194 research outputs found

    Measurement of 60CO gamma radiation induced attenuation in multimode step-index POF at 530 nm

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    As optical fibres are used ever more extensively in space applications, nuclear industry, medicine and high-energy physics experiments, it has become essential to investigate the influence of ionizing radiation on their characteristics. In this work, the radiation-induced attenuation at 530 nm is investigated experimentally in step-index multimode polymethyl-methacrylate plastic optical fibres exposed to low dose-rate gamma radiation. Cumulative doses ranged from 50 Gy to 500 Gy. The radiation induced attenuation has been empirically found to obey the power law RIA= aDb, where D is the total radiation dose and a and b are the constants determined by fitting

    Morphological features and kit receptor expression in canine cutaneous mast cell tumor and systemic mastocytosis

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    Mast cell neoplasia in dogs can occur in two different forms: common as cutaneous tumor, or less common as a systemic form of neoplastic mast cell proliferation - systemic mastocytosis. The aim of this study was to compare the histological and cytological features, KIT receptor expression and presence of c-KIT proto-oncogene mutations in neoplastic cells of dogs with canine cutaneous mast cell tumor (CMCT) and systemic mastocytosis. Microscopical examination of the cytological smears obtained from all selected dogs revealed that cellular specimens were constituted mostly of round cells with a central nuclei and fine to coarse purple cytoplasmic granules. Histopathological examination of skin samples of dogs with CMCT and a dog with systemic mastocytosis showed proliferation of the neoplastic mast cells in the superficial and/or deep dermis. Similar findings were observed in tissue samples derived from lymph nodes, spleen, liver, myocardium and kidneys of a dog with systemic mastocytosis. Three dogs with high grade CMCT as well as one dog with systemic mastocytosis showed cytoplasmic CD117 expression, while 3 dogs with low grade CMCT, had membranous expression of CD117. Based on our study, histological features and cytoplasmic CD117 expression in neoplastic cells of dogs with systemic mastocytosis are similar to those in dogs with high grade CMCTs. Nevertheless, mutations of c-KIT proto-oncogene were not found in tumor samples either from dogs with CMCT or dog with systemic mastocytosis

    Stark Broadening in Compact Stars: Xe VI Lines

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    International audienceWe will consider Stark broadening of non hydrogenic spectral lines in the impact approximation in compact stars: pre-white dwarf and white dwarf atmospheres. In order to show an example, Stark broadening parameters have been calculated, using the impact semiclassical perturbation approach for four Xe VI spectral lines. Obtained results have been used to demonstrate the influence of Stark broadening in DA and DB white dwarf atmospheres

    Nursery Production of Black Walnut (Juglans nigra L.) Seedlings

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    U radu se analiziraju neki od elemenata kakvoće sjemena crnoga oraha i ispituju njegova svojstva. U proljeće 2004. godine obavljena je sjetva stratificiranog sjemena na dva načina: na gredice i u dva tipa zbirnih kontejnera (Bosnaplast 18 i kontejner dimenzija 35,5x27,0 (16) sa 24 rupe za sadnju). Najveća rasadnička klijavost dobivena je kod sjemena posijanog u kontejner Bosnaplast 18 (55,00 %), slijedi rasadnička klijavost sjemena posijanog na gredice (42,99 %) i u drugi tip kontejnera (20,83 %). Prosječno najveće visine na kraju prve vegetacije (1+0) imale su sadnice uzgajane na gredici (315 mm). Visine sadnica u kontejneru Bosnaplast 18 bile su u prosjeku niže za 61 mm a u drugom tipu kontejnera za 67 mm u odnosu na sadnice uzgajane na gredici. U jesen 2004. godine obavljena je sjetva nestratificiranog sjemena na dva načina, s obzirom na čiŔćenje mesnatog usplođa ploda. Dio sjemena posijan je s usplođem, a dio bez usplođa. Rasadnička klijavost očiŔćenog sjemena iznosila je 91,67 % a sjemena posijanog sa usplođem 73,00 %. Najveću visinu na kraju prve vegetacije (1+0) imale su nepodrezane sadnice uzgojene iz sjemena s očiŔćenim usplođem (524 mm). Nepodrezane sadnice uzgojene iz sjemena bez čiŔćenja usplođa bile su prosječno niže od sadnica uzgojenih s očiŔćenim usplođem za 185 mm. Podrezane sadnice, u jednom i drugom slučaju, bile su niže od nepodrezanih.The paper analyzes some of the elements of Black walnut seed quality and examines its characteristics. In spring 2004 stratified seed was sown in two ways: on nursery beds and in two types of multiple containers (Bosnaplast 18 and a 35,5x27,0 (16) container with 24 holes). The seed sown in the Bosnaplast 18 container showed the largest germination percentage (55,00 %), followed by nursery germination of seed sown on beds (42,99 %) and in the other type of container (20,83 %). At the end of the current growing season (1+0) the bed-grown seedlings had the largest height (315 mm). The seedlings grown in the Bosnaplast 18 container 18 were on average lower by 61 mm and those from the other container by 67 mm with respect to the bed-grown seedlings. In autumn 2004 non-stratified seed was sown in two ways: with and without cleaning husks. Part of the seed was sown with and part without husks. The nursery germination of the cleaned seed amounted to 91,67 % while the germination of the seeds sown with husks reached 73,00 %. The non-undercut seedlings raised from the cleaned seeds had the largest height (524 mm) at the end of the current growing season (1+0). The non-undercut seedlings raised from uncleaned seeds were on average lower by 185 mm compared to the seedlings raised from cleaned seeds. In both cases the undercut seedlings were lower than the non-undercut ones

