33 research outputs found
Reviewing the condition and reach of the regional security complex theory in the study of regions in international relations
U ovom radu obrazložiÄemo stav da je teorija regionalnog
bezbednosnog kompleksa (TRBK) (Buzan and Waever 2003), najadekvatnije
pozicionirana meÄu razliÄitim āregionalistiÄkimā pristupima u
meÄunarodnim odnosima, bilo u pogledu izgradnje teorije bilo u
empirijskim istraživanjima o regionalnoj bezbednosti. Ciljevi ovog rada su
trostruki: a) da predstavi TRBK u savremenom prouÄavanju regionalne
bezbednosti; b) da mapira studije regionalne bezbednosti i sagleda odnos
TRBK sa drugim (srodnim/rivalskim) teorijama; c) da oceni karakter
sagledanog odnosa TRBK i drugih teorija regionalne bezbednosti. Tako
postavljenim ciljevima odgovaraju tri metodoloŔka koraka. Prvo, pregledom
literature želimo ukazati na teorijsku evoluciju i empirijsku primenu TRBK
tokom prethodne dve decenije. Drugo, ponudiÄemo pregled i klasifikaciju
relevantnih koncepata drugih āregionalistiÄkihā teorija za koje smatramo da
ārezonujuā sa okvirom TRBK. TreÄe, odgovoriÄemo na pitanje da li je i u
kojoj meri je TRBK kompatibilna sa konceptima užih, rivalskih pristupa.
Smatramo da TRBK može poslužiti kao svojevrstan āinterfejsā Å”irih studija regionalne bezbednosti. Kako bismo ilustrovali predloženi postupak, u
treÄem odeljku rada se raspravlja o prednostima koje TRBK kao teorija
srednjeg obima ima u odnosu na rivalske pristupe koji se usredsreÄuju na
regionalne poretke (Katzenstein 2005; Frazier and Stewart-Ingersoll 2010),
regionalne bezbednosne zajednice (Adler and Barnett 1998), ili regionalni
āmultipleksā meÄunarodni poredak (Acharya 2014; Acharya 2018).
ZakljuÄak upuÄuje na moguÄnosti hibridizacije TRBK i srodnih/rivalskih
teorijskih pristupa, Å”to otvara znaÄajna pitanja za dalji razvoj istraživaÄkog
programa studija regionalne bezbednosti u treÄoj deceniji XXI veka.In this paper, we argue that the Regional Security Complex
Theory (RSCT) (Buzan and Waever 2003) is most adequately positioned
among various āregionalistā approaches in International Relations, both
for theory-building and empirical research on regional security. The aims
of the paper are threefold: a) to review the RSCT within contemporary
International Security Studies; b) to map out regional security studies and
reflect on the relationship between the RSCT and other (related/rival)
theories; c) to assess the character of the relationship between the RSCT
and other theories. The aforesaid aims are achieved in three steps. First,
by doing a literature review, we want to point out the theoretical
evolution and empirical application of the RSCT over the past two
decades. Second, we offer a review and classification of relevant concepts
from other āregionalistā theories which we consider to āresonateā with
the RSCT framework. Third, we answer the question of whether and to
what degree the RSCT is compatible with the concepts of the narrower,
rival approaches. We argue the RSCT can be used as a sort of āinterfaceā
of wider regional security studies. In order to illustrate our research
framework, the third part of the paper deals with and discusses the
advantages that the RSCT, as a medium-range theory, has in comparison
with the rival approaches that are concerned with regional orders
(Katzenstein 2005; Frazier and Stewart-Ingersoll 2010), regional security
communities (Adler and Barnett 1998), or regional āmultiplexā order
(Acharya 2014; Acharya 2018). In conclusion, the paper addresses the
possibilities for hybridization between the RSCT and related/rival
approaches, which have opened some important questions for further
development of the research programme of regional security studies in
the 2020
Synthesis and investigation of biological activity of arylthio and aralkylthio derivatives of 2-tert-butyl-1.4-benzoquinone
