8 research outputs found

    Ukrainian universities at the time of war: From occupation to temporary relocation

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    Introduction: This paper presents a deep analysis of the impact of the Russian occupation on the activities of Berdyansk State Pedagogical University in Ukraine. This reflection sheds light on numerous challenges faced by the university community under occupation due to the the Russia’s full-scale war against Ukraine, particularly emphasizing human rights violations and academic freedom. Methods: Utilizing a qualitative research approach, this study employs document analysis, online surveys, and semi-structured interviews. Results: The findings reveal a profound impact of war and occupation on academic and physical freedom. We share the experiences of staff and students during life under occupation, which are filled with fear of violent actions by the occupiers. Berdyansk State Pedagogical University had to adapt to changing conditions, transitioning to a digital educational platform and decentralizing its structure while concurrently fulfilling its third mission: social service and support of the university community and Berdyansk local community.Discussion: Our research-reflective piece calls for immediate intervention and further research toward developing effective strategies to protect the rights of staff and students of higher educational institutions in conditions of war and occupation. We urge the academic community, civil society orgnisations, international orgnisations, and governments to direct their efforts to protect the rights of academic communities during war and occupation. Conclusions provide a critical view of the catastrophic consequences for academic communities and science if timely measures are not taken. Keywords: war, Ukraine, university, occupation, relocation, educational process, scientific work, higher education.Introducción: Este artículo examina el impacto de la guerra en el sistema educativo y analiza la reubicación de las instituciones educativas en zonas neutrales en caso de una amenaza a la seguridad. Específicamente, este artículo examina la experiencia de la Universidad Pedagógica Estatal de Berdyansk durante la invasión militar a gran escala de Ucrania por parte de la Federación Rusa, desde el comienzo de la ocupación hasta su reubicación temporal. Este estudio nos permitirá conocer qué desafíos se presentaron y cómo la universidad, su dirección y docentes los superaron. Objetivo: Este documento tiene como objetivo proporcionar un relato reflexivo de la intervención de las fuerzas de ocupación rusas en la ciudad de Berdyansk y los cambios en la Universidad Pedagógica Estatal de Berdyansk como resultado. Describe las estrategias que se integraron para preservar la vida y la salud de la comunidad universitaria y restablecer el proceso educativo en las condiciones de ocupación de la ciudad de Berdyansk. Resultados: A partir de los datos de la encuesta a estudiantes y personal académico de la universidad, se han realizado conclusiones relacionadas con la actitud de los encuestados ante las situaciones que se presentan en el momento de la guerra a gran escala y la ocupación temporal por parte de las tropas. Bajo ocupación temporal, la universidad tiene como objetivo la misión a la sociedad: el apoyo de la comunidad universitaria en todos los niveles, pero no puede realizar la misión principal: educativa, así como una actividad científica. Conclusiones: Se demostró que para restablecer la actividad universitaria bajo ocupación, los pasos más efectivos son la reubicación temporal por seguridad

    Characterization of CdxTeyOz/CdS/ZnO Heterostructures Synthesized by the SILAR Method

