18 research outputs found

    Mehr Hausarbeit, weniger Verdienst

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    Der Unterschied im Bruttoverdienst zwischen Frauen und Männern ist seit Jahren nahezu gleich groß. 2007 lag er bei durchschnittlich 22 Prozent für Vollzeit beschäftigte Frauen. Üblicherweise wird diese Lohnkluft durch Unterschiede zwischen Frauen und Männern bezüglich ihrer Qualifikation, Berufswahl und Berufserfahrung erklärt; aber auch dadurch, dass Frauen häufiger Diskriminierungen durch den Arbeitgeber ausgesetzt sind. Doch es gibt noch einen weiteren Unterschied, der in Verbindung mit Einkommensdifferenzen gebracht werden kann: Männer arbeiten nach wie vor weniger im Haushalt als Frauen. Unter Vollzeit Beschäftigten verrichten Männer etwa eine Stunde weniger Hausarbeit pro Tag. Dadurch können Frauen insgesamt weniger Zeit und Energie in ihre Erwerbstätigkeit investieren. Tatsächlich zeigen Einkommensanalysen, dass die für häusliche Tätigkeiten wie Kochen, Putzen oder Waschen verwendete Zeit den individuellen Arbeitsverdienst negativ beeinflusst. Die ungleiche Verteilung von Hausarbeit zwischen den Geschlechtern trägt somit zur unterschiedlichen Entlohnung von Frauen und Männern auf dem Arbeitsmarkt bei.Time use, Housework, Earnings, Division of Labor

    Unsichere Beschäftigung und Prekarität - im Lebensverlauf und im Haushalt

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    In diesem Kapitel werden auf der Basis von Mikrodaten Haushalts- und Familienstrukturen, Beschäftigungsverhältnisse mit prekärem Potenzial und materielle Teilhabe aus der Querschnitts- und der Lebensverlaufsperspektive beschrieben. Im Mittelpunkt steht die Analyse des Zusammenhangs zwischen individuellen Beschäftigungsverhältnissen mit prekärem Potenzial und materieller Teilhabe auf der Haushaltsebene. Über Sequenzmusteranalysen lassen sich Verlaufstypen mit dauerhafter gefährdeter Teilhabe identifizieren, die auf prekäre Beschäftigungsverläufe und fehlende Sicherungsleistungen durch andere Haushaltsmitglieder zurückzuführen sind. Es werden insbesondere geschlechts- und regionsspezifische Unterschiede sichtbar

    The sampling design and socio-demographic structure of the first wave of the TwinLife panel study: a comparison with the Microcensus

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    Lang V, Kottwitz A. The sampling design and socio-demographic structure of the first wave of the TwinLife panel study: a comparison with the Microcensus. TwinLife Technical Report Series. Vol 03 updated version, August 2017. Bielefeld: Project TwinLife "Genetic and social causes of life chances" (Universität Bielefeld / Universität des Saarlandes); 2017

    Análise de satisfação e desempenho dos serviços e produtos ofertados em uma empresa do setor agrícola

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    O presente artigo tem como objetivo a identificação de oportunidades de melhoria na satisfação de clientes de uma empresa do setor agrícola localizada nodistrito de Novo Sarandi, Oeste do Paraná (Brasil), através do uso conjunto de dois métodos de análise, sendo eles: Modelo Kano e a Matriz de Importância X Desempenho; objetivando analisar o grau de satisfação e importância dos serviços prestados, permitindo uma melhor identificação dos atributos prioritários para melhoria. Para mensuração da satisfação utilizou-se uma pesquisa quantitativa descritiva, por meio de um questionário contendo 18 atributos, aplicado com 100 clientes fixos ou eventuais, que aceitaram respondê-lo. Constatou-se que a média de Satisfação Geral é mediana e que os clientes possuem nível Atrativos e Unidimensionais em relação a melhoria de produtos. Os atributos atrativos apresentam maior impacto na satisfação se melhorados do que insatisfação se piorados, sendo: aparência dos funcionários; aparência externa e aparência interna da empresa. Destaca-se pela análise dos dados, que a empresa atende as expectativas dos consumidores em alguns atributos, sendo que, dos 18 atributos avaliados, é necessário oportunizar a melhoria com mais atenção em cinco deles: agilidade no recebimento de produtos; preço dos produtos; descontos em relação aos produtos no pagamento a vista;  isponibilidade de estoque e prontidão no atendimento; considerados atributos de alta importância ao cliente, mas com baixo nível de desempenho.Este artículo tiene como objetivo identificar oportunidades de mejora en la satisfacción del cliente de una empresa del sector agrícola ubicada en el distrito deNovo Sarandi, Oeste del Estado de Paraná (Brasil), mediante el uso conjunto de dos métodos de análisis: el modelo Kano y la matriz de importancia X desempeño; esto con el objetivo de analizar el grado de satisfacción e importancia de los servicios prestados, permitiendo una mayor identificación de los atributos prioritarios para mejora. Para medir la satisfacción se utilizó una encuesta cuantitativa descriptiva, con un cuestionario de 18 atributos, aplicada a 100 clientes fijos u ocasionales que aceptaron responderla. Se encontró que la satisfacción general es promedio y que los clientes tienen nivelesatractivos y unidimensionales en relación con la mejora del producto. Los atributos atractivos tienen un mayor impacto en la satisfacción si se mejora: la apariencia de los empleados; la apariencia externa y la apariencia interna de la empresa. Destaca por el análisis de los datos que la empresa cumple con las expectativas de los consumidores en algunos atributos, siendo necesario brindar una mejora en cinco de ellos: agilidad en la recepción de productos; precio de los productos; descuentos en relación con productos de pago en efectivo; disponibilidad de stock y servicio rápido; todos ellos consideradosatributos de gran importancia para el cliente, pero con un bajo nivel de rendimiento