Sintetisana su dva ariltio i dva aralkiltio derivata 2-terc-butil-1,4-benzohinona reakcijom Michael-ove adicije tiola na hinonsko jezgro u etanolu. Dobijenim derivatima je ispitana antimikrobna i antioksidativna aktivnost, kao i toksinost na raie Artemia salina. Najjau antimikrobnu aktivnost je pokazao derivat 4, najveu antioksidativnu aktivnost je imao derivat 2 (IC50=0,0526 mM), dok je toksinost prema raiima ispoljio samo derivat 4 (LC50=0,032 mM).Two arylthio and aralkylthio derivatives of 2-tert-butyl-1.4-benzoquinone were synthesized by Michael addition of thiols on quionone moiety in ethanol. For all compounds antimicrobial and antioxidant activity was investigated, as well as toxicity towards nauplii of Artemia salina. Derivative 4 showed the strongest antimicrobial activity, derivative 2 showed the most intense antioxidant activity (IC50=0.0526 mM), while only derivative 4 showed toxicity against nauplii of A. salina (LC50=0.032 mM)
Utjecaj hrastove mrežaste stjenice Corythucha arcuata na visinu biljaka hrasta lužnjaka ovisno o naÄinu podmlaÄivanja
SummaryOak lace bug Corythucha arcuata represents a new pest of oaks in Europe, introduced from North America in year 2000. Damage is caused by adults and larvae that feed on the underside of leaves. The paper presents the results of investigation of impact of Corythucha arcuata on pedunculate oak growth. The two variant experiment was established in 2019 and included the evaluation of the effect of oak lace bug on the height of the seedlings (i) grown under the shade of the adult trees after the intermediate felling and (ii) seedlings grown unshaded after the final felling. Both variants included eight plots of which four were treated with the insecticide thiamethoxam, while other four were untreated. Assessment of the intensity of the attack was performed in June, July and August in 2019, 2020 and 2021, while the height of the plants was measured at the end of the vegetation period in 2019, 2020 and 2021.The results indicate significant decrease in the intensity of the attack on seedlings grown unshaded by the old trees. After first year, there was no difference in average height of the treated and untreated seedlings grown after the intermediate felling, while the difference was evident after second and third year. Such results indicate cumulative effect of the oak lace bug attack on the seedlings of the penduculate oak. On the other hand, during whole experiment, the differences between treated and untreated plant average height after the final felling were not evident.SažetakHrastova mrežasta stjenica Corythucha arcuata novi je Å”tetnik hrastova u Europi, uneÅ”ena je 2000. godine iz Sjeverne Amerike. Å tete uzrokuju imago i liÄinke koje se hrane siÅ”uÄi biljne sokove s donje strane liÅ”Äa. U radu je analiziran utjecaj hrastove mrežaste stjenice na rast mladih hrastovih biljaka. Pokus je postavljen u ožujku 2019. u dvije varijante, od kojih je prva bila praÄenje utjecaja napada stjenice na prosjeÄnu visinu podmlatka hrasta lužnjaka na povrÅ”ini sa zavrÅ”enom oplodnom sjeÄom, odnosno u sjeni djela stare Å”ume koji ostaje za dovrÅ”nu sjeÄu, a druga je bio praÄenje utjecaja napada stjenice na prosjeÄnu visinu podmlatka koji je rastao na otvorenom prostoru (Slika1,2). U obje varijante pokusa na Äetiri pokusne povrÅ”ine je uporabljen insekticid tiametoksam radi suzbijanja hrastove stjenice, a preostale Äetiri nisu tretirane, veÄ su bile izložene napadu stjenice. Procjene intenziteta napada hrastove stjenice provedene su krajem lipnja, srpnja i kolovoza 2019., 2020. i 2021. godine. Mjerenje visine tretiranih i netretiranih biljaka u obje varijante pokusa obavljeno je na kraju vegetacije 2019, 2020 i 2021. godine.Istraživanja su pokazala znatno manji intenzitet napada hrastove stjenice na podmladak hrasta koji je rastao na Äistini u odnosu na podmladak ispod starih stabala