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    The study was supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine via Project No. 0122U000129 “The search for optimal conditions for nanostructure synthesis on the surface of A3B5, A2B6 semiconductors and silicon for photonics and solar energy” and Project No. 0121U10942 “Theoretical and methodological bases of system fundamentalization of the future nanomaterials experts training for productive professional activity”. In addition, the research of A.P. and Y.S. was partly supported by COST Action CA20129 “Multiscale Irradiation and Chemistry Driven Processes and Related Technologies” (MultIChem). A.P. thanks to the Institute of Solid-State Physics, University of Latvia. ISSP UL as the Center of Excellence is supported through the Framework Program for European universities, Union Horizon 2020, H2020-WIDESPREAD-01–2016–2017-TeamingPhase2, under Grant Agreement No. 739508, CAMART2 project.CdxTeyOz/CdS/ZnO heterostructures were obtained by the SILAR method using ionic electrolytes. A CdS film was formed as a buffer layer for better adhesion of the cadmium-tellurium oxides to the substrate surface. In turn, the ZnO substrate was previously prepared by electrochemical etching to form a rough textured surface. In addition, an annealing mode was used in an oxygen stream to complete the oxidation process of the heterostructure surface. The resulting nanocomposite was investigated using RAMAN, XRD, SEM, and EDX methods. We assume that the oxides CdO and TeO4 initially form on the surface and later evolve into TeO2 and TeO3 when saturated with oxygen. These oxides, in turn, are the components of the ternary oxides CdTeO3 and CdTe3O8. It should be noted that this mechanism has not been fully studied and requires further research. However, the results presented in this article make it possible to systematize the data and experimental observations regarding the formation of cadmium-tellurium films. © 2023 by the authors.--//-- This is an open access publication Suchikova Y., Kovachov S., Bohdanov I., Popova E., Moskina A., Popov A.; Characterization of CdxTeyOz/CdS/ZnO Heterostructures Synthesized by the SILAR Method (2023) Coatings, 13 (3), art. no. 639; DOI: 10.3390/coatings13030639; https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85152654514&doi=10.3390%2fcoatings13030639&partnerID=40&md5=3ea72367de513202fc87a3a5b99df07f published under the CC BY 4.0 licence.Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine via Project No. 0122U000129 and Project No. 0121U10942; COST Action CA20129; The ISSP UL as the Center of Excellence is supported through the Framework Program for European universities, Union Horizon 2020, H2020-WIDESPREAD-01–2016–2017-TeamingPhase2, under Grant Agreement No. 739508, CAMART2 project

    Electrochemical Growth and Structural Study of the AlxGa1−xAs Nanowhisker Layer on the GaAs Surface

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    The study was supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine via Project No. 0122U000129 “The search for optimal conditions for nanostructure synthesis on the surface of A3B5, A2B6 semiconductors and silicon for photonics and solar energy”, Project No. 0121U10942 “Theoretical and methodological bases of system fundamentalization of the future nanomaterials experts training for productive professional activity”, and Project No. 0123U100110 “System of remote and mixed specialized training of future nanoengineers for the development of new dual-purpose nanomaterials”. In addition, the research of A.I.P. and Y.S. was partly supported by COST Action CA20129 “Multiscale irradiation and chemistry driven processes and related technologies” (MultiChem). Y.S. was partly supported by COST Action CA20126—Network for research, innovation, and product development on porous semiconductors and oxides (NETPORE). A.I.P., thanks to the Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia, ISSP UL as the Center of Excellence, is supported through the Framework Program for European Universities, Union Horizon 2020, H2020-WIDESPREAD-01–2016–2017-TeamingPhase2, under Grant Agreement No. 739508, CAMART2 project.This work presents a novel, cost-effective method for synthesizing AlxGa1−xAs nanowhiskers on a GaAs surface by electrochemical deposition. The process begins with structuring the GaAs surface by electrochemical etching, forming a branched nanowhisker system. Despite the close resemblance of the crystal lattices of AlAs, GaAs, and AlxGa1−xAs, our study highlights the formation of nanowhiskers instead of layer-by-layer film growth. X-ray diffraction analysis and photoluminescence spectrum evaluations confirm the synthesized structure’s crystallinity, uniformity, and bandgap characteristics. The unique morphology of the nanowhiskers offers promising implications for solar cell applications because of the increased light absorption potential and reduced surface recombination energy losses. We conclude by emphasizing the need for further studies on the growth mechanisms of AlxGa1−xAs nanowhiskers, adjustments of the “x” parameter during electrochemical deposition, and detailed light absorption properties of the formed compounds. This research contributes to the field of wideband materials, particularly for solar energy applications, highlighting the potential of electrochemical deposition as a flexible and economical fabrication method. --//-- This is an open access article: Suchikova, Y.; Kovachov, S.; Bohdanov, I.; Abdikadirova, A.A.; Kenzhina, I.; Popov, A.I. Electrochemical Growth and Structural Study of the AlxGa1−xAs Nanowhisker Layer on the GaAs Surface. J. Manuf. Mater. Process. 2023, 7, 153. https://doi.org/10.3390/jmmp7050153 published under the CC BY 4.0 licence.Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine via Project No. 0122U000129, Project No. 0121U10942, Project No. 0123U100110; COST Action CA20129 MultiChem; COST Action CA20126 NETPORE; the Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia, ISSP UL as the Center of Excellence, is supported through the Framework Program for European Universities, Union Horizon 2020, H2020-WIDESPREAD-01–2016–2017-TeamingPhase2, under Grant Agreement No. 739508, CAMART2 project