    Fieldwork Monitoring in Practice: Insights from 17 Large-scale Social Science Surveys in Germany

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    This study provides a synopsis of the current fieldwork monitoring practices of large-scale surveys in Germany. Based on the results of a standardized questionnaire, the study summarizes fieldwork monitoring indicators used and fieldwork measures carried out by 17 large-scale social sciences surveys in Germany. Our descriptive results reveal that a common set of fieldwork indicators and measures exist on which the studied surveys rely. However, it also uncovers the need for additional design-specific indicators. Finally, it underlines the importance of a close cooperation between survey representatives and fieldwork agencies to optimize processes in fieldwork monitoring in the German survey context. The article concludes with implications for fieldwork practice

    Data from the German TwinLife Study: Genetic and Social Origins of Educational Predictors, Processes, and Outcomes

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    The major aim of the German TwinLife study is the investigation of gene-environment interplay driving educational and other inequalities across developmental trajectories from childhood to early adulthood. TwinLife encompasses an 8-year longitudinal, cross-sequential extended twin family design with data from same-sex twins of four age cohorts (5, 11, 17, and 23 years) and their parents, as well as their non-twin siblings, partners, and children, if available, altogether containing N = 4,096 families. As such, TwinLife includes unique and openly accessible data that allows, but is not limited to, genetically informative and environmentally sensitive research on sources of inequalities regarding educational attainment, school achievement, and skill development

    The Socio-demographic Structure of the First Wave of the TwinLife Panel Study: A Comparison with the Microcensus

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    Lang V, Kottwitz A. The Socio-demographic Structure of the First Wave of the TwinLife Panel Study: A Comparison with the Microcensus. METHODS DATA ANALYSES. 2020;14(1):127-153.The TwinLife panel is the first longitudinal study of twin families in Germany based on a national probability sample. TwinLife has been developed to facilitate genetic sensitive research on social inequalities. The aim of this paper is to assess the usability of the TwinLife sample for such research. Therefore, first, we analyze if the social background of twins living in Germany is adequately represented in the TwinLife sample; and second, we also investigate if there are socio- demographic differences between twin and other multiplechild households in Germany which would restrict the generalizability of findings based on the TwinLife study. Specifically, we compare the distributions of key socio-demographic indicators in TwinLife with the German Microcensus using a proxy-twin and a multiplechild household sample. Our analyses show that the TwinLife sample covers the full distributions of core social inequality indicators including the lower and upper bounds, enabling researchers to use TwinLife for detailed studies of the gene-environment interplay. Furthermore, we demonstrate that (proxy-)twin and other multiple-child households in Germany are similar regarding most socio-demographic indicators. However, our analyses also indicate that participation in the first wave of the TwinLife panel was slightly selective with respect to parental education and German citizenship, especially in the younger cohorts of the study. We suggest a weighting scheme to address this selectivity

    Genetic and environmental contributions to the subjective burden of social isolation during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    Abstract Background Feelings of loneliness and the burden of social isolation were among the most striking consequences of widespread containment measures, such as “social distancing”, during the COVID-19 pandemic. Because of the potential impact on people’s health, there has been increased interest in understanding the mechanisms and factors that contributed to feelings of loneliness and the burdens of social isolation. However, in this context, genetic predisposition has been largely ignored as an important factor. This is problematic because some of the phenotypic associations observed to date may in fact be genetic. The aim of this study is, therefore, to examine the genetic and environmental contributions to the burden of social isolation at two time points during the pandemic. In addition, we examine whether risk factors identified in previous studies explain genetic or environmental contributions to the burden of social isolation. Methods The present study is based on a genetically sensitive design using data from the TwinLife panel study, which surveyed a large sample of adolescent and young adult twins during the first (N = 798) and the second (N = 2520) lockdown in Germany. Results We find no substantive differences in genetic and environmental contributions to social isolation burden over the course of the pandemic. However, we find the determinants highlighted as important in previous studies can explain only a small proportion of the observed variance in the burden of social isolation and mainly explained genetic contributions. Conclusions While some of the observed associations appear to be genetic, our findings underscore the need for further research, as the causes of individual differences in burden of social isolation remain unclear

    TwinLife ShortGuide

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    Krell K, Nikstat A, Kottwitz A, et al. TwinLife ShortGuide. TwinLife Technical Report Series. Vol 11 v1.3.0. Bielefeld: Project TwinLife "Genetic and social causes of life chances" (Universität Bielefeld / Universität Bremen / Universität des Saarlandes); 2023