3,909 research outputs found

    Monopoles near the Planck Scale and Unification

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    Considering our (3+1)-dimensional space-time as, in some way, discrete or l attice with a parameter a=λPa=\lambda_P, where λP\lambda_P is the Planck length, we have investigated the additional contributions of lattice artifact monopoles to beta-functions of the renormalisation group equations for the running fine structure constants αi(μ)\alpha_i(\mu) (i=1,2,3 correspond to the U(1), SU(2) and SU(3) gauge groups of the Standard Model) in the Family Replicated Gauge Group Model (FRGGM) which is an extension of the Standard Model at high energies. It was shown that monopoles have NfamN_{fam} times smaller magnetic charge in FRGGM than in SM (NfamN_{fam} is the number of families in FRGGM). We have estimated al so the enlargement of a number of fermions in FRGGM leading to the suppression of the asymptotic freedom in the non-Abelian theory. We have shown that, in contrast to the case of AntiGUT when the FRGGM undergoes the breakdown at μ=μG1018\mu=\mu_G\sim 10^{18} GeV, we have the possibility of unification if the FRGGM-breakdown occurs at μG1014\mu_G\sim 10^{14} GeV. By numerical calculations we obtained an example of the unification of all gauge interactions (including gravity) at the scale μGUT1018.4\mu_{GUT}\approx 10^{18.4} GeV. We discussed the possibility of [SU(5)]3[SU(5)]^3 or [SO(10)]3[SO(10)]^3 (SUSY or not SUSY) unifications.Comment: 49 pages, 7 figure

    Accounting and Analytical Procurement of Predictive Appraisal of Synergistic Effect in Small Business Construction Companies

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    This study is aimed at the formation of accounting and analytical systems of predictive consolidated balance sheets, in accordance with certain trends of the synergistic effect. Based on this, the cluster analysis combined with the analysis of the portfolio of works performed by the development and construction companies was carried out, the business strategies and their relationship with the accounting processes were defined, the main trends of preparation and evaluation of the synergistic effect were formed, the value chains were analyze


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    The article deals with the issues of assessing the level of a construction company financial security. It is determined that the specificity of the construction enterprises activity and their diverse financial relations system require the formation of an appropriate system for certain financial interests protection against existing and potential internal and external threats, that is reflected in the approaches to the definition of “enterprise financial security”. The system of an enterprise financial security is proposed and the existing methodical approaches to assessing the level of enterprise financial security are generalized. The methodical approach to assessing the level of construction company financial security on the example of JSC “Trust Zhytlobud-1” is developed, which allows to distinguish factors-indicators that influence that level, to rank them and to calculate the integral indicator of financial security, which determines its level. As a result of the assessment it was determined that Economic crisis in Ukraine 2013—2014 caused a fall in the level of JSC “Trust Zhytlobud-1” financial security, but the successful financial policy of the company management led to a substantial increase in the financial security level. The application of the proposed methodological approach to assessing the level of a construction company financial security will enable the enterprises management to respond in a timely manner to the deterioration of the economic entity financial condition as well as the negative trends that may develop in the course of the business entity’s activity.Исследован вопрос оценки уровня финансовой безопасности строительного предприятия. Установлено, что специфика деятельности строительных предприятий и наличие в них разнообразной системы финансовых отношений требует формирования соответствующей системы защиты определенных финансовых интересов от существующих и потенциальных угроз внутренней и внешней среды, что отражается в подходах к определению понятия «финансовая безопасность предприятия». Предложена система экономической безопасности предприятия и обобщены существующие методические подходы к оценке уровня финансовой безопасности предприятия. Разработан методический подход к оценке уровня финансовой безопасности строительного предприятия на примере АО «Трест Жилстрой-1», который позволяет выделить факторы-индикаторы, влияющие на уровень финансовой безопасности строительного предприятия, ранжировать их и вычислить интегральный показатель финансовой безопасности, по которому устанавливается ее уровень. В результате оценки установлено, что экономический кризис в Украине в 2013—2014 гг. обусловил падение уровня финансовой безопасности АО «Трест Жилстрой-1», но удачная финансовая политика руководства предприятия привела к повышению уровня финансовой безопасности к достаточно высокому. Использование предложенного методического подхода к оценке уровня финансовой безопасности строительного предприятия дает возможность для менеджмента предприятий вовремя среагировать на ухудшение финансового состояния субъекта хозяйствования и негативные тенденции, которые могут развиваться в процессе деятельности хозяйствующего субъекта.Досліджено питання оцінки рівня фінансової безпеки будівельного підприємства. Установлено, що специфіка діяльності будівельних підприємств і наявність у них різноманітної системи фінансових відносин вимагає формування  відповідної системи захисту певних фінансових інтересів від наявних і потенційних загроз внутрішнього і зовнішнього середовища, що відображається у підходах до визначення поняття «фінансова безпека підприємства». Запропоновано систему фінансової безпеки підприємства та узагальнено наявні методичні підходи до оцінки рівня фінансової безпеки підприємства. Розроблено методичний підхід до оцінки рівня фінансової безпеки будівельного підприємства на прикладі АТ «Трест Житлобуд-1», який дозволяє виокремити фактори-індикатори, що мають вплив на рівень фінансової безпеки будівельного підприємства, ранжирувати їх та обчислити інтегральний показник фінансової безпеки, за яким встановлюється її рівень. У результаті оцінки встановлено, що економічна криза в Україні у 2013—2014 роках зумовила падіння рівня фінансової безпеки АТ «Трест Житлобуд-1», але вдала фінансова політика керівництва підприємства призвела до підвищення рівня фінансової безпеки до достатньо високого. Використання запропонованого методичного підходу до оцінки рівня фінансової безпеки будівельного підприємства надасть можливість  менеджментові підприємств вчасно зреагувати на погіршення фінансового стану суб’єкта господарювання і негативні тенденції, що можуть розвиватися у процесі діяльності суб’єкта господарювання