hrasta lužnjaka (Slika 3). U prvoj godini nije bilo znaÄajnih razlika u prosjeÄnoj visini tretiranih i netretiranih mladica u sjeni, ali su znaÄajne razlike uoÄene nakon dvije i tri godine, Å”to ukazuje na kumulativni uÄinak napada stjenice na visinu hrastovog podmlatka (Slike 6,7,8). Tijekom trogodiÅ”njeg istraživanja nisu utvrÄene znaÄajne razlike u prosjeÄnoj visini biljaka izmeÄu tretiranih i netretiranih pokusnih ploha na otvorenom, Å”to je rezultat znaÄajno slabijeg napada stjenica na Äistini. Podmladak hrasta lužnjaka na Äistini je puno viÅ”i od podmlatka u sjeni starih hrastova, Å”to je izravan utjecaj svjetla na biljake. To ukazuje da je s obzirom na manji intenzitet napada hrastove stjenice i brži rast biljaka pri punoj svjetlosti, povoljnije izvrÅ”iti obnovu na Äistini ili je potrebno obaviti dovrÅ”nu sjeÄu prije pojave hrastovog podmlatka. Podmladak hrasta lužnjaka koji se razvija ispod stabala stare sastojine nakon oplodne sjeÄe potrebno je zaÅ”tititi od stjenice dok je u sjeni
Diversity of Ectomycorrhizal Fungi in Young Pedunculate Oak Stand from MoroviÄ, Serbia
Although oaks belong to the economically most important hardwood tree species in Europe, data on the diversity of ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungi on pedunculate oak in the Republic of Serbia are deficient. The aim of our study was to give the first insight into the diversity of ECM fungi in the young stand of pedunculate oak in MoroviÄ, Serbia. The combination of morpho-anatomical characterization and molecular analysis was used for determination of ECM fungi on penduculate oak. Studied parameters included: (i) counting of vital ECM root tips, (ii) calculation of diversity indices and (iii) classification of morphotypes of ectomycorrhizae into the exploration types. Eighteen ECM fungal taxa were recorded in the studied young pedunculate oak stand. Seven of them were identified to the level of species, eight fungi to the genus, two to the family level, and one ECM fungus remained unidentified. ECM communities consisted of a small number of abundant taxa and a bigger number of rare taxa. The most abundant ECM fungi were Entoloma sp., Thelephoraceae sp., Russula cf. odorata and Russula lilacea, which made association with the majority of ECM root tips. Short-distance exploration type (ET) dominated, followed by medium-distance smooth ET and contact ET, while long-distance ET and medium-distance fringe ET were rare at the MoroviÄ site. Values of diversity indices obtained in the studied pedunculate oak stand were comparable to the ones recorded in different oak stands over Europe. In order to get a deeper insight into the diversity of ECM fungi on pedunculate oak there is a need to continue research on increased number of sites and also to include seasonal dynamics
Lung Ultrasound in Patients with COVID-19
COVID-19 je infektivna bolest koja se nakon pojave (prosinac 2019., Wuhan, Kina) tijekom sljedeÄa 3 mjeseca proÅ”irila na sve kontinente i izazvala pandemiju s kojom je ÄovjeÄanstvo prvi put suoÄeno. S obzirom na to da bolesnici imaju pretežito respiratornu simptomatologiju Äesto s razvojem intersticijske upale pluÄa te da se radi o visoko kontagioznoj bolesti, nameÄe se potreba brze, pouzdane i sigurne dijagnostike pluÄnih komplikacija ove bolesti. U COVID-19 bolesnika ciljani ultrazvuk pluÄa je superioran u odnosu na klasiÄnu Rtg snimku srca i pluÄa te se u dijagnostiÄkoj pouzdanosti približio MSCT-u toraksa. Razlog tomu je Äinjenica da su upalni infiltrati lokalizirani prvenstveno bazalno i periferno gdje su dostupni UZV pregledu. NajÄeÅ”Äe zahvaÄene regije su 5 i 6 obostrano, a u nalazu dominiraju multiple B linije u 2 i viÅ”e regija u kombinaciji s pojedinaÄnim B linijama. U ožujku 2020. osnovan je Primarni respiracijsko-intenzivistiÄki centar u KB Dubrava (PRIC KBD) s ciljem zbrinjavanja COVID-19 bolesnika s