    Youth views on the role of local government and universities in the development of deoccupied territories

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    This study examines young people’s perspectives on local government bodies’ and universities’ roles in revitalizing de-occupied territories. A mixed-methods approach was deployed to examine their roles in returning and retaining young people in these areas. An initial quantitative survey was conducted among 1,180 young individuals from Berdyansk and its district (a temporarily occupied territory of Ukraine), focusing on the prospects of their return after de-occupation. A subsequent “Youth of Berdyansk” forum assembled roughly 300 participants, including university and local government representatives, to further explore youth perceptions. Findings revealed that 52.8% of respondents envision their future in the de-occupied region. Local government bodies and universities were seen as crucial for the region’s development and restoration by 92% and 86% of respondents, respectively. Moreover, 69% recognized the potential of partnerships between these institutions to enhance the territories’ appeal. Most respondents indicated readiness to participate in creating recovery strategies (41% absolute readiness, 38% with certain guarantees), though views on youth-centric strategies were mixed (80% agreement, 13% disagreement). The study concludes that local government bodies and universities are critical in the territories’ recovery and development, necessitating explicit engagement and focusing on young people’s needs for effective outcomes

    Synthesis of porous indium phosphide with nickel oxide crystallites on the surface

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    In this paper, the technology of synthesis of crystallites and nanocrystallites of nickel oxide on the surface of indium phosphide is described. This technology consists of two stages. In the first stage, porous indium phosphide is formed on the surface of a single crystal of indium phosphide. The formation of such a porous layer provides better adhesion to the surface of the sample. The second stage involves the preparation of the solution that contains nickel ions, application of this solution to the surface of porous indium phosphide, followed by annealing. As a result, NiO/NiC2O4∙2H2O/por- -InP/mono-InP structure was formed. Surface morphological parameters were obtained using scanning electron microscopy and EDX-analysis of chemical composition. Chemical analysis confirmed the partial formation of nickel oxide from nickel oxalate layer by thermal annealing. Using scanning electron microscopy, it has been established that the crystallites have a large scatter in diameter, but they may be divided into three characteristic groups: macro-; meso- and nano­crystallites. Such structures may find prospects for application in electrochemical capacitors and lithium-ion batteries. Further research is needed for methodology improvement to obtain structures with predetermined controlled properties

    Study of the structural and morphological characteristics of the CdxTeyOz nanocomposite obtained on the surface of the CdS/ZnO heterostructure by the SILAR method

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    This work was supported by the Government of Ukraine (Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine via project 0122U000129 and 0121U10942). In addition, the research of A.I.P was partly supported by the RADON project (GA 872494) within the H2020-MSCA-RISE-2019 call and COST Action CA20129 “Multiscale Irradiation and Chemistry Driven Processes and Related Technologies” (MultIChem). A.I.P. also thanks to the Institute of Solid-State Physics, University of Latvia. ISSP UL as the Center of Excellence is supported through the Framework Program for European universities, Union Horizon 2020, H2020-WIDESPREAD-01-2016-2017-TeamingPhase2, under Grant Agreement No. 739508, CAMART2 project.CdxTeyOz nanocomposite films were grown by the SILAR method on the CdS/ZnO surface during cyclic processing in precursor solutions followed by removal of excess reagent from the surface of the substrate by washing in hydrogen peroxide. To stabilise the surface states and saturate with oxygen, the surface was annealed in a diffusion furnace. XRD, RAMAN, and SEM analyses were used to analyse the phase composition, structural, and substructural parameters. The nanocomposite film consists of different types of oxides, namely trigonal TeO3, Monoclinic TeO4 and CdTe3O8, orthorhombic TeO2 and CdTeO3. The formation of films is explained using the Volmer–Weber growth mechanism. SEM analysis of the formed nanocomposite showed the presence of nanometer-scale globules. Partial amorphization of the heterostructure occurs due to the presence of nanometer-sized particles. --//-- This is an open access article: Suchikova, Y., Kovachov, S., Bohdanov, I. et al. Study of the structural and morphological characteristics of the CdxTeyOz nanocomposite obtained on the surface of the CdS/ZnO heterostructure by the SILAR method. Appl. Phys. A 129, 499 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00339-023-06776-x published under the CC BY licence.Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine via project 0122U000129 and 0121U10942; RADON project (GA 872494) within the H2020-MSCA-RISE-2019 call and COST Action CA20129 MultIChem; the Institute of Solid-State Physics, University of Latvia. ISSP UL as the Center of Excellence is supported through the Framework Program for European universities, Union Horizon 2020, H2020-WIDESPREAD-01-2016-2017-TeamingPhase2, under Grant Agreement No. 739508, CAMART2 project