    Specific verbal representation of the time category

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    The article aims to describe the verbal representation of the time category as exemplified by languages with different structures. The authors consider semantic features of temporal vocabulary, namely, the semantics and functioning of temporal verbs, adjectives and adverbs in english, french and russian from the viewpoint of cognitive linguistics. The article presents the possible themed classification of these lexical units. The authors conduct their comparative analysis, highlight issues of their semantization and metaphorization, as well as analyze their roles and functions in the formation of the speaker's worldvie

    On the Static Dielectric Permittivity for Coulomb System in the Long Wavelength Limit

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    On the basis of the exact relations the general formula for the static dielectric permittivity for Coulomb system is found in the region of small wave vectors. The obtained formula describes the dielectric function of the Coulomb system in both limits: in the "metallic" state and in the "dielectric" one. On this basis the determinations of the "apparent" dielectric and the "apparent" radius of screening are introduced. In the random phase approximation (RPA) the exact relations for the function dielectric function of the electron gas in the long-wavelength region of the wave vectors are found for an arbitrary degeneration of the particles.Comment: 5 pages, no figure

    Design of Pre-Dumping Ring Spin Rotator with a Possibility of Helicity Switching for Polarized Positrons at the ILC

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    The use of polarized beams enhance the possibility of the precision measurements at the International Linear Collider (ILC). In order to preserve the degree of polarization during beam transport spin rotators are included in the current TDR ILC Lattice. In this report some advantages of using a combined spin rotator/spin flipper are discussed. A few possible lattice designs of spin flipper developed at DESY in 2012 are presented.Comment: Talk presented at the International Workshop on Future Linear Colliders (LCWS15), Whistler, Canada, 2-6 November 201

    Paramagnetic-diamagnetic interplay in quantum dots for non-zero temperatures

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    In the usual Fock-and Darwin-formalism with parabolic potential characterized by the confining energy \eps_o := \hbar\omega_o= 3.37 meV, but including explicitly also the Zeeman coupling between spin and magnetic field, we study the combined orbital and spin magnetic properties of quantum dots in a two-dimensional electron gas with parameters for GaAs, for N =1 and N >> 1 electrons on the dot. For N=1 the magnetization M(T,B) consists of a paramagnetic spin contribution and a diamagnetic orbital contribution, which dominate in a non-trivial way at low temperature and fields rsp. high temperature and fields. For N >> 1, where orbital and spin effects are intrinsically coupled in a subtle way and cannot be separated, we find in a simplified Hartree approximation that at N=m^2, i.e. at a half-filled last shell, M(T,B,N) is parallel (antiparallel) to the magnetic field, if temperatures and fields are low enough (high enough), whereas for N\ne m^2 the magnetization oscillates with B and N as a T-dependent periodic function of the variable x:=\sqrt{N}eB/(2m^*c\omega_o), with T-independent period \Delta x =1 (where m^* := 0.067 m_o is the small effective mass of GaAs, while m_o is the electron mass). Correspondingly, by an adiabatic demagnetization process, which should only be fast enough with respect to the slow transient time of the magnetic properties of the dot, the temperature of the dot diminishes rsp. increases with decreasing magnetic field, and in some cases we obtain quite pronounced effects.Comment: LaTeX, 28 pages; including three .eps-figures; final version accepted by J. Phys. CM, with minimal changes w.r.to v

    The use of endovascular thrombectomy among the patients with acute ischemic stroke caused by the occlusion of large cerebral vessels

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    The effectiveness and complications of endovascular thrombectomy were analyzed. The obtained results show the reduction in mortality and disability among the patients after endovascular treatmen

    Ontogenetic structure of cenopopulations of Allium pskemense (Amaryllidaceae) in Uzbekistan

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    Many plants of the Allium genus are economically valuable as vegetables. For example, Asian countries are the largest producers of Allium pskemense B. Fedtsch. Ontogenetic spectrum – a sensitive population indicator of changes in the environment – has been noted as useful in recording the age condition of plants. The study focused on the ontogenetic structure of five cenopopulations of A. pskemense, revealing that the examined cenopopulations growing in different ecological-coenotic environmental conditions are normal, and mainly incomplete, i.e. do not include all age groups. Their ontogenetic spectrum was left-sided, and only the coenotic populations 2, 4, 5 coincided with the characteristic spectrum. Depending on ecological-phytocoenotic living conditions, density of individuals in the studied communities ranged 1.75 to 4.50 ind./m2, whereas the ecological density was within 2.00 to 5.29 ind./m2. The research determined that the ontogenetic spectrum shifted to the centered type temporarily due to the uneven processes of the development. Similarities of biological features (long mature generative condition, prevalence of mode of reproduction by seeds, low viability of young individuals) of individuals of this species in various locations, type of cenopopulation, characteristic actual ontogenetic spectra indicate stable conditions for the studied CPs in forbs-Ziziphora-shrub (cenopopulation 5) communities in Uzbekistan