umjerenom do teÅ”kom kliniÄkom slikom i znacima respiracijske insuficijencije. Za dijagnostiku i praÄenje bolesnika, uz Rtg snimku srca i pluÄa te MSCT toraksa, koriÅ”ten je ciljani UZV pluÄa. Osim dobre korelacije s kliniÄkom slikom i stupnjem respiracijske insuficijencije, ciljani UZV pluÄa pokazao se korisnim zbog kratke izloženosti aerosolu tijekom pretrage, a bez potrebe za mobilizacijom bolesnika ili koriÅ”tenjem mobilnog Rtg ureÄaja. Postao je suverena zamjena za stetoskop uz moguÄnost pridržavanja svih mjera za prevenciju Å”irenja aerosola: mobilni ureÄaj bez kabela, moguÄnost dezinfekcije pa Äak i koriÅ”tenje samo jednog ureÄaja po bolesniku u intenzivistiÄkom centru, Äime je postao važna dijagnostiÄka metoda kod COVID-19 pozitivnih bolesnika.COVID-19 is an infectious disease which surfaced in December 2019 (Wuhan, China) and swept across all the continents in a matter of 3 months, triggering a pandemic faced by humanity for the first time. Given the predominance of respiratory symptoms in patients, often accompanied by the development of interstitial pneumonia, and the fact that it is a highly contagious disease, it called for a prompt, reliable and safe diagnosis of pulmonary complications of the disease. In COVID-19 patients, focused lung ultrasound is superior to the classical heart or chest X-ray, and in terms of diagnostic reliability, is almost up to par to an MSCT of the thorax. This is due to the fact that inflammatory infiltrates are localized primarily basally and peripherally where they are accessible to ultrasound examinations. Regions 5 and 6 (both sides) are most commonly affected, and medical reports show a predominance of multiple B lines in 2 or more regions in combination with individual B lines. In March 2020, the Primary Respiratory Intensive Care Center at Clinical Hospital Dubrava (PRIC KBD) was founded to treat COVID-19 patients with a moderate to severe clinical picture and signs of respiratory failure. In addition to an X-ray of the heart and lungs and MSCT of the thorax, patients were diagnosed and monitored using focused lung ultrasound. Besides a good correlation with the clinical picture and degree of respiratory failure, focused lung ultrasound has shown to be favorable due to short aerosol exposure during screening, without the need to mobilize patients or use a mobile X-ray device. It has become an unrivalled replacement for the stethoscope, capable of adhering to all measures to prevent the spread of aerosols: a cordless mobile device, disinfectable, with even the ability to use only one device per patient in the intensive care unit, rendering it an important diagnostic tool in COVID-19 positive patients
Background: Patients with obesity may experience lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS). Little is known about these symptoms
in obese patients in Croatia. The aim of this study was to asses LUTS in this group of patients.
Subjects and methods: This cross-sectional study was carried out in a tertiary healthcare centre. 111 participants were included
(81 women and 30 men, age 23-78 years), with BMI>30 kg/m2. LUTS were evaluated using International consultation on
incontinence questionnaires (ICIQ) investigating symptoms of overactive bladder (OAB) and urinary incontinence (UI): ICIQ-OAB
and ICIQ-UI Short Form (SF). We evaluated also some of the questions on the EQ-5D-5L questionnaire.
Results: On ICIQ-OAB patients most often reported:UI (46.85% (N=52)), nocturia (42.34% (N=47)) and increased frequency of
urination (34.23% (N=38)), and on ICIQ-UI SF: UI when coughing and sneezing (44.44% (N=32)), urgency UI (43.06% (N=31))
and UI during exercise/physical activity (22.22% (N=16)). Women were found to be more significantly affected by OAB symptoms (p<0.05). Significant correlations were found between the overall results on ICIQ-OAB and hypertension (r=0.32).