    Improvement of β-SiC Synthesis Technology on Silicon Substrate

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    The study was supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine via Project No. 0122U000129 “The search for optimal conditions for nanostructure synthesis on the surface of A3B5, A2B6 semiconductors and silicon for photonics and solar energy”, Project No. 0121U10942 “Theoretical and methodological bases of system fundamentalization of the future nanomaterials experts training for productive professional activity”, and Project No. 0123U100110 “System of remote and mixed specialized training of future nanoengineers for the development of new dual-purpose nanomaterials”. In addition, the research of A.I.P. and Y.S. was partly supported by COST Action CA20129 “Multiscale irradiation and chemistry driven processes and related technologies” (MultiChem). Y.S. was partly supported by COST Action CA20126—Network for research, innovation, and product development on porous semiconductors and oxides (NETPORE). A.I.P., thanks to the Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia, ISSP UL as the Center of Excellence, is supported through the Framework Program for European Universities, Union Horizon 2020, H2020-WIDESPREAD-01–2016–2017-TeamingPhase2, under Grant Agreement No. 739508, CAMART2 project.This article presents an enhanced method for synthesizing β-SiC on a silicon substrate, utilizing porous silicon as a buffer layer, followed by thermal carbide formation. This approach ensured strong adhesion of the SiC film to the substrate, facilitating the creation of a hybrid hetero-structure of SiC/por-Si/mono-Si. The surface morphology of the SiC film revealed islands measuring 2–6 μm in diameter, with detected micropores that were 70–80 nm in size. An XRD analysis confirmed the presence of spectra from crystalline silicon and crystalline silicon carbide in cubic symmetry. The observed shift in spectra to the low-frequency zone indicated the formation of nanostructures, correlating with our SEM analysis results. These research outcomes present prospects for the further utilization and optimization of β-SiC synthesis technology for electronic device development. --//-- This is an open-access article: Suchikova, Y.; Kovachov, S.; Bohdanov, I.; Kozlovskiy, A.L.; Zdorovets, M.V.; Popov, A.I. Improvement of β-SiC Synthesis Technology on Silicon Substrate. Technologies 2023, 11, 152. https://doi.org/10.3390/technologies11060152 published under the CC BY 4.0 licence.Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine via Project No. 0122U000129; Project No. 0121U10942; Project No. 0123U100110; COST Action CA20129; COST Action CA20126; Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia, ISSP UL as the Center of Excellence, is supported through the Framework Program for European Universities, Union Horizon 2020, H2020-WIDESPREAD-01–2016–2017-TeamingPhase2, under Grant Agreement No. 739508, CAMART2 project

    Advanced Synthesis and Characterization of CdO/CdS/ZnO Heterostructures for Solar Energy Applications

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    This study introduces an innovative method for synthesizing Cadmium Oxide /Cadmium Sulfide/Zinc Oxide heterostructures (CdO/CdS/ZnO), emphasizing their potential application in solar energy. Utilizing a combination of electrochemical deposition and oxygen annealing, the research provides a thorough analysis of the heterostructures through scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy-dispersive X-ray (EDX) spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction (XRD), Raman spectroscopy, and photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy. The findings reveal a complex surface morphology and a composite structure with significant contributions from hexagonal CdS and cubic CdO phases. The study highlights the uniformity in the distribution of luminescent centers and the crystalline quality of the heterostructures, which is evident from the PL analysis. The redshift observed in the emission peak and the additional peaks in the excitation spectrum indicate intricate optical properties influenced by various factors, including quantum confinement and lattice strain. The research demonstrates these heterostructures’ potential in enhancing solar cells’ efficiency and applicability in optoelectronic devices. This comprehensive characterization and analysis pave the way for future optimization and application in efficient and sustainable solar energy solutions