    The Croatian Church Slavonic translation of the texts of st. Thomas Aquinas

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    U radu se opisuje jezik hrvatskoglagoljskoga prijevoda autorskih priloga sv. Tome Akvinskoga iz službe na blagdan Tijelova koju je sastavio. Tekstovi obuhvaćaju jednu posljednicu (sekvenciju) koja je sačuvana u hrvatskoglagoljskim misalima te tri liturgijska himna i Slovo u brevijarima. RaŔčlambi prijevoda dodana je transliteracija tekstova s usporednim latinskim izvornikom i kritičkim aparatom koji obuhvaća sve poznate hrvatskoglagoljske spomenike u kojima su tekstovi sačuvani.This work is a description of the language of the Croatian Church Slavonic translation of the texts from the Office of the Corpus Christi feast written by St. Thomas Aquinas. The texts of the Office comprise Hvali Sione ā€“ Laud O Zion (Lauda, Sion) preserved in the Croatian Glagolitic missals and three liturgical hymns: Vspoi ĆŖzikь ā€“ Sing My Tongue (Pange, lingua), Častnimь prazdnikomь ā€“ At this our Solemn Feasts (Sacris solĆ©mniis), Glasь izide ot viÅ”nihь / Slovo viÅ”nee ishodeĉee ā€“ The Word of God (Verbum supĆ©rnum) and Slovo sv. Tome Akvinskoga ā€“ A Reading by St. Thomas Aquinas, all in the Croatian Glagolitic breviaries. In addition to the comparative translation analysis, the texts from the Office are presented with the parallel Latin sources as well as the critical apparatus comprising all known Croatian Glagolitic sources in which the office has been preserved. The comparative analysis of the breviary office shows that there are older and more recent translations of the three hymns and the Slovo. The older translations are freer and less literal than more recent ones that are more faithful to the original source on the level of content and structure. An older translation does not always presume the language conservatism, especially when we look at its morphology. The characteristics of more recent translations are lexical and syntactic innovations according to the Latin source. With very few exceptions the freer and older translations may be found in Vb2, Pad, Pm, Drag, Rom and in the first part of the Corpus Christi feast office in Metr i Vb3, while the more recent literal translations are preserved in Mosk, Lab2, Vat5, Vat6, Metr and Vb3 in the part of the feast octave and in the printed breviaries: Kos, Bar and Broz. The special (transitional) group consists of N1, N2, Brib, Dab, Vat19 and Vat10, which, as a whole, have more recent translation, but here and there they have preserved the older one. The Mavr has a special place because, like Metr and Vb3, it combines both older and more recent translations. It is significant that this kind of distribution in many ways matches the state found in the period after the third revision of the Croatian Glagolitic codices, in which the difference between the Glagolitic North and Southis visible. The translations in the North are older while those in the South are more recent ones. The transitional group is concentrated in the central Vinodol ā€“ Lika region. Two different attitudes toward the Latin source are not so obvious in the missal Sequence. It is significantly different only in the Kožičićā€™s Missal. The office of Corpus Christi confirms that the linguistic revision did not take place only in the biblical texts which had to be harmonized with the Vulgate, as it is usually highlighted in literature, but also in the non biblical contents. Although translated from Latin, they had to be harmonized again with the Latin missal and breviary texts because of their earlier freer translations. According to the oldest known missals and breviaries (MVat4, BrVat5, BrPad, BrVb2) and their linguistic characteristics, as well as the scribe mistakes which show that there were already several copies before their translation, it can be concluded that the Corpus Christi office by St. Thomas Aquinas was translated into Croatian Church Slavonic very soon after it was written in the 13th century

    Uticaj stimulativnih mera na motivaciju pripadnika Vojske Srbije

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    Thermodynamic Optimization Of Cascade Heat Pump

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    In todayā€™s modern world, development of industry and technology has led to the increase in energy demand. Hence, more fossil fuels are burnt in order to cover this demand. Due to the multiple disadvantages, as well as the neg-ative impact that burning of fossil fuels has on the environment, heat pumps are gaining more importance when provid-ing energy for heating. This paper is aimed at conducting thermodynamic optimization of cascade heat pump in terms of different working fluid combinations and calculating maximum COP. In order to perform thermodynamic analysis, a software program that uses database of working fluids, was developed. The intermediate temperature within cascade heat exchanger represents a crucial parameter when analyzing and designing cascade heat pumps. Thus, when per-forming thermodynamic analysis, the intermediate temperature was varied in the range from 0ā°Š” to 25ā°Š” and the opti-mal temperature that provides maximum COP was defined. The analysis was performed on an air-to-water heat pump, that could be used for heating different types of buildings in places in Serbia where the outdoor design temperature is -20ā°Š”. The cascade heat pump would be used alongside radiator heating system operating at temperatures 70ā°Š”/50ā°Š”. Due to the high temperature difference between heat source and heat sink, cascade heat pumps have advantages over single stage or multi stage heat pumps. The optimization was performed on an air-to-water cascade heat pump where the evaporation and condensation temperatures were -25ā°Š” and 75ā°Š”, respectively. Following the conducted optimization, the analysis of the impact that isentropic efficiency of compressor has on COP was examined
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