Conclusions: The results of this study confirm that obese patients in Croatia experience LUTS as well. A higher incidence of
LUTS was found among women and gender-independent among hypertensive obese patients
Analiza morfologije kavitacionog oÅ”teÄenja martenzitnog nerÄajuÄeg Äelika
U radu je analizirana morfologija kavitacionog oÅ”teÄenja martenzitnog nerÄajuÄeg Äelika. Za ispitivanje otpornosti na dejstvo kavitacije, u laboratorijskim uslovima je primenjena ultrazvuÄna vibraciona metoda sa stacionarnim uzorkom. PraÄenjem promene mase uzorka u funkciji vremena dejstva kavitacije odreÄena je kavitaciona brzina Äelika, kao mera otpornosti Äelika na dejstvo kavitacije. Tokom ispitivanja primenjena je skenirajuÄa elektronska mikroskopija (SEM) koja je omoguÄila analizu morfologije kavitacionog oÅ”teÄenja ovog materijala. Dobijeni rezultati ispitivanja pokazali su visoku otpornost martenzitnog nerÄajuÄeg Äelika na dejstvo kavitacije
Effects of Visual Stimuli from Media on the Perception of Dentofacial Esthetics
Cilj: Autori studije istražili su mogu li televizijske reklame mijenjati percepciju vlastite dentofacijalne privlaÄnosti te je li taj proces pod utjecajem osobina liÄnosti.Materijal i metode: Uzorak su Äinila 83 ispitanika u dobi od 19 do 27 godina. Eksperimentalna skupina (N = 42) gledala je reklame u kojima su sudjelovali poznati mladi ljudi s visokom estetikom osmijeha, svijetlim zubima i bez vidljivih malokluzija, a kontrolnoj skupini (N = 41) prezentirane su neutralne reklame (bez ljudi ili vidljivih zuba). Percepcija estetike vlastita lica i osmijeha te njezini psiholoÅ”ki uÄinci procijenjeni su mjesec dana prije gledanja reklama te odmah nakon toga. Procijenjeni su i intenzitet malokluzije ispitanika te osobine liÄnosti (ekstraverzija, savjesnost, ugodnost, neuroticizam, intelekt, samopoÅ”tovanje i perfekcionizam).Rezultati: U svojem drugom iskazu ispitanici su imali tendenciju navoditi manje psihosocijalnih utjecaja uz male razlike (prosjeÄno u rasponu od 0 do 3 skalarna boda) te manje znaÄajne promjene u aktivnoj skupini negoli u neutralnoj (2 od 7 vs. 5 od 7 aspekata). Vrsta vizualnog podražaja bila je znaÄajan prediktor samo promjene koja se odnosi na psiholoÅ”ki utjecaj dentalne estetike (p = 0,045; r = 0,221). Intelekt je kao supresor oblikovao percepciju estetike osmijeha nakon gledanja reklama s naglaÅ”enim lijepim osmijesima (ĪR 2 = 0,076; p = 0,005; ukupni model R 2 = 0,347; p = 0,033). Kod osoba s veÄim intelektom je poveÄanje intenziteta samoopažene malokluzije izazvalo manji pad psiholoÅ”kog utjecaja dentalne estetike u usporedbi s onima s manjim intelektom.ZakljuÄak: Psihosocijalni utjecaji malokluzije nisu stabilni i imaju tendenciju smanjivati se tijekom vremena. No, izlaganje visokoj estetici osmijeha drugih ljudi može koÄiti taj proces kod osoba s veÄom malokluzijom i veÄim intelektom.Objectives: The study explored whether television commercials change the perception of oneās own dentofacial attractiveness and to identify if it is influenced by personality traits. Material and methods: The sample included 83 participants, aged 19-27 years. The experimental group (N=42) watched commercials portraying famous young individuals with high smile esthetics, bright teeth and no visible malocclusions, while the control group (N=41) watched neutral commercials (without people or visible teeth). The perception of subjects` own orofacial esthetics and its psychosocial effects were assessed a month before the exposure and immediately after it. The subjects` malocclusion severity and personality characteristics (extraversion, conscientiousness, agreeableness, neuroticism, in-tellect, self-esteem and perfectionism) were assessed. Results: In their second report, respondents were inclined to report less psychosocial impacts with small differences (ranging from 0-3 scalar points on average) and less significant in the active group compared to neutral group (2 out of 7 vs. 5 out of 7 aspects). Types of visual stimuli were a significant predictor only of changes pertaining to psychological impact of dental esthetics (p=0.045; r=0.221). The intellect moderated perception of smile esthetics, after having been exposed to commercials, accentuated beautiful smiles as a suppressor (ĪR 2 =0.076; p=0.005; total model R 2 =0.347; p=0.033). In subjects with higher cognitive abilities, an increase in the self-perceived malocclusion level induced a smaller decrease in psychological impact of dental esthetics as compared to those with lower intellect. Conclusion: Psychosocial influences of malocclusion are not stable and tend to decrease during time. However, the exposure to a high smile esthetic of other individuals can inhibit that process in persons with more severe mallocclusion and higher cognitive abilities
