with parental acceptance/involvement; and with parental psychological autonomy. Findings are discussed within the self-presentational framework of shyness.Ph.D. - Doctoral Progra

    Leader Experiential Avoidance and Follower Wellbeing

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    Income Expectations and Happiness: Evidence from British Panel Data

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    We analyze the impact of households' subjective current and future financial measures on their well-being by using three waves of a longitudinal data set-Understanding Society -from the UK. We use a fixed-effects regression method to get rid of individual heterogeneity, and find that even after controlling for some demographic characteristics, including equivalent household income, subjective measures of current and future financial well-being are still significant correlates of life satisfaction in UK households. The same results hold for income satisfaction and mental health. Our main contribution however is showing that positive surprises in financial expectations decrease the subjective well-being of the household's, and vice versa for negative surprises. This result shows that even though a household's expectations of its future financial situation may not be accurate, any unexpected shock regarding household income could be significantly correlated with subjective well-being

    Cultural and Social Aspects of Emotion Regulation

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