Lung Ultrasound in Patients with COVID-19
COVID-19 je infektivna bolest koja se nakon pojave (prosinac 2019., Wuhan, Kina) tijekom sljedeÄa 3 mjeseca proÅ”irila na sve kontinente i izazvala pandemiju s kojom je ÄovjeÄanstvo prvi put suoÄeno. S obzirom na to da bolesnici imaju pretežito respiratornu simptomatologiju Äesto s razvojem intersticijske upale pluÄa te da se radi o visoko kontagioznoj bolesti, nameÄe se potreba brze, pouzdane i sigurne dijagnostike pluÄnih komplikacija ove bolesti. U COVID-19 bolesnika ciljani ultrazvuk pluÄa je superioran u odnosu na klasiÄnu Rtg snimku srca i pluÄa te se u dijagnostiÄkoj pouzdanosti približio MSCT-u toraksa. Razlog tomu je Äinjenica da su upalni infiltrati lokalizirani prvenstveno bazalno i periferno gdje su dostupni UZV pregledu. NajÄeÅ”Äe zahvaÄene regije su 5 i 6 obostrano, a u nalazu dominiraju multiple B linije u 2 i viÅ”e regija u kombinaciji s pojedinaÄnim B linijama. U ožujku 2020. osnovan je Primarni respiracijsko-intenzivistiÄki centar u KB Dubrava (PRIC KBD) s ciljem zbrinjavanja COVID-19 bolesnika s umjerenom do teÅ”kom kliniÄkom slikom i znacima respiracijske insuficijencije. Za dijagnostiku i praÄenje bolesnika, uz Rtg snimku srca i pluÄa te MSCT toraksa, koriÅ”ten je ciljani UZV pluÄa. Osim dobre korelacije s kliniÄkom slikom i stupnjem respiracijske insuficijencije, ciljani UZV pluÄa pokazao se korisnim zbog kratke izloženosti aerosolu tijekom pretrage, a bez potrebe za mobilizacijom bolesnika ili koriÅ”tenjem mobilnog Rtg ureÄaja. Postao je suverena zamjena za stetoskop uz moguÄnost pridržavanja svih mjera za prevenciju Å”irenja aerosola: mobilni ureÄaj bez kabela, moguÄnost dezinfekcije pa Äak i koriÅ”tenje samo jednog ureÄaja po bolesniku u intenzivistiÄkom centru, Äime je postao važna dijagnostiÄka metoda kod COVID-19 pozitivnih bolesnika.COVID-19 is an infectious disease which surfaced in December 2019 (Wuhan, China) and swept across all the continents in a matter of 3 months, triggering a pandemic faced by humanity for the first time. Given the predominance of respiratory symptoms in patients, often accompanied by the development of interstitial pneumonia, and the fact that it is a highly contagious disease, it called for a prompt, reliable and safe diagnosis of pulmonary complications of the disease. In COVID-19 patients, focused lung ultrasound is superior to the classical heart or chest X-ray, and in terms of diagnostic reliability, is almost up to par to an MSCT of the thorax. This is due to the fact that inflammatory infiltrates are localized primarily basally and peripherally where they are accessible to ultrasound examinations. Regions 5 and 6 (both sides) are most commonly affected, and medical reports show a predominance of multiple B lines in 2 or more regions in combination with individual B lines. In March 2020, the Primary Respiratory Intensive Care Center at Clinical Hospital Dubrava (PRIC KBD) was founded to treat COVID-19 patients with a moderate to severe clinical picture and signs of respiratory failure. In addition to an X-ray of the heart and lungs and MSCT of the thorax, patients were diagnosed and monitored using focused lung ultrasound. Besides a good correlation with the clinical picture and degree of respiratory failure, focused lung ultrasound has shown to be favorable due to short aerosol exposure during screening, without the need to mobilize patients or use a mobile X-ray device. It has become an unrivalled replacement for the stethoscope, capable of adhering to all measures to prevent the spread of aerosols: a cordless mobile device, disinfectable, with even the ability to use only one device per patient in the intensive care unit, rendering it an important diagnostic tool in COVID-19 positive patients